oracle forms 12. how to display leading zero of decimal numbers - oracle

I wish to display decimal numbers (from a query) into text items.
if I set
:TXT_ITEM := '0,000123456789'
it works. But, if :TXT_ITEM is bound to a numeric table field, value is displayed as ,000123456789.
I'm trying to force format number on several triggers (post-change, when-new-record-instance, post-text...), unsuccessfully. On other hand, setting format_mask would force my DB value to a given number of decimal digits.
How can I get leading zero to be displayed?

See if any of these two options help.
Sample data:
SQL> create table test as
2 (select 12.34 col from dual union all
3 select 0.1234003 from dual union all
4 select -13.43432203 from dual union all
5 select 0.00012345221 from dual union all
6 select -0.002412428238234821 from dual
7 );
Table created.
SQL> desc test;
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
SQL> select col,
2 regexp_replace(col, '^(-?)([.,])', '\10\2') result1,
3 rtrim(to_char(col, 'fm90D999999999999999999999'), '.') result2
4 from test;
---------- ------------------------- -------------------------
12,34 12,34 12,34
,1234003 0,1234003 0,1234003
-13,434322 -13,43432203 -13,43432203
,000123452 0,00012345221 0,00012345221
-,00241243 -0,002412428238234821 -0,002412428238234821
How would use it/them in Forms? Exactly like that - you'd e.g.
select regexp_replace(col, '^(-?)([.,])', '\10\2')
into :block.text_item
from your_table
where some_condition;

Seems the concerned numeric data in the table is of type
in this case it's enough to set TXT_ITEMs Format Mask attribute within the Data part of Property Palette as
with precision of 13 and scale of 12 values.
Considering the scale part is fixed, you can add more zeroes before D character depending on your column's precision value such as two zeroes before D are kept for NUMBER(14,12) or three zeroes for NUMBER(15,12).


Allow multiple values from SSRS in oracle

I have a query that gets contract_types 1 to 10. This query is being used in an SSRS report to filter out a larger dataset. I am using -1 for nulls and -2 for all.
I would like to know how we would allow multiple values - does oracle concatenate the inputs together so '1,2,3' would be passed in? Say we get select -1,0,1 in SSRS, how could we alter the bottom query to return values?
My query to get ContractTypes:
CASE WHEN ContractType = -2 THEN 'All'
WHEN ContractType = -1 THEN'Null'
ELSE to_Char(ContractType)
END AS DisplayFigure
FROM ContractTypes
which returns
ContractType DisplayFig
-1 Null
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
This currently is only returning single values or all, not muliple values:
FROM Employee
WHERE NVL(CONTRACT_TYPE, -1) = :contract_type or :contract_type = -2
I'm assuming we want to do something like:
WHERE NVL(CONTRACT_TYPE, -1) IN (:contract_type)
But this doesn't seem to work.
Data in Employee
Name ContractType
Bob 1
Sue 0
Bill Null
Joe 2
In my report, I want to be able to select contract_type as -1(null),0,1 using the 'allow muliple values' checkbox. At the moment, I can only select either 'all' using my -2 value, or single contract types.
My input would be: contract type = -1,1,2
My output would be Bill, Bob, Joe.
This is how I'm executing my code
I use SSRS with Oracle a lot so I see where you're coming from. Thankfully, they work pretty well together.
First make sure the parameter is set to allow multiple values. This adds a Select All option to your dropdown so you don't have to worry about adding a special case for "All". You'll want to make sure the dataset for the parameter has a row with -1 as the Value and a friendly description for the Label.
Next, the WHERE clause would be just as you mentioned:
WHERE NVL(CONTRACT_TYPE, -1) IN (:contract_type)
SSRS automatically populates the values. There is no XML or string manipulation needed. Keep in mind that this will not work with single-value parameters.
If for some reason this still doesn't work as expected in your environment, there is another workaround you can use which is more universal and works even with ODBC connections.
In the dataset parameter properties, use an expression like this to concatenate the values into a single, comma-separated string:
="," + Join(Parameters!Parameter.Value, ",") + ","
Then use an expression like this in your WHERE clause:
where :parameter like '%,' + Column + ',%'
Obviously, this is less efficient because it most likely won't be using an index, but it works.
I don't know SSRS, but - if I understood you correctly, you'll have to split that comma-separated values list into rows. Something like in this example:
SQL> select *
2 from dept
3 where deptno in (select regexp_substr('&&contract_type', '[^,]+', 1, level)
4 from dual
5 connect by level <= regexp_count('&&contract_type', ',') + 1
6 );
Enter value for contract_type: 10,20,40
---------- -------------------- --------------------
Applied to your code:
select *
from employee
where nvl(contract_type, -1) in (select regexp_substr(:contract_type, '[^,]+', 1, level)
from dual
connect by level <= regexp_substr(:contract_type, ',') + 1
If you have the comma separated list of numbers and then if you like to split it then, the below seems simple and easy to maintain.
select to_number(column_value) from xmltable(:val);
Inputs: 1,2,3,4
I guess I understood your problem. If I am correct the below should solve your problem:
with inputs(Name, ContractType) as
select 'Bob', 1 from dual union all
select 'Sue', 0 from dual union all
select 'Bill', Null from dual union all
select 'Joe', 2 from dual
select *
from inputs
where decode(:ContractType,'-2',-2,nvl(ContractType,-1)) in (select to_number(column_value) from xmltable(:ContractType))
Inputs: -1,1,2
Inputs: -2

Validating decimals in a column - oracle sqldeveloper

Im trying to come up with a test that validates decimals in a particular column (with 220000 records). For example for column A there shouldn't be any values with more decimals than 2, 1 is also ok.
for example :
Column A (datatype varchar)
I tried with round function but than I get an error saying invalid number.
Also I would like to be able to change the number of decimals I put in the test to use with different columns
For example
Its 1 big table with all columns having datatype VARCHAR2(2000 char)
examples for columns:
total amount (value should have no more than 2 decimals)
349.1123 (not OK)
Balance (value should have no more than 2 decimals)
5249.1483 (not OK)
Loan (value should have no more than 6 decimals)
1000.178875554 (not OK)
For each column I want to set up a seperate test that checks if the value is within the number of decimals allowed. So preferable a select statement with a where clause where I can adjust the numbers of decimals so I end up with all records having 1 or 2 decimals, or all the records that have more than 2 decimals
Invalid number error is due to the fact that you have something that isn't a number in that column, so when you apply numeric function to it, Oracle complains. That's what you get when you store numbers as strings. Don't do that.
Anyway, here's one option which shows what you might try to do: as these are strings, calculate number of digits right of the decimal point.
SQL> select * From test;
48528.64 -- OK
135082.54 -- OK
5249.1 -- OK
1.2345 -- not OK
-25.553 -- not OK
SQL> select *
2 from test
3 where length(regexp_substr(a, '\d+$')) > 2;
If there are several columns and you'd like to check each of them using a separate table which holds allowed number of decimals, then you could do something like this:
SQL> with
2 big (total, balance, loan) as
3 (select 48528.64 , 45428.64 , 100.64 from dual union all
4 select 135082.54 , 1895082.11 , 88999.11654 from dual union all
5 select 349.1123 , 5249.1483, 1000.178875554 from dual
6 ),
7 septest (tdec, bdec, ldec) as
8 (select 2, 2, 6 from dual)
9 select
11 case when length(regexp_substr(,'\d+$')) > s.tdec then 'Not OK'
12 else 'OK'
13 end total_ok,
14 --
15 b.balance,
16 case when length(regexp_substr(b.balance,'\d+$')) > s.bdec then 'Not OK'
17 else 'OK'
18 end balance_ok,
19 --
21 case when length(regexp_substr(,'\d+$')) > s.ldec then 'Not OK'
22 else 'OK'
23 end loan_ok
24 from big b cross join septest s;
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
48528,64 OK 45428,64 OK 100,64 OK
135082,54 OK 1895082,11 OK 88999,1165 OK
349,1123 Not OK 5249,1483 Not OK 1000,17888 Not OK
Lines #1 - 8 represent sample data; you already have that. Query you actually need begins at line #9.

ORACLE apex - looping through checkbox items using PL/SQL

I have a checkbox on my page P3_Checkbox1 that is populated from the database. How can I loop through all the checked values of my checkbox in PL/SQL code?
I assume that APEX_APPLICATION.G_F01 is used only by sql generated checkboxes and I cannot use it for regular checbox as it would not populate G_Fxx array.
I think I understand now what you're saying.
For example, suppose that the P3_CHECKBOX1 checkbox item allows 3 values (display/return):
Absent: -1
Unknown: 0
Here: 1
I created a button (which will just SUBMIT the page) and two text items which will display checked values: P3_CHECKED_VALUES and P3_CHECKED_VALUES_2.
Then I created a process which fires when the button is pressed. The process looks like this (read the comments as well, please):
-- This is trivial; checked (selected) values are separated by a colon sign,
-- just like in a Shuttle item
-- This is what you might be looking for; it uses the APEX_STRING.SPLIT function
-- which splits selected values (the result is ROWS, not a column), and these
-- values can then be used in a join or anywhere else, as if it was result of a
-- subquery. The TABLE function is used as well.
-- LISTAGG is used just to return a single value so that I wouldn't have to worry
-- about TOO-MANY-ROWS error.
description (code, descr) as
(select -1, 'Absent' from dual union all
select 0 , 'Unknown' from dual union all
select 1 , 'Here' from dual),
desc_join as
(select d.descr
from description d join (select * from table(apex_string.split(:P3_CHECKED_VALUES, ':'))) s
on d.code = s.column_value
select listagg(j.descr, ' / ') within group (order by null)
from desc_join j;
Suppose that the Absent and Unknown values have been checked. The result of that PL/SQL process is:
P3_CHECKED_VALUES_2 = Absent / Unknown
You can rewrite it as you want; this is just one example.
TABLE function
I hope it'll help.
[EDIT: loop through selected values]
Looping through those values isn't difficult; you'd do it as follows (see the cursor FOR loop):
l_dummy number;
for cur_r in (select * From table(apex_string.split(:P3_CHECKED_VALUES, ':')))
select max(1)
into l_dummy
from some_table where some_column = cur_r.column_value;
if l_dummy is null then
-- checked value does not exist
insert into some_table (some_column, ...) valued (cur_r.column_value, ...);
-- checked value exists
delete from some_table where ...
end if;
end loop;
However, I'm not sure what you meant by saying that a "particular combination is in the database". Does it mean that you are storing colon-separated values into a column in that table? If so, the above code won't work either because you'd compare, for example
-1 to 0:-1 and then
0 to 0:-1
which won't be true (except in the simplest cases, when checked and stored values have only one value).
Although Apex' "multiple choices" look nice, they can become a nightmare when you have to actually do something with them (like in your case).
Maybe you should first sort checkbox values, sort database values, and then compare those two strings.
It means that LISTAGG might once again become handy, such as
listagg(j.descr, ' / ') within group (order by j.descr)
Database values could be sorted this way:
SQL> with test (col) as
2 (select '1:0' from dual union all
3 select '1:-1:0' from dual
4 ),
5 inter as
6 (select col,
7 regexp_substr(col, '[^:]+', 1, column_value) token
8 from test,
9 table(cast(multiset(select level from dual
10 connect by level <= regexp_count(col, ':') + 1
11 ) as sys.odcinumberlist))
12 )
13 select
14 col source_value,
15 listagg(token, ':') within group (order by token) sorted_value
16 from inter
17 group by col;
------ --------------------
1:-1:0 -1:0:1
1:0 0:1
Once you have them both sorted, you can compare them and either INSERT or DELETE a row.

Oracle plsql how to check if number has decimal points

Just started working with oracle using toad ide. trying to format the numbers from a table in specific format. the numbers come in from a variable in the table and I want to display the whole numbers as whole numbers and display floats as floats. So far, I can use trim(TO_CHAR (width,'999.999')) to display all numbers with decimal points.
For example: 123.5 will be displayed as 123.500 and 100 will be displayed as 100.000.
What I want to do is display for eg: 100 as 100.
Hope this is clear and I get a solution soon.
I'm using MOD for determining decimals.
select test_value, (case when mod(test_value,1) != 0 then 'DECIMAL' else 'NODECIMAL' END) IS_DECIMAL
from (select 1.5 test_value from dual
union all
select 100 test_value from dual) test_table
If your problem is about the way Toad shows numbers, you can follow the hints in the comments.
If the problem is about the way Oracle shows numbers, converting them to strings, maybe this can help:
SQL> select to_char(1.5, 'TM9') as num from dual union all
2 select to_char(100, 'TM9') from dual;
You find much more in the documentation
If you need a way to check whether a number has a decimal part or not, you can simply try:
SQL> with numbers(num) as (
2 select 1.5 from dual union all
3 select 100 from dual
4 )
5 select case
6 when floor(num) = num
7 then to_char(num, 'FM999999') || ' has not a decimal part'
8 else
9 to_char(num, 'FM9999D000') || ' has a decimal part'
10 end as checkString
11 from numbers;
1,500 has a decimal part
100 has not a decimal part

Oracle cursor removes leading zero

I have a cursor which selects date from column with NUMBER type containg floating point numbers. Numbers like 4,3433 are returned properly while numbers smaller then 1 have removed leading zero.
For example number 0,4513 is returned as ,4513.
When I execute select used in the cursor on the database, numbers are formatted properly, with leading zeros.
This is how I loop over the recors returned by the cursor:
FOR c_data IN cursor_name(p_date) LOOP
Any ideas why it works that way?
Thank you in advance.
You're confusing number format and number value.
The two strings 0.123 and .123, when read as a number, are mathematically equals. They represent the same number. In Oracle the true number representation is never displayed directly, we always convert a number to a character to display it, either implicitly or explicitly with a function.
You assume that a number between 0 and 1 should be represented with a leading 0, but this is not true by default, it depends on how you ask this number to be displayed. If you don't want unexpected outcome, you have to be explicit when displaying numbers/dates, for example:
to_char(your_number, '9990.99');
It's the default number formatting that Oracle provides.
If you want to specify something custom, you shall use TO_CHAR function (either in SQL query or PL/SQL code inside the loop).
Here is how it works:
2 select 1.3232 NUM from dual UNION ALL
3 select 1.3232 NUM from dual UNION ALL
4 select 332.323 NUM from dual UNION ALL
5 select 0.3232 NUM from dual
6 )
7 select NUM, to_char(NUM, 'FM999990D9999999') FORMATTED from aa
8 /
---------- ---------------
1.3232 1.3232
1.3232 1.3232
332.323 332.323
.3232 0.3232
In this example, 'FM' - suppresses extra blanks, '0' indicates number digit including leading/trailing zeros, and '9' indicates digit suppressing leading/trailing zeros.
You can find many examples here:
