Kibana geojson upload hangs on creating index - elasticsearch

When uploading a geojson file into a map, Kibana hangs indefinitely on "Writing to index".
It's the same issue as in this fixed bug:
I have Kibana v7.6.1, so it should be fixed in this version.
The index I want to use is one of these (I think this is the website I got it from):
The geojson file is only 1.7 MB. I've had the same problem with all the other geojson files I've tried. I haven't successfully uploaded any geojson files.
If I look in Index Management, the index is present, but it doesn't come up as an option when I make a new map and try to add an index layer.

Bug report on Kibana:
It relates to an elastic search and it's because the file I was using is bad.
I used the mapshaper CLI to fix the file:
mapshaper -i leeds.geojson -clean -o leeds_fixed.geojson
This originally didn't work with the file I had. I got a different version of the file from a different website (, and ran the above CLI, and it fixed the problem in Kibana.


Cannot delete indices with curator elasticsearch

I am trying to deleate all the logs that are were stored 14 days ago or before in elasticsearch. I have installed curator , and created the config file and the action file, in this way:
curator.yml configuration file
My elasticsearch is running in localhost:8080 ,and kibana in localhost:80
delete_indices action file
With both configurations file, I execute the currator with the config files and i obtain this:
command execution
You can see in the following image, my index name in kibana:
filebeat index in kibana
I've already tried many things, however I didn't manage to make it work, it allways says there is no index with this name. Do someone know where could be the issue?
Edit 1:
With your help, I managed to get the exact index name, however I still have the same problem:
modified delete_indices.yml file
That's what i get when i enter GET _cat/indices:
my indices
The problem was that curator will not act on any index associated with an ILM policy without setting allow_ilm_indices to to true.
The solution was:
More information:

ELK - Removing old logs viewable in Kibana

I have managed to process log files using the ELK kit and I can now see my logs on Kibana.
I have scoured the internet and can't seem to find a way to remove all the old logs, viewable in Kibana, from months ago. (Well an explaination that I understand). I just want to clear my Kibana and start a fresh by loading new logs and them being the only ones displayed. Does anyone know how I would do that?
Note: Even if I remove all the Index Patterns (in Management section), the processed logs are still there.
Context: I have been looking at using ELK to analyse testing logs in my work. For that reason, I am using ElasticSearch, Kibana and Logstatsh v5.4, and I am unable to download a newer version due to company restrictions.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Kibana screenshot displaying logs
I've typed "GET /_cat/indices/*?v&s=index" into the Dev Tools>Console and got a list of indices.
I initially used the "DELETE" function, and it didn't appear to be working. However, after restarting everything, it worked the seond time and I was able to remove all the existing indices which subsiquently removed all logs being displayed in Kibana.
Kibana is just the visualization part of the elastic stack, your data is stored in elasticsearch, to get rid of it you need to delete your index.
The 5.4 version is very old and already passed the EOL date, it does not have any UI to delete the index, you will need to use the elasticsearch REST API to delete it.
You can do it from kibana, just click in Dev Tools, first you will need to list your index using the cat indices endpoint.
GET "/_cat/indices?v&s=index&pretty"
After that you will need to use the delete api endpoint to delete your index.
DELETE /name-of-your-index
On the newer versions you can do it using the Index Management UI, you should try to talk with your company to get the new version.

How can I export data from ElasticSearch 6.3.2

I tries to export data from "Discover" to CSV with no luck.
I read in Google version 6 supports exporting, but only example I saw was either using ES 6.5 or "Visualize" screen.
I also tried to export the data using "Dev tools" - with no luck.
Currently i have access to the ES instance (port 9200), is there any way to export data using the CMD?
My goal is to copy some data from one Index to another on the same ES.
As #val mentioned in the comment, you can use reindex API. in that API you can specify a query, with filters that would suite only the data you want to move to the new index.
See full info here:
More reference on exporting:
Export to csv/excel from kibana

Elasticsearch index a file automatically

I am new to elasticsearch,this question might look weird but is it possible to index a file automatically (i.e given a file path, elasticsearch should index the contents of it automatically).I have got some open source tool like elasticdump and tried using it for the purpose,but I prefer some plugins of elasticsearch which can support almost all elasticsearch versions.. Can anyone suggest me?

Solr new Core from UI

I'm trying to create a new Core with Solr 5.3. I have no experience working with Solr until a few days ago. I think I need this broken down Barney style. I've been through the system doc, wiki's, YouTube, and random discussion boards. The information I've found is either not current or not what I'm seeing from my UI. I've now wasted five hours trying to get this to work. I'm out of options. I'm about ready to drop this project and start from scratch. I'm completely exasperated and throwing myself to the mercy of my betters. Can anyone just show me how to do it?
I followed the following steps for adding a core using solr admin UI.
Start the solr server using ~/solr-5.2.0/bin/solr start. This will start the solr on 8983 port.
Now go to solr directory. cd ~/solr-5.2.0/server/solr.
Create a new folder, which will contain the solr core configuration. mkdir newCore.
Now create a conf directory in side the newCore and copy your schema.xml and solrconfig.xml along with other necessary files.
Go to Solr Admin UI, Core Admims section. Specify the core name, as per your requirement and newCore (name of the directory which we have created) in the instanceDir field. Click the Add Core button.
I found a tutorial here: apache-solr-tutorial-beginners
I followed the exact instructions the author gives for creating a new core via the command line from solar-5.3.0/bin:
solr create -c jcg -d basic_configs
jcg then appeared in my Solr UI.
I went back and tried this same thing with my Project specs and it worked! I still have no idea how to do this from the UI but at least I can move forward an inch!
