SpringBoot/Kotlin and Versioning through Content Negotiation: correct approach? - spring-boot

I have been experimenting with Content Negotiation as backend versioning for my SpringBoot/Kotlin application. I have the following:
#GetMapping("/user", produces = [MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE])
fun getUsers() {
//some code here
I have found this project combining accept" header and a "Accept-Version" custom header. I wonder whether this is the correct way of implementing a content negotiation approach and if not how can I fix it?
#GetMapping("/user", produces = [MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE], headers = ["Accept-Version=$CUSTOM_ACCEPT_HEADER"])
fun getUsers() {
//some code here
object VersioningUtility {
const val CUSTOM_ACCEPT_HEADER = "vnd.sample.com-v1+json"
//here more constants as each controller can be versioned independently
Thank you

Yes, you can implement API versioning using content negotiation by having a custom header and header value as you have specified. However, since that is not a standard header, there are other scenarios which you might have to handle by yourself, such as:
default representation when the header is not present
exception scenarios when invalid media type values are passed as part of the header.
In case you are working with only json responses, the JSON API standard for content negotiation is to send the Accept header with the value application/vnd.api+json. Since Accept is a standard request header, using that is preferred. In case you need to handle other types of responses, you can still go ahead with the custom header.
You can implement content negotiation as below:
class UserController {
#GetMapping("/users", headers = ["Accept=${VersioningUtility.VERSION_1_HEADER}"])
fun getUser(): ResponseEntity<Any> {
return ResponseEntity(listOf(User("Abraham Lincoln")), HttpStatus.OK)
#GetMapping("/users", headers = ["Accept=${VersioningUtility.VERSION_2_HEADER}"])
fun getNewUser(): ResponseEntity<Any> {
return ResponseEntity(listOf(NewUser(Name("Abraham", "Lincoln"))), HttpStatus.OK)
data class User(val name: String)
data class NewUser(val name: Name)
data class Name(val firstName: String, val lastName: String)
object VersioningUtility {
const val VERSION_1_HEADER = "application/vnd.v1+json"
const val VERSION_2_HEADER = "application/vnd.v2+json"
The above with enable you to have 2 versions of the GET /users endpoint with the Accept header.
When the curl request is made with v1 of the header value, the response would be according to the version v1
curl -L -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/users' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.v1+json'
"name": "Abraham Lincoln"
When the curl request is made with v2 of the header value, the response would be according to the version v2
curl -L -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/users' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.v2+json'
"name": {
"firstName": "Abraham",
"lastName": "Lincoln"
When an invalid header value is sent, it would respond with a 406 Not Acceptable
curl -L -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/users' \
-H 'Accept: application/vnd.abc+json'
"timestamp": "2020-04-01T18:33:16.393+0000",
"status": 406,
"error": "Not Acceptable",
"message": "Could not find acceptable representation",
"path": "/users"
When no Accept header is sent, it would respond with the default version, ie v1 here
curl -L -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/users'
"name": "Abraham Lincoln"
Even GitHub has implemented versioning with content negotiation in a similar way and you can have a look at that in their documentation.


Golang gRPC proto unexpected token

I defined a proto in Golang shown below (and the corresponding API path) and am trying to test the POST API call as shown below, but am getting the following unexpected token error.
I verified that this error is from the award_map section (defined to be map<string, People>), in which People is an array of strings. What is the proper data format for award_map in the curl request? Thanks
{"code":3, "message":"proto: syntax error : unexpected token [","details":[]}
Post API request:
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
-- request POST \
-- data '{"school_name":"MIT", "awards":["Summa-cum-laude", "Magna-cum-laude"], "award_map":{"Summa-cum-laude":[], "Magna-cum-laude": ["john", "mark"]}}' \
Proto definitions:
message People {
repeated string names = 1;
message School {
string school_name = 1;
repeated string awards = 2;
map<string, People> award_map = 3;
The award_map values need to be full People messages, not just arrays of strings. Try this:
"awards": [
"award_map": {
"Summa-cum-laude": {
"names": []
"Magna-cum-laude": {
"names": [
Copy/paste version:
Note that it isn't possible to define something like map<string, repeated string>.

Invoking GraphQL endpoints from curl failing unexpectedly

I've been using REST APIs (both as a consumer and a developer of) for many years and am just starting to work with a GraphQL API for the first time, specifically, BurpSuite's Enterprise GraphQL API. I like it but I'm definitely missing a few critical concepts.
I am trying to hit their GetScan endpoint:
curl -k -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: <MY_API_KEY>" -X GET -d '{ "query": "query GetScan ($id: ID!) { scan(id: $id) { id status agent { id name } site_application_logins { login_credentials { label username } recorded_logins { label } } audit_items { id issue_counts { total } number_of_requests } scan_configurations { id name } } }"}' 'https://mybsee.example.com/graphql/v1'
For easier reading, that graphql query is also:
query GetScan ($id: ID!) {
scan(id: $id) {
id status
agent { id name }
site_application_logins {
login_credentials { label username }
recorded_logins { label }
audit_items {
issue_counts { total }
scan_configurations { id name }
variables {
$agent: "Firefox"
Above <MY_API_KEY> has a real value when I run it (I can't post it here, obviously). Same with the URL (I have an on-premise version of BurpSuite running off, say, mybsee.example.com).
When I run that curl, I get the following output:
About to execute: query GetScan ($id: ID!) { scan(id: $id) { id status agent { id name } site_application_logins { login_credentials { label username } recorded_logins { label } } audit_items { id issue_counts { total } number_of_requests } scan_configurations { id name } } }
HTTP/2 200
date: Wed, 20 Oct 2021 23:33:50 GMT
x-frame-options: DENY
<lots of response headers omitted>
{"errors":[{"message":"Unexpected exception occurred. Check logs for more details.","extensions":{"code":77}}]}
I don't have access to the server logs, so I'm trying to rule out an issue on the client-side (bad call to GetScan on my part). Anything look wrong to anybody? Should I be injecting values to any of the fields in the query, such as id or status, etc.? If so, how (specifically) could I change the query to be valid? I'm also not sure if I need to append a "query" JSON field name into the actual query or not.
Thanks for any and all help here.
I do realize that this is not a perfectly answerable problem, because the BurpSuite API is unfortunately proprietary and you cannot obtain an API key from them unless you purchase the product or go through a lot of rigamarole to get a free trial license.
But more importantly, I'm not looking for anyone to fish for me here, I'm hoping someone can teach me how to fish. In reality I need to integrate with a lot more GraphQL endpoints besides this one, but if someone can show me the proper way to construct one query, I can take it from there.
The safest way to do this is to use jq to generate correctly-escaped JSON with both your query and its parameters.
Building a function to automate that:
# usage: gqlQuery http://ENDPOINT/graphql "$query" arg1=val1 arg2=val2 ...
gqlQuery() {
local endpoint query postBody
local -a jqArgs=( )
endpoint=$1; shift || return
query=$1; shift || return
while (( $# )); do
case $1 in
# the variable name "query" is used for passing in, well, the query
query=*) echo "ERROR: variable name query is reserved" >&2; return 1;;
# 'foo=JSON:["bar", "baz"]' passes ["bar", "baz"] as a list, not a string
*=JSON:*) jqArgs+=( --argjson "${1%%=*}" "${1#*=}" ) ;;
# without JSON:, everything gets passed as a string to the child
*=*) jqArgs+=( --arg "${1%%=*}" "${1#*=}" ) ;;
# arguments without a = are not recognized
*) echo "ERROR: Argument $1 not well-formed" >&2; return 1;;
postBody=$(jq -nc \
--arg query "$query" \
"${jqArgs[#]}" \
'{ "query": $query, "variables": ($ARGS.named | del(.query)) }'
) || return
curl --fail -XPOST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d "$postBody" "$endpoint"
...you might use such a function as:
getScanQuery='query GetScan ($id: ID!) { scan(id: $id) { id status agent { id name } site_application_logins { login_credentials { label username } recorded_logins { label } } audit_items { id issue_counts { total } number_of_requests } scan_configurations { id name } } }'
scanIdToRetrieve=1000 # replace with whatever is appropriate
result=$(gqlQuery "$myUrl" "$getScanQuery" id="$scanIdToRetrieve")
curl -k -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" -X POST -d "{ \"query\": \"$string\"}" '<API_URL>'
You did almost everything right. Just Change the HTTP Method to POST instead of GET. GET will try to fetch the whole page, POST on the other hand will interact with the GraphQL API.
Nevertheless stated in the GraphQL serving over HTTP page that GET Method should also work with queries under certain limtations. Refer the links for more Information.
Also consider visting other Webpages which lead me to this resolution;
Introduction to GraphQL on GitHub
Making GraphQL Requests using HTTP Methods
Burp Suite Enterprise GraphQL forum discussion with the same Error code of yours

SpringBoot: Using #RequestParam and #RequestBody together

It looks like there are a few questions on this topic, but many are now out of date, or are asking reasonably different things.
I am using SpringBoot and the #RestController annotation.
I have a simple use case. I want to send a JSON string to a REST endpoint, that also contains a RequestParameter.
For example, I want to do
curl -d '{ "name": "Joe Bloggs" }' http://localhost:8080/test?debug=Y
I don't want to send the request parameter in the
I have a method signature that accepts both a request parameter and a request body (it's Kotlin, but I don't think that actually makes any difference here).
#PostMapping(value = ["/test"])
fun getGCP(#RequestBody json: String, #RequestParam debug: String) : String
I can access the RequestParam fine, but the RequestBody contains more than just the JSON I have sent through in the body, it contains a merge of the body and the request parameters. In the example above it would output the following for the body binding
debug=Y&{"name": "Joe Blogs"}=
Is there a way that I can simply get the RequestParameter and RequestBody as separate entities?
The problem was the content encoding of the incoming request. Changing the curl command to
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "name": "Joe Bloggs" }' http://localhost:8080/test?debug=Y
Resulted in my output showing
json={ "name": "Joe Bloggs" }

Is GitHub API returning an invalid result for the schema query?

type __Schema {
types: [__Type!]!
queryType: __Type!
mutationType: __Type
subscriptionType: __Type
directives: [__Directive!]!
type __Type {
kind: __TypeKind!
name: String
description: String
Information downloaded from https://developer.github.com/v4/guides/intro-to-graphql/#discovering-the-graphql-api (curl -H "Authorization: bearer token" https://api.github.com/graphql)
(beginning of the file
"data": {
"__schema": {
"queryType": {
"name": "Query"
"mutationType": {
"name": "Mutation"
"subscriptionType": null,
"types": [
"kind": "SCALAR",
"name": "Boolean",
I interpreted this so this GitHub schema result is invalid because queryType doesn't specify a kind which is nonNullable (kind: __TypeKind!)
Is this result violating the schema rules or am I missing something?
This response passes validation because a missing field is not the same thing as a field that returns null. A field will be missing from the response only if it wasn't requested in the first place.
If you go to GitHub's GraphQL Explorer, you can generate an introspection query yourself, request the kind field as part of the selection set of the queryType field and it will return the field with a non-null value.
__schema {
queryType {
"data": {
"__schema": {
"queryType": {
"kind": "OBJECT"
Fetching the schema by making a GET request to some endpoint is convenient, but it's not the standard way to introspect the schema. Instead, you should make the request using whatever selection set is needed against the endpoint itself. The drawback of doing it this less conventional way is made apparent by this question. In this case, whatever introspection query GitHub is making for you under the hood is missing one or more fields that could otherwise be requested. Because you're not the one making the introspection query, you don't know what to expect in terms of the shape of the response.

FHIR: ProcedureRequest How to retrieve all data fields of ProcedureRequest?

I am unable to retrieve all the fields, which i post for ProcedureRequest to a FHIR database.
Step 1: Post Request
curl -X POST https://fhir.dstu2.safetylabs.org/api/smartdstu2/open/ProcedureRequest \
-H 'Content-type: application/json+fhir' \
--data #ProcedureRequest.js
Result of POST
"div":"<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><h1>Operation Outcome</h1><table border=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"font-weight: bold;\">information</td><td>[]</td><td><pre>Successfully created resource "ProcedureRequest/7660/_history/1" in 7ms</pre></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</table>\n\t</div>"
"diagnostics":"Successfully created resource \"ProcedureRequest/7660/_history/1\" in 7ms"
This request was successful.
The JSON was validated from JSON validator, and It is also validated from hapi test Server from given link
" https://fhirtest.uhn.ca/resource?serverId=home_21&pretty=false&resource=ProcedureRequest"
Step 2: Retrieve Request
curl -X GET https://fhir.dstu2.safetylabs.org/api/smartdstu2/open/ProcedureRequest/7660
Results of GET
"div":"<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><p><b>Generated Narrative with Details</b></p><p><b>id</b>: subrequest</p><p><b>definition</b>: Protocol for alergies</p><p><b>basedOn</b>: Original Request</p><p><b>replaces</b>: Previous allergy test</p><p><b>requisition</b>: A13848392</p><p><b>status</b>: active</p><p><b>intent</b>: instance-order</p><p><b>priority</b>: routine</p><p><b>code</b>: Peanut IgG <span>(Details : {LOINC code '35542-0' = 'Peanut IgG Ab [Mass/volume] in Serum)</span></p><p><b>subject</b>: <a>Patient/dicom</a></p><p><b>occurrence</b>: 08/05/2013 9:33:27 AM</p><h3>Requesters</h3><table><tr><td>-</td><td><b>Agent</b></td></tr><tr><td>*</td><td><a>Dr. Adam Careful</a></td></tr></table><p><b>performerType</b>: Nurse <span>(Details : {[not stated] code 'null' = 'null', given as 'Qualified nurse'})</span></p><p><b>reasonCode</b>: Check for Peanut Allergy <span>(Details )</span></p><p><b>bodySite</b>: Right arm <span>(Details : {[not stated] code 'null' = 'null', given as 'Right arm'})</span></p></div>"
"text":"Peanut IgG"
"display":"Right arm"
"text":"Right arm"
Note that Retrieve did not retrieve the following fields
Question : How do I request all the fields I posted?
That's because you posted to a DSTU2 server and those elements don't exist in DSTU2 - so the server ignored them (as servers are allowed to do with unrecognized elements). If you post to a DSTU3 server, the elements should be stored - if the server supports them, which most test servers do.
