Directory Location is not writable - oracle

I had installed oracle database 11g XE then started to create database by using DBCA but at step 6 (Database configuration assistant) of 12 it is saying "Directory location D:\app\user\oradata\test is not writable.
I tried so many times but its always the same.How can I solve this problem?
This dialog is appearing

You can stop doing what you are doing as it won't work.
11g Express Edition (XE) database is installed during (initial) installation process. As XE allows only one instance, you can't create another database anyway so - stop trying.
If you want to practice such things (which is perfectly OK), switch to e.g. Standard Edition. It is dowloadable (for free, for education purposes) from the Oracle Technology Network.


Can I connect Forms 6i and 10g both with database 11g at a time?

I want to connect Forms 6i with database 11g R2 but currently I am using Forms 10g with database 11g R2. I want to use both of these Forms. Can I connect Oracle Forms 6i and 10g with database 11g R2 both at a time? What is the solution?
You didn't mention which operating system you use. If it is a modern MS Windows, note that Forms 6i is an old piece of software which was never certified nor supported on Windows 10 (nor Windows 7). Although I've read that people managed to install it and made it work, there's no guarantee that you'll manage to do it as well. You'll have to Google a lot and read a lot, collect pieces of knowledge and hope for the best.
when you installed all those Oracle products onto your computer, you should have installed each of them into its own Oracle Home (i.e. directory); otherwise, you can expect problems (such as files being overwritten).
as each Forms installation uses its own TNSNAMES.ORA, both of them should contain an entry for your Oracle 11g database. If not, Forms that doesn't have it will fail to connect. Alternatively (which is what I'd suggest) is to create a TNS_ADMIN environment variable which points to a directory which will contain a single copy of the TNSNAMES.ORA file (for example, C:\ORALIB) - doing so, you'd have to maintain only one copy of the file, instead of two (or even more) of them .
apart from that, you should be able to run both Forms versions. What happened when you tried to run Forms 6i? Do you get any error? If so, which one?

Oracle Database 12c Installed, but no SQL developer showed up

I've been trying to use Oracle 12c and SQL Developer on a Virtual Machine running Oracle Linux for weeks now but the process gets worse and worse and this is the fifth time I do the same installation again.
I used oracle-rdbms-server-12cR1-preinstall for the preinstallation process, I also added the groups DBA, OPER, BACKUPDBA, DGDBA, KMDBA, and RACDBA.
I then used the./runInstaller file that comes with the Database and went through the installation process without any issues. But when the installation finished and I closed the installer, there is no trace of SQL Developer anywhere.
I'm not even sure if the Oracle Database was actually installed correctly, I've been running this command to see if it returns me anything in order to check if the database is actually installed but I don't know if i'm correct.
Don't give up. You can do it!
The daunting part of Oracle Database is that you are installing the exact same binaries for your learning environment as the largest bank on this planet has installed in their production environment! Oracle Database is a very sophisticated RDBMS and it takes years to learn it!
Oracle Database and SQL Developer
Oracle Database and SQL Developer are two separate products. You can download both from OTN and install them separately.
Database creation
Did you create a database (datafiles) while installing the binaries? There is a checkbox in the installer for that. You can create a database using the tool dbca (Database Creation Assistant) in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin folder.
Instance not running.
pmon is a vital process for the instance (processes + memory) which indicates it hasn't started. Check /etc/oratab if there is a database added to the file. If yes, fire up!
# set the environment
$. oraenv
# login as sys and start the database
$sqlplus / as sysdba
Best of luck!

ora-12560 :TNS: protocol adapter error after installing ODP.NET

I have installed Oracle Database Win64 and also Client Win64 in my windows 7 Ultimate and I was able to access Oracle database using Sql*plus
using sqlplus / as sysdba. After that I installed ODP.NET ODTwithODAC1120320_32bit to work with Oracle using C# in Visual Studio 2010. When i tried to add connection to Oracle database using ODP it pops out ora-12560 :TNS: protocol adapter error and even during logging to Oracle using SqlPlus / as sysdba.
I have read several articles that say stopped service will cause but mine is running.
What could be the problem???
The main problem that I faced Connecting to Oracle 11g using Server explorer in VS 2010 was not version compatibility of ODP with Oracle database but it's architecture. After such errors I uninstalled Oracle Database 11g using deinstall.bat file then cleaned Registry Key ../Software/Oracle and cleaned up temp files, did a system restart. Then installed Oracle 11g Database x32 Database server, ODP.NET x32, checked Env vars.
First success was that I was able to connect to DB using SQL*Plus. After that started VS 2010 and tried to connect ..... Connected! wow has worked in VS IDE. I was so happy :)
I remember how many times I reinstalled Oracle(cleaning,configuring checking listeners, restarting services). Then my hard work really paid off.
here is a screenshot
Generally, I advise to install Oracle server under different credentials than what you usually use. The Oracle server (under Windows) makes use of a few environment variables; and the same is the case with ODP.NET as well. And while you can't easily switch between different sets of env variables in your user profile, you can assign different env var values to a (different) user under which the Oracle server is installed and/or being run.
If you already have your Oracle server installed (which, I suspect, is your case), then try:
Create a new user in your Windows, make him sufficiently privileged. ("Admin" rights will do fine. :-))
Log in as the new user.
Set up ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, NLS_LANGUAGE and PATH environment variables for that particular user (not globally for the whole Windows!) to point to your Oracle server.
Log in as the original user.
Start the Services management console ("services.msc").
Change "Log On" credentials for the OracleServiceSOMETHING and Oracle SOMETHING VSS Writer Service and OracleJobSchedulerSOMETHING and OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener to that new user+password you just created. (... where SOMETHING is usually the name of your instance)
Stop all Oracle services.
Set up ORACLE_HOME and PATH env var to point to your ODP.NET root and root\bin folders respectively; set up the ORACLE_SID and NLS_LANGUAGE vars to whatever values you need.
Start all Oracle services. (After this moment they should be running under their own credentials.)
Let's pray that it works.
I myself would have to improvise, too, if this scenario didn't work. But so far I have successfully run two Oracle servers and one Oracle client on the same machine this way with no problems, so I hope it works for you too. If it does not, then there's still the option of reinstalling your Oracle server completely.
Don't forget about backing up your database ... just in case something horrible happens.

Installing Oracle XE (older) AFTER installing APEX 10g?

Awhile back I installed the Oracle 10g XE database on my dev machine. Since then, I installed Application Express over top of the XE installation. In other words, it's APEX running on 10g. I found I don't really need APEX after all (it's turned out I'm developing in ASP.NET and Oracle instead), and I recall having more of a GUI to manage the XE 10g instance BEFORE I installed APEX.
Can I remove APEX while leaving my original XE installation? I tried to re-install the original XE, but I didn't see a way of doing this without installing a new HOME (which I'd rather not do; it confuses me). TIA.
Oracle XE comes with APEX installed, along with a ( from memory ) APEX based XE management tool. What it sounds like you actually did was was upgrade/over install a newer version of APEX, then remove APEX all together.
Probably the easiest thing to do would be to backup your user schema's using exp or expdp ( data pump ) , uninstall XE, reinstall XE and then import your user schema's. This will get XE back to how you want it.
There's a bunch of stuff (such as the PL/SQL embedded gateway) that is there irrespective of what you did. You also get a bunch of stuff under the FLOWS_020100 (I think).
What happens when you install, for example, Apex 3.2 on XE is that it creates a new schema (FLOWS_030200 or APEX_0400000 or whatever), and repoints a bunch of synonyms from FLOWS_020100 to the new schema.
Sometimes (because of the space restrictions in XE) you drop the FLOWS_020100 schema. If so, your best bet is probably to copy out anything in the database you need, un-install XE and reinstall it.
If you still have the old schema, you can have a go at following the 'reverting' instructions as you would for a failed upgrade.
AFAIK Apex installs web server and some scripts into the database. Your gui to manage xe should change, though. Are you sure you are accessing the same port?
Also, there is SqlDeveloper, quite good tool for oracle databases.
Finally, have you tried oracle ADF for application development?

Develop on local Oracle instance

I want our team to develop against local instances of an Oracle database. With MS SQL, I can use SQL Express Edition. What are my options?
Oracle has an express edition as well. I believe it is more limited though (IIRC, you can only have one database on an instance)
Oracle XE
I have had a lot of success using Oracle 10g Express Edition. It comes with Oracle Aplication Express which allows the simple admin and creation of software via a web interface. It is limited to 4Gb of Disk Space, 1Gb of Ram and will only use 1 processor.
It's free and in my experience has been 100% reliable. It can easily be hosted within a Virtual machine.
Also Oracle SQL Developer is a cross platform application that can be used with any version of Oracle and is also free. Oracle 10g is superb. Go for it :-)
I'm happy with Oracle XE for development purposes.
I do have this piece of wisdow to share; if you're having problems like ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found or ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error from time to time then try to change your PROCESSES parameter, logon to Oracle using sys as sysdba and execute the following:
After changing the PROCESSES parameter restart your Oracle service.
Oracle allows developers to download and use Oracle for free for the purpose of developing software (at least for the initial prototype, best to read the license terms). Downloads here.
We ended up using Oracle XE. Install client, install express, reboot, it just works.
I don't recommend Oracle XE. My co-workers and I have been doing a project in Oracle and got severely tripped up after trying to use XE for our local development instances. The database worked fine until we started running local stress tests, at which point it started dropping connections.
I don't know whether this is an intentional, documented limitation or if perhaps we each just hit a weird bug, but I strongly recommend that you stay away from XE. When we both switched over to the full version, our problems immediately went away.
Also, Oracle doesn't require any kind of licensing confirmation for the full server; you have to click something to say that you have indeed acquired a license, but it doesn't make you prove it. So if you indeed have a license to use Oracle, there's no reason why you can't just install the full version on your development machines.
