How can I combine both of these conditions? in laravel - laravel

I'am new with laravel. How can I combine both of these conditions?
public function student($classroom_id)
$members = Classroom::findOrFail($classroom_id,)->members->load('role');
$members = User::where([
['role_id', 2]
return response()->json($members);

Try this:
public function student($classroom_id)
$members = Classroom::whereHas('members.role', function ($query) {
$query->where('id', '2');
return response()->json($members);


Laravel whereHas Filter sub relation

Is that any method to filter the employees and the manpower table record does not return also?
$result = Pwra::with('purchaseOrder', 'manpower')
->where('pwra_dt', $date)
->where('time_session', $session)
->whereHas('manpower.employees', function ($q) {
$q->where('status', 1);
Pwra Class
public function manpower()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Manpower', 'pwra_uuid', 'pwra_uuid');
Manpower Class
public function employee()
return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Employees', 'employees_uuid', 'employees_uuid')->where('status', 1);
What I expected is: When the employees Status = 0, it will not return any record even manpower.
you can try 2 level whereHas()
$result = Pwra::with('purchaseOrder', 'manpower')
->where('pwra_dt', $date)
->where('time_session', $session)
->whereHas('manpower', function ($q) {
$subQ->where('status', 1);
whereHas('manpower.employees' it will not work

Laravel WhereHas Query

I wanna get data which is pwra_dt = $month && $year. What can I do? For now, it shows all records!!
$purchaseOrder = PurchaseOrder::whereHas('pwra', function (Builder $query) use ($year, $month) {
$query->whereYear('pwra_dt', $year)
->whereMonth('pwra_dt', $month);
public function pwra()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Pwra', 'purchase_order_uuid', 'purchase_order_uuid');
PWRA (Model)
public function purchaseOrder()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\PurchaseOrder', 'purchase_order_uuid', 'purchase_order_uuid');

I can't use variable in a function whereHas

I'm new with laravel. I can't use $class _id in a function whereHas. What should I do?
public function show($classroom_id)
$classrooms = Group::whereHas('members', function ($query) {
$query->where([['user_id', '=', Auth::id()], ['classroom_id', $classroom_id]]);
return response()->json($classrooms);
See use (classroom_id)
$groups = Group::whereHas('natures', function($q) use($classroom_id)
$q->where('classroom_id', '=', $classroom_id);

How to declare the result from another function in Laravel

The first 2 functions are for the dropdown, and the last function filter function is to fetch the data into datatable. I want to use the results from function FirstName ($FirstName= [];) and LastName ($LastName= [];) for this purpose.
public function FirstName(Request $request)
$FirstName= [];
$search = $request->q;
$FirstName= DB::table("user")
return response()->json($FirstName);
public function LastName(Request $request)
$LastName= [];
$search = $request->q;
$LastName= DB::table("user")
return response()->json($Last_Name);
public function filter()
if(!empty($FirstName)) //catch from other function
$data = DB::table('user')
->select('id', 'Fn', 'Ln')
->where('First_Name', $FirstName)
->where('Last_Name', $LastName)
$data = DB::table('user')
->select('id', 'Fn', 'Ln')
return datatables()->of($data)->make(true);
$data = DB::table('user')
->orderBy('First_Name', 'ASC')
->orderBy('Last_Name', 'ASC')
return response()->json($data);
What I did above is put the array from function first and last name to the filter function. But i got it wrong. What should be done to fix this?

Laravel - passing array of columns in 'where' clause

I have a search query like this:
$data = User::where('first_name', 'like', '%'.$query.'%')
->orWhere('last_name', 'like', '%'.$query.'%')
Now, I have many models, each with different column names. Instead of defining a search() function into every controller, I want to do this:
// User
public static function searchableFields()
return ['first_name', 'last_name'];
// Some other model
public static function searchableFields()
return ['name', 'description'];
And put the search logic in a shared controller, something like this:
$data = $classname::
where($classname::searchableFields(), 'like', '%'.$query.'%')
How can I achieve this?
Thanks a lot.
You can loop over the fields and add them to your Eloquent query one by one.
$data = $classname::where(function ($query) use ($classname) {
foreach ($classname::searchableFields() as $field)
$query->orWhere($field, 'like', '%' . $query . '%');
I would use scope for that.
You can create base model that all the models should extend (and this model should extend Eloquent model) and in this model you should add such method:
public function scopeMatchingSearch($query, $string)
$query->where(function($q) use ($string) {
foreach (static::searchableFields() as $field) {
$q->orWhere($field, 'LIKE', '%'.$string.'%');
Now you can make a search like this:
$data = User::matchingSearch($query)->get();
Just to avoid confusion - $query parameter passed to matchingSearch becomes $string parameter in this method.
You can try something like this.
// Controller
function getIndex(Request $request)
$this->data['users'] = User::orderBy('first_name','asc')->get();
if ($request->has('keyword')) {
$results = User::search($request->keyword);
$this->data['users'] = collect([$results])->collapse()->sortBy('first_name');
// Model
function search($keyword)
$results = [];
$search_list = ['first_name','last_name'];
foreach ($search_list as $value)
$search_data = User::where($value,'LIKE','%'.$keyword.'%')->get();
foreach ($search_data as $search_value) {
$exist = 0;
if (count($results)) {
foreach ($results as $v) {
if ($search_value->id == $v->id) {
if ($exist == 0) {
$results[] = $search_value;
} else{
$results[] = $search_value;
return $results;
