OnResume() and OnSleep() called but not working properly - xamarin

I'm a new Xamarin developper and I'm trying to build an app with Xamarin.Forms. Everything works properly on the app but I noticed a strange behaviour : be it on device or with the emulator, when I turn the power off one time then on again, OnSleep() and OnResume() methods work just fine.
But the problem is, when I repeat the same operation a second time, the application freezes and to unlock it I have to either close the app and open it again or go to menu where you can select other apps working in background (I don't know how it's called) and return on the app. I checked with breakpoints and those two methods are called on the first and second time. I tried removing everything from those methods but the problem persists. Does anyone know why it behaves like that ? Thank you.
In my App.xaml.cs :
protected override void OnStart()
if (isLoggedIn())
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MDPage());
GeneralViewModel general = new GeneralViewModel();
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LoginPage());
protected override void OnSleep()
// Handle when your app sleeps
protected override void OnResume()
if (isLoggedIn()) //With a breakpoint, this is executed
MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new MDPage());
/*this is also executed but the second time,
*even if it is executed the application freezes*/
GeneralViewModel general = new GeneralViewModel();
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LoginPage());
public bool isLoggedIn()
if (Settings.GeneralSettings != null && Settings.GeneralSettings != "")
return true;
return false;
The GeneralViewModel method I call (btw even without it the problem persists)
public void DoSomething()
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => checkUser());
public Task checkUser()
if (Settings.GeneralSettings != null && Settings.GeneralSettings != "")
var data = Application.Current.MainPage;
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
await data.DisplayAlert("Information(s)", "Vous avez été déconnecté", "OK");
catch (Exception e)
return default;
edit : I checked the console and it seems even though nothing appears on the screen, when I press a button on my frozen page the action the button should do happens but the screen doesn't change.


How to prevent sharing files from "On My iPhone" folder

I have a xamarin forms app that can download files to "on my iphone" folder. But when I download a file on phone, I can go there and I can share it with another app.
But I want to prevent this. When I download a file from my app, I want the file not to be uploaded to another device from "on my iphone".
How to prevent this? Probably I can prevent this with mdm, but how?
Is there a way to prevent it with mdm managed app configuration. Some of my customers said that we can prevent this with the plist file in mdm. But I have very little information about mdm. How to do it with mdm?
I need a solution for ios and android. But especially for ios.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you for reply Jack.
I looked your sending thread and I tried it. But it didn't work for me.
I created MyUINavigationItem that is inherited from UINavigationItem. And I override SetRightBarButtonItem null. After I override UINavigationItem on PdfPreviewController that is inherited from QLPreviewController. And I set NavigationItem as MyUINavigationItem object. But it doesn't work for me. My codes is like these:
public class DocumentView : IDocumentView
void IDocumentView.DocumentView(string file, string title)
PdfPreviewController previewController = new PdfPreviewController();
if (File.Exists(file))
previewController.NavigationItem.SetRightBarButtonItem(null, false); //I tried this line as both comment and not comment but it didn't work
previewController.NavigationItem.SetRightBarButtonItems(null, false); //I tried this line as both comment and not comment but it didn't work
previewController.DataSource = new PDFPreviewControllerDataSource(NSUrl.FromFilename(file), title);
UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.PresentViewController(previewController, true, null);
public class PdfPreviewController : QLPreviewController
MyUINavigationItem item = new MyUINavigationItem();
public override UINavigationItem NavigationItem => item;
public class MyUINavigationItem : UINavigationItem
public MyUINavigationItem()
public override void SetRightBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonItem item, bool animated)
//base.SetRightBarButtonItem(item, animated); //I tried this line as comment but it didn't work or
//base.SetRightBarButtonItem(null, animated); //I tried this line but it didn't work
public override void SetRightBarButtonItems(UIBarButtonItem[] items, bool animated)
//base.SetRightBarButtonItems(items, animated); //I tried this line as comment but it didn't work or
//base.SetRightBarButtonItems(null, animated); //I tried this line but it throwed exception
//base.SetRightBarButtonItems(new UIBarButtonItem[0], animated); //I tried this line but it didn't work
But after your suggestion I looked for enable or hide share button. And I could access child view controller of UINavigationController and I set RightBarButtonItem enable value false.
public class PdfPreviewController : QLPreviewController
public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated)
catch (Exception ex)
public override void ViewDidLayoutSubviews()
catch (Exception ex)
public void ActionMenuControl()
if (this.ChildViewControllers.Length != 0)
var navigationController = this.ChildViewControllers.First() as UINavigationController;
if (navigationController.View.Subviews.Length != 0)
var layoutContainerView = navigationController.View.Subviews.FirstOrDefault(x => x is UINavigationBar) as UINavigationBar;
if (layoutContainerView != null)
if (layoutContainerView.Items.Length != 0)
var item = layoutContainerView.Items[0];
if (item.RightBarButtonItems.Length != 0)
item.RightBarButtonItem.Enabled = false;
var toolbar = navigationController.Toolbar;
if (toolbar != null)
if(toolbar.Items.Length != 0)
toolbar.Items[0].Enabled = false;
catch (Exception ex)
It works for right bar. But if opens mp3 files, share button appear on toolbar (on bottom) And I didn't access it. How can I do it for mp3 files? How to access toolbar? (Actually it doesn't work when opens and not move it. But if I open it and move it, it works (because it enters ViewDidLayoutSubviews events))
Sorry for long reply. But I wanted to tell about what I did. Because maybe I did missed something.

How can i minimize or close the app from a dialogue?

I am new to Xamarin, and mobile development, i have experience with winforms and .net, but threading and MVVM is not something i am very familiar with.
My code works if you click back, select ok in the dialogue, and then click back again. But i would like to improve it by either:
Programmatically call the backbutton to force the check again (with incremented counter)
Close the app directly if you click OK (preferred)
The code below overrides the backbutton on android, and if it returns true. The commented out parts are my fumblings from earlier.
/// <summary>
/// Gives the user a warning that they are about to close the main page
/// </summary>
public override bool OnAndroidBackButtonPressed()
if (this.CloseAppAttempts == 0)
this.device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
bool closeApp = await this.DisplayService.DisplayAlertAsync("Close app", "Click the OK button to close the app / or click the back button again to close the app", "Ok", "Cancel");
if (closeApp)
// this.DisplayService.CloseAsync();
// this.DisplayService.ExitAsync();
// this.DisplayService.pageStack.Pop();
// await IDisplayService.navigation.PopAsync();
// i would like to either call the backbutton programatically here, or close
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("===== Debug Message - Closing the app did not work - [ " + ex.Message + " ]");
return true;
return false;
The following code overrides the back button and warns the user before going back:
public class MainActivity : Activity
. . .
bool pressed = false;
public override void OnBackPressed()
if (!pressed)
Toast.Show("Press again to exit"); //Implement the Toast correctly
pressed = true;
(Add some logic to rearm this Toast, so if the user press the button after a while, it shows again)
The next snippet shows a message (I don't know how to show a message in Xamarin.Android, but the logic is there)
public class MainActivity : Activity
. . .
public override void OnBackPressed()
if (Alert("Exit?", "Yes", "No"))
On Xamarin.Forms, you need to know what page is being shown, so you won't show the dialog at every page and subpage.
In this case, I used NavigationPage to control all the pages.
public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.P . . .
. . .
bool pressed = false;
public override void OnBackPressed()
if (Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Count == 1)
if (Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack[0].DisplayAlert(
"Confirm exit",
"Do you really want to exit?",
"Yes", "No"))
You can close the app on android with this command:
public void CloseApplication()
var activity = (Activity)Forms.Context;
Using Xamarin.Forms you can call it through a dependency service.

How to resume the application and open a specific page with a push notification in Xamarin.forms

I'm currently working on a Xamarin application working both on iOS and Android, but the problem I'm going to explain only concerns the Android application (this is not yet implemented in the iOS app).
Actually, when I receive a given push notification, I need to open a specific page in my application. It works very well if the application is open when the push notification is received, but the app crashes if my app is closed or run in background.
Well, when I receive the notification, I end up in the method called "OnShouldOpenCommand" :
private void OnShouldOpenCommand(string commandId)
NotifyNewCommand(AppResources.AppName, AppResources.CommandNotificationText, commandId);
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
App.MasterDetailPage.Detail = new NavigationPage(new CommandAcceptancePage(commandId))
BarBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("1e1d1d")
catch(Exception e)
Log.Debug("PushAsync", "Unable to push CommandAcceptancePage : "+ex.Message);
private void NotifyNewCommand(string Title,string Description, string commandId)
var intent = new Intent(this, typeof(MainActivity));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(commandId))
intent.PutExtra("CommandId", commandId);
var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity(this, 0, intent, 0);
var notificationBuilder = new Notification.Builder(this)
Notification notification = notificationBuilder.Build();
var notificationManager = (NotificationManager)GetSystemService(Context.NotificationService);
notificationManager.Notify(0, notification);
And the code
App.MasterDetailPage.Detail = new NavigationPage(new CommandAcceptancePage(commandId))
BarBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("1e1d1d")
is generating an exception of type :
Java.Lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after
So well, I suppose I can't access "App" and redirect to another page if my application is not running in foreground. Well, this is when I receive the push notification an not when I click on it. But well, I do not intend to reopen my app by doing this.
Because afther that, when I click on the push notification called Kluox (and this is supposed to reopen my app), the app crashes and I really don't know why, I don't know where to put breakpoints to be able to debug because Visual Studio just tells me "An unhandled exception occured.".
Could anyone help me ? If you need any piece of code, you can just ask me, I'll edit my message and give you any information you need !
EDIT 1 : Here is the code of my OnCreate method :
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;
var info = Intent.Extras?.GetString("CommandId", "");
global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, bundle);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(info))
LoadApplication(new App());
LoadApplication(new App(info));
if (instance == null)
instance = this;
instance = this;
After overriding all the methods of MainActivity, I finally found the cause of the crash : the method OnDestroy was called twice, and threw a IllegalStateException because the activity was already destroyed. I found this workaround :
protected override void OnDestroy()
catch (Java.Lang.IllegalStateException ex)
Log.Debug("MainActivity.OnDestroy", ex, "The activity was destroyed twice");
And the exception is simply logged, the application can open and be used without problems.
I'll edit this answer when the redirection works too.
EDIT : how to redirect to a page
First, we needed to register for the MessagingCenter, in the constructor
public static MyPackage.Model.Command CurrentCommand { get; set; }
public App()
MainPage = new ContentPage();
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<object, DataLib.Model.Command>(this, "Command", (sender, arg) => {
CurrentCommand = arg;
catch(Exception ex)
CurrentCommand = null;
And send the message when we get the push notification :
private void OnMessage(string serializedCommand)
//stuff happens
MessagingCenter.Send<object, MyPackage.Model.Command>(this, "Command", command);
Finally, when we get the OnStart() of App.Xaml.cs
if (CurrentCommand != null)
App.MasterDetailPage.Detail = new NavigationPage(new CommandAcceptancePage(CurrentCommand, service))
BarBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("1e1d1d")
For now, it seems to do the trick ! More debugging will follow, but the code seems to work. Thanks a VERY lot to #BraveHeart for their help !
well luckily for you I was there few days ago and lost a lot of hair till I got it working in Android (and still in the strugle for iOS).
When you kill your app and instantiate it again form the icon or from the notification in both cases you will go to the main activity .
If we want to take some information in the main activity from the notification that instantiated it we do it like this in OnCreate():
var info = Intent.Extras?.GetString("info", "");
Now in your case I would add extra information to the notification showing that which View/Page this notification is about, something like the name of it for example)
This extra piece of information you can pass it to the constructor of the App before you load it.
In the constructor of the app you can check if there are extra info or not , if not that means to start the app's mainPage is the default MainPage, otherwise it is a certain page.

How to handle/cancel back navigation in Xamarin Forms

I tried to use the back navigation by overriding OnBackButtonPressed, but somehow it wasn't get called at all. I am using the ContentPage and the latest 1.4.2 release.
Alright, after many hours I figured this one out. There are three parts to it.
#1 Handling the hardware back button on android. This one is easy, override OnBackButtonPressed. Remember, this is for a hardware back button and android only. It will not handle the navigation bar back button. As you can see, I was trying to back through a browser before backing out of the page, but you can put whatever logic you need in.
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
if (_browser.CanGoBack)
return true;
//await Navigation.PopAsync(true);
return true;
#2 iOS navigation back button. This one was really tricky, if you look around the web you'll find a couple examples of replacing the back button with a new custom button, but it's almost impossible to get it to look like your other pages. In this case I made a transparent button that sits on top of the normal button.
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(MyAdvantagePage), typeof
namespace Advantage.MyAdvantage.MobileApp.iOS.Renderers
public class MyAdvantagePageRenderer : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.PageRenderer
public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)
if (((MyAdvantagePage)Element).EnableBackButtonOverride)
private void SetCustomBackButton()
UIButton btn = new UIButton();
btn.Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, 50, 40);
btn.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
btn.TouchDown += (sender, e) =>
// Whatever your custom back button click handling
if (((MyAdvantagePage)Element)?.
CustomBackButtonAction != null)
Android, is tricky. In older versions and future versions of Forms once fixed, you can simply override the OnOptionsItemselected like this
public override bool OnOptionsItemSelected(IMenuItem item)
// check if the current item id
// is equals to the back button id
if (item.ItemId == 16908332)
// retrieve the current xamarin forms page instance
var currentpage = (MyAdvantagePage)
// check if the page has subscribed to
// the custom back button event
if (currentpage?.CustomBackButtonAction != null)
// invoke the Custom back button action
// and disable the default back button action
return false;
// if its not subscribed then go ahead
// with the default back button action
return base.OnOptionsItemSelected(item);
// since its not the back button
//click, pass the event to the base
return base.OnOptionsItemSelected(item);
However, if you are using FormsAppCompatActivity, then you need to add onto your OnCreate in MainActivity this to set your toolbar:
Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar toolbar = this.FindViewById<Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);
But wait! If you have too old a version of .Forms or too new version, a bug will come up where toolbar is null. If this happens, the hacked together way I got it to work to make a deadline is like this. In OnCreate in MainActivity:
MobileApp.Pages.Articles.ArticleDetail.androdAction = () =>
Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar toolbar = this.FindViewById<Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);
ArticleDetail is a Page, and androidAction is an Action that I run on OnAppearing if the Platform is Android on my page. By this point in your app, toolbar will no longer be null.
Couple more steps, the iOS render we made above uses properties that you need to add to whatever page you are making the renderer for. I was making it for my MyAdvantagePage class that I made, which implements ContentPage . So in my MyAdvantagePage class I added
public Action CustomBackButtonAction { get; set; }
public static readonly BindableProperty EnableBackButtonOverrideProperty =
/// <summary>
/// Gets or Sets Custom Back button overriding state
/// </summary>
public bool EnableBackButtonOverride
return (bool)GetValue(EnableBackButtonOverrideProperty);
SetValue(EnableBackButtonOverrideProperty, value);
Now that that is all done, on any of my MyAdvantagePage I can add this
this.EnableBackButtonOverride = true;
this.CustomBackButtonAction = async () =>
if (_browser.CanGoBack)
await Navigation.PopAsync(true);
That should be everything to get it to work on Android hardware back, and navigation back for both android and iOS.
You are right, in your page class override OnBackButtonPressed and return true if you want to prevent navigation. It works fine for me and I have the same version.
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
if (Condition)
return true;
return base.OnBackButtonPressed();
Depending on what exactly you are looking for (I would not recommend using this if you simply want to cancel back button navigation), OnDisappearing may be another option:
protected override void OnDisappearing()
//back button logic here
OnBackButtonPressed() this will be called when a hardware back button is pressed as in android. This will not work on the software back button press as in ios.
Additional to Kyle Answer
public static Action SetToolbar;
YOURPAGE OnAppearing
if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android)
YOURPAGE.SetToolbar = () =>
Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar toolbar =
I use Prism libray and for handle the back button/action I extend INavigatedAware interface of Prism on my page and I implement this methods:
public void OnNavigatedFrom(INavigationParameters parameters)
if (parameters.GetNavigationMode() == NavigationMode.Back)
//Your code
public void OnNavigatedTo(INavigationParameters parameters)
Method OnNavigatedFrom is raised when user press back button from Navigation Bar (Android & iOS) and when user press Hardware back button (only for Android).
For anyone still fighting with this issue - basically you cannot intercept back navigation cross-platform. Having said that there are two approaches that effectively solve the problem:
Hide the NavigationPage back button with NavigationPage.ShowHasBackButton(this, false) and push a modal page that has a custom Back/Cancel/Close button
Intercept the back navigation natively for each platform. This is a good article that does it for iOS and Android: https://theconfuzedsourcecode.wordpress.com/2017/03/12/lets-override-navigation-bar-back-button-click-in-xamarin-forms/
For UWP you are on your own :)
Well, not anymore since I did it :) It actually turned out to be pretty easy – there is just one back button and it’s supported by Forms so you just have to override ContentPage’s OnBackButtonPressed:
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
if (Device.RuntimePlatform.Equals(Device.UWP))
return true;
return false;
async void OnClosePageRequested()
var tdvm = (TaskDetailsViewModel)BindingContext;
if (tdvm.CanSaveTask())
var result = await DisplayAlert("Wait", "You have unsaved changes! Are you sure you want to go back?", "Discard changes", "Cancel");
if (result)
await Navigation.PopAsync(true);
await Navigation.PopAsync(true);
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
return true;
base.OnBackButtonPressed() returns false on click of hardware back button.
In order to prevent operation of back button or prevent navigation to previous page. the overriding function should be returned as true. On return true, it stays on the current xamarin form page and state of page is also maintained.
The trick is to implement your own navigation page that inherits from NavigationPage. It has the appropriate events Pushed, Popped and PoppedToRoot.
A sample implementation could look like this:
public class PageLifetimeSupportingNavigationPage : NavigationPage
public PageLifetimeSupportingNavigationPage(Page content)
: base(content)
private void Init()
Pushed += (sender, e) => OpenPage(e.Page);
Popped += (sender, e) => ClosePage(e.Page);
PoppedToRoot += (sender, e) =>
var args = e as PoppedToRootEventArgs;
if (args == null)
foreach (var page in args.PoppedPages.Reverse())
private static void OpenPage(Page page)
if (page is IPageLifetime navpage)
private static void ClosePage(Page page)
if (page is IPageLifetime navpage)
page.BindingContext = null;
Pages would implement the following interface:
public interface IPageLifetime
void OnOpening();
void OnClosed();
This interface could be implemented in a base class for all pages and then delegate it's calls to it's view model.
The navigation page and could be created like this:
var navigationPage = new PageLifetimeSupportingNavigationPage(new MainPage());
MainPage would be the root page to show.
Of course you could also just use NavigationPage in the first place and subscribe to it's events without inheriting from it.
Maybe this can be usefull, You need to hide the back button, and then replace with your own button:
public static UIViewController AddBackButton(this UIViewController controller, EventHandler ev){
controller.NavigationItem.HidesBackButton = true;
var btn = new UIBarButtonItem(UIImage.FromFile("myIcon.png"), UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, ev);
UIBarButtonItem[] items = new[] { btn };
controller.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItems = items;
return controller;
public static UIViewController DeleteBack(this UIViewController controller)
controller.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItems = null;
return controller;
Then call them into these methods:
public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)
public override void ViewWillDisappear(Boolean animated)
public void DoSomething(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Do a barrel roll
Another way around is to use Rg.Plugins.Popup Which allows you to implement nice popup. It uses another NavigationStack => Rg.Plugins.Popup.Services.PopupNavigation.Instance.PopupStack. So your page won't be wrap around the NavigationBar.
In your case I would simply
Create a full page popup with opaque background
Override ↩️ OnBackButtonPressed for Android on ⚠️ParentPage⚠️ with something like this:
protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
return Rg.Plugins.Popup.Services.PopupNavigation.Instance.PopupStack.Any();
Since the back-button affect the usual NavigationStack your parent would pop out whenever the user try to use it while your "popup is showing".
Now what? Xaml what ever you want to properly close your popup with all the check you want.
💥 Problem solved for these targets💥
[x] Android
[x] iOS
[-] Windows Phone (Obsolete. Use v1.1.0-pre5 if WP is needed)
[x] UWP (Min Target: 10.0.16299)

Can i stop back button of hardware in wp7?

My scenario is , When I navigate to a new page It takes some time to load the content. And for that duration of time, If I press back key it throws exception for some reason. So I want to stop the back key behaviour for that much duration and when content is fully loaded, user can press the back key and then navigate to previous page. I just want to be clear, Is it permitted in application certification requirement from microsoft so that my app could not get rejected. so please give answer.
You could do something like this:
bool flag = false;
// Assuming this is where you can handle executions during loading
flag = true;
// After loading is completed
flag = false;
// Handle back button
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
if (flag)
e.Cancel = true;
As long as you don't lock the user to never allow him to go back, it should pass the certification.
In xaml
In code
private void PhoneApplicationPage_BackKeyPress(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = CouldStepBack();
private bool CouldStepBack()
// todo return true, when load comleted
// else return false
And if you need you also can clean stack of pages (optional)
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
if (NavigationService.CanGoBack)
while (NavigationService.RemoveBackEntry() != null)
Hope its help
