I have the following script that creates multiple objects.
I tried just simply running it in my terminal, but it seems to take so long. How can I run this with GNU-parallel?
The script below creates an object. It goes through niy = 1 through niy = 800, and for every increment in niy, it loops through njx = 1 to 675.
set njx = 675 ### Number of grids in X
set niy = 800 ### Number of grids in Y
set ll_x = -337500
set ll_y = -400000 ### (63 / 2) * 1000 ### This is the coordinate at lower right corner
set del_x = 1000
set del_y = 1000
rm -f out.shp
rm -f out.shx
rm -f out.dbf
rm -f out.prj
shpcreate out polygon
dbfcreate out -n ID1 10 0
# n = 0 ### initilzation of counter (n) to count gridd cells in loop
# iy = 1 ### initialization of conunter (iy) to count grid cells along north-south direction
echo ### emptly line on screen
while ($iy <= $niy) ### start the loop for norht-south direction
echo ' south-north' $iy '/' $niy ### print a notication on screen
# jx = 1
while ($jx <= $njx)### start the loop for east-west direction
# n++
set x = `echo $ll_x $jx $del_x | awk '{print $1 + ($2 - 1) * $3}'`
set y = `echo $ll_y $iy $del_y | awk '{print $1 + ($2 - 1) * $3}'`
set txt = `echo $x $y $del_x $del_y | awk '{print $1, $2, $1, $2 + $4, $1 + $3, $2 + $4, $1 + $3, $2, $1, $2}'`
shpadd out `echo $txt`
dbfadd out $n
# jx++
end ### close the second loop
# iy++
end ### close the first loop
### lines below create a projection file for the created shapefile using
cat > out.prj << eof
The inner part gets executed 540,000 times and on each iteration you invoke 3 awk processes to do 3 simple bits of maths... that's 1.6 million awks.
Rather than that, I have written a single awk to generate all the loops and do all the maths and this can then be fed into bash or csh to actually execute it.
I wrote this and ran it completely in the time the original version got to 16% through. I have not checked it extremely thoroughly, but you should be able to readily correct any minor errors:
awk -v njx=675 -v niy=800 -v ll_x=-337500 -v ll_y=-400000 '
print "shpcreate out polygon"
print "dbfcreate out -n ID1 10 0"
x = llx + (jx-1)*1000
y = lly + (iy-1)*1000
txt = sprintf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d",x,y,x, y+dely, x+delx, y+dely, x+delx,y,x,y)
print "shpadd out",txt
print "dbfadd out",n
}' /dev/null
If the output looks good, you can then run it through bash or csh like this:
./MyAwk | csh
Note that I don't know anything about these Shapefile (?) tools, shpadd or dbfadd tools. They may or may not be able to be run in parallel - if they are anything like sqlite running them in parallel will not help you much. I am guessing the changes above are enough to make a massive improvement to your runtime. If not, here are some other things you could think about.
You could append an ampersand (&) to each line that starts dbfadd or shpadd so that several start in parallel, and then print a wait after every 8 lines so that you run 8 things in parallel in chunks.
You could feed the output of the script directly into GNU Parallel, but I have no idea if the ordering of the lines is critical.
I presume this is creating some sort of database. It may be faster if you run it on a RAM-backed filesystem, such as /tmp.
I notice there is a Python module for manipulating Shapefiles here. I can't help thinking that would be many, many times faster still.
I need to find a way to display the missing numbers from a large txt file. It's a web graph that has 875,713 vertices. However, when I sort the file the largest number that is displayed at the end is 916,427. So there are some numbers not being used for vertex index. Is there a bash command I could use to do this?
I found this after searching around some other threads but I'm not entirely sure if its correct:
awk 'NR != $1 { for (i = prev + 1; i < $1; i++) {print i} } { prev = $1 + 1 }' file
Assuming the 'number' of each vertex is in the first column, you can use:
awk '{a[$1]} END{for(i = 1; i <= 916427; i++){if(!(i in a)){print i}}}' file
# create some example data and remove "10"
seq 916427 | sed '10d' > test.txt
head test.txt
awk '{a[$1]} END { for (i = 1; i <= 916427; i++) { if (!(i in a)) {print i}}}' test.txt
If you don't want to store the array in memory (otherwise #jared_mamrot solution would work), you can use
awk 'NR==1 {p=$1; next} {for (i=p+1; i<$1; i++) {print i}; p=$1}' < <( sort -n file)
which sorts the file first.
Just because you tagged your question bash, I'll provide a bash solution. :)
# sample data as jared suggested, with 10 removed...
seq 916427 | sed '10d' > test.txt
# read sample data into an array...
mapfile -t a < test.txt
# reverse the $a array into $b
for i in "${a[#]}"; do b[$i]=1; done
# step through list of possible numbers, testing if each one is an index of $b
for ((i=1; i<${a[((${#a[#]}-1))]}; i++)); do [[ -z ${b[i]} ]] && echo $i; done
The line noise in the last line (${a[((${#a[#]}-1))]}) simply means "the value of the last array element", and the -1 is there because without instructions otherwise, mapfile starts numbering things at zero.
This takes a little longer to run than awk, because awk is awesome. But it runs in bash without calling any external tools. Aside from the ones generating our sample data, of course!
Note that the last line verifies $b array membership with a string comparison. You might get a very slight performance increase by doing a math comparison instead ((( ${b[i]} )) || echo $i) but the improvement would be so small that it's not even worth mentioning. Oh dang.
Note also that both this and the awk solution involve creating very large arrays in memory, then stepping through those arrays. Be careful of your memory, and don't waste array space with unnecessary data. You will probably want to pull just your indices out of your original dataset for this comparison, rather than loading everything into a bash or awk array.
I want to plot some data of a spray simulation. There is a variable called the vaporpenetrationlength, which describes the distance from the injector to the position where the mass fraction is 0.1%. The simulation created many folders for each time step. Inside those folders there is one file which contains the mass fraction and the distance.
I want to create a script which goes through all the time step folders and search inside this one file and prints out the distance where the 0.1% were measured and in which time step it was.
I found a script, but I don't understand it because I just started to learn shell scripting.
Could someone please help me step by step in building such a script? I am interested in learning it, and therefore I want to understand ever line of the code.
Thanks in advance :)
This little script outputs TimeTabLengthTabMass based on the value of the "mass fraction":
printf '%s\t%s\t%s\n' 'Time' 'Length' 'Mass'
awk '
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t"}
FNR == 1 {
n = split(FILENAME,path,"/")
time = sprintf("%0.7f",path[n-1])
NF != 2 {next}
0.001 <= $2 && $2 < 0.00101 { print time,$1,$2 }
' postProcessing/singleGraphVapPen/*/*
remark: In fact, printing the header could be done within the awk program, but doing it with a separate printf command allows you to post-process the output of awk (for ex. if you need to sort the times and/or lengths and/or masses).
FNR == 1 is true for the first line of each input file. In the corresponding block, I extract the time value from the directory name.
NF != 2 {next} is for filtering out the gnuplot commands that are at the beginning of the input files. In words, this statement means "if the number of (tab-delimited) fields in the line isn't 2, then skip"
0.001 <= $2 && $2 < 0.00101 selects the lines based on the value of their second field, which is referred to as yheptane in your script. IDK the margin of error of your "0.1% of mass fraction" so I chose convenient conditions for the sample output below.
With the sample data, the output will be:
Time Length Mass
0.0001500 0.0895768 0.00100839
0.0002000 0.102057 0.00100301
0.0002000 0.0877939 0.00100832
0.0003500 0.0827694 0.00100114
0.0009000 0.0657509 0.00100015
0.0015000 0.0501911 0.00100016
0.0016500 0.0469495 0.00100594
0.0018000 0.0436538 0.00100853
0.0021500 0.0369005 0.00100809
0.0023000 0.100328 0.00100751
As an aside, here's a script for replacing your original code:
set -- postProcessing/singleGraphVapPen/*/*
if ! [ -f VapPen.txt ]
printf '%s\t%s\n' 'Time [s]' 'VapPen [m]'
awk '
BEGIN {FS = OFS = "\t"}
FNR == 1 {
if (NR > 1)
print time,vappen
vappen = 0
n = split(FILENAME,path,"/")
time = sprintf("%0.7f",path[n-1])
NF != 2 {next}
$2 >= 0.001 { vappen = $1 }
END { if (NR) print time,vappen }
' "$#" |
sort -n -k1,1
} > VapPen.txt
gnuplot -e '
set title "Verdunstungspenetration";
set xlabel "Zeit [s]";
set ylabel "Verdunstungspenetrationslänge [m]";
set grid;
plot "VapPen.txt" using 1:2 with linespoints title "Vapor penetraion 0,1% mass";
pause -1 "Hit return to continue";
With the provided data, it reduces the execution time from several minutes to 0.15s on my computer.
I've recently been working on some lab assignments and in order to collect and analyze results well, I prepared a bash script to automate my job. It was my first attempt to create such script, thus it is not perfect and my question is strictly connected with improving it.
Exemplary output of the program is shown below, but I would like to make it more general for more purposes.
>>> VARIANT 1 <<<
Random number generator seed is 0xea3495cc76b34acc
Generate matrix 128 x 128 (16 KiB)
Performing 1024 random walks of 4096 steps.
> Total instructions: 170620482
> Instructions per cycle: 3.386
Time elapsed: 0.042127 seconds
Walks accrued elements worth: 534351478
All data I want to collect is always in different lines. My first attempt was running the same program twice (or more times depending on the amount of data) and then using grep in each run to extract the data I need by looking for the keyword. It is very inefficient, as there probably are some possibilities of parsing whole output of one run, but I could not come up with any idea. At the moment the script is:
write() {
o1=$(./progname args | grep "Time" | grep -o -E '[0-9]+.[0-9]+')
o2=$(./progname args | grep "cycle" | grep -o -E '[0-9]+.[0-9]+')
o3=$(./progname args | grep "Total" | grep -o -E '[0-9]+.[0-9]+')
echo "$1 $o1 $o2 $o3"
for ((i = 1; i <= 10; i++)); do
write $i >> times.dat
It is worth mentioning that echoing results in one line is crucial, as I am using gnuplot later and having data in columns is perfect for that use. Sample output should be:
1 0.019306 3.369 170620476
2 0.019559 3.375 170620475
3 0.021971 3.334 170620478
4 0.020536 3.378 170620480
5 0.019692 3.390 170620475
6 0.020833 3.375 170620477
7 0.019951 3.450 170620477
8 0.019417 3.381 170620476
9 0.020105 3.374 170620476
10 0.020255 3.402 170620475
My question is: how could I improve the script to collect such data in just one program execution?
You could use awk here and could get values into an array and later access them by index 1,2 and 3 in case you want to do this in a single command.
myarr=($(your_program args | awk '/Total/{print $NF;next} /cycle/{print $NF;next} /Time/{print $(NF-1)}'))
OR use following to forcefully print all elements into a single line, which will not come in new lines if someone using " to keep new lines safe for values.
myarr=($(your_program args | awk '/Total/{val=$NF;next} /cycle/{val=(val?val OFS:"")$NF;next} /Time/{print val OFS $(NF-1)}'))
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation of awk program above.
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
/Total/{ ##Checking if a line has Total keyword in it then do following.
print $NF ##Printing last field of that line which has Total in it here.
next ##next keyword will skip all further statements from here.
/cycle/{ ##Checking if a line has cycle in it then do following.
print $NF ##Printing last field of that line which has cycle in it here.
next ##next keyword will skip all further statements from here.
/Time/{ ##Checking if a line has Time in it then do following.
print $(NF-1) ##Printing 2nd last field of that line which has Time in it here.
To access individual items you could use like:
echo ${myarr[0]}, echo ${myarr[1]} and echo ${myarr[2]} for Total, cycle and time respectively.
Example to access all elements by loop in case you need:
for i in "${myarr[#]}"
echo $i
You can execute your program once and save the output at a variable.
o0=$(./progname args)
Then you can grep that saved string any times like this.
o1=$(echo "$o0" | grep "Time" | grep -o -E '[0-9]+.[0-9]+')
each of the 3x search patterns (Time, cycle, Total) occur just once in a set of output from ./progname
format of ./progname output is always the same (ie, same number of space-separated items for each line of output)
I've created my own progname script that just does an echo of the sample output:
$ cat progname
echo ">>> VARIANT 1 <<<
Random number generator seed is 0xea3495cc76b34acc
Generate matrix 128 x 128 (16 KiB)
Performing 1024 random walks of 4096 steps.
> Total instructions: 170620482
> Instructions per cycle: 3.386
Time elapsed: 0.042127 seconds
Walks accrued elements worth: 534351478"
One awk solution to parse and print the desired values:
$ i=1
$ ./progname | awk -v i=${i} ' # assign awk variable "i" = ${i}
/Time/ { o1 = $3 } # o1 = field 3 of line that contains string "Time"
/cycle/ { o2 = $5 } # o2 = field 5 of line that contains string "cycle"
/Total/ { o3 = $4 } # o4 = field 4 of line that contains string "Total"
END { printf "%s %s %s %s\n", i, o1, o2, o3 } # print 4x variables to stdout
1 0.042127 3.386 170620482
I had a problem solved in a previous post using the awk, but now I want to put an if loop in it, but I am getting an error.
Here's the problem:
I had a lot of files that looked like this:
And I wanted to extract the first 2000 lines (line 1 to 2000), then extract the lines 1500 to 3500, then 3000 to 5000 and so on... What I mean is: extract a window of 2000 lines with an overlap of 500 lines between contiguous windows until the end of the file.
This is the awk command used for it:
awk -v i=1 -v t=2000 -v d=501 'NR>1{a[NR-1]=$0}END{
for(k=i;k<i+t;k++)print a[k] > "win"n".txt";
}' myfile.txt
And I get several files with names win1.txt , win2.txt , win3.txt , etc...
My problem now is that because the file was not a multiple of 2000, my last window has less than 2000 lines. How can I put an if loop that would do this: if the last window had less than 2000 digital numbers, the previous window should had all the lines until the end of the file.
When the windows are created, there is a line break at the end.That is why I needed the if loop to take into account a window of less than 2000 digital numbers, and not just lines.
If you don't have to use awk for some other reason, try the sed approach
file="$(sed '/^\s*$/d' myfile.txt)"
sed -n 1,2000p <<< "$file"
max=$(wc -l <<< "$file" | awk '{print $1}')
while [[ $max -ge 2000 && $last -lt $((max+1500)) ]]; do
sed -n "$first","$last"p <<< "$file"
Obviously this is going to be less fast than awk and more error prone for gigatic files, but should work in most cases.
Change the while condition to make it stop earlier:
while (i+t <= NR) {
Change the end condition of the for loop to compensate for the last output file being potentially bigger:
for (k = i; k < (i+t+t-d <= NR ? i+t : NR); k++)
The rest of your code can stay the same; although I took the liberty of removing the close statement (why was that?), and to set d=500, to make the output files really overlap by 500 lines.
awk -v i=1 -v t=2000 -v d=500 'NR>1{a[NR-1]=$0}END{
while (i+t <= NR) {
for (k=i; k < (i+t+t-d <= NR ? i+t : NR); k++) print a[k] > "win"n".txt";
}' myfile.txt
I tested it with small values of t and d, and it seems to work as requested.
One final remark: for big input files, I wouldn't encourage storing the whole thing in array a.
I'm trying to write a Bash script that reads files with several columns of data and multiplies each value in the second column by each value in the third column, adding the results of all those multiplications together.
For example if the file looked like this:
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
genome 1 30 500
genome 2 27 500
genome 3 83 500
The script should multiply 1*30 to give 30, then 2*27 to give 54 (and add that to 30), then 3*83 to give 249 (and add that to 84) etc..
I've been trying to use awk to parse the input file but am unsure of how to get the operation to proceed line by line. Right now it stops after the first line is read and the operations on the variables are performed.
Here's what I've written so far:
for file in fileone filetwo
set -- $(awk '/genome/ {print $2,$3}' $file.hist)
echo var1 \= $var1
echo var2 \= $var2
echo var3 \= $var3
echo total \= $total
I tried placing a "while read" loop around everything but could not get the variables to update with each line. I think I'm going about this the wrong way!
I'm very new to Linux and Bash scripting so any help would be greatly appreciated!
That's because awk reads the entire file and runs its program on each line. So the output you get from awk '/genome/ {print $2,$3}' $file.hist will look like
1 30
2 27
3 83
and so on, which means in the bash script, the set command makes the following variable assignments:
$1 = 1
$2 = 30
$3 = 2
$4 = 27
$5 = 3
$6 = 83
etc. But you only use $1 and $2 in your script, meaning that the rest of the file's contents - everything after the first line - is discarded.
Honestly, unless you're doing this just to learn how to use bash, I'd say just do it in awk. Since awk automatically runs over every line in the file, it'll be easy to multiply columns 2 and 3 and keep a running total.
awk '{ total += $2 * $3 } ENDFILE { print total; total = 0 }' fileone filetwo
Here ENDFILE is a special address that means "run this next block at the end of each file, not at each line."
If you are doing this for educational purposes, let me say this: the only thing you need to know about doing arithmetic in bash is that you should never do arithmetic in bash :-P Seriously though, when you want to manipulate numbers, bash is one of the least well-adapted tools for that job. But if you really want to know, I can edit this to include some information on how you could do this task primarily in bash.
I agree that awk is in general better suited for this kind of work, but if you are curious what a pure bash implementation would look like:
for f in file1 file2; do
while read -r _ x y _; do
((total += x * y))
done < "$f"
echo "$total"