AppleScript - wait for do shell script done - applescript

I write a Command Line Tool to fetch movie information from IMDB. It's in JavaScript and called movinfo. I run it in AppleScript:
tell application "System Events"
set movT to "Back-to-the-future"
set exportPath to "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:;"
set oriInfo to do shell script exportPath & "movinfo " & quoted form of movT
return oriInfo
end tell
It works great. But sometimes movinfo takes long time to fetch the information from the Internet. So I want to add a function to check if the fetching is done or not. I try "ignoring...end ignoring" structure firstly:
tell application "System Events"
ignoring application responses
set movT to "Back-to-the-future"
set exportPath to "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:;"
set oriInfo to do shell script exportPath & "movinfo " & quoted form of movT
end ignoring
end tell
tell application "System Events"
repeat 30 times
return oriInfo
exit repeat
on error
delay 1
end try
end repeat
do shell script "killall System\\ Events"
end tell
But this doesn't work. Maybe I can do something with the Command Line Tool to do this job. But I really don't know too much about JavaScript, and CLI. I want to do this in AppleScript.
Hope someone can tell me what's wrong with the code, or how to do this in AS?

Note that I don't have the movinfo utility (you neglected to provide a link) so I can't test this, but it should work on face value.
First (as vadian pointed out in comments) you don't need the System Events tell blocks as you've used them, so I've restructured that. The trick here is to detach the movinfo utility so it runs as a process independent of the script, writing the movie info into a file at ~/movieInfo.txt. The script then recovers the process pid from the do shell script, and waits for the utility to end, using system events to test if a process with that pid is still running. When the process ends,
the script reads the info from the file back into the oriInfo variable. For questions about the unix tricks, see: Technote 2065.
-- set output file path
set movieInfoFile to POSIX path of (path to home folder from user domain) & "movieInfo.txt"
set movT to "Back-to-the-future"
set exportPath to "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:;"
-- run and detach utility, returning its process id
set procID to do shell script exportPath & "movinfo " & quoted form of movT & " &> " & movieInfoFile & " & echo $!"
repeat 30 times
tell application "System Events"
-- test if pid is still active
set isStillRunning to count of (every process whose unix id is procID)
end tell
if isStillRunning = 0 then
--not active, so proceed
exit repeat
delay 1
end if
end repeat
-- pull info from file
set fp to open for access movieInfoFile
set oriInfo to read fp
close access fp


Terminal exit without performing action

I've made a script which have a block of code launching Terminal to retrieve picture from a server, using FTP.
When I run the script under the script editor, everything is OK: the script launch the Terminal, open the FTP session, set the destination path, get the files, delete them from the server, close connexion, wait the end of Terminal activty and then quit.
But when I run my Script as application, in about 90% of cases, the app launch Terminal and then Terminal quit immediatly. When the Terminal seems to "get" correctly the FTP commands, connexion is done, getting file and so on. Perfectly. But this happens only in a few cases.
Here the last code I have for this part:
tell application "Terminal"
-- Wait for "no more activity"
set frontWindow to window 1
repeat until busy of frontWindow is false
delay 1
end repeat
-- Perform FTP actins
set shell to do script "ftp -i ftp://user_ftp:pass_ftp#host_ftp/" in window 1
do script "lcd ~/Desktop/tmp_instagram/" in shell
do script "mget *.jpg" in shell
do script "mdel *.jpg" in shell
do script "bye" in shell
-- Wait for no more activity
set frontWindow to window 1
repeat until busy of frontWindow is false
delay 1
end repeat
end tell
tell application "Terminal" to quit saving no -- Saving no to avoid conf alert
For avoiding you to loose your time, here are some of the tests I've made, without any success:
Setting the whole FTP command in one line so.
Put a delay 5 after the ativate, rather than the repeat on busy
Put a delay after the ftp command
In fact, the Terminal seems to close before receiving the FTP command (opened and closed immediatly).
Thanks to Mark Setchell comment I tried without using the "shell" command and in fact it seems to be the key. Here is a piece of code which run correctly:
tell application "Terminal"
set w to window frontmost
do script "ftp -i ftp://xxxxx:yy#dddddd/" in w
do script "lcd ~/Desktop/tmp_aarecno_instagram/" in w
do script "mget *.jpg" in w
do script "mdel *.jpg" in w
do script "bye" in w
set frontWindow to window 1
repeat until busy of frontWindow is false
delay 1
end repeat
end tell

Bring Chrome started from script to front

I am wondering how I can launch a fresh new Chrome instance (see my script below) that will be brought to the front. Currently the shell script opens the new Chrome instance in the background, which is less than optimal. Executing the shell script from Applescript does nothing to remedy this.
The interesting thing is that if I open Chrome using a shell command directly from AppleScript it seems to open in the foreground:
set q to "'/Applications/Google Chrome' --user-data-dir=/tmp/1234"
do shell script q
do shell script "~/bin/chrome-fresh"
Shell script
# This is quite useful for front-enders, as it will launch a fresh
# Chrome instance with no loaded plugins or extensions that messes
# with your performance profiling or network debugging
# Install:
# install -m 555 ~/Downloads/chrome-fresh /usr/local/bin/
CHROME="/Applications/Google Chrome"
# make a fresh user directory
TMP_USERDIR=$(mktemp -d);
# avoid the dialog on the first startup
touch "$TMP_USERDIR/First Run";
# start chrome using a fresh user directory
"$CHROME" --user-data-dir="$TMP_USERDIR" "$ARGS"
Run the command in background (put the & at the end of the command).
Use $! to get the process ID of the last command
# start chrome using a fresh user directory
"$CHROME" --activate-on-launch --user-data-dir="$TMP_USERDIR" "$ARGS" &
sleep 2
# bring Chrome
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events"' -e "tell (first process whose its unix id is \"$chromePid\" ) to set frontmost to true" -e 'end tell'
In the script bellow, I used a mix of Applescript and Shell commands. I am not Shell expert, so may be there are most efficient way to do it. At least, this script is working :
1) it takes all process containing specific name (i.e. = Chrome)
2) it goes through all found processes, and for each, get the time since it starts using "ps" shell command.
3) it compares that time with previous times found and if lower then it keeps the process information. The lowest time value is linked to the last starting instance of the process.
4) the process with the shortest time since it starts is the last one : it sets the frontmost property to true to make it foreground.
tell application "System Events"
set lastTime to 3600 -- max possible value of start time
set lastPID to -1 -- impossible : used to check if process has been found !
set Prlist to every process whose name contains "Chrome"
repeat with aProc in Prlist
set PStext to do shell script "PS -o etime -p " & unix id of aProc -- get the start time of the process
-- output is dd-hh:mm:ss if process has been stared few days ago
-- output is hh:mm:ss if process has been stared few hours ago
-- output is mm:ss if process has been stared few minutes or seconds ago
-- assumption is made that it just started few seconds ago
-- convert in seconds = mm*60 + ss
set runningTime to ((word 1 of paragraph 2 of PStext) as integer) * 60 + (word 2 of paragraph 2 of PStext) as integer
if runningTime < lastTime then
set lastTime to runningTime
set lastPID to unix id of aProc
set MyProc to aProc
end if
end repeat
if lastPID > 0 then -- if a process has been found
set the frontmost of MyProc to true -- set it in foreground
end if
end tell
I made several comments to make it clear about the "ps" command. If anyone knows how to get directly time in second from ps output, thanks. (I am quite sure there should be an easiest way !)

Access built-in Power Manager? states

Im trying to write a super simple applescript that will launch the OneDrive App, or ensure it is open, whenever the machine's power source is set to plugged in, and will quit, or make sure is closed, when the power source is set to battery.
I'm having trouble finding how to access the built-in "power indicator" in Yosemite. All of my searches lead to old, irrelevant results from years ago.
Edit: I think I will have to use a do shell script within the applescript using pmset -g batt
Now drawing from 'AC Power'
-InternalBattery-0 100%; charged; 0:00 remaining
And parse this result, but I am not sure how.
Edit: Here it is for anyone in the future who may want something similar:
global appName
on appIsRunning()
tell application "System Events" to (name of processes) contains appName
end appIsRunning
on acIsConnected()
return (do shell script "system_profiler SPPowerDataType | grep -q 'Connected: Yes' && echo \"true\" || echo \"false\"") as boolean
end acIsConnected
on toggleApp()
if my acIsConnected() then
if not my appIsRunning() then
tell application "Finder"
open application file (appName & ".app") of folder "Applications" of startup disk
end tell
end if
tell application appName
end tell
end if
end toggleApp
-- This will only be executed once.
on run
set appName to "OneDrive"
end run
-- This will be executed periodically, specified in seconds, every return.
on idle
my toggleApp()
-- Execute every 2 minutes.
return 120
end idle
-- Not mandatory, but useful for cleaning up before quiting.
on quit
-- End handler with the following line.
continue quit
end quit
Here is a one-liner that polls for connected status, since I guess you can have less than 100% and still be connected (charging).
set acConnected to (do shell script "system_profiler SPPowerDataType |grep -q 'Connected: Yes' && echo \"true\" || echo \"false\"") as boolean
Here's another one liner...
set acConnected to last word of paragraph 1 of (do shell script "ioreg -w0 -l | grep ExternalChargeCapable")
If you are happy to use a third party tool, you can avoid polling for the battery state. This will make your script more efficient.
Power Manager can run AppleScripts when the battery state changes. How to Run a Command When Switching to Battery Power, walks through how to set this up for scripts.
Swap out the #!/bin/sh for #!/usr/bin/osascript in the script, and you can use AppleScript.
Disclaimer: I wrote Power Manager and can answer comments about how it works.
Provided you have battery icon on screen's top right:
tell application "System Events" to tell process "SystemUIServer" ¬
to value of attribute "AXDescription" of ¬
(first menu bar item whose value of attribute "AXDescription" ¬
begins with "Battery") of menu bar 1
You get "Battery: Charged" or "Battery: Calculating Time Remaining… " or something else

Can't make Unix ID of Process into text?

I have a modbook with a glitchy digitizer board. Until I can re-shield the cable that is causing the glitch I just want to turn the digitizer off. I found a page which taught me some code and I used it successfully last night. Upon reboot, however, it doesn't work anymore:
The script:
tell application "System Events"
set PTD to (unix id of process "PenTabletDriver") as text
do shell script "kill -STOP " & quoted form of (PTD)
end tell
The error message:
error "Can’t make «class idux» of «class prcs» \"PenTabletDriver\" of
application \"System Events\" into type text." number -1700 from
«class idux» of «class prcs» "PenTabletDriver" to text
Can I alter the code somehow to fix this problem?
I have read this post and, though it's similar, I do not understand how it could be applied to my problem.
Life is too short to mess with AppleScript. Try running the following command at the terminal prompt:
pkill -STOP PenTabletDriver
Also, check your login items to see if the driver is automatically started each time you log in. (More likely, though, is that it's configured to start at boot time via launchd.)
You can save the following script in a little applet:
set shellStr to "pkill -STOP PenTabletDriver"
do shell script shellStr
and run it whenever you need.
I think the other answers make a good point, a shell command is nice and quick. BUT, if you must have it in AppleScript, this seems to work for me....
tell application "System Events"
set PTD to (unix id of process "iTunes")
do shell script "kill -STOP " & quoted form of (PTD as text)
end tell
which results to
tell application "System Events"
get unix id of process "iTunes"
--> 37987
do shell script "kill -STOP '37987'"
--> error number -10004
end tell
tell current application
do shell script "kill -STOP '37987'"
--> ""
end tell
The Process ID is just a number so there is no need to quote it...
tell application "System Events"
set PTD to (unix id of process "iTunes")
do shell script "kill -STOP " & PTD
end tell
The above code is sufficient.

Sending commands and strings to with Applescript

I want to do something like this:
tell application "Terminal"
do script "ssh"
-- // write user's password
-- // write some linux commands to remote server
end tell
For example to log in to the server, enter the password, and then login to mysql and select a DB.
I type that every day and it would be really helpful to bundle it into a script.
Also, is there a reference of what commands, properties, functions, etc. do applications (Terminal, Finder, etc) have available to use within Applescript? thanks!
EDIT: Let me clear this up:
I don't want to do several 'do script' as I tried and doesn't work.
I want to open a Terminal window, and then emulate a human typing in some characters and hitting enter. Could be passwords, could be commands, whatever, just sending chars to the Terminal which happens to be running ssh. I tried keystroke and doesn't seem to work.
First connect to the server and wait for 6 seconds (you can change that) and then execute whatever you need on the remote server using the same tab
tell application "Terminal"
set currentTab to do script ("ssh user#server;")
delay 6
do script ("do something remote") in currentTab
end tell
As EvanK stated each do script line will open a new window however you can run two commands with the same do script by separating them with a semicolon. For example:
tell application "Terminal"
do script "date;time"
end tell
But the limit appears to be two commands.
However, you can append "in window 1" to the do script command (for every do script after the first one) to get the same effect and continue to run as many commands as you need to in the same window:
tell application "Terminal"
do script "date"
do script "time" in window 1
do script "who" in window 1
end tell
Note that I just used the who, date, and time command as an example...replace
with whatever commands you need.
Here's another way, but with the advantage that it launches Terminal, brings it to the front, and creates only one window.
I like this when I want to be neatly presented with the results of my script.
tell application "Terminal"
set shell to do script "echo 1" in window 1
do script "echo 2" in shell
do script "echo 3" in shell
end tell
How about this? There's no need for key codes (at least in Lion, not sure about earlier), and a subroutine simplifies the main script.
The below script will ssh to localhost as user "me", enter password "myPassw0rd" after a 1 second delay, issue ls, delay 2 seconds, and then exit.
tell application "Terminal"
my execCmd("ssh me#localhost", 1)
my execCmd("myPassw0rd", 0)
my execCmd("ls", 2)
my execCmd("exit", 0)
end tell
on execCmd(cmd, pause)
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Terminal"
set frontmost to true
keystroke cmd
keystroke return
end tell
end tell
delay pause
end execCmd
You don't need to "tell" Terminal to do anything. AppleScript can do shell scripts directly.
set theDir to "~/Desktop/"
do shell script "touch " & theDir &"SomeFile.txt"
or whatever ...
Why don't use expect:
tell application "Terminal"
set currentTab to do script ("expect -c 'spawn ssh user#IP; expect \"*?assword:*\"; send \"MySecretPass
\"; interact'")
end tell
Your question is specifically about how to get Applescript to do what
you want. But, for the particular example described, you might want
to look into 'expect' as a solution.
Kinda related, you might want to look at Shuttle (, it's a SSH shortcut menu for OSX.
The last example get errors under 10.6.8 (Build 10K549) caused by the keyword "pause".
Replacing it by the word "wait" makes it work:
tell application "Terminal"
my execCmd("ssh me#localhost", 1)
my execCmd("myPassw0rd", 0)
my execCmd("ls", 2)
my execCmd("exit", 0)
end tell
on execCmd(cmd, wait)
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Terminal"
set frontmost to true
keystroke cmd
keystroke return
end tell
end tell
delay wait
end execCmd
I could be mistaken, but I think Applescript Terminal integration is a one-shot deal...That is, each do script call is like opening a different terminal window, so I don't think you can interact with it at all.
You could copy over the SSH public keys to prevent the password prompt, then execute all the commands joined together (warning: the following is totally untested):
tell application "Terminal"
do script "ssh '/home/jdoe/ && /home/jdoe/'"
end tell
Alternatively, you could wrap the ssh and subsequent commands in a shell script using Expect, and then call said shell script from your Applescript.
set up passwordless ssh (ssh-keygen, then add the key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server). Make an entry in ~/.ssh/config (on your desktop), so that when you run ssh mysqlserver, it goes to user#hostname... Or make a shell alias, like gotosql, that expands to ssh user#host -t 'mysql_client ...' to start the mysql client interactively on the server.
Then you probably do need someone else's answer to script the process after that, since I don't know how to set startup commands for mysql.
At least that keeps your ssh password out of the script!
Instead of using keystroke use key code.
The following example should work for you.
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Terminal"
set frontmost to true
key code {2, 0, 17, 14}
keystroke return
end tell
end tell
The above example will send the characters {d a t e}
to Terminal and then keystroke return will enter and run
the command. Use the above example with whatever key codes you need
and you'll be able to do what you're trying to do.
what about something like this:
tell application "Terminal"
do shell script "sudo dscl localhost -create /Local/Default/Hosts/ IPAddress"
do shell script "sudo dscl localhost -create /Local/Default/Hosts/ IPAddress"
end tell
As neat solution, try-
$ open -a /Applications/Utilities/ *.py
$ open -b *.py
For the shell launched, you can go to Preferences > Shell > set it to exit if no error.
That's it.
I built this script. It is in Yosemite and it is bash script using AppleScript to choose a list of users for SSH servers. Basically you define an IP and then the user names.. when the application launches it asks who you want to login in as.. the SSH terminal is launched and logged in prompting a password...
* --- --- --- --- ---
* JD Sports Fashion plc
* Apple Script
* Khaleel Mughal
* --- --- --- --- ---
* --- --- --- --- ---
set stagingIP to "192.162.999.999"
set faciaName to (choose from list {"admin", "marketing", "photography_cdn"})
if faciaName is false then
display dialog "No facia was selected." with icon stop buttons {"Exit"} default button {"Exit"}
set faciaName to (item 1 of faciaName)
tell application "Terminal"
do script "ssh " & faciaName & "#" & stagingIP & ""
end tell
end if
I highly recommend though; Nathan Pickmans post above about Shuttle ( a very smart and simple application.
