Add references Visual Studio 2010 (NuGet) - visual-studio

I am trying to use some references in Visual Studio, I have installed NuGet to use some libraries.
Is there a way to use only part of the package installed with NuGet? For example, if I am using TeklaOpenApi and the following .dll files are installed with this package:
Use for example just TeklaModel, could I do this using NuGet?

Is there a way to use only part of the package installed with NuGet?
I am afraid that you cannot get what you want. It is designed by nuget package. Usually, when the nuget package contains other dlls which means they are probably depended on a master DLL, or used at runtime.
All of them play an important role in this nuget, so we cannot easily remove them.
Although we can use Assembly Reference format(Right-click on References-->Add Reference--> choose one Dll) to reference the specific dll, but there is a risk that if the DLL depends on other corresponding DLL, an error will be reported. So we don't recommend it.
The best way is to install the whole nuget package with all the related dlls.
Hope it could help you.


Copy DLLs dependancy files to Main project

I have a visual studio solution (microsoft visual studio professional 2017) with a main project, that uses classes from a DLL project in the same solution.
The DLL is a "class Library (.NET framework).
Main project is (for my preliminary investigations) a console app. Future versions will be a WPF. I think that the problem appears on all applications that use DLLs that use other DLLs.
The DLL uses other DLLs from a Nuget package. In this case: SQLite. I want to hide to my main project that my DLL uses Sqlite. That makes it possible to change it in future versions to a different database, or maybe use entity framework to access the data.
So my main project only knows that it uses the DLL in the same solution. It does not know that this DLL uses other DLLs.
Problem: These other DLLS are not copied to my main application folder.
This has been asked before: Copying a DLL's dependencies in Visual Studio
The answer says that you should use classes from the Sqlite to make sure the DLLs are copied. That is just what I wanted to prevent: users of my DLL should not have to know that this DLL uses SQLite
That question is 11 years old.
I wonder if Visual Studio has now a better solution for this.
A method to solve the problem was given in Install and manage packages in Visual Studio using the NuGet Package Manager. It is not ideal, the main project still needs to know that the other projects use certain Nuget packages, but at least you don't have to edit the .csproj files, nor type command lines
MyMainProject. Refers to MyDll
MyDll. Uses Nuget packages
In Visual Studio. Menu - Tools - Nuget Package Manager
The window that opens shows the installed Nuget packages. If you click on them, you can see on the right the projects that use these packages.
For all installed packages that your main program complains that it is missing at run time, check the box near MyMainProject. At the bottom click Install.
Alas, I'd rather have something in project MyDll that tells everyone who uses this DLL that they also need these Nuget packages. But for the time being I'll use this method.
Will check again in 11 years if there is any improvement.

Is there a better method than Solution Folders for referenced DLLs in TFS?

We've just switched from SVN to TFS 2013, and I'm trying to set up a new gated build.
The project I'm currently working on has a couple of "referenced assemblies": DLL's it's dependent on which are fixed in place and don't have a nuget reference. As soon as I tried to compile my new build, it failed complaining it couldn't find these DLLs.
I assumed the answer was to include them in the solution somewhere. Which is fine, except that using solution folders appears to be a flaky, error-prone and rather rubbish way to fix things, as per Storing referenced Dlls in visual studio solution folder
However, that dates from 2011. Are there any better and more reliable ways of achieving this?
Don't discount the nuget option so quickly :) If there is no publicly available nuget package available you can wrap your assemblies in your own nuget package using the nuget package explorer:
Does the fact that you mention nuget mean you're already using nuget for other references? If so mdkes sensd to stick with it. Also are these reference assemblies third party or built internally?

How to make sure nuget assemblies are added by package rather than only reference to DLL file?

I have noticed many times that developers tend to reference assemblies directly by browsing to the .dll file under the .\packages folder (installed by another project) and adding that to project references instead of installing the nuget package on that project. In that case, even though it compiles, but the Nuget Package Manager does not know that the referenced assembly is from a package, and so updating the package solution-wide does not update those references in that project. If you are doing a Service Oriented architecture where each piece of feature in your application is a separate project in the solution, then you probably have hundred of projects, and managing those references would become a nightmare. Is there any way to prevent developers from referencing assemblies directly if they belong to a nuget package? For example is there any MSBuild task to verify all references to package assemblies require the package to be installed on the project?
If your team uses resharper, they have a plugin to help with this:
I'm guessing the issue is caused by people using resharper without it, since by default VS won't know to include that DLL but Resharper will find it and reference it (and not update package config without the plugin)
Also get used having people using nuget at the solution level, not project level. That will force people to update all nuget packages across the solution, and not leave you with V on Project A and v on Project B.

Installing assemblies to special folders like VS PrivateAssemblies in NuGet package

We are going to publish one of our commercial components, a .NET grid control, as a NuGet package. The product is separated into 2 DLLs - one is the core functionality, and the other is the design-time support assembly. The core assembly can be redistributed as a "normal" DLL and can be placed into any location. But to make the whole product work properly in VS IDE, the design-time part should be installed into a special folder like the Visual Studio PrivateAssemblies folder or into any folder with a special registry key that points to it. Do NuGet packages allow us to do this?
You need to use Chocolatey packages for a run-time dependency like this. NuGet packages are [designed for] for build-time dependencies only.
See - Chocolatey uses NuGet under the hood, but has a different focus. You'd probably use NuGet for the "anywhere" DLLs, and a separate Chocolatey package for the VS designer support.

Why use NuGet over installing libraries directly on my machine

I don't get it - can someone please explain to me why I should use NuGet rather than installing a bunch of libraries via a setup.exe or MSI? What advantage is there?
For example is it better to install Entity Framework 4.3 via NuGet rather than downloading the setup? Also, if I install entity framework via NuGet then is it available to any new solutions or projects that I create (bit confused here).
Basically what does NuGet do that a normal install doesn't do (or vice versa!)
Besides making it simple to add a package to your project, I think NuGet's biggest advantage is dependency management.
NuGet allows project owners to package their libraries as packages. Before, if they depended on other libraries like log4net, they would include those assemblies in their setup/zip file and upload to their web site.
With NuGet, they simply add a reference to these external packages in the .nuspec file. When NuGet installs the package, it will see that there are dependencies and will automatically download and install those packages as well. It also supports conflict management so that if 2 packages depends on different versions, it will figure out the correct one to install.
I think the best way to determine if NuGet will work for you is to actually try using it. I'm sure that once you do, you'll realize that it has many benefits.
Nuget provides several additional benefits:
it automatically configures your projects by adding references to the necessary assemblies, creating and adding project files (e.g. configuration), etc.
it provides package updates
it does all of this very conveniently
What advantage is there?
Nuget simplifies third libraries incorporation : With a single command line (Install-Package EntityFramework) you make your package available for your project. Instead of googling-find the package-download-setup-reference the package in your project...
Auto-Update is not mandatory, Nuget configuration file let you specify the version, or the range of version, that your application is compatible with.
Also, if I install entity framework via Nuget then is it available to any new solutions or projects that I create
Once you installed a package, dlls are copied in a directory at solution level, you can then reference them from there in others projects of your solution.
For each new solutions, re-installing packages is a better solution. As it is very easy with nuget, it won't be a problem.
Nuget contributes to creating a DLL hell and makes the solution go out of control very quickly, especially when different versions of so called "packages" come into play. Apart from assembly versioning, there are now nuget package versions. Nuget is just adding another wrapper over DLLs and does nothing that would make developers' life easier.
