Unable to push MQ message from JMeter - jmeter

Tried with following approach using Java Request through Jmeter
MQ_Error from JMeter

As per MQ connection is terminating with error code 2009 the reasons could be in:
A firewall that is terminating the connection
An IOException that causes the socket to be closed
An explicit action to cause the socket to be closed by one end
The queue manager is offline
The maximum number of channels allowed by the queue manager are open
A configuration problem in the Queue Connection Factory (QCF)
so follow this checklist, hopefully it will allow you to get to the bottom of the issue.
Also this MQClientSampler doesn't look familiar to me, you may need to reach out to the plugin developer/maintainer as it might be a bug in the plugin.
You can consider using JSR223 Test Elements and IBMMQ client libraries as an alternative solution, check out IBM MQ testing with JMeter - Learn How article for more details.

It might be a bit easier to use Groovy script since it doesn't need to be pre-compiled like Java. I made an example here that works with JMeter 5.3 and MQ9:


Non Http Response code: url fail to respond Jmeter

Today i got issue Non Http Response code when run script on Jmeter. My script run over some steps (Login - view) but got this issue and have log that issue at NoHttpResponseException.
I'm using Jmeter version 3.3. And I think that maybe this issue from server side, not by my script.
Does anyone fix this issue before? Please support me to resolve it.
This status code is being returned when an Exception occurs during HTTP Request sampler execution. There are hundreds or thousands of possible exceptions and even more potential causes for them.
If it occurs only under the load - most probably it's a server side error and you need to check the application under test logs and monitoring software results to identify the cause
It might be something described in the Connection Reset since JMeter 2.10 ?
It might be the case your JMeter script is badly designed/implemented and you're sending garbage instead of proper HTTP request
So try to collect as much information as you can:
Application under test and JMeter logs (it includes any middleware such as reverse proxies, load balancers, databases, etc.)
Application under test and JMeter machines health metrics (CPU, RAM, Network, Disk, Swap)
Network layer information, i.e. HTTP Request and response details.
Also be aware that according to JMeter Best Practices you should always be using the latest version of JMeter so consider upgrading to JMeter 5.0 (or whatever is the current latest JMeter version available at Downloads page) as soon as it will be possible.

is it possible to use jmeter to test grpc

Was wondering if anybody has tried to use jmeter to test gRPC application.
I was hoping that
I could write a gRPC client class with a non-blocking/asynchronous stub that makes non-blocking calls to the server,
Create a Jar of the above client
Import the Jar to JMeter
Use the Java method in Jmeter BeanShell sampler
before investing time in trying the above I wanted to see if any body has tried something similar and
if above workaround work?
will each thread create a separate TCP connection?
We have tried the load test with python client and locust.io but python gRPC is not gevent compatible and even with async call e.g. stub.GetFeature.future, we are hitting a limit on the request per second per process (async call doesn't seem to be async, GIL bottleneck, once TCP stream)
if above workaround work?
Your solution will work. But if you need it long term, I would recommend, rather than having client class and using BeanShell sampler, implementing custom Java Sampler. It's very practical, since work-wise it will be similar/same as implementing custom client + BeanShell sampler script, but Java sampler is typically more efficient than BeanShell sampler, and maintainability of such solution will be better (you won't have 2 co-dependent components to maintain).
A more fancy option is to create your own JMeter Plug-in (the link I provide here is old, and not very accurate, but it's a good starting point). This is quite an investment, but might be worth it eventually if you find that a simpler solution generally works, but has some major limitations, or you need higher level of configurability and control.
will each thread create a separate TCP connection?
Each thread runs independently, but whether each thread will have its own connection will depend on how you implemented them. In straight forward implementation (where sampler creates and destroys connection), each thread will have a separate TCP connection. But JMeter has properties shared among threads, which, among the rest, can contain objects. So you could share a connection between threads that way. Or you can implement configuration element, which could hold a connection pool, shared by all threads.
Please see grpc-client java project (maven) that creates a gRPC client with JMeter samplers to enable stress testing with JMeter
Build the project with maven and copy the generated jar to JMeter lib/ext folder (e.g. /usr/local/apache-jmeter-3.1/lib/ext/) so that the samplers are in the class path
After that when you launch JMeter, you should be able to see the classes in the "java request" samplers.

JMS Activation spec on Liberty: "WAS_EndpointInitialState" full profile equivalent property?

We are migrating some apps from WAS full profile to WAS Liberty profile.
Some apps have MDBs and need JMS Activation Specs definitions connected to MQ.
In order to enforce strict FIFO ordering of messages in a cluster, we set the "WAS_EndpointInitialState" property to "INACTIVE" on those Activation Specs to tell WAS full profile to not start the Activation Spec on startup. When the cluster starts, we start (ie "resume") the activation on one server only.
Q: How to achieve this with Liberty (v16.0.x) ?
I don't see an equivalent parameter within the "properties.wmqJms" stanza.
Liberty doesn't have an equivalent parameter/capability for activation specs.
You can open a request for enhancement here:
In case it helps during the meantime, a crude way of simulating the capability is to start the server with the jmsActivationSpec elements commented out, and make configuration updates to uncomment as you want them activated.
Unfortunately as-is (with v16.0.0.3 and the current beta version), it is not possible to deploy an application with MDBs in production due to a serious lack on functionalities in Liberty profile (JMS Activations).
When using the jmsActivationSpec+ properties.wmqJms stanzas, it is impossible:
to configure the activation to stop after x failed tentatives to consume the message. Liberty tries to consume the message forever without any notification!!
to start the activation in an inactive state on startup., so it is impossible to enforce the FIFO paradigm on a Q when deployed in a cluster (or collective or other form of cluster)
Those are already captured in the following RFE:
For us it's a clear no-go to move to WebSphere Liberty profile for those reasons
This is way too late for the OP, but in case someone comes here looking for a current answer.
Liberty / Open Liberty now offer (as of such a function, which you can enable via the autoStart attribute, e.g.:
<jmsActivationSpec autoStart="false" id="myJMSActSpec"/>
See here for a quick example of how you would use the EndpointControl MBean and/or the server resume CLI command to start message delivery into the server.

elasticsearch through NEST: what is the recommended way to connect to a cluster of several hosts

I'm starting to work with NEST.
I've seen in a previous question that I should use TryConnect only once at the beginning of the program and then use Connect.
But that seems a bit too naive for a long running system.
What if I have a cluster of say 3 machines and I want to make sure I can connect to any of the 3 machines?
What should be the recommended way of doing that?
Should I:
- Use TryConnect each time and use a different host + port if it fails (downside - an additional roundtrip each time)?
- Try to work with a client and have some retry mechanism to handle failures due to connectivity issues? Maybe implement a connection pool on top of that?
Any other option?
Any suggestions/recommendations?
Sample code?
Thanks for your help,
Connection pooling is an often requested feature, but due to the many heuristics involved and different approaches NEST does not come with this out of the box. You will have to implement this yourself.
I would not recommend calling TryConnect() before each call as now you are doing two calls instead of one.
Each NEST call returns a IResponse which you can check for IsValid, ConnectionStatus will hold the request and response details.
See also the documentation on handling responses
In 1.0 NEST will start to throw an exception incase of TCP level errors so more generic approaches to connection pooling can be implemented, and nest might come with a separate nuget package implementing one (if anything as reference). See also this discussion https://github.com/Mpdreamz/NEST/pull/224#issuecomment-16347889
Hope this helps for now.
UPDATE this answer is outdated NEST 1.0 ships with connection pool and cluster failover support out of the box: http://nest.azurewebsites.net/elasticsearch-net/cluster-failover.html

WebSphereMQ PCFMessageAgent / PCFAgent - Is it Thread Safe?

I am implementing a monitoring and administrative MQ API using the WebSphereMQ java PCF (Program Control Format) library. What I would like to know is if the PCFAgent and/or the PCFMessageAgent classes are thread safe. The documentation does not make it clear [to me].
If not, then I have 2 choices:
Create a pool of agents
Create (and disconnect) agents on demand.
Any insight into this issue is appreciated.
The important information you seek is probably on this page:
The main issue you will see is that the MQQueueManager object (that you either pass in, or is created for you) cannot really do 2 things at once on a single connection.
So if you have one Agent sitting on a get-with-wait waiting for a response to a big query (saying getting full details for thousands of queues) nothing else can be done using that connection until the reply comes back.
Connect/Disconnect are the biggest overhead when talking to MQ, so if you need multiple threaded access I would go with option 1 otherwise you'll pay a big penalty in performance having to wait for connect each time.
