How to create a Checkpoint in UFT - hp-uft

Strange enough that I have to ask such a simple question.
I started automating with UFT and I suppose the correct way to check if for instance my login has worked is to add a checkpoint on the next page.
But how do I do that?
All info I get from google is on how to add an already existing checkpoint to may page. But I don't have any.
Here is how I go about automating:
I add manually the relevant objects to the object repository
I create parameters for my action
I create the code that does the steps on the page
one action per page seems to be fine for me
But in the Object Repository of UFT 14.53, there is no button to add a Checkpoint.
A workaround for me would be to just add another Object and check it's existence and forget about checkpoints. Until I hopefully get an answer here, I will try to do just that.

In UFT there are typically two ways to verify that things are working as expected.
Flow (implicit) - In order to verify that progress in the application is successful (e.g. login) one usually just keeps working with the app, assuming that if the previous step failed, the objects needed for the next steps won't exist and the test will fail due to ObjectNotFound errors
State (explicit) - In order to see that objects have a specific state, checkpoints are usually used. Checkpoints are typically added during a record session, I'm not sure if there's a way to add them directly to the repository. An alternative to checkpoints, which works better with keyword driven testing (no recording), is to use the built in CheckProperty method.


Vaadin UI between sessions

When I am creating a new session (or try to access from an other computer) in Vaadin Flow I get this error:
Can't move a node from one state tree to another
From this link, I read something about UI and getUIId().
However, I don't understand how I should change my application in order to fix the error.
As Denis mentioned in the forum post you linked, wrong scope sounds like the most likely culprit. In other words, you are trying to use the exact same component instance in two different UIs, when both UIs should have their own instance. It's not possible to use the same instance in two places at the same time.
You can find the documentation for Vaadin Spring scopes here:
One possible cause of errors such as that is that if you're storing a Component in a static variable. You shouldn't do that - a Component instance can only belong to a single UI. A single UI in turn (in practice) means a single browser tab.

Reuse Cucumber steps across features files in Cypress

Is there a way to reuse steps in our features from "other" step files?
I.e. I have a project with login page, and topbar that I want to test after login:
Got LoginPage.feature and LoginPage.js step file, everything works fine, all tests run correctly.
I would like reuse steps “Given user open TestPage login page” and “When user login using valid credentials” from LoginPage.js in TopBarCmp.feature:
But it always ends with error:
Long time ago I used Specflow(Cucumber for .net) and it was normal to ruse steps with same singatures across all features.
What is correct way of handling that kind of situations, where we would like to use some part that was already automated?
Looks like you can put them either on cypress/integration/common or in cypress/support/step_definitions and they will be available to share across features
this article explains it better

How can I access a new window when test is running using cypress

I want to visit an url perform some operations then open different url in different tab/window and perform some action in new tab and come back to the previous tab/window and so on. Is this possible in cypress?
Please suggest some solution if possible.
Cypress does not and will not support handling more than one tab/browser, for further read and recipes see:
I see two solutions:
Use api request for the operations needed for the external url
Divide the test in different cases
2.1. In before/beforeEach section make preparations needed
2.2. It case for first part in your project
2.3. It case for the different url
2.4. It case for the second part needed in your project
If have some repetitive data that needs to be reused - you can declare it as a variable ouside of the "describe" scope with usual JS code.

How to trigger commit programmaticaly on Spring Webflow 2 with Flow Managed Persistence Context

i have upgraded our application to SWF 2 and have implemented FMPC pattern. majority of our existing flow definitions doesn't have end-state, now using FMPC as described here, you can trigger commit by putting commit=true to your end-state. Example of our flow:
get form object
save details to db (we want to commit here)
fetch the same object with refreshed data
display to view
its currently working with previous SWF and just using Open Session in View pattern. but we imlemented FMPC to avoid any LazyInitializationException. Now what's happening is steps 1-4 is happening except that changes are not committed, so in the view, we don't see any changes. it seems difficult to add end-state at the middle just to commit to DB and also this means we need to add so many end-state, so my question is how to tell (SWF/FMPC) to commit "programmaticaly" without having to add the end-state tag. If you know better approach, please tell also. Thanks!
Spring Web Flows can have inheritance, so you can implement the end-state in your parent flow and then have it as a parent for all your flows.
I resolved my issue. I finally found out that indeed Hibernate is auto-committing all my read-write operations. The problem is when refreshing the object concerned which gave me the impression that there is no read-write done while in fact there is. Doing sessioFactory.refresh(object) instead of plain find() effectively fetched the updated data from the DB. I guess its because the hibernate session is still alive (due to FMPC) that's why doing "find" will retrieve from the hibernate cache while "refresh" means re-reading the data directly from underlying database. Please correct my analysis as necessary.

How to trace CakePHP's inner workflow

Short description
I'm getting used to CakePHP right now and am wondering about how to get more debug-information about what is happening inside the framework.
Let me please explain my situation a little more detailed
As you know CakePHP does a lot for you without putting you into the need to write additional code. One example is the handling of models.
I just created a model User and added validation-rules (no other methods). As described in the API methods like save will just work.
After that I created the needed controller and view to add a new user. When I try to add a user from the view I just receive the flash-message The user could not be created. Please, try again. No validation-violations are flashed.
I also did set the debug-level to 2: Configure::write('debug', 2); but do not receive any errors. The error.log inside \tmp\logs is also empty.
I really do want to learn how to solve those issues in the future.
So what else can I do to debug / display inner processes of cake?
Thank you very much for your help!
DebugKit is an official plugin that gives you lots of information on the request, queries and variables produced by Cake:
You can also use trace() and other methods in the Debugger to show what is being executed in the background:
Use a PHP IDE with an integrated debugger. That will allow you to follow execution line by line as it is executed and even inspect variable values as you go. Netbeans is a free one.
