APM Server has still not connected to Elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I have installed Elastic search, kibana and logstash (all version 7.5.2)
After this I have installed Kibana(7.5.2) and configured apm-server.yml with output as elasticsearch with xpack monitoring as well. The service apm-server is running fine. I am able to see the APM application in the Kibana Stack monitoring page as well.
But when I go to https://kibana_server:5601/app/kibana#/home/tutorial/apm and click on Check APM Server statusI get as below:
APM Server has still not connected to Elasticsearch
host: "lxapm1001:8200"
hosts: ["http://lxecs2001:9200"]
username: apm_system
password: "${ES_PWD}"
monitoring.enabled: true
Has anyone faced similar issue. Please advise. Let me know if any additional details are required.


Do we need to have metricbeat installed in the remote prometheus cluster to pull prometheus data to ELK Cluster using metricbeat prometheus module?

Configuring Metricbeat
Metricbeat Prometheus Module
From the second link I got the metricbeat Prometheus module configuration is as follows:-
- module: prometheus
period: 10s
hosts: ["localhost:9090"]
metricsets: ["query"]
- name: 'up'
path: '/api/v1/query'
query: "up"
Regarding my use case I want to pull data from remote prometheus host which is outside my network to my ELK cluster using metricbeat prometheus queries.
In this regard I added my remote prometheus host name in the host section of the above config file for metricbeat prometheus module.
Now my question do we need to install metricbeat in the remote prometheus cluster also to pull the data (Ref: Configuring Metricbeat) or just adding the remote prometheus host name in the host section of metricbeat configuration is enough to do the trick?
You are not required to again configured MetricBeat on remote Prometheus host. You can use same configuration which you have given in question. But you can not give localhost:9090 as you are not running metricbeat on same host where Prometheus is running. Hence, you can update configuration like prometheus_ip:9090.
Also, You need to make sure that connectivity is allowed between host where you have installed metricbeat and host where you are running Prometheus.
You can use Elastic Agent & fleet as well instead of Metricbeat. because it provide centralized configuration management and it easy to configure. You can read more about Elastic agent and fleet here and it provide Prometheus integration.

secure Kibana and elasticsearch using SSL / TLS

Thanks for taking the time to read this :)
My web app (grimoirelab) contains multiple services spun up using docker-compose which contains elasticsearch and kibana . Port 5601 (kibana) is open and accessible through the web.
I want to enable SSL / TLS in the Kibana container , i.e , change the URL from http to https
Kibana and Elasticsearch are both of Version : 6.8.6
I have very less experience in web security so would really appreciate any guidance on the same...
You can follow this elasticsearch documentation for configuration of SSL and TLS, and it is available as free after 6.8 version.
Please check Configuring SSL, TLS, and HTTPS to secure Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash blog.
Please check this documentation for how to setup SSL and TLS with Elasticsearch Docker Container.

Not able to access Kibana when Elasticsearch and Kibana are setup on different servers with search guard

I am trying to setup an ES cluster and Kibana on different VMs. The ES cluster is setup and secured with search-guard, I can even access it from the browser and curl.
I've setup kibana on an other VM and changed the elasticsearch.url to one of the servers of the ES cluster, and I've also updated the elasticsearch.username and elasticsearch.password.
Since I am using a self-signed SSL i've set the following as well.
elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: none
The firewall is allowed for port 5601 and the logs are as below but i still am not able to access kibana. Should i install kibana on an ES Node for it to work or how?
Nov 07 02:55:42 Kibana systemd[1]: Started Kibana.
Nov 07 02:56:09 Kibana kibana[25483]: {"type":"log","#timestamp":"2018-11-07T02:56:09Z","tags":["info","optimize"],"pid":25483,"message":"Optimizing and caching bundles for ml, stateSessionStorageRedirect, status_page, timelion, graph, monitoring, dashboardViewer, apm and kibana. This may take a few minutes"}
Set server.host: in kibana.yml to listen on all interfaces

Elastic search and kibana not running in browser

I'm trying to install Elastic search and kibanna in my linux server, both elastic search and kibana service started, but i cannot able to to go the URL. [This site cannot be reached - http://localhost:5601
both i have tried]
Please help to update, what could be the issue. Is there any port level change i need to do ? please guide

Kibana asking for credentials

I set up a Kibana server that is accesing an External ElasticServer Datasource. Nignx is on top, and I access Kibana through it.
On the initial config, I set up the credentials of Kibana using:
sudo htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/htpasswd.users kibanaadmin
Then I was able to access the Kibana Web Console, and see it running. However, the external elasticServer was not configured, so I edited the kibana.yml file to point that external ElasticServer.
elasticsearch.url: "https://bluemix-sandbox-dal-9-portal0.dblayer.com:18671/"
elasticsearch.username: "admin"
elasticsearch.password: "mypass"
When I restarted Kibana, it was able to connect to the elasticsearch server, and in fact it seems that it wrote an entry on the index there.
However, now I am asked for some credentials to get connected to the Kibana Web interface. They are not the kibanaadmin I set up previously, or the ones on elasticsearch database. Which credentials should i use?
Are you sure you're not running Kibana from the wrong ES instance and both Kibana and Nginx are running on the same server. Haven't tried it out personally but then the below links could be handy.
Enabling Kibana Authentication with Nginx
Securing Elasticsearch, Kibana with nginx
Git- Kibana with Nginx Reverse Proxy
