AdminLTE themes: small disagreement with coworker (soft skills) - laravel

I have a quick question regarding implementation of a small change in our system, and I want to hear your opinion about my little disagreement with another developer in our company.
Our working environment:
Two laravel guards for 'partner' and 'staff'. Each type of user (partner/staff) has access to a different set of pages, using a different set of controllers and a different subdomain.
Admin LTE comes with some skins that you can apply to your <body>, for example 'skin-blue' theme. This is what our page looks like. Just for a comparison, if you remove the 'skin-blue' class, our website looks like this.
We were asked by our client to change the color of the top navbar for the Staff side. So, because the colors at the moment are being added by an adminLTE skin, I thought it was better to create a second theme for the staff side, calling it "skin-staff", and then in our base blade file, check for which guard is being used, and add the class accordingly.
<body class="#if(get_guard() === 'partner') skin-blue #else skin-staff #endif" ...>
I made a copy of the original skin-blue file, renamed it to skin-staff, and just changed the color of the necessary elements. I thought this was the best way to go about it, but the developer which had to review my github Pull Request said that because this was such a small change, it wasn't necessary to create a new skin. His proposed solution was to simply add the css classes in the blade file, something like:
<style type="text/css">
#if (get_guard() === 'staff')
.skin-blue .main-header .navbar{
.skin-blue .main-header .navbar .sidebar-toggle:hover{
.skin-blue .main-header .logo{
… // and other classes
Now, to me this is not correct, because we are mixing the logic for staff and partner side without a clear way to differentiate them. If we use skins, we can simply say something like "The top navbar is yellow because we are using class skin-staff". And "We are using class skin-staff because we are on the Staff guard". The propositions are clear and simple. However, by adding raw CSS to our blade file, we end up with something like "The top navbar is yellow because we are using skin-blue and also we are on the Staff guard and also we have added some custom CSS for the Staff guard". The extra changes we introduce to the system don't follow the pattern used by adminLTE, to me they just look like noise. If we had to for example do this five more times, we would end up with a lot of CSS in our base blade file, which I think would look bad and would force us to eventually decide to use the skin system of adminLTE, something we could just do right away.
But, being as stubborn as I know I am, I don't know if I have the right idea or if I just want to do things my way.
What do you guys think? Is it better to create a new skin, even if most of the CSS code inside the skin file will be duplicated, but it allows us to stick to the existing way of doing things, or is it better to just add the code in the blade file and don't think more about it?
Thanks for your ideas

This is very much an opinion based question, there is no clear right or wrong answer here.
Personally, I agree with your coworker, why copy the whole theme, that is hundreds of lines long, just to change a handful of classes?
That said, I don't personally like the styles living in the DOM under a style tag.
Why not create a new CSS file that contains the styles:
.skin-blue .main-header .navbar{
.skin-blue .main-header .navbar .sidebar-toggle:hover{
.skin-blue .main-header .logo{
… // and other classes
And then as long as you include this file after the base skin-blue CSS theme, your updated staff skin changes will take precedence.
Something like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/skin-blue.css') }}">
#if (get_guard() === 'staff')
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('css/skin-staff.css') }}">
This keeps the abstraction of your CSS inside CSS files (and out of the DOM), yet only overwrites exactly what it needs to.
It also means that if you need to update a common style between the two themes, you don't need to make the change in two different files; you just need to modify the skin-blue.css file.


laravel blade template - how to remove a part from extended page

Note: Like i said in the comment, i am working relatively large project. I can't change existing codes. Just try to add some code blocks for one page.
I have a template blade. It has meta yield. But also included one meta.blade.php, that contains all meta tags. But i don't want to include metapage for some of my pages. There is the template for visualization:
my view.blade.php
<meta description...>
My question is: Is there a way to make something like this:
I know there isn't exist something like that. But i need that. I hope somebody can give me a solution.
There is a certain solution which I do:
First one is to create multiple template and extend them as your requirements.
Second one is to disable sub parts.
Third one to create parent template having little things, then create child template which is extending parent and do extra things here. use it as your need.
If You are working on existing project and you have a lot of pages then First & third one is a better solution for it because you could make changes only in front end without affecting class code.
You could make the meta a component rather than an include, then your template would look the same and your view would be e.g.
#slot('description', 'my amazing description')
// other code here as usual
Your component is then responsible for checking what exists and what doesn't, e.g. like this:
<meta name="description" content="{{ $description }}">
<title>{{ $title }}</title>
// etc, the title is just an example
Take the Tag Name Which You Want To ignore And Apply the CSS
ex: If I need to Remove the Footer From the Extended Page make
footer {
display: none;

Angular Material 2 - Disable Ripple?

I'm currently working with md-tab-group (just updated to latest version yesterday)...
Does anyone know
if it is possible to disable/configure Ripple on existing components (md-tab-group in this case)? Latest version causes my tab headers to jump because ripple is calculating large values, solution is to add a small value for md-ripple-max-radius for md-tab-label directly in the template of MdTabGroup.
if there are plans to remove min-width for md-tab-labels? I'm working with a quite small tab group (only 300px width), therefore 160px min-width is not usable.
Thank you!
Use disableRipple as an attribute to disable ripples for the md-tab-group as Angular2+ using the Angular material.
Just simply do something like this:
<md-tab-group disableRipple></md-tab-group>
Also if you are using the latest Angular Material, it's a little bit different like this below:
<mat-tab-group [disableRipple]="true"></mat-tab-group>
I came up with two ways to override md styles based on another post. I had the exact same problem for tabs being too wide in a small tab group. It is still very experimental and might need further explanations but it has worked for me.
First solution using Sass styling
You can use /deep/ before the class you are trying to override
/* your-component.component.scss file*/
/deep/ .md-tab-label {
min-width: 0px; /* Or whatever value you wish */
/* In some situations !important seems necessary */
<!-- your-component.component.html -->
<!-- Template from Angular Material's Github -->
<template md-tab-label>
The <em>best</em> pasta
<h1>Best pasta restaurants</h1>
<template md-tab-label>
<md-icon>thumb_down</md-icon> The worst sushi
<h1>Terrible sushi restaurants</h1>
Second solution with pure css
Create an overrides.css file that you link in your main index.html and then override the material classes here
/* overrides.css */
.md-tab-label ,.md-tab-label-active {
min-width: 0; /* same comments as the first solution */
<!-- index.html -->
<link rel="stylesheet" content="text/css" href="overrides.css">
Both are kinda dirty, but the first one provides me a good solution to override a md component's style, keeping the alterations inside the concerned components (consider wrapping those components for local changes only).
If you want to remove ripple and click effect in Angular v15 with Angular material v15 you can do it with the "disableRipple" property and some stylings.
Add styling rule to the styles.scss or styles.css:
.mdc-checkbox__ripple {
display: none;

Arrange UI-Elements in HTML (with containers, layouts, etc.)

I'm working on a SAPUI5 application with XML-Views.
Now I want to arrange my buttons for example. They should be arranged so they form a numberpad like on a keyboard.
I only know the layout managers from Java or the layouts of a SAP Web Dynpro where I also used transparent containers.
So how can I arrange my elements in HTML? How can I use layout managers and is there such a thing as a transparent container?
Thanks for any hints! :)
Arranging HTML elements in SAPUI5 is how you would in normal HTML. SAP does emphasize that code in index.html is to be minimal, however, so do your best to keep your coding done inside of your views. Your elements are likely to be contained in <div>, </div> tags, which, like any other HTML tag, can be manipulated using CSS.
You'll need to create a CSS file and reference it in your index.html file like so:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" />.
Additionally, you should be aware of the native SAPUI5 layout controls and use them when you can as opposed to writing up your own solution.
You might find this post useful as well.

Richer Coloring and Typesetting in DDoc Output

Can I make the generated HTML page from my DDoc-marked-up D program use richer coloring and type-setting? The default is black-and-white.
I'm currently calling DMD as
dmd -debug -gc -unittest -D -Dd$OUTPUT_DIR
Well, you should probably read through to get some of the details, but ultimately, what you need is a css file which tells it how to present the page. That can be set via the DDOC macro.
What I'd suggest doing is taking a look at, which contains the code for - including the ddoc stuff. In particular, you want to grab std.ddoc along with the css, images, and js folders (as they are all referenced by std.ddoc). If you then give std.ddoc to dmd as part of your documentation build and have those folders in the parent directory of the documentation, the generated documentation should end up looking like the documentation on If you want to put the folders elsewhere, then just tweak the paths to them in std.ddoc.
If you want to change what the documentation looks like, just adjust std.ddoc and the css files accordingly. At that point, it's html and css stuff that you're dealing with, so you'll have to have some clue how those work to make the necessary changes to either the macros in std.ddoc or to the css files themselves. And of course, if you want to do anything with the js files, you'll need to know javascript. You can strip out all of the js and images if you want to. They're just what's used for, but again, you'll have to have some clue how html and friends work to know what to do with that. I'm not particularly well versed in any of that, so when I've generated documentation, I've typically made only minimal changes to what uses, but all I've typically been looking for is to get more legible colors than the default rather than anything specific.
Sorry that I can't be more specific or helpful than that, but the best that I've done with it is stumble through it enough to get pages looking like, since I know next to nothing about web development. Hopefully this will point you in the right direction though.
Something else that you might want to look into is ddox, which uses ddoc comments to generate better looking documentation than dmd does. And it's likely that will be switching to using ddox-generated documentation sometime in the relatively near future (some of the details still need to be sorted out, so I don't know when exactly, but that's the current plan). So, using ddox may ultimately end up becoming more common than using dmd to generate the documentation.
You can create your own .ddoc config file in which you override or create new ddoc macros to use class names and id's. Then you can style the page using CSS.
Sample .ddoc file containing custom CSS, Notice the theme.css file in the head HTML section:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link type="text/css" href="theme.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" />
H2 = <h2>$0</h2>
H3 = <h3>$0</h3>
STRONG = <strong>$0</strong>
EM = <em>$0</em>
DDOC_DECL = $(H2 $0)
DDOC_DECL_DD = <div class="declaration-description">$0</div>
DDOC_CLASS_MEMBERS = <div class="class-members">$0</div>
DDOC_MEMBERS = <div class="members">$0</div>
DDOC_ENUM_MEMBERS = <div class="enum-members">$0</div>
DDOC_MODULE_MEMBERS = <div class="module-members">$0</div>
DDOC_STRUCT_MEMBERS = <div class="struct-members">$0</div>
DDOC_TEMPLATE_MEMBERS = <div class="template-members">$0</div>
This file should be saved somewhere and added to the sc.ini file (in the case of Windows) or the dmd.conf file (in the case of Mac/Linux) like this:
Then the next time you compile using -D, HTML is read from the custom ddoc macros instead of the built-in stuff and viola, you have style-able class names and id's to use with CSS.
Here's a preview of pretty documentation using a custom style-sheet and macros:
HTML files:
Full ddoc macro listings can be found here:

Grails Resources plugin, modules and <r:img> to render images?

trying to learn the Resources plugin
From my understanding, it helps to define 'resources' such as css and javascript files and automatically pull them into your gsp's when needed. I understand how to create modules that can then be loaded in using tags etc.
The part im not understanding is this:
So ive created a module called 'images' in Config.groovy as follows:
grails.resources.modules = {
images {
resource url:'/images/view.jpg', attrs:[width: 1280, height:720 , alt: 'my view']
resource url:'/images/breakfast.jpg', attrs:[width: 1280, height:720, alt: 'breakfast']
The resources are included in the .gsp page in the head section as follows:
<r:require modules="jquery-ui, blueprint"/>
i know the resources have been successfully added to the head section because when i inspect the page source i see them there:
<link href="/ResourceTest/static/Aa7jV0N2qZjOz7TLZ9cl5cREIh2y5jJYV0ytn4nQg9r.jpg" rel="shortcut icon" width="1280" height="720" alt="my view" />
<link href="/ResourceTest/static/IpQBSjrYeLDdSUBGbP3jhf6Kkhvu1zV3XRtwWfKOIMn.jpg" rel="shortcut icon" width="1280" height="720" alt="breakfast" />
My question is this: how are the image resources then used? i mean i know if it was javascript, the importing of the resource gives you access to use the functions in the html code, but with regards to images, the site says "Once you have done this, using to reference them would automatically set the width, height and other attributes."
How? I've tried the following:
<r:img module="images">
<r:img alt="breakfast">
and a handful of others with no success
what does work is:
<r:img uri="/images/breakfast.jpg">
but this works regardless of whether or not you add the module with the r:require tag.. So whats the point of using this plugin for images then and how would i use it?
The <r:img> tag works just fine with our without <r:require>; it even works with undeclared image resources.
The point of the require tag is to prevent resource duplication. So, for instance, suppose you have multiple javascript resources that rely on jQuery, and they're all required. Add another layer of complication: say you're actually pulling together different gsp templates via sitemesh, and they each have their own resource dependencies. If you just put the normal HTML code to reference those resources in the head of each gsp layout, you might get multiple instances of them in your page header, which could prove problematic. Using the resources plugin makes sure you only get one instance of the required resource.
See and
With images, though, this is not really necessary. If you have an image more than once on a page, it's probably because you wanted it, or because you're applying redundant layouts and need to refactor a bit. So, you are correct that the require tag doesn't really do much for images called via <r:img>. This is simply because images are a different sort of resource, so they're treated differently. Don't sweat it. :)
