Google Places autocomplete API limit - google-places-api

We are trying to use the Google's autocomplete API. ITs is already linked to Facebook payment account. but when we try to hit the API, it failed after 750 requests.,formatted_address
{"error_message": "You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API. If you did not set a custom daily request quota, verify your project has an active billing account:",
"predictions": [],
"status": "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT"
When we checked the limit it showed that maximum we can set it to only 750/per day in I AM section.
But in API's usage section it shows that API usage is Pay as you go. Is there any method to use more number of APIs in single day. We need to automate and cleanup the customer address database.


Inability to increase the quota due to an error in the application form

In our application, we use the YouTube API to let the user sing their
favorite songs. But as soon as we added the YouTube API to the app in Build
Number 6.01, we immediately exceeded the quota of queries. But when filling
out the quota increase request form, we are faced with the fact that the
application page
uses reCaptcha V1, which is not supported since April 2018. As a result, we
can not request an increase in the quota. Can you aassist in extending the
quota limit for daily YouTube API requests?

Retrieve Google Analytics quotas consumption via API

i want to be able to fetch all the quotas status related to the google analytics API consumption. One part of it seems to be available via IAM:
First, accessing to these data through an API would be it possible with the IAM API ?? If so, can i get a sample ?
Next, i need one more data: the google analytics quota consumption PER VIEW (which is limited to 10.000 queries per view per day) it also possible to fetch this data, one way or another ?
At this time there is no way to programmatically access the quota usage of any Google API.
You will either need to check it manually on the google developer website or you will have to keep a count yourself in your application.
There is no other way of fetching data the Google Analytics data. If you have a 360 account you can have your data extracted into Big Query.
You can only make 10000 requests per view per day. There is also no way to increase this quota.
IAM API is for use with Google cloud and not discovery APIs so no that is not going to help you either.

How can I read current Google Analytics API limits or used quota

We have a widget which filters analytics referrer spam in Google Analytics by adding 30+ filters to each property-view.
Google Analytics API has a limit of 500 write operation per day, which sucks, because our widget is used a lot and we need around 35 writes per property-view.
I'm looking for a way to read the current API limit so I can notify users when the limit is reached, because right now I'm showing a message when I get an error message from Google - after the request. Which is annoying.
Google Dev. Console contains the usage per API call and what would be enough for me to know when we reached the limit.
My question: Is there an API which can read out this data for the past 24 hours?

Google Custom Search API 403 Daily Limit Exceeded

I am getting the daily limit exceeded error message 403 when trying to access google custom search engine API. Based on the official documentation: I get 10k queries per day. And I am pretty certain that I have queried below 2k today. I have enabled billing and have entered credit card information (My account also has a ).
I have two questions:
Where can I see the number of queries for a particular API that I have performed for a selected day on Google Developer Console?
What can be the reason behind daily limit error?
I have seen other similar questions and I am posting this because none of them seem to resolve my issue.
I found the solution:
On Google Developer Console, Navigate to:
APIs & Auth --> APIs --> YourAPI --> Quotas. Google by default enters a limit which might not be the maximum allowable limit. However, you can change that in this menu and your App will get the new limits.
Also, you can see the daily usage for a API here: APIs & Auth --> APIs --> YourAPI --> Usage

Get Google Calendar API Limit

Is there any way to get the requests quota of Google Calendar API by calling some API method in code?
I know that I can see the total and remaining requests count on the project dashboard. But, I want to fetch it in my application and display it to admin user on a web page for convenience so that he doesn't need to sign in to Google to view the quota.
No there is no way to see how much of the Quota you have used on any of the Google APIs. I normally keep a running count of requests for display to the user. But there is no way to check what the over all quota usage is for the application.
I have done send feed back from the Developer console several times asking them to add an API. There are cloud monitoring APIs but nothing for monitoring quota usage.
