joomla administrator edit own user groups - joomla

As an Administrator in Joomla, one can add new users and change their user groups, but not to select edit their own groups.
Is there a setting by which administrator can edit their own set of groups? I did not find such in permissions.
I know, this could be achieved by person creating another administrator, and then by that editing the creators groups, but I was wondering if there is a way to do this without creating another account?


Create Roles and Users in magento but as a non admin

My client wants the access to create users and roles in magento, i have already given him a limited users created by myself, in that users there is not permission to add users and roles.
My question: Is there any way i can give him permissions to add users and roles but, all the menus that i have made hidden should stay hidden.
What i Want to achieve
I want to give access of creating roles and users to my client, but i don't to revel some menu like "System" to him
In Magento 1.X:
System->Permission->Roles->(Role Name)->Roles Resources->Custom
In Magneto 2.X:
System->User Roles->(Role Name)->Roles Resources->Custom
To give the access for "Roles and User" you have to reveal the
"system" menu to the user as it's the parent of "Roles and User". But, you can disable other inner menus by unchecking them.
You have to only check the System > Permission > Roles > User Bosex from Roles Resouce Tree and it will only allow the user to access the Roles and User.

Joomla 3: Permission to manage users and nothing else

I'm developing a Joomla 3 website, where registered users can belong to several groups of interests (music, theater, technology, and so on).
I would like to give permission to my client to edit users by placing them in groups he desired. For example: user 1 can be in music and theater group; user 2 just registered (no group) and user 3 in technology group. Unfortunately the only permission that Joomla 3 allows you to edit users is the Administrator, but if I give this permission to my client, he will be able to edit articles, themes and other features that I do not want it to edit.
How can I create an access level that can manage only users list?
Thank you and sorry about my english.
Create a new group, assign that group only permission for managing users and whatever else you want and assign your users to that group but not admin.
As a short answer, if you don't want you client to be administrator, you can assign him to the manager user-group.
Then go into the Users Manager Component and click the Options button to go into its configuration page.
There you can override the Permissions Settings for the Users Manager component, so the Managers users will be allowed to Access Administration Interface of the component.
You will have the change the respective setting from inherit to allowed.
Of course if needed, you can create a complete custom ACL, with special usergroups for your users that will have certain accessibility and permissions.
But be careful, because ACL sometimes can be confusing and you might end up with a total mess.

Joomla Global Configuration allow access for administrator group

I need to allow the administrator group to access to System->Global Configuration page.
By Global Configuration page I intend that page that has the Site, System, Server, Permissions, Text and Filters tabs.
I don't see this component anywhere to configure it, so I understand that it is meant only for the Super Users.
So maybe I have to edit administrator/components/com_config. But where and how?
The only way to give that kind of access is to make the users Super Admins under the Users section. You can see a list of the default user groups and their roles here: Changing User Groups
Here is the process to change a user's group:
Log into the Administrator Back-end via the sitename/administrator URL.
Click on Site, then User Manager
Click on the check box next to the user you want to change, then click Edit in the top right corner.
In the User Details section, change the user's group.
Click Save.

Add role to the customer and give certain permissions in Magento

I am working on the website where by using magento I need to create an account when the user is registered, then I need to give that user permission to add products to my predefined categories. I don't know how this could be done. And I really need help with this.
I think you're looking for a dropshipping extension.
This one is said to be one of the best:
There are few of these types of extensions, so a quick google search will show you all of them.
are you referring to a customer on the front-end or an admin user on the back-end?
For an admin user you can limit a admin users permissions by assigning them to a role that can only interact with the catalog module.

Magento user roles question?

I am learning through the Magento theme customization and Module creation steps, i have a question about user roles in Magento
If i have multiple stores in my website, will the admin of one store can access details of another store. And is there any super admin like user role who can view all the stores products?
The backend for magento is one so different users with different privilege can enter the same backend for all store...
you can also limit access of user to different features and configurations. Like you can give one user the privilege to see orders and another one to approve invoices.
Plus you can define the scope so that one user can enter certain store values.
The default admin have access to all store all features.
