Editing file name when using export-view in Netlogo - view

I want to use export-view to save an image of my model. I have made a button in the interface to export image (JPG, PNG, or PDF) from the Netlogo.
this is my current code in the export-view button
file-open user-new-file
export-view (word "view1.jpg")
set view-number view-number + 1
Currently, file-open command helps in showing a pop-up input window before saving. There is a runtime error of "FILE-OPEN expected input to be a string but got the TRUE/FALSE false instead". I can still save the file but this pop's up from time to time
At first try the I can save the files successively. Now, it only saves one file named view1 everytime. Is there something wrong with new code?

Have a look at the user-new-file primitive in the NetLogo dictionary. That allows you to get the user input and then you can use the word primitive to save in the same way that you are doing it now.
The short version of complete code is:
to testme1
export-view user-new-file
To get a full idea of what's going on, here's a longer version:
to testme2
let fn user-new-file
print fn
set fn word fn ".png"
print fn
if file-exists? fn [file-delete fn]
file-open fn
export-view fn
So what actually happens is the user-new-file returns a string for whatever the user enters. You can use that string directly with the export-view, or you can manipulate it a bit and then use it. I'm not completely clear why you are getting that particular error, but the code you have is creating/opening a file with a different name than the name you try and export to.
For example, in my testme2 code, I appended the 'png' extension on the assumption that the user did not type this. In a real application, you could look at the last 3 characters and add the extension only if required for example. My longer code also deletes any existing file of that name - I don't think this is required for png views as I think NetLogo simply overwrites, but exporting to csv would add lines at the end.

JenB's answer may be exactly what you are looking for. But to cover another possibility suggested by your original filename, you may be looking to number multiple export files, perhaps exported every few ticks or when something interesting occurs, or as you have it, whenever the export-view button is pressed. In that case, if you define a global variable such as view-number, you could then use the code
export-view (word "view" view-number ".jpg")
set view-number view-number + 1
This will give you successive files "view0.jpg", "view1.jpg", "view2.jpg" ... view-number is initialized at 0, but you could start with some other number if you wish.


Create Identifier for input box with AHK GUI

I have created a GUI in AHK and it works well now. I am processing multiple records and would like to be able to track the place that I am on. My code loops through each record and does some actions before moving on to the next one. While this is happening the GUI window is shown. Also I am writing this in AHK then using the conversion tool and creating an .exe with it. I am developing this tool to be distributed as a stand alone EXE that one can install/save and then run when they want to. Below is a screen shot of the tool and the code to load in the names.
Gui, PasteGUI:Add, Text,, Please add the Names that you want to Process.
Counter := 0
Loop, parse, Clipboard, `n, `r
x%A_Index% := A_LoopField
Loop, %Counter% ; Dynamic List length
Gui PasteGUI:Add, Edit, vButton%A_Index%, % x%A_Index%
Gui PasteGUI:Add, Button, x200 y270 w88 h26 vButton02 gGoCont Default, Continue
Gui PasteGUI:Add, Button, x290 y270 w88 h26 vButton03 gGoQuit, Cancel
Gui, PasteGUI:Show
Loop, %Counter%
MsgBox Done!
Gui Destroy
Gui Destroy
I want to add something so that when I am processing Jason it can be identified. Having an arrow that moves as I loop through the list would be nice. As I have depicted it below,I drew it on in paint. Otherwise if I could turn the past records a color that would work too. So for the below example the names "Chris" & "Ben" would be highlighted in a color or the boxes would be somehow identified as different. I am not sure how to do either so it would be great to learn both if possible. Lastly, whatever method is described I need to be able to convert it to an .exe with Ahk2Exe and then be able to run the .exe and not have a need to have any further files or other references in the program that would not work. This is interned to be run on a standard Windows computer so if there are some default images that can be accessed that might be useful too.
Okay so Ive worked out how to do this with PGilm's method of checkboxes. You could also possibly do this with a table of some sort. But the code below looks to be working for me.
Also I wanted to let you know I changed the var x to cliparray so it is easier to read.
Gui, Add, Text,section, Please add the Names that you want to Process.
Counter := 0
Loop, parse, Clipboard, `n, `r
cliparray%A_Index% := A_LoopField
Loop, %Counter% {
; Dynamic List length
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xs vCheckBox%A_Index%
Gui Add, Edit, yp+1 xs+30 vTextbox%A_Index%, % cliparray%A_Index%
Gui Add, Button, x200 y270 w88 h26 gGoCont vButton02 Default, Continue
Gui Add, Button, x290 y270 w88 h26 vButton03 gGoQuit, Cancel
Gui, Show
;needed to get the variables from the edits and check box, else the varibles dont exist See below for more information.
Gui, Submit, NoHide
msgbox, Go..
Loop, %Counter%
GuiControl,, CheckBox%A_Index%, 1
GuiControl,, CheckBox%backone%, 0
Msgbox % "variable " line " contains: " Textbox%A_Index%
MsgBox Done!
Gui Destroy
;Used to debug to see list of all variables. Super helpful :D
Some logic to take note of would be on the lines that add the edits and checkbox's. I used the Section logic of Gui positioning to make the edit and check on the same line. In this code the section element is set in the first Gui, Add, for the text section. And thus carries down to the other gui elements. Section AHK Documentation
Gui, Add, Checkbox, xs vCheckBox%A_Index%
Gui Add, Edit, yp+1 xs+30 vTextbox%A_Index%, % cliparray%A_Index%
The next part to take a closer look at is in the GoCont function. I am using the index of the loop to check the CheckBox%A_Index% checkbox so that the current line turns on. I also turn off the last index's check box with the GuiControl,, CheckBox%backone%, 0 line. This give the effect of the check box moving through list as you process text with in each element.
One last line to mention is the Gui, Submit, NoHide. Without this you will be missing the variables created for each checkbox and edit. This will create and fill the variables with the data from each gui element. Gui, Submit AHK Documentation

Matlab GUI Attempt to reference field of non-structure array

I have a GUI menu on Matlab with 4 buttons (menu.fig). Then I have 4 .fig file that I want to open when I click on the buttons. Here it's all ok, when I open a .fig from menu and insert value to do a plot I get this error:
???? Attempt to reference field of non-structure array.
If I try to open 1.fig directly, everything works perfectly.
I read that the problem is with eval(), but I can't solve it.
I changed the variable names on each .fig file
One 1.fig:
function pbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
f1=get(handles.edtSFreq, 'String');
fi1=get(handles.edtSFase, 'String');
t1=get(handles.popTipo, 'Value');
I got the error on the that 1st line.
I guess this is something MATLAB GUI not handled well. I know it used to work, but when you tweaking your UI or UI related code a bit and accidentally you modified some area MATLAB told you not to touch, this kind of issue begin to happen.
The workaournd is to start the GUI from M editor by clicking run
I know it works, but originally, when I directly lauch it , it works too. so, this is not the end of it, people are just not getting to the end of it.
The problem is with probably with handles1. It's not a structure array like you expect it to be. In GUI's created with GUIDE, this variable is usually called handles, if you have both handles and handles1 make sure handles1 contains handles to the objects in the figure. If you're using handles1 only, make sure you're initializing it properly.

How can I programatically print a DataReport to a pdf file?

I'm updating old VB6 code to save its DataReports out to a PDF, rather than bringing up a print dialog.
I cannot simply write the PDF within the code (using a VB6 PDF library, etc.), since all our software already uses DataReports, and writing print code for each one would be tedious, at best. Currently, the process requires an employee to print the DataReport to a PDF print driver, naming it manually and saving it to where it needs to go. I need to automate this all, so that the name and location of the saved PDF can be specified programatically, rather than entered by hand.
The best solution would be if DataReport simply had a .SaveToPdf(filename) routine. Worst-case scenario, I see myself automating the process using SendKeys. However, this solution needs to work in an environment with multiple possible printers (so the PDF print driver might not be the default,) and on Windows XP, Vista, or 7.
I've fruitlessly tried Googling the problem, which returns only tutorials on how to do it by hand, much as we do now.
You might consider using a PDF Printer Driver that allows you to configure silent "printing" to a preset directory using auto-generated names.
For an example of such a product, see:
I would create a dialog that lets the user enter the printer (driver) name, directory to save to, and a file naming guideline, then save that to either a local ini file or the registry. You would then need two print buttons / menus. One to print straight to the printer using the default (saved) settings, and one that opens the print window they see now so they can perform a custom print.
Remember an ellipsis on a menu item indicates additional dialogs, Print vs Print...
Just use Crystal Report Viewer Control and follow the steps:
Set objRpt = objApp.OpenReport("type report path and name")
dim filepath as string
filepath = report path & report filename
With objRpt
.ExportOptions.FormatType = crEFTPortableDocFormat
.ExportOptions.DestinationType = crEDTDiskFile
.ExportOptions.DiskFileName = 'filepath string goes here
.ExportOptions.PDFExportAllPages = True
.Export False
End With
Follow these steps and the export is done.

Access window by document filename

I don't do much programming in applescript but I have a personal app which is mostly python but generates simple applescripts and calls them via a system call. Applescript is so different from the languages I usually program in that I can't figure out how I...
get the window order of a document within an application?
For making calls like:
set bounds of **first** window to %s
in other words, how can I get the document's "window order" for an application?
Is it possible to interact with a window through accessing the document like this:
to get bounds of first window whose document is "%s"
(which doesn't work) or do I have to get the document's window order first and then interact with that window (via its order) in a second line?
Any insight would be great. Thanks.
You can do both of these things just fine. The first line is just set bounds of window 1 to ..., or, if you prefer, set bounds of the first window to ... The second one depends on what, exactly, you want to do. If you want to access the first window whose name is something in particular, you can just do get the bounds of window "NAME"; if you really want the name of the document, though, you'll need to do something like
set d to the document "NAME"
repeat with w in windows
if w's document is d then return bounds of w
end repeat
You should be able to do the first window whose document is d, but this fails; as far as I can tell, it's because document is also a type name. Also, if window "NAME"/document "NAME" fails—it's the sort of thing that I remember sometimes not working, even though it should—you can instead use the first window whose name is "NAME" (or the first document ...). But the simple form will almost certainly work.
Also, if you're just generating these AppleScripts, calling them, and deleting them—in other words, if you're pretending they're Python functions, rather than generating them for later use—I'd highly recommend using appscript instead,. I've never used in in Python, but I have in Ruby, and it's a really great way to deal with everything AppleScript does while still using your language of choice. For instance, I think your first example would become app('Whatever').windows[1].bounds.set((0,0,0,0)), (or ...windows.first.... if you prefer) and your second would become either app('Whatever').windows['NAME'].bounds.get() or app('Whatever').windows[its.document.name == 'NAME'].get(), depending on if you need the window's name or the window's document's name. This is all untested, but certainly captures the flavor of what appscript tends to look like (nice and concise).

In matlab, how do you save a figure as an image in the same way as using "Save As..." in the figure window?

When saving a figure, what function does Matlab use? For example, when a user selects File > Save As... and then selects .png or another image format, what is going on behind the scenes?
I am asking because I am trying to automate saving, but when I use saveas or print, the resulting image is really pixelated. However, the image looks really good when I save the figure using the method described above.
What method should I use to save my figure from the command line? The actual method that the figure window uses would work, but if you guys have better solutions, I'd appricate it!
The callback for the "Save As..." menu item invokes the function FILEMENUFCN with the first input argument being the handle of the figure the menu is in and the second input argument being the string 'FileSaveAs'. If you have the figure handle stored in the variable hFigure, then the following command should be equivalent to clicking the "Save As..." menu item in that figure window:
>> filemenufcn(hFigure,'FileSaveAs');
A few notes...
The function FILEMENUFCN is only partially documented. You can do help filemenufcn in the command window, but there is no entry for it in the online documentation. In MATLAB 2009a, the function can be found in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009a\toolbox\matlab\uitools\filemenufcn.m
Looking through the function code, it appears that it ultimately calls either the function SAVEAS for .fig files or the function HGEXPORT (with additional input arguments) for other file types.
I was able to hunt down the callback for the "Save As..." menu item by searching through the children of the figure window and its menus. You can do this yourself by setting the root property 'ShowHiddenHandles' to 'on' and then traversing through the 'Children' properties of the figure window and its menus using the GET command. An alternative is to use the FINDALL command, assuming you know some properties of the objects you are looking for. For example, this will find the handle to the "File" menu for the current figure window:
>> hFileMenu = findall(gcf,'Label','&File');
And this will find the handle to the "Save As..." menu item and display its callback:
>> hSaveAs = findall(hFileMenu,'Label','Save &As...');
>> get(hSaveAs,'Callback')
ans =
I don't know about you, but for me the saved image looks nice.
Code example:
... create some figure ...
saveas(gcf, 'some_figure.png');
To set a user specified resolution use:
where SOMENUMBERis a parameter used for the resolution.
The final resolution is (SOMENUMBER*8) x (SOMENUMBER*6)
