Hi i am not able to figure out what is the command for creating a file from terminal in Goorm ide . Just to make clear i want to create new file only from terminal not by gui.
Just like in other Linux terminals, you can type touch filename to create a file via goormIDE terminal.
Type mkdir foldername to create a directory
Type goorm filename to open a file in goormIDE editor
goormide is ubuntu os.
so you can create files by typing common linux commands like touch data.json
I have started using Mac for the first time and I am trying to set up flutter. One of the steps is to add path in file .zshrc. For this I have to first create this file. In Windows, whenever I had to create file, I used Git Bash and use touch <filename> in any directory and the file was created. Some websites mention that touch works in Mac terminal also.
How to create this file in home directory? I tried going to the home directory using cd ~ and then touch .zshrc and touch ~/.zshrc but they don't seem to work. I also tried to save file with this extension using TextEdit but doesn't work either. I have checked Show all filename extensions in Finder > Preferences > Advanced.
So what is the way to create this file in home directory either using Finder or terminal?
Is there an extension .XXX in OSX that is the extension assigned to the Terminal Utility by default?
Something like .ter? For example if the file has the extension .pdf it will be opened by preview by default.
The two filename extensions which will cause your script or other executable to be launched in a terminal session are .tool and .command
Note, the file must be set as executable.
given your script hello.txt:
cp hello.txt hello.tool
chmod +x hello.tool
open hello.tool
Either I'm too stupid or I can't find the right command.
How can I create a simple YAML file using the ZSH terminal?
You can create yml file like these commands
echo "basic" > basic.yml or touch simple.yml
YAML is just a format so you can create any text file and just add an .yml or .yaml extension.
Command for creating files in zsh is touch
touch test.yaml
What people usually do is to just open a terminal text editor like nano or vim add the content and save as *.yml or *.yaml
I'm wondering if there is a way to create and open multiple files in terminal using a custom one-liner terminal command using OSX 10.9.4.
like $ makemore test.rb test2.rb
then it opens using my default Sublime Text3
I found the custom command to create and open a single file.
touch $1
open $1
Is this possible to make something that makes, then opens multiple files?
P.S. Thanks to this Stackoverflow question for how to make custom command to create and open a single file. How can I create and open a file from terminal with a single command?
lazy() { for x; do touch "$x"; open "$x"; done; }
Then call it with a list of file names.
Is it possible to run Matlab commands from Mac command line?
The matlab script is in the bin subdirectory of the MATLAB app bundle. On my machine, this means I can run it like so:
If you want this bin directory on your path (so that you can just run matlab, mex, etc), edit or create a new text file called .bash_profile in the top level of your home directory with the following line:
export PATH=/Applications/MATLAB_R2012a_Student.app/bin:$PATH
Replacing the "MATLAB_R2012a_Student" part with the name of your actual MATLAB app bundle. This will not come into effect for currently open terminals, but newly opened terminals should work properly.
You need the full path to the MATLAB executable, and you can use the -r option to run a command in the MATLAB that you start, as per the doc here.
As already mentioned above you need to first edit your .bash_profile file by adding the following line (replace 'MATLAB_R2020b' with your MATLAB version)
export PATH=/Applications/MATLAB_R2020b.app/bin:$PATH
Then after restarting the terminal you can open MATLAB by inserting the command
You can also run your .m scripts by defining the working directory folder and the executable scripts and their paths. You just need to add more commands to the above.
/Applications/MATLAB_R2020b.app/bin/matlab -r "addpath(genpath('{Your working directory folder path}')); cd {Your working directory folder path}; {Your script name}; {Your other script name}; quit;"
Please find a more detailed description of MATLAB command line arguments from: