Spring does not complain if a property is not set when using ConfigurationProperties - spring

I have a bean that is configured via ConfigurationProperties:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "mybean")
public class MyBean {
private String name;
// Getters, setters, ...
I configure the field values via application.yml but in "two levels". In the default application.yml I just set the value to the value of another property:
myBean.name: ${theValueOf.myBean.name}
In the profile specific YML file I have:
theValueOf.myBean.name: 'The desired value'
My expectation would be that if I forget to specify the property theValueOf.myBean.name then the application should fail at startup with the message that the placeholder 'theValueOf.myBean.name' could not be resolved. Instead, the field name is assigned the value (literally) ${theValueOf.myBean.name}.
If I annotate the name field with #Value("${myBean.name}") (and do not use ConfigurationProperties), and forget to define the property theValueOf.myBean.name, then the application fails at startup -- as expected.
My question is: How can I make Spring fail at startup with the message 'Could not resolve placeholder ...' when using ConfigurationProperties?

Simply mark your properties with JSR303 annotations, inside your #ConfigurationProperties.
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "mybean")
public class MyBean {
private String name;


Cannot bind Map to Object in Spring Configuration Properties from YAML file

I have the following configuration in my Spring boot's application.yml file:
capital: paris
population: 60
And I have the the properties class : CountryProperties :
public class CountryProperties {
private Map<String, CountryData> countryProperties;
public static class CountryData {
private String capital;
private Integer population;
However my CountryProperties is always null, and it's because of a failed mapping with the CountryData object.
Any ideas what is wrong with what I wrote?
You have the annotation #ConstructorBinding. This annotation tells Spring to look for a constructor in your class that has parameters corresponding to your configuration properties, and then will bind the properties.
What you are missing is:
public CountryProperties(Map<String, CountryData> countryProperties) {
this.countryProperties = countryProperties;
After inspecting your code again, it looks like you aren't mapping the configuration correctly to the instance field. Please update your #ConfigurationProperties(prefix="project.country-properties") to #ConfigurationProperties(prefix="project").
Also replace the #ConstructorBinding with #Configuration.

How define properties names using #ConfigurationProperties in Spring?

I have class:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "user")
public class BarcodeConfig {
private String customName;
private Details customDetails;
And property file with:
How map "user.name" to field "customName" and "user.details.*" to "customeDetails" without changing field names?
you can use #AliasFor("name")
You have to provide the property path from your configuration file using the #Value annotation.
For example, if you want to map the user.name to customName:
private String customName;
Spring will automatically fetch the user.name property value and assigns it to the customName variable attribute.

Hi I'm trying to add #Value("${name}") private String name; in dto field but not able to read it from application.properties

class dto{#Value("${name}") private String name; }
//When I try to read it is returning null how to solve this
The #Value annotation will only be processed on Spring-managed beans (e.g. a #Component annotated class).
Additionally, you would need to specify the property key in #Value as follows in order to match with the key defined in your property file:
private String name;
Your properties file can then carry the configurable value:
op.name=Some Name

validate ConfigurationProperties mapping

Is there a way to validate application.properties (or yml) if the properties match Java bean that it is mapped to via #ConfigurationProperties - so that if there is a typo in an attribute, exception will be thrown?
I tried using #Validated but it works only if every property has #NotNull annotation - but this is not exactly what I want to achieve... there may be some nullable properties in the config and I still want to "validate" them
I just spent 2 hours debugging an issue and I found out, the problem is that I misspelled an attribute name
e.g. application.yml
property1: 1
properrrrrty2: 2
public class AppConfig {
private String property1;
private String property2; // <--- this property does not match due to typo in application.yml
If you want to be sure that always a property exists then use #Validated with #NotNull for that property. #NotNull will complain if it does not find that property. You can still have the property there with an empty value if that is what you mean with nullable properties and NotNull will not complain.
You can't say I want it to be able to be nullable but also the validator should complain when that property is null.
So to sum things up.
#NotEmpty property must exist and also not have an empty value
#NotNull property must just exist. It does not care if it exists with an empty value.
That's why I insist you go with NotNull for your requirements.
Also I can think of another way to handle that.
public class AppConfig {
private String property1;
private String property2;
Using injection with #Value, spring will fail to initialize the singleton AppConfig during application startup if some property with exactly the same name does not exist on properties file, therefore you will be informed that no property with that name exists and the application will not start up.
You can specify ignoreUnknownFields = false to ensure that no unknown properties are defined under the corresponding prefix. (docs):
Flag to indicate that when binding to this object unknown fields should be ignored. An unknown field could be a sign of a mistake in the Properties.
Borrowing from your example:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp", ignoreUnknownFields = false)
public class AppConfig {
private String property1;
private String property2;
This means myapp.property1 and myapp.property2 are allowed but not required to be set, so they remain nullable.
Any other set property with the myapp prefix (such as myapp.properrrrrty2=2) will cause a startup failure and the offending property name will be logged in the exception.

Using #Configurable domain object properties to assign a specific behaviour based on data

I have a domain object which looks like this.
i need to use the data fetched from the database ("type" in this example) to fetch and inject the correct type of service.
I get this output which means that the DB data are not set during the call :
entity is a bean postconstruct: PocProduct [id=null, type=null, productName=null].. attching behavior!
I get the same resilt when I try with the initializing Bean.
What is the correct way to configure this?
#Table(name = "AAA_POC_PROD")
#Configurable(dependencyCheck = true)
public class PocProduct implements Serializable, InitializingBean {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1136936011238094989L;
private String id;
private String type;
private String productName;
private Behaviour behaviour;
private BehaviourFactory behaviourFactory;
//getters and setters
public void attachBehavior() {
System.out.println("entity is a bean postconstruct: " + this + ".. attching behavior!");
//Need to call this : depends on type which is fetched from DB
// this.behaviour = behaviourFactory.getTypeBasedBehaviour(type);
Configurable beans are initialized by Spring after or before construction, depending on the value of the #Configurable.preConstruction attribute. When loading an entity from a database this means the following sequence of events:
The JPA provider creates the entity by invoking it's constructor via reflection
While the constructor executes, spring-aspects' AnnotationBeanConfigurerAspect intercepts the constructor execution and, before (or after) the constructor executes, Spring will configure this newly created object by executing any bean configuration you have in your spring context, including autowiring of properties.
The JPA provider will receive this object already configured by Spring and will start populating its persistent properties with data fetched from the DB.
Optionally, if you set up #PostLoad methods, the JPA provider will invoke these methods so that your entities have a chance to do work after the entity is fully populated by data from the DB.
From what I see you're trying to do, this 4th step is where you should put your custom behavior logic, assuming everything else is working properly.
