Laravel Eloquent Get Method Does Not Work - laravel

Well, I'm trying to get some records from db with models. My model is like this:
class People extends Model
protected $connection = 'test-connection';
protected $table = 't_people';
And I'm trying to get them like this:
public function searchPopularPlayers() {
return People::where('popularity', '<=', 10)->get();
When I use first() instead of get(), I get the first record. But I need them all. I get null when I use get(). Any help??


How can I use math function in laravel eloquent query?

I want to do sum math calculation in my eloquent query .I have a variable which must be multiple to some of my DB filed and if more than 3000 then the parent item must be in my result.
1)Jewel model:
class Jewel extends Model
use HasFactory;
public function jewelsItems(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\JewelsItem');
2)JewelsItem Model:
class JewelsItem extends Model
//has weight,fee field
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'jewel_items';
public function jewel(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Jewel');
the query must get me all jewel that have at least a jewelsItem with (weight*($varibale+fee)) > 5000.
note1: $varibale is not a DB field.
note2: I don't want to use Raw Expressions cause of theirs vulnerabilities.
You might want to try this:
return Jewel::whereHas('jewelsItems', function ($query) use ($variable) {
$query->whereRaw("(weight*({$varibale}+fee)) > 5000");

Laravel error using with() method in Eloquent

I'm trying to call using with() method in Laravel Eloquent ORM, but getting the following error.
Argument 1 passed to
must be an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder,
instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany given
I'm using the latest version of Laravel 6. Any ideas what might have caused this?
class DashboardController extends Controller
public function __construct()
public function formIndex(Request $request)
$id = auth()->user()->id;
$item = Groupe::find($id)->with(
'etudiants' => function (Builder $query) {
return $item;
class Groupe extends Authenticatable implements JWTSubject
public function etudiants()
return $this->hasMany('App\Etudiant');
The error comes from the type hint you put on the $query variable, as the error message said the object that gets passed in there is a relationship not a raw Query Builder. Just remove the type hint. Also ::find() executes a query, so you're be executing 2 queries, use the query below instead
Groupe::where('id', $id)->with(['etudiants' => function ($query) {
Additionally, you don't need to use the callback syntax to only eager load certain columns, the callback syntax is for putting contraints on which records get returned. Try this instead.
Groupe::where('id', $id)->with('etudiants:id,name,email')->first();
But what do you want return? groupe->students[]?? you can use
$item = Groupe::where('id',$id)->with('etudiants')->first();

How can you use Eloquent to find related values two tables away and in a different database?

I am developing a system that extends an existing ERP system, and so is accessing two databases (both on the same MS SQL Server). I am trying to access items on the "Equipment" model (this is a table in the ERP database) through the "EquipmentInstance" model from the "EquipmentType" model (these two are in the new database). They are related as per this diagram:
The three models are as follows:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class EquipmentType extends Model
protected $table = 'dbo.EquipmentType';
protected $connection = 'sqlsrv';
protected $primaryKey = 'EquipmentTypeID';
protected $fillable = [
public function EquipmentInstance()
return $this->hasMany(EquipmentInstance::class,'EquipmentTypeID', 'EquipmentTypeID');
public function Equipment()
return $this->hasManyThrough(
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class EquipmentInstance extends Model
protected $table = 'dbo.EquipmentInstance';
protected $primaryKey = 'EquipmentID';
protected $keyType = 'string';
protected $connection = 'sqlsrv';
protected $fillable = [
public function Part()
return $this->belongsTo(Part::class,'PartNum','PartNum');
public function Equipment()
return $this->hasMany(Equipment::class,'PartNum', 'PartNum');
public function EquipmentType()
return $this->belongsTo(EquipmentType::class); /*,'EquipmentTypeID', 'EquipmentTypeID'*/
/* public function Attribute()
return $this->belongsTo(Equipment::class,'SerialNumber', 'JobNum');
public function TechNote()
return $this->belongsTo(Equipment::class,'SerialNumber', 'JobNum');
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Equipment extends Model
protected $table = 'ERP.SerialNo';
public $timestamps = false;
protected $primaryKey = 'SerialNumber';
protected $keyType = 'string';
protected $connection = 'epicor';
public function Part()
return $this->belongsTo(Part::class,'PartNum','PartNum');
public function Customer()
return $this->belongsTo(Customer::class,'CustNum', 'CustNum');
public function Equipment()
return $this->belongsTo(Equipment::class,'SerialNumber', 'JobNum');
public function EquipmentInstance()
return $this->belongsTo(EquipmentInstance::class,'PartNum', 'PartNum');
On the EquipmentType Controller I am trying to get all of the Equipment through the EquipmentInstance so for each EquipmentInstance I can display all of the Equipments.
EquipmentType Controller
public function show(EquipmentType $EquipmentType)
$EquipmentInstance = $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance()
$Equipments = $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance()->Equipment()
return view('', compact('EquipmentType', 'EquipmentInstance', 'Equipments'));
The error message I get is
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany::Equipment()"
I believe the issue is that (my understanding is rocky) that Eloquent is trying to write one query to access both databases, which is failing. However I am not sure how to proceed.
Any help would be greatly received.
I have implemented what gbalduzzi suggested in his answer, which almost worked, and I am sure the issue is with my blade implemtention. I have nested two forloops:
#foreach($EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance as $EquipmentInstance)
#foreach($Equipments as $Equipment)
<td>{{$EquipmentInstance->PartNum}} - {{$EquipmentInstance->Part->PartDescription}}</td>
Which is displaying the serial numbers (from the Equipment model) for the first EquipmentInstance only and repeating them for all EquipmentInstanced.
Update 2
I have proven that the issue is with first() in the suggested answer, as if I change this to last() the results change as you would expect (see update 1). So my question now is:
Is there an equivelant of first(), last() which is all() or every()?
The problem is not in your database configuration, but in the way you are calling the relationship. Instead of:
$Equipments = $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance()->Equipment()
$Equipments = $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance->first()->Equipment()
Long answer
In Eloquent, you can use a relationship in 2 ways:
as a magic field (i.e. $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance). In this case you get as a result an instance of the model EquipmentInstance (also, if you already queried it, it directly returns the value without executing a new query)
as an eloquent query (i.e. $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance()). Using it as a function, you don't get the model but a RelationShip instance, that is basically an eloquent query and can be chained with other eloquent methods, such as where, orderBy, ecc
So, if you call $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance()->Equipment() it throws an error because the eloquent query does NOT have the relationship Equipment().
On the other hand, $EquipmentType->EquipmentInstance->Equipment works because it calls Equipment on the actual model instance, that has the Equipment relationship properly defined.

Laravel 4.1 - Eloquent lazy loading and filtering results based on pivot table value

I have 2 models, Sound and Tag:
class Sound extends Eloquent{
protected $table = 'sounds';
protected $guarded = array('id');
public function tags()
return $this->belongsToMany('Tag');
class Tag extends \Eloquent {
protected $table = 'tags';
protected $guarded = array('id');
public function sounds()
return $this->belongsToMany('Sound');
In the controller I do lazy loading and it works as expected; the sounds are fetched and each of them has tags attached. The code below:
$sounds = Sound::with(array('tags'))->get();
I now want to filter the sounds by a tag_id (get only the sounds that have a particular tag attached) and I'm not sure if it's possible in Eloquent.
I tried eager load constraints but these would only specify the condition based on which a tag is attached to a sound or not, and not actually filter the sounds.
Should I use the query builder instead?
Thank you.
try this code
$sounds = Sound::whereHas('tags', function($q) use($tag_id)
$q->where('', '=', $tag_id);
so you only get sounds with a certain tag.
angorus's answer is perfectly fine. Just some additional information on this:
If you need functions like this more often, it can be helpful to put them in a query scope within your model.
class Sound extends Eloquent{
public function scopeHasTag($query, $tag_id)
return $query->whereHas('tags', function($q) use ($tag_id)
$q->where('', '=', $tag_id);
Then in the controller, to only get those Sounds that have a certain tag associated you can do something like:
$sounds = Sound::with('tags')->hasTag($tag_id)->get();

Laravel 4 - How to use where conditions for relation's column

This is what I want, I have two tables. one is 'Restaurants' and other is 'Facilities'.
The tables are simple.. and One-To-One relations. like there is a restaurant table with id, name, slug, etc and another table called facilities with id, restaurant_id, wifi, parking, etc
Here are my models:
class Restaurant extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'restaurants';
public function facilities() {
return $this->hasOne('Facilities');
class Facilities extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'facilities';
public function restaurant() {
return $this->belongsTo('Restaurant');
I want do like this Select * from restaurants r left join facilities rf on where = 'bbq' and rf.wifi != '1'.
How to use Eloquent to do that?
ps. sorry for modify from , but I have the similar problem.
You can use where and other sql-based methods on the relationship objects.
That means you can either create a custom method in your model:
class Restaurant extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'restaurants';
public function facilities($wifi) {
return $this->belongsTo('Facility')->where('wifi', '=', $wifi);
Or you can try to use query scopes:
class Restaurant extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'restaurants';
public function facility() {
return $this->belongsTo('Restaurant');
public function scopeFiltered($query, $wifi)
return $query->where('wifi', '>', 100);
$wifi = 1;
$restaurants = Restaurant::facilities()->filtered($wifi)->get();
This isn't exactly what you need likely, but query scopes is likely what you want to use to get what you're attempting.
THe key point is to know that relationship classes can be used like query builders - for example:
$this->belongsTo('Facility')->where('wifi', '=', $wifi)->orderBy('whatever', 'asc')->get();
There are some ways to filter both, this is using QueryBuilder:
->where('facilities.wifi','!=', 1)
