Migration from Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.0.0.M3 to M4 - elasticsearch

In Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.0.0.M3 I used UpdateQuery.builder().withUpdateRequest() while building UpdateRequest directly. So I could set retryOnConflict() parameter.
After moving to M4 I can't set it anymore because there is no withUpdateRequest() method in the UpdateQuery and the UpdateRequst is being built internally. UpdateQuery.builder doesn't provide an option to set retryOnConflict().
My question is what is the right way to migrate my code so that I will have full control over UpdateRequst?

wait for 4.0.0.RC1. I just merged the code to expose all the update query parameters on the UpdateQuery.builder


Dynamic addition of fields in vespa

In Elastic Search, to add new fields while running the application we have to provide
More info about the same: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/dynamic.html
Is there any functionality which can replicate same behaviour in Vespa? I was not able to find in vespa documentation.
Kindly help me in this regard. Thank you.
https://docs.vespa.ai/en/schemas.html#schema-modifications is the best place to start - just modify the schema with new fields and redeploy the application. The new fields can not have a default value, they are empty. It is not necessary to restart Vespa, this can be done on a running instance.
Dynamic fields automatically created from data is not supported in Vespa. You should not use this; it's a malfeature.
If the data in question is structured, you can often achieve what you need here by using a map. Otherwise, it's easy and safe to add new fields to the schema and redeploy.

spring cloud stream multi sink with dynamic destinations

I need to use dynamic group names for RabbitMQ binder based Multisink (multiple sinks) app.
Seems like the
spring.cloud.stream.bindings..group property can't be set at runtime.
Any thoughts on how to go about it ?
SPB: 2.2.8.RELEASE ,
spring-cloud-dependencies: Hoxton.SR6 ,
spring-cloud-stream-dependencies: Horsham.SR6
You can use a property placeholder there...
...and then set the property on the command line:

Pagination feature in Pivotal GemFire

Is there any built-in API which provides a pagination feature in Pivotal GemFire, such as in the QueryService API or using Functions? We are currently using Pivotal GemFire 9.3.0 running in PCC.
No yet. It is a planned feature for SD Lovelace/Moore release trains. See SGF-524 - Add support for PagingAndSortingRepositories. NOTE: sorting is already supported; paging is a WIP.
There is not. However there is a common pattern for this. Instead of directly querying the matching objects, write your query to return the keys of the matching objects. The client can then implement paging (e.g. page1 is key0-key99, page 2 is key 100-199, etc.). Use the "getAll" method with a list of keys to pull back one page at a time.
BTW, you can query the keys like this: "select key from /person.entries where value.ssn='222-22-2222'"

sdn4.0 set resultDataContents graph

I want to use SDN4.0 to visualize by D3 in web application.For example,I want to use the following cypher query to get data:
#Query("MATCH (n:app)-[r:r1]->(m:app) RETURN n.alias,r,m.alias")
Iterable<Map<String, Object>> getAllRelations();
But the httpServer not response the exact data I want.
[{n.alias=A, r=(227)-[r1]->(235), m.alias=B}, ....]
And I want to response r1's properties ,tried r1.* but failed.
From the http://neo4j.com/developer/guide-data-visualization/ there is possible to set resultDataContents to graph(origin as rest)
So Is it any possiblity to set this parameter in SDN4.0 or have other solutions?
Thanks if having any ideas.
SDN is for creating domain rich applications. As such it's not the best tool to use if all you need is a list of properties to represent a graph.
You have a couple of paths as I can see it:
Model your application properly with SDN. Use #NodeEntity on a class called App and create a #Relationship to another App. You can then leverage SDN's repositories to return you a rich domain model which you can then transform (e.g. using DTO's) to the front end if need be.
Use the java Neo4j client, OGM HTTP driver (Undocumented), or if you are happy to completely use Javascript (either from the browser or with meteor or using a NodeJS server) you can just use the Javascript driver and call the database directly.
Either way if you are using D3 I highly recommend you use JSOG to represent your model in the front end.
How do I query for relationship data in spring data neo4j 4?
Above Answer solved my question.By using Neo4jOperations.queryForObjects() under Spring data Neo4j and return path in cypher query.

Fulltext-index in Neo4J in 2.0

Is there a way to
create a fulltext-index with a given lucene-analyzer on a certain node-Type (and certain fields only)
to get this index updated automatically when a node of the given type is created / deleted
query this index over the Cypher- oder the REST-API
I am using the Cypher/REST-Interface (and of course the shell, etc.) of the server not the embedded version.
If this is not available (which I guess): Is something like this on the roadmap?
Thank you in advance!
Short answer: no
Little bit longer answer:
You can write a KernelExtension adding a TransactionEventHandler that amends the fields to be fulltext indexed to a manual index (aka legacy index).
The code should be wrapped into an unmanaged extension and deployed to the server.
There something similar implemented within https://github.com/sarmbruster/neo4j-uuid.
The contents of the legacy index can be accessed using start n=node:myindex('lucene query string') in Cypher
