Is there a virtual file>scan WIA driver? - wia

We have a third party piece of software with a document library. The only way to get documents in the library is to scan them in. You click the scan button and it pops up with the native windows scanner selection dialog.
This means documents have to be printed out and then scanned!
Unfortunately we can't change the software to get it to ask for a file instead.
Is there a piece of software that looks like a WIA scanner but which when selected gives a 'choose document' option whereby we can point it to the document?
I've tried UniTWAIN however that does not work for us as the software is looking for WIA scanners.


CipherLAB - Barcode scanner event - xamarin.forms

Hello I get CipherLap 'smartphone' with laser barcode scanner. This scanner is working like keyboard. My goal is to write simple app to read example data and valid it. This what I have done is:
Made an <Entry /> and hide it.
On start view I Focus() entry, click scan and TextChanged event write it to my <Label />
But after all its not rly smart and my question is. Is in xamarin.form any better way do get example data without using and hiding <Entry /> ?
ps. It also pop keyboard on screen and its also a bit annoying.
Usually these rugged smartphones, that includes a barcode scanner, make available some sort of SDK to integrate barcode scanning capability in third-party applications.
I don't have much experience with CipherLab (I work for Zebra Technologies and we've different SDKs available including one for Xamarin).
Looking on Cipherlab website I've not been able to find any SDK but you should contact the company that sold you the device.
I realise this is late but it may help others.
A Xamarin component/plugin/whatever they call it now would need to be implemented. Cipherlab mentioned plans for this but I don't know what happened.
You could look at my react native plugin to help you get started.
You can also contact your supplier to get a copy of the sample native application.
It would be great if Cipherlab made this available publicly.

How to identify correct Windows driver for generic wifi dongle

My intuition tells me someone, somewhere, must have answered this question before. Searching around I have not found it.
I have a freshly installed Windows 7 box (upgraded to Windows 10 to get the machine made eligible, now reinstalling). I have a cheap wifi dongle. I do not know the manufacturer, nor where the driver dvd is. Plugged into the machine running Linux, it just works. It is small, black, and has 802.11n printed on it in white writing, and there are no other identifying markers. (For reference, it looks a bit like one of these:
How, in general, in Windows 7, do I identify the correct driver, and how to I obtain the correct driver?
Found it, ironically shortly after posting this question in frustration.
Go to Windows Device Manager (right click on Computer in start menu, select Properties, then select Device Manager on left pane).
Find the device in Other Devices, then select Properties
Go to details pane, select Hardware Ids from the property dropdown.
You will see, e.g. USB\VID_148F&PID_5370&REV_0101 -- take this string and put it into google, or another search engine.
That gives you a good chance of finding something. I found a .cab file via, copied it to the machine, extracted all the files to a folder, then in the Device Manager right click on the unknown device, click Update Driver Software, select the option to browse your machine, and point it to the folder you unpacked the drivers to.

Integrate Windows 8 program with windows search

I want to know if it is possible to have data from my Windows 8 program be able to show up in windows search. For instance, the user could search for "myprogramdata1" in windows and then an item would show up that when clicked would open up my program and I'd be able know that "myprogramdata1" was selected.
I know that it is possible for windows 10. For the program DisplayFusion, if I search settings, there is a result for DisplayFusion settings that can be clicked on and will bring me to the settings page for the program. Does anyone know how this is done?
First of see if you say the command that you typed in using cortana and if it opens settings. If yes, You can absolutely do it.
I did it for one of my app too( Well this was not my intention but it works )
UWP Samples-CortanaVoiceCommand
The key here is once Voice Commands are installed, you can type the text in cortana search (instead of actual voice command) and it works the same. You can still use patterns of voice commands and still type in Cortana search and open your app.

Device driver to act as a virtual web camera

I'm looking for writing virtual camera drivers. Does anybody has idea?
Any book that would be helpful or any link.
Adding more details:
I have developed a device driver which saves the image to disk and the display uses the device driver to display the image. The performance does not seem good.
The fns. that I have used are:
//to capture
//to display
giving a call to capture and display every time
but the display is not continuous and appears only after window goes out of focus and comes in focus again
Should I use some other technique to record or display images, what will give fruitful results, please help.
What do you mean by virtual camera driver?
It is possible to write a virtual capture device using DirectShow. Such a virtual capture device can then be used by applications such as skype, etc. If that suffices for your needs, you can download vcam from under the "Capture Source Filter" link.
In order to use that capture device in the link I posted you need to download the Windows SDK. The Windows SDK has a tool called "GraphEdit" If you search online, I'm sure you can find a quick GraphEdit tutorial. Basically GraphEdit allows you to construct a multimedia pipeline by connecting a bunch of filters. (This is what happens in the background for instance when you play a movie on your computer. ) This could be something like
web cam -> renderer
file source -> some decoder -> renderer
and would result in you seeing the video captured by the web cam or the content of the file. The example download shows how you can construct a virtual capture device i.e. it looks like media is coming from a 'real' capture device, but actually you can generate any video you want if you adapt the code to your specific means i.e. take a screengrab and output that. Applications like skype can pick up you virtual capture device if it is registered correctly.
The easiest way to find out if this is sufficient for your needs is to download the capture source filter, register it with the regsvr32 command, and then to use GraphEdit to insert the capture source into a graph, connect the source to a video renderer and hit the play button. A lot of the above mentioned concepts/keywords might seem new to you, but you can do some reading on each topic, and perhaps this will give you a point to get started.
Edit 2:
Is the capture source filter approach not sufficient for your requirements?
1) AFAIR you stated in your (now deleted) answer that you would like to take a screen grab, and use that as a virtual camera device for use in applications such as skype.
If that is all you require, you do NOT have to write a device driver. DirectShow can do that perfectly well by means of the capture source filter. You would then need to
learn some basic DirectShow
modify the source code of the capture filter to take screen grabs etc.
As far as books are concerned to write device driver to accomplish the same, I have no idea. The point I'm trying to make, is that you need to determine whether you actually need to write a device driver or whether simply modifying the open source capture filter is sufficient.

How to set webcam parameters programatically on Microsoft Lifecam Cinema (e.g. switch off autofocus)

The Microsoft Lifecam Cinema software has several options to control focusing, exposure and so on. I need to control these programatically for a machine vision project. How can this be achieved?
MATLAB toolbox for image acquisition allow access to the full functionality of the LifeCam. E.g. focus. However the provided driver has a problem, which Microsoft refuses to deal professional with - they claim that it is MATLAB that has a problem. So at the moment I cannot control brightness and exposure, two parameters that should be accessible.
I ran into this same problem on a photo booth kiosk I built. To get around it, I created a simple command line utility to set these preferences and allow for reapplying them at startup.
You can find more details on downloading and using it in this Microsoft Answers question:
