how to show keypad below textfield in nativescript using modalStack? - nativescript

If I click on the textfield then keypad is open above the that field in modalstack of nativescript.
that's why textfield cannot display when fill that textfield..
First pic will show you before the click on the textfield
Second pic will show after click on the textfield.

Try to use this plugin for textfield move on open the keypad.


why cursor is not showing in tvOS Textfield

i am just adding a textfield and after clicking on textfield it opens new screen with keyboard. so there also cursor not showing.
Tried changing the tint color but its not affecting.

Image changing while pressed

I have 2 images for a JComponent, one of an unpressed button, and one of a pressed button. When I click the button, I want the image to change for the pressed one, but only while I am clicking. Which means whenever I release the mouse button, the image goes back to the unepressed button.
How can I do this?
Using a JButton, set the standard and pressed icons.

How to change button on button click in blackberry

I want to change button on same button click how i can do that in blackberry. i used frame layout in android for overlay two field one after above so how i can change field on same click in blackberry?
like e.g i want to kept two buttons on same position when i click btn1 btn2 should display and when i click btn2 btn1 should display
Hay i done with replace method thanks for all of u for reply
i used
vfm.replace(oldField, newField);
to swap
Changing part of the screen in when button clicks in Blackberry //here is the link

How to make image visible in Blackberry when button is pressed?

I want to show image when button is pressed on main screen in blackberry, How can I do this?
Simply I have a button, when I do press it, the data is loading from xml, and I want to show that data is loading, how can I do this, I have image(having text on it).
You can add that image in a vertical field manageer and add the vertical field manager to the screen on the button click. that's it..

Popup UIPicker when tapping on UITextField

I need to display/show a Picker when a user taps on a textfield, I mean, it should appear a picker instead of a keyboard. Also, some sort of "done" button above the picker so the user clicks on it and the value from the picker is copied to the textfield and the picker is hidden again.
I've checked many tutorials from the web but haven't found anyone that can really help me.
I found a tutorial that pointed me in the right direction but I'm still missing to disappear the keyboard when clicking on the textfield.
Dismissing UIPickerView with Done button on UIToolBar by #slev
Any ideas?
If you're not targeting iOS versions older than 3.2, it's easy. You can either assign the UIPickerView as the inputView property of the UITextField and the UIToolbar containing the 'done' button as the inputAccessoryView, or you could make a single UIView that has both the picker and the toolbar as subviews and assign that as the intputView (and leave inputAccessoryView as nil). Either way, this will animate your picker in in place of the normal keyboard when the text field is activated.
More details on this are available in the documentation.
