Is it possible to run __libc_start_main from C code? - glibc

Function __libc_start_main is defined in with below function signature
void __libc_start_main( int (*main) (int, char * *, char * *),
int argc, char * * ubp_av,
void (*init) (void),
void (*fini) (void),
void (*rtld_fini) (void),
void (* stack_end));
In normal usage, this function is called by function _start which is defined in C RunTime object crt1.o.
Is it possible to call __libc_start_main in C code?
I could not find a way to determine the value of last argument stack_end in C code. The implementation of crt1.o is in assembly, which is able to determine stack_end.
PS: I am just curious if we are able to call __libc_start_main in C code.

In general, this is not possible because __libc_start_main must only be called once per process, and if you try to call it from C code, it will already have run or will be invoked later, a second time. Neither will work reliably, and future glibc changes may break such code.
You should post a new question with the actual problem you are trying to solve.


Does MSP430 GCC support newer C++ standards? (like 11, 14, 17)

I'm writing some code that would greatly benefit from the concise syntax of lambdas, which were introduced with C++ 11. Is this supported by the compiler?
How do I specify the compiler flags when compiling using Energia or embedXcode?
As of February 2018, up to C++14 is supported with some limitations:
There isn't much about this topic on the TI site, or, at least, I don't know enough C++ to give you a detailed and precise response.
The implementation of the embedded ABI is described in this document that is mainly a derivation of the Itanium C++ ABI. It explains nothing about the implementation of lambdas nor the auto, keyword (or probably I'm not able to derive this information from the documentation).
Thus I decided to directly test in Energia. Apparently the g++ version is 4.6.3, thus it should support both.
And in fact (from a compilation point of view, I don't have my MSP here to test the code) it can compile something like:
// In template.hpp
template<class T>
T func(T a) {
auto c = [&](int n) { return n + a; };
return c(0);
#endif /* TEMPLATE_HPP_ */
// in the sketch main
#include "template.hpp"
void setup() { int b = func<int>(0); }
void loop() { }
(the template works only if in an header, in the main sketch raises an error). To compile this sketch I had to modify one internal file of the editor. The maximum supported standard seems to be -std=c++0x, and the compilation flags are in the file:
in my setup the root is in /opt/energia. Inside that file I modified line 32 (compiler.cpp.flags) and added the option. Notice that -std=c++11 is not supported (raises an error).
compiler.cpp.flags=-std=c++0x -c -g -O2 {compiler.mlarge_flag} {compiler.warning_flags} -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD
Unfortunately I have zero experience with embedXcode :\
Mimic std::function
std::function is not provided, thus you have to write some sort of class that mimics it. Something like:
// callback.hpp
template <class RET, class ARG>
class Callback {
RET (*_f)(ARG);
Callback() : _f(0) { };
Callback(RET (*f)(ARG)) : _f(f) { };
bool is_set() const { return (_f) ? true : false; }
RET operator()(ARG a) const { return is_set() ? _f(a) : 0; }
#endif /* CALLBACK_HPP_ */
// sketch
#include "callback.hpp"
// | !! empty capture!
void setup() { // V
auto clb = Callback<int, char>([](char c) { return (int)c; });
if (clb.is_set())
auto b = clb('a');
void loop() {}
may do the work, and it uses a simple trick:
The closure type for a lambda-expression with no lambda-capture has a public non-virtual non-explicit const conversion function to pointer to function having the same parameter and return types as the closure type’s function call operator. [C++11 standard 5.1.2]
As soon as you leave the capture empty, you are assured to have a "conversion" to a function pointer, thus you can store it without issues. The code I have written:
requires a first template RET that is the returned type
requires a second template ARG that is one argument for the callback. In the majority of the case you may consider to use void* as common argument (cast a struct pointer in a void pointer and use it as argument, to counter-cast in the function, the operation costs nothing)
implements two constructors: the empty constructor initialize the function pointer to NULL, while the second directly assigns the callback. Notice that the copy constructor is missing, you need to implement it.
implements a method to call the function (overloading the operator ()) and to check if the callback actually exists.
Again: this stuff compiles with no warnings, but I don't know if it works on the MSP430, since I cannot test it (it works on a common amd64 linux system).

link functions with mismatching signature

I'm playing around with gcc and g++ compiler and trying to compile some C code within those, my purpose is to see how the compiler / linker enforces that when linking a model with some function declaration to a model with that implementation of that function, the correct function are linked ( in terms of parameters passed and values returned )
for example let's take a look at this code
#include <stdio.h>
extern int foo(int b, int c);
int main()
int f = foo(5, 8);
after compilation within my symbol table I'd have a symbol for foo, but within the elf file format there is not place that describes the arguments taken and the function signature, ( int(int,int) ), so basically if I write some other code such as this:
char foo(int a, int b, int c)
return (char) ( a + b + c );
compile that model it'll also have some symbol called foo, what if I link these models together, what's gonna happen? I have never thought of this, and how would a compiler overcome this weakness... I know that within g++ the compiler generates some prefix for every symbol regarding to it's namespace, but does it also take in mind the signature? If anyone has ever encountered this it would be great if he could shed some light upon this problem
The problem is solved with name mangling.
In compiler construction, name mangling (also called name decoration)
is a technique used to solve various problems caused by the need to
resolve unique names for programming entities in many modern
programming languages.
It provides a way of encoding additional information in the name of a
function, structure, class or another datatype in order to pass more
semantic information from the compilers to linkers.
The need arises where the language allows different entities to be
named with the same identifier as long as they occupy a different
namespace (where a namespace is typically defined by a module, class,
or explicit namespace directive) or have different signatures (such as
function overloading).
Note the simple example:
Consider the following two definitions of f() in a C++ program:
int f (void) { return 1; }
int f (int) { return 0; }
void g (void) { int i = f(), j = f(0); }
These are distinct functions, with no relation to each other apart
from the name. If they were natively translated into C with no
changes, the result would be an error — C does not permit two
functions with the same name. The C++ compiler therefore will encode
the type information in the symbol name, the result being something
int __f_v (void) { return 1; }
int __f_i (int) { return 0; }
void __g_v (void) { int i = __f_v(), j = __f_i(0); }
Notice that g() is mangled even though there is no conflict; name
mangling applies to all symbols.
Wow, I've kept exploring and testing it on my own and I came up with a solution which quietly amazed my mind,
so I wrote the following code and compiled it on a gcc compiler
#include <stdio.h>
extern int foo(int a, char b);
int main()
int g = foo(5, 6);
printf("%d", g);
return 0;
typedef struct{
int a;
int b;
char c;
char d;
} mystruct;
mystruct foo(int a, int b)
mystruct myl;
my.a = a;
my.b = a + 1;
my.c = (char) b;
my.d = (char b + 1;
return my1;
now I compiled foo.c to foo.o with gcc firstly and checked the symbol table using
readelf and I had some entry called foo
also after that I compiled main.c to main.o checked the symbol table and it also had some entry called foo, I linked those two together and surprisingly it worked, I ran main.o and obviously encountered some segmentation fault, which makes sense as the actual implementation of foo as implemented in foo.o probably expects three parameters (first one should be struct adders), a parameter which isn't passed in main.o under it's definition to foo then the actual implementation accesses some memory that doesn't belong to it from the stack frame of main, then tries accessing addresses that it thought it got, and ends up with segmentation fault, that's fine,
now I compiled both models again with g++ and not gcc and what came up was amazing.. I found out that the symbol entry under foo.o was _Z3fooii and under main.o it was _Z3fooic, now my guess is that the ii suffix means int int and ic suffix means int char which probably refers to the parameters that should be passed to function hence allowing the compiler to know some function deceleration gets the actual implementation. so I changed my foo declaration in main.c to
extern int foo(int a, int b);
re-compiled and this time got the symbol _Z3fooii, I linked both models again and amazingly this time it worked, I tried running it and again encountered segmentation fault, which again also makes sense as the compiler wont always even authorize correct return values.. anyways what was my original thought - that g++ includes function signature within symbol name and thus enforces the linker to give function implementation get correct parameters to correct function declaration

Get address of a function which has variadic templates in C++11

When saving the address of a function with a variadic template, the g++ compiler (Version 4.8.2) outputs this error:
address of overloaded function with no contextual type information
The code in question:
template<typename... Args>
void redirect_function(const char *format, Args... args)
pLog->Write(format, args...); // or: printf(format, args...);
void *fnPtr = (void *)&redirect_function; // The error occurs here.
Here is what I do with this somewhere else:
typedef void (*log_bridge)(const char*, ...);
log_bridge LogWrite;
LogWrite = (log_bridge)fnPtr;
I have no other possibility to this so please don't suggest completely different ways of solving this.
Well. It is simple why it's not possible. You have a clear ambiguousity. redirect_function is not a function; as all template functions it's more like a set of overloads generated from the template for different types of arguments.
The function needs to get instantiated first to be able to get its address, and you provide no necessary information to do this.
In other words the problem is that you cannot possibly know which concrete overload of redirect_function you should use on the problematic line.
The only thing you could do is to provide template arguments explicitly.

Halide: OpenCL code generation

Is it possible in Halide to produce a file which contains generated OpenCL code? I have tried to produce a c file from a Halide program which target would be opencl, but I don't see any opencl specfic code there.
Edit 1:
I would like to see especially how kernels are created in Halide. Something like this:
static char
kernelSourceCode[] =
kernel void test_kernel(int a, int b, __global int *out)
out[0] = a + b;
Edit 2:
Ok, I put HL_DEBUG_CODEGEN=1 to env variable and set in the code set_target(Target::Debug). I got bunch of code on the screen, which some of were OpenCL code but I still can't see any kernel spesific code.
There are two lines on the screen which indicates about kernels. Should there be something?
OpenCL kernel:
/*OpenCL C*/
Then there is also a line:
kernel void _at_least_one_kernel(int x) { }
In example if I have a function like this:
gradient(x, y) = x + y;
Is the function inside a kernel if I want to target to OpenCL?
Here is what I managed to spot from documentation
CUDA or OpenCL are not enabled by default. You have to construct a Target object, enable one of them, and then pass that target object to compile_jit.
Target target = get_host_target();
Or similarely you can use compile_to method, by providing the correct target.
EXPORT void Halide::Func::compile_to(const Outputs & output_files,
std::vector<Argument> args,
const std::string& fn_name,
const Target& target = get_target_from_environment()

Changing function reference in Mac OS Process at runtime

I need to change reference of a function in a Mac OS process at runtime to a custom function defined in my own custom dylib. I kept the new function signature same as the original.
For example I need to change "open" function to "myopen" function.
I tried processing __LINKEDIT segment to get the dynamic symbol table and string table.
I used following pointers,
1. the VMAddrress from __LINKEDIT segment,
2. mach_header and vmaddr_slide from the "_dyld_register_func_for_add_image" callback,
3. symoff and stroff from symtab_command.
But I am unable to get the symbol table and string table mentioned in the __LINKEDIT segment.
Can someone throw some light on this?
Thanks in advance.
If the function in question is a library function, and not statically compiled into the executable, you don't need to do any of that - you can use function interposing, instead. Specifically, add this to your library:
// The attribute creates a Mach-O Section in your library - q.v. libgmalloc.dylib for
// a nice example
static const interpose_t interposing_functions[] \
__attribute__ ((section("__DATA, __interpose"))) = {
{ (void *)my_open, (void *)open },
{ (void *)my_close, (void *)close }, // .. etc
int my_open(const char *path, int flags, mode_t mode)
int rc;
// Prolog - do something before open
rc = open(path, flags, mode); // call real open
// Epilog - record rc, etc..
return rc;
There are several excellent books on OS X internals which can provide you with samples, though apparently according to S.O site policies we can't link you to them. That said, the above code snippet should work. Bear in mind, that this won't work on calls to open performed by other dylibs (though there are more complicated ways to get that, as well)
