Why is my Bash script with grep not working? - bash

I'm trying to understand why this very simple script is not working:
echo "SomeText" > test
if [[ "grep 'FindMe' ./test" ]] ; then
echo Why is this line written to screen?
I have tried with:
"grep 'FindMe' ./test"
$(grep 'FindMe' ./test)
`grep 'FindMe' ./test`
also with a lot of grep options.
I have tried with [] and [[]] and {} and any combination.

In fact, to check the exit status, use no parentheses and no quotes:
if grep 'FindMe' ./test ; then
Using grep -q is common in such situations as we don't want the output of the script to be cluttered with random matches.


SoF2 shell script not running

I've got the following code in my shell script:
SERVER=`ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -c sof2ded`
if ["$SERVER" != "0"]; then
echo "Already Running, exiting"
echo "Starting up the server..."
cd /home/sof2/
/home/sof2/crons/start.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
I did chmod a+x status.sh
Now I try to run the script but it's returning this error:
./status.sh: line 5: [1: command not found
Starting up the server...
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Could you please try changing a few things in your script as follows and let me know if that helps you?(changed back-tick to $ and changed [ to [[ in code)
SERVER=$(ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -c sof2ded)
if [[ "$SERVER" -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Already Running, exiting"
echo "Starting up the server..."
cd /home/sof2/
/home/sof2/crons/start.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
The problem is with the test command. "But", I hear you say, "I am not using the test command". Yes you are, it is also known as [.
if statement syntax is if command. The brackets are not part of if syntax.
Commands have arguments separated (tokenized) by whitespace, so:
[ "$SERVER" != "0" ]
The whitespace is needed because the command is [ and then there are 4 arguments passed to it (the last one must be ]).
A more robust way of comparing numerics is to use double parentheses,
(( SERVER == 0 ))
Notice that you don't need the $ or the quotes around SERVER. Also the spacing is less important, but useful for readability.
[[ is used for comparing text patterns.
As a comment, backticks ` ` are considered deprecated because they are difficult to read, they are replaced with $( ... ).

Bash- Running a command on each grep correspondence without stopping tail -n0 -f

I'm currently monitoring a log file and my ultimate goal is to write a script that uses tail -n0 -f and execute a certain command once grep finds a correspondence. My current code:
tail -n 0 -f $logfile | grep -q $pattern && echo $warning > $anotherlogfile
This works but only once, since grep -q stops when it finds a match. The script must keep searching and running the command, so I can update a status log and run another script to automatically fix the problem. Can you give me a hint?
use a while loop
tail -n 0 -f "$logfile" | while read LINE; do
echo "$LINE" | grep -q "$pattern" && echo "$warning" > "$anotherlogfile"
awk will let us continue to process lines and take actions when a pattern is found. Something like:
tail -n0 -f "$logfile" | awk -v pattern="$pattern" '$0 ~ pattern {print "WARN" >> "anotherLogFile"}'
If you need to pass in the warning message and path to anotherLogFile you can use more -v flags to awk. Also, you could have awk take the action you want instead. It can run commands via the system() function where you pass the shell command to run

While loop hangs and does not find string

I have a section of code in a bash script that uses a while loop to grep a file until the string I am looking for is there, then exit. Currently, its just hanging using the following code:
VAR1=$(/bin/grep -wo -m1 "HOST ALERT: $hostname;DOWN" /var/log/logfile)
while [ ! "$VAR1" ]
sleep 5
echo $VAR1 was found
I know the part of the script responsible for inserting this string into the logfile works, as I can grep it out side of the script and find it.
One thing I have tried is to change up the variables. Like this:
VAR1="HOST ALERT: $hostname;DOWN"
while [ ! /bin/grep "$VAR1" /var/log/logfile ]
sleep 5
echo $VAR1 was found
But i get a binary operator expected message and once I got a too many arguments message when using this:
while [ ! /bin/grep -q -wo "$VAR1" /var/log/logfile ]
What do I need to do to fix this?
while/until can work off of the exit status of a program directly.
until /bin/grep "$VAR1" /var/log/logfile
sleep 5
echo "$VAR1" was found
You also mentioned that it prints out the match in an above comment. If that's not desirable, use output redirection, or grep's -q option.
until /bin/grep "$VAR1" /var/log/logfile >/dev/null
until /bin/grep -q "$VAR1" /var/log/logfile
No need to bother with command substitution or test operator there. Simply:
while ! grep -wo -m1 "HOST ALERT: $hostname;DOWN" /var/log/logfile; do
sleep 5
Don't waste resources, use tail!
while read line
echo $line
done < <(tail -f /tmp/logfile | grep --line-buffered "HOST ALERT")

How do I store a bash command as string for multiple substitutions?

I'm trying to clean up this script I have and this piece of code is annoying me because I know it can be more DRY:
if grep --version | grep "GNU" > /dev/null ;
grep -P -r -l "\x0d" $dir | grep "${fileRegex}"
grep -r -l "\x0d" $dir | grep "{$fileRegex}"
My thoughts are to somehow conditionally set a string variable to either "grep -P" or "egrep" and then in a single line do something like:
$(cmdString) -r -l "\x0d" $dir | grep "${fileRegex}"
Or something like that but it doesn't work.
Are you worried about a host which has GNU grep but not egrep? Do such hosts exist?
If not why not just always use egrep? (Though -P and egrep are not the same thing.)
That being said you don't use strings for this (see BashFAQ#50).
You use arrays: grepcmd=(egrep) or grepcmd=(grep -P) and then "${grepcmd[#]}" ....
You can also avoid needing perl mode entirely if you use $'\r' or similar (assuming your shell understands that quoting method).
You can do this:
if grep --version | grep "GNU" > /dev/null
cmdString=(grep -P)
"${cmdString[#]}" -r -l "\x0d" "$dir" | grep "{$fileRegex}"
#Etan Reisner's suggestion worked well. For those that are interested in the final code (this case is for tabs, not windows line endings but it is similar):
if grep --version | grep "GNU" > /dev/null ;
cmdString=(grep -P)
arr=$("${cmdString[#]}" -r -l "\x09" . | grep "${fileRegex}")
if [ -n "$dryRun" ]; then
for i in $arr; do echo "$i"; done
for i in $arr; do expand -t 7 "$i" > /tmp/e && mv /tmp/e "$i"; done

Pass command via variable in shell

I have following code in my build script:
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
make -j10 $1 2>&1 | tee log.txt && notify-send -u critical -t 7 "BUILD DONE"
make -j10 $1 2>&1 | tee log.txt | grep -i --color "Error" && notify-send -u critical -t 7 "BUILD DONE"
I tried to optimize it to:
local GREP=""
[[ ! -z "$1" ]] && GREP="| grep -i --color Error" && echo "Grepping for ERRORS"
make -j10 $1 2>&1 | tee log.txt "$GREP" && notify-send -u critical -t 7 "BUILD DONE"
But error thrown in make line if $1 isn't empty. I just can't figure out how to pass command with grep pipe through the variable.
Like others have already pointed out, you cannot, in general, expect a command in a variable to work. This is a FAQ.
What you can do is execute commands conditionally. Like this, for example:
( make -j10 $1 2>&1 && notify-send -u critical -t 7 "BUILD DONE" ) |
tee log.txt |
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
grep -i --color "Error"
This has the additional unexpected benefit that the notify-send is actually conditioned on the exit code of make (which is probably what you intended) rather than tee (which I would expect to succeed unless you run out of disk or something).
(Or if you want the notification regardless of the success status, change && to just ; -- I think this probably makes more sense.)
This is one of those rare Useful Uses of cat (although I still feel the urge to try to get rid of it!)
You can't put pipes in command variables:
$ foo='| cat'
$ echo bar $foo
bar | cat
The linked article explains how to do such things very well.
As mentioned in #l0b0's answer, the | will not be interpreted as you are hoping.
If you wanted to cut down on repetition, you could do something like this:
if [ $(make -j10 "$1" 2>&1 > log.txt) ]; then
[ "$1" ] && grep -i --color "error" log.txt
notify-send -u critical -t 7 "BUILD DONE"
The inside of the test is common to both branches. Instead of using tee so that the output can be piped, you can just indirect the output to log.txt. If "$1" isn't empty, grep for any errors in log.txt. Either way, do the notify-send.
