extract key (not value) from json-c json_object - json-c

I am currently playing with libnftables and json-c (C libraries)
my aim is to parse nftables rules in json format with json-c library
The thing is there, nftables elements (a table for example) look like this:
{ "table":{
A nftables table is basically a json_object structure with the key "table" and another json_object structure as value storing all other informations. Chains and rules are similar but with different key
I need a way to retrieve the key (like "table", "rule" , "chain") from a json_object since the whole nftables rules are a mixture of many things making it difficult to guess the kind of nftables elements we are dealing with when browsing through the array of nftables rules.
Thank you!

use libnftables in json mode to retrieve ruleset in json object
get a good json parsin library (I recommend libjansson) to parse json object in order to retrieve informations
NB: you might have to compile nftables to be able to use json output format.


Validating protobuf using json schema

Are there any examples / references to see how protobuf data can be validated using json schema?
Apologies if I'm starting off with something too basic...
Protobuf data can be validated using protobuf deserialisers; if data is parsed by the parser that was generated for the message (and is part of the class representing that message), then it's valid data. To generate that parser / class, you'd have started with a protobuf schema and compiled that with protoc.
Generally speaking, I'd say that wanting to validate such data against a json schema is possibly not a good idea. The point is that, to also have a json schema for the same data is to then have "two versions of the truth", which is generally a bad idea. Which one is right; the .proto schema, or the json schema? If I edit one, have I accurately edited the other?
JSON Can Do More Than Protobuf
I can see why you may want to check such data against a json schema. In a json schema you can define things like value and size constraints that cannot be expressed in a protobuf schema. For example, a message field "bearing" might in the application have a limited valid value between 0 and 359. There is no way to implement such a constraint in protobuf, but if expressed in a json schema used to validate json data, the validator would object if "bearing" were set to 412.
So, why not generate code from the json schema? I have tried (some time ago - I'm out of date) code generators for languages like C# using json schema as input, but found the result unsatisfactory (the code generators I tried didn't want to implement all the things in my json schema, e.g. unions). Things may have got a lot better since then.
Is there a Better Solution?
If this is indeed the kind of thing you need to do, then it's likely that choosing protobuf is not ideal for the purpose (due to the lack of constraints in protobuf schema). The question then is, what are the alternatives?
In my experience, if you want to stick to the concept of starting with a schema and generating code, the best I've ever used is ASN.1 (where "best" assumes you're willing to pay for good commercial ASN.1 tools from companies like Objective Systems or Nokalva - I've been a customer of both).
These days, ASN.1 can even serialise to json (or xml in several flavours, or other text and packed / unpacked binary data formats). The ASN.1 schema language does have constraints on sizes of lists and/or values of fields. There is an official translation between ASN.1 schema and XML schema (XSD), with the better ASN.1 tools able to do that translation. There may now be an defined translation between ASN.1 and json schema too (I don't know), plus tools to do that.
The point of that is, with translation tools, one can then say that the ASN.1 schema and XSD (or json) schema are "one single truth" - one being automatically generated from the other which was hand written.
A Good Halfway Hosue?
I notice (from a quick search) that there are various git* projects purporting to translate between protobuf and json schema, which if satisfactory means that your json and protocol buffer schema can be automatically translated between one and the other (which means that my 2nd para above is junk!).
Unless something has happened recently, those json protobuf schema translations are going to be limited, or disappointing. ASN.1, XSD and json schema are broadly similar in terms of what their syntaxes allow to be expressed (including size and value constraints), so translation between them doesn't necessarily lose "information". However, the syntax of protobuf schema is a lot more limited than that of json schema, so a translation from json schema to protobuf might lose the very information that you want.
The good news though would be that the protobuf schema would still be a "form of the truth" having been translated from the json schema. If you were using protobuf to generate json data instead of protobuf binary format data, the "original form of the truth" (the json schema) can be used to validate the protobuf generated json, with constraints on value and size still intact. That would be a good result!
Good luck!

I am not able to parse huge json file by using cjson in effective way but the cjson library is good to implement

I want to parse a huge json with more accuracy and less code implementation. Is there any possibility to implement.i am able to parse a huge file into the buffer but when I try to access values of json I need to do individually for all the keys and values. Will there any possibility to retrieve values of objects only when needed. Please provide my example for parsing huge json file and using values

What is "valid" tag in structures

type MyRequest struct {
email string `json:"email" valid:"email,required"`
json is used to (un)marshal JSON structures, but what valid is for?
It's for anything that reads it. There's no official registry of tags (unless you count the ones used by the standard library).
Based on the semantics of the tag's value, one can reasonably assume it's used by some (likely more than one) validation library of some sort. The best way to find out its intended use is to look at the code that sets the tag, and see if it uses (or is used by) some library that sets that tag. Unfortunately, there's no mechanical way to do this--you'll probably be looking through "import" lines and grepping package source code.
I think it is used by this package: https://github.com/asaskevich/govalidator

Partial Indexing of an XML file (Bleve)

I am evaluating a couple different libraries to see which one will best fit what I need.
Right now I am looking at Bleve, but I am happy to use any library.
I am looking to index full files except specific ones which are in XML format. For those I only want Bleve to index specific tags as most of the tags are worthless to search. I am trying to evaluate if this is possible but, being new to Bleve, I am not sure what part I need to customize.
The documentation is very good, but I can't seem to find this answer. All I need is an explanation with keywords and steps, no code is required, I just need a push as I have spent hours spinning my wheels with google searches and I am getting no where.
There are probably many ways to approach this. Here's one.
Bleve indexes documents which are collections of key/value metadata pairs.
In your case, a document could be represented by 2 key/value pairs: name of .xml file (to uniquely identify the document) and content of the file.
type Doc struct {
Name string
Body string
The issue is that body is XML and Bleve doesn't support XML out-of-the-box.
A way to address it would be to pre-process XML file by stripping unwanted tags and content. You can do it using encoding/xml standard library.
For an example of a similar task you can see the code of https://github.com/blevesearch/fosdem-search/
In there they index file in custom format (https://github.com/blevesearch/fosdem-search/blob/master/fosdem.ical) by parsing it into a format they can submit to Bleve for indexing (https://github.com/blevesearch/fosdem-search/blob/master/ical.go).

Writing hash information to file and reloading it automatically on program startup?

I wrote a little program that creates a hash called movies. Then I can add, update, delete, and display all current movies in the hash by typing the title.
Instead of having it start a new hash each time and save anything added to a file, and, when updated or deleted, update or delete the key, value pair from the file, I want the program to auto-load the file on startup and create it if it doesn't exist.
I have no idea how to go about doing this.
After reading a lot of the comments I have decided that maybe I should do this with SQL instead, seems like a much better approach!
You can't store Ruby objects directly on the disk; you will first need to convert them to some sequence of bytes (i.e. a string). This is called serialization, and there are several different ways to do it and several different formats the data could be in. I think I would recommend JSON, but you might also want to try YAML or Marshal.
Any of those libraries will allow you to convert your hash into a string and allow you to convert that same string back into a hash. Then you can use Ruby's File class to save and load that string from the disk.
This should get you pointed in the right direction. From here you can search for more specific things like "how do I convert a hash to JSON" or "how do I write a string to a file".
You have the ability to marshal your code in a few ways.
YAML if you would like to use a gem, or JSON. There is also a built in Marshal
RI tells us:
(from ruby site)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The marshaling library converts collections of Ruby objects into a
byte stream, allowing them to be stored outside the currently active
script. This data may subsequently be read and the original objects
Marshaled data has major and minor version numbers stored along with
the object information. In normal use, marshaling can only load data
written with the same major version number and an equal or lower minor
version number. If Ruby's ``verbose'' flag is set (normally using -d,
-v, -w, or --verbose) the major and minor numbers must match exactly. Marshal versioning is independent of Ruby's version numbers. You can
extract the version by reading the first two bytes of marshaled data.
And I will leave it at that for Marshal. But there is a bit more documentation there.
You can also use IO#puts to write to a file, and then modify that file to load later, which I use sometimes for config settings. Why use YAML or another external source, when Ruby is easy enough to have a user modify? You use YAML when it needs to be more generally accessible, as the Tin Man points out.
For example this file is the sample file, but is intended for interactive editing (with constraints, of course) but it is simply valid Ruby. And it gets read by a Ruby program, and is a valid object (in this case a Hash stored in a constant.)
