Will I lose all codes and files if I uninstall Pycharm and Python in macOS? - macos

I am using the Pycharm platform for Python and Jupyter Notebook. So all my codes, files and packages are in Pycharm. Now I want to use TensorFlow and for that first, I have to uninstall Pycharm (I checked blogs and youtube, everybody is saying first uninstall everything like python, pycharm, etc). I am worried that all my files and codes would be lost.
Can someone guide me about this doubt? Will I lose everything if I uninstall Pycharm?
I am working on mac.
Thanks in Advance.


Spyder 4.01 and plotly 4.5.1 - Anaconda attempts downgrade of Spyder

i am attempting to install plotly 4.5.1 using the anaconda environment - conda install -c plotly plotly.
However i can see from the terminal that Anaconda attempts to downgrade Spyder back to v 3.3.6. See attached picture:
I would like to carry on using Spyder v4.0.1 but also need plotly. What is the best way to deal with this? I guess different anaconda environments, but then would that mean working in Spyder 3.3.6 to do my plotting?
PS: I also plan to install plotly-dash for dash board development. I suspect that this may also run into the same issue.
Thanks for the help in advance.
(Spyder maintainer here) We're trying to solve this problem with the Anaconda people right now. Hopefully it'll be fixed in the next days. In the meantime, please see this issue for possible solutions.

Program Octave in Xcode

probably my question seems really stupid, but maybe someone can guide me out of it.
I installed everything as described here: https://adampash.com/how-to-install-octave/
and I can use Octave now in my terminal.
Is it possible to program Octave in the Xcode window to use the debugging options or something similar? Or is it just possible within the terminal?
I have used Google to find a solution. Unfortunately, I haven't found any that described my question.
Thank you
No, you can't use Xcode. Xcode is for C, C++, Objective C, Swift, and other languages, but not Octave/Matlab. There's a reason for this: Xcode mostly supports compiled languages. Octave is an interpreted language with a heavy emphasis on interactive use. So a different sort of IDE is appropriate for it.
Octave has its own built-in GUI that is a sort of IDE. Use that instead of Xcode.
If you have Octave built with Qt support (which is the default for Homebrew and Octave.app installs on Mac), you can run it with octave --gui from the command line, or by double-clicking the Octave.app icon in /Applications.
The installation instructions in that link are out of date. There is no longer a --with-x11 option for brew install octave, you no longer need X11 or XQuartz, and it's no longer in homebrew/science. Just run:
brew install octave
NOTE as of April 2019: The current Homebrew Octave is Octave 5.1.0, which has significant stability problems with its GUI. Instead, you probably want to use Octave 4.4.1 for now. To do that, download Octave.app 4.4.1.

How to include CMake compatible with Cygwin on CLion on Windows?

I'm trying to configure CLion with Cygwin, but I'm having trouble with CMake. The program says that the bundled version doesn't work in that environment and that the CMake from Cygwin is outdated (needs a newer version). However, I tried installing an independant CMake but then the program says it isn't compatible with Cygwin. How do I fix this?
I'm teaching a C++ programming class this semester. All of my students were able to successfully install/configure CLion without too much trouble. Most of them are on Windows boxes, Win7 and Win10.
In my instructions, I referred them to this video, which was the best I could find: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2h_976SpV0
Some of the students were missing the debugger the first time they tried this. In the cygwin installer, the number of check boxes is enormous and many of the names are remarkably similar. When we went back through and re-ran the installer, in each case we were able to find a place where they had checked the wrong box.
So my recommendation would be re-run your cygwin installation after watching the video once through. Then go back to the frame in the video where he shows all his checked install options and very carefully compare your checked boxes against the presenter's.
Good luck!

PyCharm Embedded Terminal Points to Different Python

Currently using mac osx. I am curious as to why these terminals are pointing to different pythons, i.e. the iTerm -> Homebrew python, whereas Pycharm-embeeded-terminal -> Apple-provided python.
Pycharm's terminal doesn't change the Python version corresponding to Python version at Project Interpreter
seems closest to my question, but but not quite in that the os there is Windows and the solution doesn't help in my case.
I had same issue, but with Android Studio, which is also IntelliJ based IDE. You should edit some files in your IDE's settings manually
My question
Then you should restart your IDE.

Python & Tweepy Not Playing Well Together

I currently have Python 3.6 and am needing to download Tweepy and Install it to Python. I'm currently using Spyder as well. I'm fairly new to this whole thing but I have researched this online the last 5 hours with no luck. Even until Anaconda decided to no longer work and had to be uninstalled and reinstalled. Can someone please help me? I am working with an iMac as well.
How do I install Tweepy in Anaconda?
