To run aws ECR scan commands in jenkinsfile - image

Trying to run below 2 commands in Jenkins file
NOTE: below commands are working fine locally where Jenkins is installed
sh ''' aws ecr start-image-scan --registry-id 123 \
--repository-name test1 \
--image-id imageTag=${BUILD_NUMBER} --output json | tee ecr_start_scan_${BUILD_NUMBER}.txt'''
sh ''' aws ecr describe-image-scan-findings --registry-id 123 \
--repository-name test \
--image-id imageTag=${BUILD_NUMBER} --output json | tee ecr_scanResult_${BUILD_NUMBER}.txt'''
Below is the output for both the commands:
+ aws ecr start-image-scan --repository-name valhalla --image-id imageTag=13 --region ap-southeast-1 --output json
+ tee ecr_start_scan_13.txt
usage: aws [options] <command> <subcommand> [<subcommand> ...] [parameters]
To see help text, you can run:
aws help
aws <command> help
aws <command> <subcommand> help
aws: error: argument operation: Invalid choice, valid choices are:
batch-check-layer-availability | batch-delete-image
batch-get-image | complete-layer-upload
create-repository | delete-lifecycle-policy
delete-repository | delete-repository-policy
describe-images | describe-repositories
get-authorization-token | get-download-url-for-layer
get-lifecycle-policy | get-lifecycle-policy-preview
get-repository-policy | initiate-layer-upload
list-images | put-image
put-lifecycle-policy | set-repository-policy
start-lifecycle-policy-preview | upload-layer-part
get-login | help

Update AWS CLI version. I had the same issue with aws-cli/1.11.13. But got the expected result in aws-cli/1.18.16

Yes updating the AWS CLI Version fixes the problem but I think there's a missing step in the middle which is aws ecr wait image-scan-complete because scan results don't show up instantaneously so this command waits till results are accessible.


xargs not splitting on whitespace from aws cli output

This commands returns all the AWS regions separated by whitespace:
aws ec2 describe-regions --query 'Regions[*].RegionName' --output text
eu-north-1 ap-south-1 eu-west-3 eu-west-2 eu-west-1 ap-northeast-2 ap-northeast-1 sa-east-1 ca-central-1 ap-southeast-1 ap-southeast-2 eu-central-1 us-east-1 us-east-2 us-west-1 us-west-2
I'm trying to pipe this to xargs but it's seeing it as a single string:
aws ec2 describe-regions --query 'Regions[*].RegionName' --output text | gxargs -I {} aws cloudformation list-stacks --region {}
Invalid endpoint: ap-south-1 eu-west-3 eu-west-2 eu-west-1 ap-northeast-2 ap-northeast-1 sa-east-1 ca-central-1 ap-southeast-1 ap-southeast-2 eu-central-1 us-east-1 us-east-2 us-west-1
gxargs: aws: exited with status 255; aborting
gxargs is just gnu xargs (I'm on Mac).
Also, tried this to use jmespath to create a string from an array with a specific delimiter (which I could use with xargs):
aws ec2 describe-regions --query 'Regions[*].join(",",#.RegionName)'
In function join(), invalid type for value: None, expected one of: ['string'], received: "null"
EDIT: just following up, this is what I wound up with. It insists on throwing an error when it doesn't find a stack- probably the same for other aws cli commands
aws ec2 describe-regions --query 'Regions[*].RegionName' --output text | gxargs -n 1 sh -c 'aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name findme --region $0 || true'
Here's man xargs for -I:
-I replace-str
Replace occurrences of replace-str in the initial-arguments with names read from standard input. Also, unquoted blanks
do not terminate input items; instead the separator is the newline character. Implies -x and -L 1.
You can use xargs -n 1 aws cloudformation list-stacks --region instead

passing command from awk to the next command using xargs

I am using AWS EC2 CLI to perform a filter on stopped instances, then create an AMI out of these with the AMI name taken from the instance tag.
aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --profile proj --query 'Reservations[*].[Instances[*].[InstanceId, InstanceType, State.Name, Platform, Placement.AvailabilityZone, PublicIpAddress, PrivateIpAddress,[Tags[?Key==`Name`].Value][0][0]]]' --filter --filters Name=instance-state-name,Values=stopped | awk '{print $1, $8}' | xargs -n2 aws ec2 create-image --profile proj --instance-id {} --name {} --no-reboot
how to let args differentiate the two different parameters from AWK (instnaceid, instance name tag), thereby it can be correctly pumped into the ec2 create-image on the instance-id and --name parameter accordingly
You do not need awk.Using AWS CLI, you are extracting 8 values first and then using awk to extract 2 values from that 8 values. Why? Just extract the 2 values from AWS CLI without using awk.
--query 'Reservations[*].[Instances[*].[InstanceId, [Tags[?Key==`Name`].Value][0][0]]]'
will return only the values you are interested in. Then use xargs to pass the arguments to your next command.
xargs -n2 command --arg1 $1 --arg2 $2
Your entire command becomes:
aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --profile proj --query 'Reservations[*].[Instances[*].[InstanceId, [Tags[?Key==`Name`].Value][0][0]]]' --filter --filters Name=instance-state-name,Values=stopped | xargs -n2 aws ec2 create-image --profile proj --instance-id $1 --name $2 --no-reboot

Shell script syntax, escape character

I have a shell script as given below. This script actually add AWS instance in autoscalling scale in protection group. When I run individual commands that went fine. But when I created a shell file and tried to execute same there are error. See below script
set -x
INSTANCE_ID=$(wget -q -O -
ASG_NAME=$(aws ec2 describe-tags --filters "Name=resource-id,Values=$INSTANCE_ID" --region us-east-2 | jq '.Tags[] | select(.["Key"] | contains("a:autoscaling:groupName")) | .Value')
ASG_NAME=$(echo $ASG_NAME | tr -d '"')
aws autoscaling set-instance-protection --instance-ids $INSTANCE_ID --auto-scaling-group-name $ASG_NAME --protected-from-scale-in --region us-east-2
error is as given below. I think issue is with second line. It is not able to get ASG_NAME, I tried some of escape character but nothing is working.
+++ wget -q -O -
++ INSTANCE_ID=i-----
+++ aws ec2 describe-tags --filters Name=resource-id,Values=i------ --region us-east-2
+++ jq '.Tags[] | select(.["Key"] | contains("a:autoscaling:groupName")) | .Value'
+++ echo
+++ tr -d '"'
++ aws autoscaling set-instance-protection --instance-ids i---- --auto-scaling-group-name --protected-from-scale-in --region us-east-2
usage: aws [options] <command> <subcommand> [<subcommand> ...] [parameters]
To see help text, you can run:
aws help
aws <command> help
aws <command> <subcommand> help
aws: error: argument --auto-scaling-group-name: expected one argument
> Blockquote
Solved issue by recommendation of #chepner. Modified second line by
ASG_NAME=$(aws ec2 describe-tags --filters "Name=resource-id,Values=$INSTANCE_ID" --region us-east-2 --query 'Tags[1].Value')

Trimming bash string for aws ecr repo

I need to trim a single " from a bash string both from starting and ending. I tried many things, but still didn't get the output.
Note: I tried $a{// \"}, but it didn't work.
The following code is what I have tried:
repoUri=$(aws ecr create-repository --repository-name $reponame | jq ".repository.repositoryUri")
You could use the -r jq option for "raw output" to suppress the double quotes:
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name "$reponame" \
| jq -r '.repository.repositoryUri'
But you don't actually need jq at all – you can use the --query option in the request, and suppress the double quotes with --output text:
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name "$reponame" \
--query 'repository.repositoryUri' --output text

Stopping task on AWS ECS via CLI (program output as argument input bash)

I'm trying to kill a task in ECS via the CLI.
I can fetch the task name by executing:
aws ecs list-tasks --cluster "my-cluster" --service-name "my-service" | jq .taskArns[0]
which outputs:
the full ARN of the task as a string (I have a global defaulting output to JSON).
I can kill the task by executing:
aws ecs stop-task --cluster "my-cluster" --task "task-arn"
However when I try and combine it:
aws ecs stop-task --cluster "my-cluster" --task $(aws ecs list-tasks --cluster "my-cluster" --service-name "my-service" | jq .taskArns[0])
I get:
An error occurred (InvalidParameterException) when calling the StopTask operation: taskId longer than 36.
I know this is probably bash program output/argument input interpolation but I've looked that up and cannot get to the bottom of it.
AWS cli essentially has jq built in so a better (simpler) way to query your task arn would be with:
aws ecs list-tasks --cluster "my-cluster" --service "my-service" --output text --query taskArns[0]
Maybe that helps someone:
Killing task with unique task definition name:
OLD_TASK_ID=$(aws ecs list-tasks --cluster ${ecsClusterName} --desired-status RUNNING --family ${nameTaskDefinition} | egrep "task/" | sed -E "s/.*task\/(.*)\"/\1/")
aws ecs stop-task --cluster ${ecsClusterName} --task ${OLD_TASK_ID}
Killing multiple tasks (same task definition name but different task ids):
OLD_TASK_IDS=$(aws ecs list-tasks --cluster ${ecsClusterName} --desired-status RUNNING --family ${nameTaskDefinition} | egrep "task/" | sed -E "s/.*task\/(.*)\"/\1/" | sed -z 's/\n/ /g')
IFS=', ' read -r -a array <<< "$OLD_TASK_IDS"
for element in "${array[#]}"
aws ecs stop-task --cluster ${ecsClusterName} --task ${element}
One-liner command to stop tasks in cluster/service
for taskarn in $(aws ecs list-tasks --cluster ${YOUR_CLUSTER} --service ${YOUR_SERVICE} --desired-status RUNNING --output text --query 'taskArns'); do aws ecs stop-task --cluster ${YOUR_CLUSTER} --task $taskarn; done;
One-liner version of nathanpecks great answer:
aws ecs stop-task --cluster "my-cluster" --task $(aws ecs list-tasks --cluster "my-cluster" --service "my-service" --output text --query taskArns[0])
