change user and execute one command under bash - bash

Basically, I want to switch to user postgres and get a listing of databases. This is with a Fabric script that reads command lines from a text file one by one, executes them and then saves their output to file.
su - postgres && psql -c '\l'
When I do this under bash directly:
(ssha)root ~$su - postgres && psql -c '\l'
I saw a related question, linux - Executing multiple commands under as another username within a file in BASH shell, but that wouldn't work with my 1-line-per-command scheme and I don't need a full script, just 1 command.

You can use su -c:
su - postgres -c "psql -c '\l'"
Though often you'll also have sudo, which is more robust and easier to use:
sudo -u postgres psql -c '\l'


How to ssh/sudo su - oracle/run some commands

I have already looked at the following links but didn't managed to make it work:
SSH to server, Sudo su - then run commands in bash
Can I ssh somewhere, run some commands, and then leave myself a prompt?
Run ssh and immediately execute command
I'm trying to automate the following sequence to log in to the database
$ ssh <myserver>
me#myserver$ sudo su - oracle
<enter password>
oracle#myserver$ bash
oracle#myserver$ export ORAENV_ASK=NO
oracle#myserver$ export ORACLE_SID=ORACLEDB
oracle#myserver$ . oraenv
oracle#myserver$ echo $ORACLE_HOME
I tried the command (based on the links above) but that does not work :
ssh -t myserver "echo password | sudo -S su - oracle ; bash ; export ORAENV_ASK=NO"
How can I combine thoses commands in a shell script (or even perl one), execute it and then leave myself at a prompt so I can run sqlplus after? Is that even possible?
ssh does not need password because we use authorized_keys, BUT Password-less sudo is not an option nor using su directly (I'm not root and cannot change that), the command needs to be "sudo su - oracle" exactly.
You can't do that in shell, but you can do it with expect (apt-get install expect if on Debian variants).
This is a very simple expect file. You need to do some research to make it work in your environment but this gives the general idea.
spawn ssh foo#x.x.x.x
expect "~$"
send "sudo bash\r"
expect {
password {send "foobar\r";exp_continue}
send "id\r"
expect "root"
You would run this as expect /path/to/your/expectfile.
This will log in, do sudo with password "foobar", execute id and exit. Would this be of any help?

How can I run one line of bash shell script as a specific user

I have a script I run manually (let's say) mylogin. But there's one line that needs to run as user postgres.
What is a good way to do that?
It's ok if I get a password prompt. I just need it to work somehow.
Here's what I have so far...
# Here's the part that needs to run as user `postgres`...
sudo su postgres
export PGDATA=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.4/data && pg_ctl -m fast restart
# And here we should go back to `mylogin`...
cd ~/projects/my_project
echo 'Dropping database'
bundle exec rake db:drop
# More stuff etc...
I'm using Mac OS 10.12.1.
One of the arguments for sudo is the command so you can do something like:
sudo -u <user> bash -c "command_1; command_2; etc"
where -u <user> change to your target user

"sudo su && somecommand" doesn't run somecommand

I have created a Jenkins job today, what it does is the Jenkins user should log into another server and run two commands seperated by &&:
ssh -i /creds/jenkins "sh -c 'sudo su && df'"
The loging part works fine, then it runs the sudo su command and becomes root but it never runs the second command (i.e. df).
I even did this manually and from the Jenkins machine logged into the other server (servername). Then ran sh -c "sudo su && df" with no luck.
Can you please help?
Thanks in advance
If you are trying to run the df command as root, you should instead do sudo df.
This is because with sudo su && df, you are basically executing sudo su first and then df.
Also make sure, your jenkins user can be sudo without password.
The sudo su launches a second shell, and the command containing the && df is waiting to be executed in the non-root shell, just after the sudo su shell exits successfully.
This could be what you're looking for:
sh -c 'sudo su - root -c "df"'
Edit: please note that I don't normally use or advocate the use of sudo su - root -c type of constructions. However, I have seen rare cases in which a program doesn't work properly when called via sudo/gksudo, but does work properly when called via su/gksu -- in such cases, a given user should try to use sudo -i first, and if that does not work, one might have to resort to sudo su - root -c or similar, as a workaround of sorts to deal with a "misbehaving" program. Since the OP used some similar syntax on his post, I assumed that his case could be such a workaround case, so I maintained the sudo su - root -c type of structure on my answer.
when you did sudo su && df , sudo su will start a child process immediately without waiting for the && df part of the command to execute , when you hit Ctrl + D it exits the child process and enters the parent shell , that's when your && df will execute. You should do this using here strings, it might not be the best option but it works and it does not start a new child process
sh -c "sudo su" <<<df
note: don't surround <<< df with any quotes

Need to use sudo su - in Unix shell script

I am at beginner level and I need to use sudo su - and pwd in one command line in script for two different users. (I'm using pwd as an example; the specific command is not important.)
And I am using command sudo su - user -c pwd. This command works when switching to one user, but not when switching to another.
For example:-
$ sudo su - ora -c pwd
$ sudo su - adm -c pwd
Sorry, user myuser is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/su - adm -c pwd' as root on server.
How can I make it work for 'adm' user too?
sudo is used to run a command as somebody else.
By default it runs a command as root.
You can also supply the -u option to run a command as another user.
You really shouldn't need to use sudo and su together as they do similar jobs.
Sudo does this job in a much more controlled and configurable fashion.
Sudo can be configured to control:
Who can use it.
What commands they can run.
Who they can run them as.
Whether they need to supply their password when doing so.
You can only run one command at a time, so if you need to do several things together you will need to write a script. Alternatively you can chain them together in a one liner. Or finally you can run a shell as the user you require. e.g.:
sudo bash
I think in your case you probably want to use:
sudo -u adm anycommand

Bash script : Login to postgres home from shell script

I have to take a data dump from my postgres database.
How do I log in to the postgres home ? . I have the following script but it doesn't work :
export PASSWORD= something
echo $PASSWORD | sudo -S su postgres
pg_dump somedb > dump.txt+`date +%Y-%m-%d`
However when I run this script I do not get logged to postgres#gauss:$ at the same time script doesn't throw an error. Is there something I am doing wrong here ?
The reason your script fails is that the line
echo $PASSWORD | sudo -S su postgres
causes su to fork a subordinate shell. That shell tries to read from the standard input which has already been exhausted by sudo -S in reading the password. When the shell finds no more input (EOF) it exits. The next line of your script then executes as if that quoted line never happened, and therefore runs under your UID.
See j.hloetzek's answer for a much better way to do what you want.
Also the script as pasted has a two syntax errors in it, but you shouldn't use that approach anyway.
You cannot pipe the password to the sudo command, but can allow in /etc/sudoers certain commands to be run without password (check exact syntax!)
username YOURUSERNAME = NOPASSWD: /sbin/su postgres
