I am getting below error through jmeter while replaying a weburl. same url is working fine in browsers.
PFB for error detail.
java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException: UTF-8 at
Please provide solution to fix this issue
I think the problem is due to this comma after the UTF-8
Try running JMeter as:
jmeter -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -t /path/to/your/testplan.jmx
and it should resolve your issue. If this is the case - check system.properties file for the following entry:
and remove the trailing comma from there.
More information on JMeter properties and ways of setting and overriding them: Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
Also I wasn't able to reproduce your issue even by passing incorrect encodings using latest JMeter 5.2.1 so make sure to perform the upgrade if you're using an older version
For a few days I cannot open any JMX file in JMeter script. Even after click File->Recently Opened, JMeter opens this file but non of click action on this file doesn't work. I am using JMeter version 5.3.
What I've done:
tried to used another JMeter version (5.5)
unistalled and installed newest JDK version (
upgraded all MacOS upgraded
scanned my MACOS in order to find a viruses
opened another applications based on Java and try to open the file (f.e. Intelij)
Increased Heap from 256M to 512M
Killed all denudant processes
Opened the java logs
All these actions were unsuccessful. Slowly my ideas are ran-down. Any idea from you what else can I check?
Best regards.
I cannot reproduce your issue:
so most probably something is wrong with your Java/JMeter/OS/user/whatever.
You can try following troubleshooting steps:
Increase JMeter's logging verbosity to maximum and see whether there are any suspicious entries in jmeter.log file
Check your OS logs using Console application
Try switching to another Look and Feel via Options -> Look and Feel. If this doesn't work as well you can do it using command line i.e.
./jmeter.sh -Jjmeter.laf=CrossPlatform
Try running JMeter and providing the path to the .jmx script via -t command-line argument like:
./jmeter -t /path/to/test.jmx
CLI mode is sending "-Jregid=ТА96090838" this UTF-8 character correctly but in JMeter request it turns into "Ã�¢Ã��96090838" this.
My content encoding is set as UTF-8, before thread I used prev.setDataEncoding("UTF-8") in JSR223, also used chcp 65001 this code page and checked Language for non-Unicode programs setting in windows setting.
My expectation is that you need to explicitly set the file.encoding Java System Property to UTF-8 via -D command line argument like:
jmeter -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Jregid=ТА96090838 .....
in order to make change permanent add file.encoding=UTF-8 line to system.properties file (lives in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)
More information:
Guide to Character Encoding
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
Configuring JMeter
Have a .net core library Linux compatible on a Linux machine. I can execute it locally from terminal and getting the expected result. But while executing from JMeter using a OS sampler it is failing.
From Terminal: Running Fine
JMeter Settings:
Fetching the Response Body: (which should be 352 for example from the above terminal)
JMeter it is failing:
Check the file location and permission, everything is in place. What I have missed here any help ?
After change:
I changed as suggested and still facing the issue,
Error details,
I think you need to invoke a shell instead of trying to execute your command directly, something like:
Also if you open the OS Process Sampler in the View Results Tree listener you will see the output or in case of failure the failure reason
More information: How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter
I guess you misinterpret both Dimtri and User729 comment, you need to add both places and it should work.
I'm using JMeter 5.2.1 and when I run some test in GUI mode (or even start the GUI mode), the jmeter.log is populated. But when I use non-GUI mode, nothing is happening.
Command line : "M:\Apps\apache-jmeter-5.2.1\bin\jmeter" -Jthreads=1 -Jrampup=20 -n -t "M:\Data.....\test.jmx" -l "M:\Data\test.csv".
Test runs fine and generates csv, but the jmeter.log doesn't get touched. Right after the test completes, JMeter console is closed down so can't even see if there's any further errors.
My understanding is this jmeter.log should be updated from both GUI and non GUI test runs. Am I missing something?
jmeter.log is written in the folder of execution
So if you execute non GUI (CLI) mode it will append/create jmeter.log in your folder
See also related command line log options:
-l, --logfile <argument>
the file to log samples to
-i, --jmeterlogconf <argument>
jmeter logging configuration file (log4j2.xml)
-j, --jmeterlogfile <argument>
jmeter run log file (jmeter.log)
Your understanding is correct, however it might not be the case regarding your understanding regarding where to find the jmeter.log file.
If you're running JMeter from it's "bin" folder - the jmeter.log file will be generated/updated in this folder
If you're running JMeter from another folder, it will be generated in that folder. If this is your case - instead of looking for updated log under M:\Apps\apache-jmeter-5.2.1\bin look for in in %cd%\jmeter.log
If the above hints don't help - most probably your log4j2.xml file got corrupted somewhere somehow, get the brand new version from JMeter GitHub
If you want JMeter to store the log under M:\Apps\apache-jmeter-5.2.1\bin folder no matter where you run it from - replace this line:
<File name="jmeter-log" fileName="${sys:jmeter.logfile:-jmeter.log}" append="false">
with this one:
<File name="jmeter-log" fileName="M:/Apps/apache-jmeter-5.2.1/bin/jmeter.log}" append="false">
and on next start of JMeter you will see the "log update" you're looking for.
More information: How to Configure JMeter Logging
Also be aware that according to JMeter Best Practices you should always be using the latest version of JMeter so it might be a good idea to perform an upgrade
I have created a jmeter jmx script and it is getting executed perfectly in GUI and non GUI mode. I have configured the same in Jenkins but I am getting the build success with an error message as "The JMETER_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly
This environment variable is needed to run this program"
I have also tried setting the JMETER_HOME as E:\apache-jmeter-4.0 in User variables and Path as E:\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin in System Variables and it didn't work.
I tried the below Questions but no luck.
'jmeter' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
JMETER_HOME environment variable is not defined
Here is my command and error from jenkins
E:\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin\jmeter -jjmeter.save.saveservice.output_format=xml -n -t E:\JMeter Tutorial\JenkinsIntegration.jmx -l E:\JMeter Tutorial\JenkinsIntegrationResult.jtl
The easiest way of setting an environment variable is defining it under Manage Jenkins - Configure System - Global properties:
The better way would be using Environment Injector plugin
And last but not the least, you're getting this message because you're sitting at outdated JMeter 4.0, if you upgrade to i.e. JMeter 5.2.1 you won't be seeing this warning, moreover according to 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article you should always be using the latest version of JMeter so in any case upgrade does make sense, check out what is the latest stable JMeter version and switch to it
I removed Jenkins and reinstalled as well as i deleted the old job and created a new job with default settings in jenkins (i dint do anything in the manage Jenkins) and it worked charm with both jmerer 4.0 and 5.3. java 1.8.0_251
with 5.3
with 4.0
as far i remember i just removed the space and added underscore in the below command from folder name JMeter Tutorial to Jmeter_Tutorial
E:\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin>E:\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin\jmeter.bat -Jjmeter.save.saveservice.output_format=xml -n -t E:\JMeter_Tutorial\JenkinsIntegration.jmx -l E:\JMeter_Tutorial\JenkinsIntegrationResult.csv