How to implenent NameCheap DNS with Netlify and Heroku - heroku

So I want to host my front-end React app on Netlify and I want it to be at
I also want to host my back-end on Heroku and I want it to be at
The problem is that if I set NameCheap DNS settings to use NamCheapDNS I can point it to Heroku, but I can't find a way to point it to Netlify as well since Netlify tells me to set NameCheap DNS to Custom DNS and I should point it to Netlify DNS with from 1 to 4.
Is there a way to have front-end on Netlify and back-end on Heroku, or at the end I have to transfer my React front-end to Heroku as well? And would that use the extra dyno or not?

In the end, I added as the NS Record for "www" host in the Advanced DNS tab under my domain name.

You can add a CNAME in Netlify's DNS records that points to Heroku's DNS. It looks like this
Record Type=CNAME


GoDaddy domain not pointing to Heroku app

I'm trying to point my GoDaddy domain to Heroku app. I followed the steps given here: but I'm unable to access my Heroku app. Here are my DNS records settings:
Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong?
cname only allow you to point subdomain, so this case you should be able to see www subdomain pointed to Heroku, can you try to remove the A record.
I would recommend using DNS service like DNSimple/Cloudflare or in case you don't want to go out of Heroku you can try pointDNS

Unable to use custom domain for Heroku app

I have purchased a domain with a DNS provider – Namecheap for my Heroku app and followed all of the steps given my Heroku and Namecheap for configuring the domain and the DNS target that was given by Heroku with Namecheap. But still my domain is not working, only by free domain provided my Heroku. I have contacted Namecheap and they have told me all of the settings are correct. I am not able to contact Heroku because I'm on the free service, and I have no idea what is missing here.
=== robertosullivan Custom Domains
Domain Name DNS Record Type DNS Target
─────────────────── ───────────────
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ALIAS or ANAME concentric-cantaloupe-
In the Advanced DNS settings of Namecheap, the CNAME record has a host of www and the value is set to the DNS target given above.
I just want my custom domain to work for my app, but when I try to access the domain I'm told by a Heroku message "nothing here yet".
Use instead of

Configure CNAME for a heroku app with subdomains

Currently i have an app on Heroku with a wildcard subdomain working like this:,, ...
This is working fine.
Then, i'd like that each client can access this apps using their own personal domains. So, testing this on my personal domain, i would like to configure like this:
CNAME test ---
But, this is not working yet. I keep getting the heroku error 'No such app, There's nothing here, yet.'.
Not sure what i am missing. Is it a problem related to my actual Laravel app? Heroku config? DNS?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Assuming your application will provide an hostname for each client (actually, it would probably be preferable to have a single hostname as in any case it looks like they will all point to the same Heroku app), then you have to complete all these tasks in order to make it work:
Add the subdomain as domain attached to the Heroku app
Configure the DNS record for
Ensure resolves (dig
Add the customer subdomain/domain to your Heroku app, otherwise Heroku will reject routing the requests for that domain
Configure the DNS record for the customer subdomain/domain to CNAME
Ensure the customer subdomain/domain resolves
According to your issue description, I assume you probably did not configure the customer subdomain/domain as domain to your Heroku app.

Heroku custom domain

Would like to learn how website works.
Purchased a domain name from bigrock domain registrar.
Am used to deploy applications to Heroku for my official websites.
But this is my personal site deployed to Heroku.
But how to connect my domain name to heroku ?
Heroku documentation is not clear to me.
I tried domain forwarding after playing with google search, but my site is still giving me blank page.
Where as the heroku default website address still works
How to make my domain name to connect to heroku and work ?
There are so many terminoliges people use which is confusing
CName , A address, 301 redirect, domain forwarding
Which one to choose ?
You need to set your DNS to point to your heroku address. You should be able to go into the DNS settings in bigrock (where you registered the domain) and create CName record that will forward from your domain ( to the heroku address (

heroku and domain name conventions

(tried on Server fault, so going to try here)
Hi I recently setup my octopress blog at This domain works fine, but when I try I get a "heroku no app found." Why is the www not working. Would really appreciate an explanation. I bought my domain name at dnsimple. Do I need to add a redirect from "http://www.dav..." to just "http://dav..." ?
I'm guessing you need to configure this domain (and any subdomain) in the heroku CLI application (equiv. of ssh-ing into the machine and changing the nginx/apache location/virtualhost configuration).
I see they have an entry about this in their reference:
To elaborate a bit from the documentation:
Subdomains (
For each subdomain you want to setup configure your DNS provider using
a CNAME record pointing the subdomain to the applicable Heroku
If the app is on Cedar, then CNAME the subdomain to
If Bamboo, then
In DNSimple a CNAME
record entry for a Cedar app would look like:
You can confirm that your DNS is configured correctly with the host
$ host is an alias for is an alias for is an alias for has address
Actually, it should really be the other way around. It is much better practice to point CNAMEs at Heroku apps, since Heroku apps have no real "static" IP. Since naked domains need an A-record, pointing a naked domain to a Heroku app makes everything much less stable. So the best practice is to forward your naked domain to a "www" subdomain, and then point the "www" CNAME to your Heroku app.
Heroku goes into detail about this here.
