Not able to run piped shell scripts in jenkins - shell

I am trying to kill all the existing processes before checkout the code and build it, in order to do, I am using the below command.
sudo ps -ef | grep 'dotnet' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -r kill -9;
This is working fine when I run it in the server manually. whereas, using in the jenkins pipeline as Execute Shell script, its not working.
Here is the jenkin's output
[CICD] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ ps -ef
+ grep dotnet
+ grep -v grep
+ + awk {print $2}xargs
-r kill -9
Failed build for hudson.tasks.Shell#178f47d3
Can someone please help?


Command run via xargs fails but runs manually

I'm trying to create a command that will automatically attach to my existing python docker container, and trying to chain a bunch of commands together.
docker ps | grep "mypythoncontainer" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker attach
If I run
docker ps | grep "mypythoncontainer" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs echo
I get back a docker id string, as expected. And if I do docker attach {id string} (copied from the return of the statement right above this), it works. But when I run the full command at top, I get an error (the input device is not a TTY).
So docker ps | grep "mypythoncontainer" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs echo would echo out abc, but docker ps | grep "mypythoncontainer" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker attach would fail, while docker attach abc works. Not sure what about xargs I don't understand.
docker attach $(docker ps | grep "mypythoncontainer" | awk '{print $1}')
or simplier:
docker attach $(docker ps | awk '/mypythoncontainer/{print $1}')
Not sure what about xargs I don't understand.
Running: ...| ... docker ... will redirect docker's standard input to ... the ouput of awk, wich was already read by xargs. So docker abc will r
un with a broken (already closed) STDIN, then fail.

How do I not show the processes that I can't kill with 'kill + [pid number]' command?

I was working on a project "make a task manager in linux" at school
I used ps -u [username] -o stat,cmd --sort=-pid | awk '{print $2$3$4}' command to get cmd names from the ps command
If I use this command, I see the part of the result like this :
when I try to terminate those process using the pid of each process, it won't terminate them because their PID doesn't exist.
How could I not show those awk{print$2$3$4} and ps-u[username] ???
I couldn't think of any idea
ps -u [username] -o stat,cmd --sort=-pid | awk '{print $2$3$4}'
You can't kill them because they were only alive while the commands were running, which was the same command you used to generate that output.
There's a few ways you can suppress these. I think the easiest would be to filter them out in your awk script.:
ps -u [username] -o stat,cmd --sort=-pid | awk '$2!="awk" && $2!="ps"{print $2$3$4}'
JNevill's solution excludes every running awk or ps process. I think it's better to exclude processes on tty. Also, you aren't getting complete commands with how you use awk. I (kind of) solved it using sed.
$ ps -u $USER -o stat,tty,cmd --sort=-pid | grep -v `ps -h -o tty $$` | sed -r 's/.* (.*)$/\1/'
You can test it with the following command. I opened man ps in another terminal.
$ ps -u $USER -o stat,tty,cmd --sort=-pid | grep -v `ps -h -o tty $$` | grep -E '(ps|grep)'
S+ pts/14 man ps
The downside is, besides excluding ps and grep, it excludes your application as well.

bash script to kill process on remote machines

I want to kill process on remote machines via ssh but its not working
VAR=$(ssh ${HOSTS} ps -ef | grep $SERVICE | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9)
ssh ${HOSTS} ps ef < /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
The problem is that your pipe process get execute on your local host rather than on the server.
A solution is to quote protect the command:
VAR=$(ssh ${HOSTS} "ps -ef | grep $SERVICE | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}' | xargs kill -9")
ssh ${HOSTS} "ps ef" < /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Below command worked well for me to kill processes on remove server.
I'm able to kill tail command running on remote server.
ssh -tty ${Host}" ps -efwww | grep tail |grep -v grep |cut -c 10-15|xargs kill -9 "

Killing Process on Remote Host using Fabric

I am writing a script using Fabric which needs to terminate a process remotely.
(this means that the command ends up getting executed as /bin/bash command)
The current code I have is the following:
in a file i have
/bin/kill $(ps -ef | grep multiserver.jar | grep -v bin/sh | grep -v /bin/bash | grep -v sh | grep python | grep -v /usr/bin/java | grep -v /usr/bin/python | grep -v sh | awk '{print $2}')
which I run in Fabric on my remote host using the following commands
local("scp " + " " + user +"#" + server_address + ":" + directory)
run ("chmod u+x")
However I get the following error message
out: Usage:
[] out: kill [options] <pid> [...]
Fatal error: run() received nonzero return code 1 while executing!
Requested: ./
Executed: /bin/bash -l -c "cd ... && ./"
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
While solving this issue with reading logs with fabric, I wrote command to kill remote processes:
with settings(warn_only=True):
sudo("kill -9 `ps aux | <pipeline of greps> | awk '{print $2}'`")
Hope this helps.

Getting PID of sshd

I am executing sshd in a bash script using
$ /usr/sbin/sshd
How do I get the process ID of this sshd that I executed?
sshd will typically write a PID file; by default this is at /var/run/ You can use this to find the process ID of the listening sshd process. You should be aware that sshd may fork several subprocesses as it works, so what you want really depends on what you intend to do with it.
Try this command:
ps aux | grep -e /usr/sbin/sshd | grep -v grep | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f2
cat /var/run/
