Spring Boot - Tomcat - Apache2 - HTTP 503 Error - ProxyIOBufferSize - spring-boot

I have installed my Spring Boot application at an Ubuntu version 18 server.
I use apache2 and lets encrypt to secure the application with SSL.
The application works fine in 95%, sometimes I get a HTTP 503 error at the client (Browser debugging view)
If HTTP 503 appears at the Browser/Client an entry is also made at apache2 log file which looks like this:
[Thu Mar 26 00:10:52.731383 2020] [proxy_ajp:error] [pid 16266:tid 139926293157632] [client
xxxx.xxxx.3.59:60869] AH00893: dialog to (localhost) failed, referer:
https domain
[Thu Mar 26 00:10:57.802571 2020] [proxy_ajp:error] [pid 16266:tid 139926720988928]
(70014)End of file found: AH01030: ajp_ilink_receive() can't receive header
[Thu Mar 26 00:10:57.802597 2020] [proxy_ajp:error] [pid 16266:tid 139926720988928] [client
xxx.xxx.3.59:60875] AH00992: ajp_read_header: ajp_ilink_receive failed, referer:
https domain
[Thu Mar 26 00:10:57.802628 2020] [proxy_ajp:error] [pid 16266:tid 139926720988928]
(120006)APR does not understand this error code: [client xxx.xxx.3.59:60875] AH00878: read
response failed from (localhost), referer: https domain
I found this thread:
We did some more investigation and found that the Apache setting that enables packets > 8192
(ProxyIOBufferSize 65536) was not going into effect because it was wrapped in an <IfModule
... > condition. (The module is loaded but we are investigating why the condition isn't
satisfied.) Tomcat 8.5 worked because it never sent packets larger than 8192, even though it
was allowed to, Tomcat 9 is sending bigger packets as it is configured to. With
ProxyIOBufferSize outside of the conditional, it is now working as expected.
My question now would be if it is possible that the size of ProxyIOBufferSize is to small and how can I adjust ProxyIOBufferSize in apache2 config file.

You can change ProxyIOBufferSize Directive of Module mod_proxy ref : https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_proxy.html#proxyiobuffersize
Edit proxy section of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf :
ProxyIOBufferSize 65536


xampp control new install

Everytime I install XAMPP on my new laptop I get this popup when closing:
enter error when i close xampp control panel
and this in the error log and I have no clue why
AH00558: httpd.exe: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using fe80::798c:c498:a91e:b3f0. Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
[Fri May 29 22:49:30.682665 2020] [core:warn] [pid 9748:tid 836] AH00098: pid file C:/xampp/apache/logs/httpd.pid overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Fri May 29 22:49:30.694634 2020] [ssl:warn] [pid 9748:tid 836] AH01909: www.example.com:443:0 server certificate does NOT include an ID which matches the server name
PHP Warning: 'vcruntime140.dll' 14.0 is not compatible with this PHP build linked with 14.16 in Unknown on line 0
[Fri May 29 22:49:30.696594 2020] [:emerg] [pid 9748:tid 836] AH00020: Configuration Failed, exiting```

magento get Internal Server Error when click payment methods on backend's Configuration

I am a new guy for Magento. When I click on backend's System>Configuration>Sales>Payment Methods, I got Internal Server Error. I checked error log file, it shows the below error:
[Tue Nov 29 20:25:39.934637 2016] [access_compat:error] [pid 306944:tid 140107193476864] [client] AH01797: client denied by server configuration: /var/www/vhosts/baoho.nz/httpdocs/app/etc/local.xml
[Tue Nov 29 20:25:40.318493 2016] [:error] [pid 306946:tid 140107373123328] [client] ModSecurity: Output filter: Response body too large (over limit of 524288, total not specified). [hostname "baoho.nz"] [uri "/index.php/admin/system_config/edit/section/payment/key/0ad75a974774456d274ebf7c4bcf4cb1/"] [unique_id "WD0tb#nx70z3ONKpFlNGtgAAAEI"]
[Tue Nov 29 20:25:40.318964 2016] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 306946:tid 140107373123328] [client] AH01068: Got bogus version 101, referer: http://baoho.nz/index.php/admin/system_config/edit/section/checkout/key/0ad75a974774456d274ebf7c4bcf4cb1/
[Tue Nov 29 20:25:40.318986 2016] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 306946:tid 140107373123328] (22)Invalid argument: [client] AH01075: Error dispatching request to :, referer: http://baoho.nz/index.php/admin/system_config/edit/section/checkout/key/0ad75a974774456d274ebf7c4bcf4cb1/
I did change .htaccess file's memory limited from 64MB to 512MB. However, it still showed the same error. Could anyone help me to solve this problem?

Can't access my CKAN installation on Amazon EC2

I followed installation guide and deployment guide and I can access CKAN site but on port 5000, not on 8080.
What have I done wrong?
Error log.
/var/log/apache2/ckan_default.error.log is empty.
/var/log/apache2/error.log below:
[Wed Dec 16 03:56:05.341055 2015] [core:notice] [pid 31625] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'
[Wed Dec 16 05:25:00.457734 2015] [:error] [pid 32024] [client] script '/var/www/html/wp/httptest.php' not found or unable to stat
[Wed Dec 16 06:46:59.218607 2015] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 31625] AH00171: Graceful restart requested, doing restart
[Wed Dec 16 06:46:59.367788 2015] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 31625] AH00163: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) mod_wsgi/3.4 Python/2.7.6 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Wed Dec 16 06:46:59.367809 2015] [core:notice] [pid 31625] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'
[Wed Dec 16 06:54:00.009154 2015] [:error] [pid 966] [client] script '/var/www/html/wp/httptest.php' not found or unable to stat
[Wed Dec 16 13:07:30.925196 2015] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 31625] AH00171: Graceful restart requested, doing restart
Changed everything back to how the deployment guide says.
/etc/apache2/sites-available/ckan_default.conf below
ServerName ec2-xx-xx-xx-xx.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com
ServerAlias www.ec2-xx-xx-xx-xx.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com
WSGIScriptAlias / /etc/ckan/default/apache.wsgi
# Pass authorization info on (needed for rest api).
WSGIPassAuthorization On
# Deploy as a daemon (avoids conflicts between CKAN instances).
WSGIDaemonProcess ckan_default display-name=ckan_default processes=2 threads=15
WSGIProcessGroup ckan_default
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ckan_default.error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ckan_default.custom.log combined
LogLevel info
<IfModule mod_rpaf.c>
RPAFenable On
RPAFsethostname On
<Directory />
Require all granted
Also tried changing the to *:8080 and tried public IP address (Amazon Elastic IP) and DNS address. None of them work.
ports.conf has listen 8080 (taken out listen 80)
wsgi script and nginx config as described in guide also.
I see the "Problem loading page" on Firefox visiting the root url on port 80 but visiting 8080 just hangs and both don't have HTTP response. I can still access CKAN on port 5000.
Amazon EC2 doesn't allow connections to port 8080 by default, so could open the port if you really wanted to access it externally.
However accessing CKAN via 8080 is only for testing that the apache deployment is working, so it makes no sense to make it available externally - you can test apache is working by ssh-ing to the box and using curl.
The CKAN deployment instructions continue by telling you to install nginx as a reverse proxy, exposing CKAN on the normal port 80.

Why tinyproxy requires an upstream proxy?

Today I configured a basic tinyproxy.
I expected it to act as proxy for ubuntu repositories.
But when trying to download stuff from repositories I got this on tinyproxy log
CONNECT Mar 27 17:30:46 [20348]: Connect (file descriptor 9): [unknown] []
CONNECT Mar 27 17:30:46 [20348]: Request (file descriptor 9): GET http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tdb/python-tdb_1.2.12-1_amd64.deb HTTP/1.1
INFO Mar 27 17:30:46 [20348]: No upstream proxy for br.archive.ubuntu.com
ERROR Mar 27 17:30:56 [20348]: opensock: Could not retrieve info for br.archive.ubuntu.com
INFO Mar 27 17:30:56 [20348]: no entity
I stuck on some misconcept. Do not tinyproxy send requests for outside servers directly?
I supllied an external proxy server to fix this

Apache crash on launch - W2008 Server

I installed Xampp on my Windows Server 2008. It worked fine, untill I decided to install some updates.
Now Apache doesn't start any more and I get these errors;
[Wed Aug 29 23:31:20.328125 2012] [core:warn] [pid 1540:tid 312] AH00098: pid file
C:/xampp/apache/logs/httpd.pid overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Wed Aug 29 23:31:20.968750 2012] [ssl:warn] [pid 1540:tid 312] AH01873: Init:Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
I'm trying to install Cacti on the server to monitor everything... Don't think it's relevant, but just saying
If you still need it:
Apache 2.4 will not start with added SSL support on windows until additional module (compare to Apache 2.2 configuration) was enabled: socache_shmcb_module
This additional info is at the beginning of the httpd-ssl.conf, but it takes time to read it :)
# Required modules: mod_log_config, mod_setenvif, mod_ssl, socache_shmcb_module (for default value of SSLSessionCache)
