Add custom 'li' element to existing ul list in filepond - filepond

Hi I am trying add custom 'li' to the list of files.
let element = document.createElement("li");
element.innerHTML = "hello";
let ulEle = document.querySelector(".filepond--list");
let liItem = document.querySelector(".filepond--item");
ulEle.insertBefore(element, liItem);
I can see element inserted but filepond's ul li item is overflowing my custom element.
When I try to modify css, than it doesn't work as intended.
please assist

The styling/positioning of the file items in the list is very custom to allow for all the animations (it's done from JavaScript), adding your own elements to the list will not work.
You can however add elements to a list item. To do this I advise to write a custom plugin, the best starting point I think is the image-edit plugin.


In the Magellan / Nightwatch framework, how to set a CSS outline on an element?

Suppose in writing or verifying a test, the command code is:
pToggleMyCoolToggle: function () {
var selectors = this.elements;
return this
How can this element on the browser be shown with an outline using CSS:
outline: 3px dotted orange
by adding some code to the above command, using the methods inside of Magellan / Nightwatch?
Just use .execute
document.getElementById('idYouWantToTarget').style.border="3px dotted orange";
I just found that the name selectors.myCoolCheckbox.selector is written by some amateur. It really should be paymentPage.useCreditCardRadio.selector. So the final selector states what the CSS selector is.
The line selectors = this.elements is very misleading too. selectors is not the "elements". It might be paymentPage = this.elements and paymentPage has many properties, including a useCreditCardRadio. Or it could be paymentPageElements = this.elements which means paymentPageElements is an object that contains all elements. So this example shows how bad naming affects programming, for all the people who will need to touch or edit the code in the future.
As a result, you should be able to use
var el = document.querySelector(paymentPage.useCreditCardRadio.selector);
and once you have the element, you can add the outline to it.

Referencing elements in RadListView itemtemplate

I'm using RadListView and intercepting onItemLoading event.
Within that event, can I reference individual view elements inside the itemTemplate.
I see args.view._subViews - but I was wondering whether i could find element by name or something else. I assume id would not work because each item would have the same id.
You are correct getting by Id would only return the first one. However, if you have the reference to the ListView child group; using id will work to get the element out of a group.
Now if you use my NativeScript-Dom plugin then it is very simple; you can do:
var elements = RadListView.getElementsByClassName('someClass'); or RadListView.getElementsByTagName('Label'); or the newer functionality `
RadListView.runAgainstTagNames('Label', function(element) {
/* do something with this element */
And work with an array of elements that match your criteria.
Please also note that in a ListView that not all elements are preset; ListViews only have as many elements are needed to fill the ListView + 1 typically; so even if you have 2,000 items in the list view; you might only have 10 actual child ListView groups of elements. So when you did a GetElementsByTagNames('Label') you would only get 10 of them...

ckeditor: should show empty spans, but not wrap in p

When I use an empty span, let's say
<span class="anchor" id="jumptome"></span>
ckeditor removes it.
To the config.js of ckeditor I added
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
config.IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue = true;
CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty.span = 0;
Now ckeditor does not remove the spans, but they are wrapped in p's like
<p><span class="anchor" id="jumptome"></span></p>
Is there any configuration to remove the p's (I need the paragraphs for other elements, just want to avoid them for the spans).
Thanks in advance!
Why would you need the spans? If you need an anchor, why not use for example a DIV which can be styled to be a visible block in the Editor but an invisible ... anchor in the output content? I do this in my CKE app. Although I use widgets for anchors but same princible anyway.
I'm guessing the reason is because of caret positioning and user targeting - how would the user target that anchor? If it can't be targeted - why do you need it in the contents? Why not something targetable?

Restyling dynamically styled SlickGrid cells after Sort

Ok, let me explain my scenario more clearly:
When a cell is edited, it becomes 'dirty' and I style it a certain way by adding a CSS class to the cell via javascript.
Then, if the user Sorts the grid, the styling is lost (I believe because all the rows are recreated) and I need a way to restore the styling to the appropriate cell/row after a Sort.
What I attempted to do is add an entry into data[] called 'status' and onCellChange I loop through data[] and match the args.item.Id to appropriate entry in data[].
grid.onCellChange.subscribe(function (e, args) {
var done = false;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length && !done; i++) {
if (data[i].id == {
data[i].status = "dirty";
done = true;
However, onSort I'm not sure how to match the sorted rows to the data array. (Since I have no args.item) I've attempted to do selector statements:
to restyle the correct cells, but I have no way to associate the rows with their entry in data[].
1) There is no need to search for the item in your onCellChange handler - it is available at "args.item".
2) Sorting the "data" array will not wipe out your change to the item in #1.
3) You mention dynamically styling cells. I see no code for that. If your custom formatter is the piece of code that looks at "item.status" and renders it differently if it is dirty, then you don't have to do anything extra. Sorting the data and telling the grid to re-render will preserve the "dirty" cell styles.

Templating issues with Backbone.js views : this.el attributes

I'm trying to find the best way to render a li-element :
I've read that i should never replace this.el
So it seems that i have to unwrap my template in my LiView render() function :
// replace element content with html generated from template
var $rendered = $.tmpl(this.template, this.model.toJSON());
I just get the contents inside the $rendered li, since i should not replace it.
But how should i transfer attributes ?
I tried :
this.el.attr('class', $rendered.attr('class'));
this.el.attr('title', $rendered.attr('title'));
But it replaces attributes... And some (like jQuery ui ui-draggable) could be lost.
All this seems a bit clunky...
Thanks !
I'm not sure I fully grasp what you're trying to do Olouv, but I'll have a stab at answering your question regardless :)
You have an liView that corresponds to an li dom element
So you need to specify
el: "li"
Do not have an li in your template. Then the result of your render will be
contents of template
Now you want to add attributes to this li element?
Class names are pretty simple, just add the className attribute to your view
className: "ui-draggable myGreatClass ui-corner-all"
If you need to add additional attributes to your root (li) element
$(el).attr("title","your title")
If that doesn't work for you, and you want to put the li attributes in your template perhaps consider some form of the following:
Tolerating HTML of the form:
Instead of an liView (list item view), just have a ulView (List view), and put a loop construct in your template
