How to remove the username/hostname line from an output on Korn Shell? - ksh

I run the command
df -gP /data1 /data2 | grep -v File | awk '{print $1}' |
awk -F/dev/ '$0=$2' | tr '\n' '
on the AIX shell (ksh) and it prints the output below:
lv_data01 lv_data02 root#testhost:/
However, I would like the output to be printed this way. Could someone help?
lv_data01 lv_data02

Using grep … | awk … | awk … is not necessary; a single awk could do the whole job. So could sed and it might even be easier. I'd be tempted to deal with the spacing by using:
x=$(df … | sed …); echo $x
The tr command, once corrected, replaces newlines with spaces, so the prompt follows without a newline before it. The ; echo suggestion adds the missing newline; the echo $x suggestion (note no double quotes) does too.
As for the sed command:
sed -n '/File/!{ s/[[:space:]].*//; s%^.*/dev/%%p; }'
Don't print anything by default
If the line doesn't match File (doing the work of grep -v):
remove the first space (blank or tab) and everything after it (doing the work of awk '{print $1}')
replace everything up to /dev/ with nothing and print (doing the work of awk -F/dev/ '{$0=$2}')
The command substitution and capture, followed by echo, deals with spaces and newlines.
So, my suggested solution is:
x=$(df -gP /data1 /data2 | sed -n '/File/!{ s/[[:space:]].*//; s%^.*/dev/%%p; }'); echo $x
You could add unset x after the echo if you are going to be using this directly in the shell and not in a shell script. If it'll be encapsulated in a shell script, you don't have to worry about it.
I'm blithely assuming the output from df -gP won't contain a path such as this, with two occurrences of /dev:
If that's a real problem, you can fix the sed script, but I don't think it will be. It's one thing the second awk script in the question handles differently.


extract string between '$$' characters - $$extractabc$$

I am working on shell script and new to it. I want to extract the string between double $$ characters, for example:
I used grep and sed but not working out. Any suggestions are welcome!
You could do
awk -F"$" '{print $3}' file.txt
assuming the file contained input:$$extractabc$$ output:extractabc. awk splits your data into pieces using $ as a delimiter. First item will be input:, next will be empty, next will be extractabc.
You could use sed like so to get the same info.
sed -e 's/.*$$\(.*\)$$.*/\1/' file.txt
sed looks for information between $$s and outputs that. The goal is to type something like this .*$$(.*)$$.*. It's greedy but just stay with me.
looks for .* - i.e. any character zero or more times before $$
then the string should have $$
after $$ there'll be any character zero or more times
then the string should have another $$
and some more characters to follow
between the 2 $$ is (.*). String found between $$s is given a placeholder \1
sed finds such information and publishes it
Using grep PCRE (where available) and look-around:
$ echo '$$extractabc$$' | grep -oP "(?<=\\$\\$).*(?=\\$\\$)"
echo '$$extractabc$$' | awk '{gsub(/\$\$/,"")}1'
Here is an other variation:
echo "$$extractabc$$" | awk -F"$$" 'NF==3 {print $2}'
It does test of there are two set of $$ and only then prints whats between $$
Does also work for input like blabla$$some_data$$moreblabla
How about remove all the $ in the input?
$ echo '$$extractabc$$' | sed 's/\$//g'
Same with tr
$ echo '$$extractabc$$' | tr -d '$'

Bash awk append to same line

There are numerous posts about removing leading white space and appending an entry to a single existing line in a file using awk. None of my attempts work - just three examples here of the many I have tried.
Say I have a file called $log with a single line
and I want to add a fourth entry,
awk '{ print $4"d" }' $log | tee -a $log
output seems to be a newline
whereas, I want all on the same line;
BEGIN { FS = ":" } ; awk '{ print $4"d" }' $log | tee -a $log
or, this - avoid a new line
awk 'BEGIN { ORS=":" }; { print $4"d" }' $log | tee -a $log
no change
awk is placing a space after c: and then writing d to the next line.
EDIT: | tee -a $log appears to be necessary to write the additional string to the file.
$log contains 39 variables and was generated using awk without | tee -a
The actual command to write $40 to the single line entries
awk '{ print $40"'$imagedir'" }' $log
+ awk '{ print $40"/home/geoland/Asterism-DEVEL/DSO" }'
but this does not write to the $log file.
How should I append d to the same line without leading white space using awk - also looking at sed xargs and other alternatives.
Using awk:
awk '{ print $0":d" }' file
Using sed:
sed 's/$/:d/' file
Using only bash:
while IFS= read -r line; do
echo "$line:d"
done < file
Using sed:
$ echo a:b:c | sed 's,\(^.*$\),\1:d,'
Thanks all... This is the solution I went with. I also needed to write the entire line to a perpetual log file because the log file is overwritten at each new process instance.
I will further investigate an awk solution.
while IFS=: read -r line; do
echo "$line$imagedir"
done < $log | tee $logname
This places $imagedir directly behind the last IFS ':' separator
There is probably room for refinement.
I too am not entirely sure what you're trying to do here.
Your command line, awk '{ print $4"d" }' $log | tee -a $log is problematic in a number of ways.
First, your awk script tries to print the 4th field, which is empty. Unless you say otherwise, fields are separated by whitespace, and the string a:b:c has no whitespace. So .. awk prints "d". And tee -a appends to your existing logfile, so what you're seeing is the original data, along with the d printed by awk. That's totally expected.
Second, it appears to have tee appending to the same file that awk is in the process of reading. This won't make an endless loop, as awk should stop reading the input file after whatever was the last byte when the file was opened, but it does mean you may have repeated data there.
Your other attempts, aside from some syntactical errors, all suffer from the same assumption that $4 means something that it does not.
The following awk snippet sets the input and output field separators to :, then sets the 4th field to "d", then prints the line.
$ echo "a:b:c" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} {$4="d"} 1'
Is that what you want?
If you really do need to append this data to an existing log file, you can do so with tee -a or simple >> redirection. Just bear in mind that awk will only see the content of the file as of the time it was run, and by appending, you are not replacing lines.
One other thing. If you are actually hoping to use the content of the shell variable $imagedir inside awk, you should pass the variable in rather than exiting your quotes. For example:
$ echo "a:b:c" | awk -v d="foo/bar" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} {$4=d} 1'
sed "s|$|$imagedir|" file | tee newfile
This does the trick. Read 'file' and write the contents of 'file' with the substitution to a 'new file', so as to read the image directory when using a secondary standalone process.
Because the variable is a directory with several / these need to be escaped, so as not to interpret as sed delimiters. I had difficulty with this using a variable.
A neater option was to use an alternative delimiter. Not to be confused with the pipe that follows.

Shell scripting and using backslashes with back-ticks?

I'm trying to do some manipulation with Wordpress and I'm trying to write a script for it...
# cat /usr/local/uftwf/
# $Id$
table_prefix=`grep ^\$table_prefix wp-config.php | awk -F\' '{print $2}'`
echo $table_prefix
Yet I'm getting following output
# /usr/local/uftwf/
Running from command line, I get the correct output that I'm looking for:
# grep ^\$table_prefix wp-config.php | awk -F\' '{print $2}'
What is going wrong in the script?
The problem is the grep command:
table_prefix=`grep ^\$table_prefix wp-config.php | awk -F\' '{print $2}'`
It either needs three backslashes - not one - or you need to use single quotes (which is much simpler):
table_prefix=$(grep '^$table_prefix' wp-config.php | awk -F"'" '{print $2}')
It's also worth using the $( ... ) notation in general.
The trouble is that the backquotes removes the backslash, so the shell variable is evaluated, and what's passed to grep is, most likely, just ^, and each line starts with a beginning of line.
This has all the appearance as though the grep is not omitting all the lines that are not matching, when you issue the echo $table_prefix without quotes it collapses all the white space into a single output line, if you issue an: echo "$table_prefix", you would see the match with all the other white-space that was output.
I'd recommend the following sed expression instead:
table_prefix=$(sed -n "s/^\$table_prefix.*'\([^']*\)'.*/\1/p" wp-config.php)
You should try
table_prefix=$(awk -F"'" '/^\$table_prefix/{print $2}' wp-config.php)
echo $table_prefix
Does this one work for you?
awk -F\' '/^\$table_prefix/ {print $2}' wp-config.php
If you are using shell scripting, there is no need to call up awk, grep:
while read varName op varValue theRest
if [ "_$varName" = "_\$table_prefix" ]
table_prefix=${varValue//\'/} # Remove the single quotes
table_prefix=${table_prefix/;/} # Remove the semicolon
done < wp-config.php
echo "Found: $table_prefix"

Concise and portable "join" on the Unix command-line

How can I join multiple lines into one line, with a separator where the new-line characters were, and avoiding a trailing separator and, optionally, ignoring empty lines?
Example. Consider a text file, foo.txt, with three lines:
The desired output is:
The command I'm using now:
tr '\n' ',' <foo.txt |sed 's/,$//g'
Ideally it would be something like this:
cat foo.txt |join ,
the most portable, concise, readable way.
the most concise way using non-standard unix tools.
Of course I could write something, or just use an alias. But I'm interested to know the options.
Perhaps a little surprisingly, paste is a good way to do this:
paste -s -d","
This won't deal with the empty lines you mentioned. For that, pipe your text through grep, first:
grep -v '^$' | paste -s -d"," -
This sed one-line should work -
sed -e :a -e 'N;s/\n/,/;ba' file
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat file
[jaypal:~/Temp] sed -e :a -e 'N;s/\n/,/;ba' file
To handle empty lines, you can remove the empty lines and pipe it to the above one-liner.
sed -e '/^$/d' file | sed -e :a -e 'N;s/\n/,/;ba'
How about to use xargs?
for your case
$ cat foo.txt | sed 's/$/, /' | xargs
Be careful about the limit length of input of xargs command. (This means very long input file cannot be handled by this.)
cat data.txt | perl -pe 'if(!eof){chomp;$_.=","}'
or yet shorter and faster, surprisingly:
cat data.txt | perl -pe 'if(!eof){s/\n/,/}'
or, if you want:
cat data.txt | perl -pe 's/\n/,/ unless eof'
Just for fun, here's an all-builtins solution
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a data < foo.txt ; ( IFS=, ; echo "${data[*]}" ; )
You can use printf instead of echo if the trailing newline is a problem.
This works by setting IFS, the delimiters that read will split on, to just newline and not other whitespace, then telling read to not stop reading until it reaches a nul, instead of the newline it usually uses, and to add each item read into the array (-a) data. Then, in a subshell so as not to clobber the IFS of the interactive shell, we set IFS to , and expand the array with *, which delimits each item in the array with the first character in IFS
I needed to accomplish something similar, printing a comma-separated list of fields from a file, and was happy with piping STDOUT to xargs and ruby, like so:
cat data.txt | cut -f 16 -d ' ' | grep -o "\d\+" | xargs ruby -e "puts ARGV.join(', ')"
I had a log file where some data was broken into multiple lines. When this occurred, the last character of the first line was the semi-colon (;). I joined these lines by using the following commands:
for LINE in 'cat $FILE | tr -s " " "|"'
if [ $(echo $LINE | egrep ";$") ]
echo "$LINE\c" | tr -s "|" " " >> $MYFILE
echo "$LINE" | tr -s "|" " " >> $MYFILE
The result is a file where lines that were split in the log file were one line in my new file.
Simple way to join the lines with space in-place using ex (also ignoring blank lines), use:
ex +%j -cwq foo.txt
If you want to print the results to the standard output, try:
ex +%j +%p -scq! foo.txt
To join lines without spaces, use +%j! instead of +%j.
To use different delimiter, it's a bit more tricky:
ex +"g/^$/d" +"%s/\n/_/e" +%p -scq! foo.txt
where g/^$/d (or v/\S/d) removes blank lines and s/\n/_/ is substitution which basically works the same as using sed, but for all lines (%). When parsing is done, print the buffer (%p). And finally -cq! executing vi q! command, which basically quits without saving (-s is to silence the output).
Please note that ex is equivalent to vi -e.
This method is quite portable as most of the Linux/Unix are shipped with ex/vi by default. And it's more compatible than using sed where in-place parameter (-i) is not standard extension and utility it-self is more stream oriented, therefore it's not so portable.
POSIX shell:
( set -- $(cat foo.txt) ; IFS=+ ; printf '%s\n' "$*" )
My answer is:
awk '{printf "%s", ","$0}' foo.txt
printf is enough. We don't need -F"\n" to change field separator.

sed doesn't exit, even though it is done

I am trying to manipulate a text file. I've got most of it figured out myself, but I'm stumped with why sed seems to go into infinite loop mode. The text file can be downloaded from
At the moment, I just want a list of states that I can throw into a for loop to do some state-specific processing. So far, I've got this. (I'm not a bash expert, suggestions are welcome.
sed 1d tables/ansi.csv | awk -F "," '{print $1}' | uniq | tr \n : | sed s/:/" "/g
I want to put this into $() to use the output in a for loop, but for some reason, sed is hanging up and not exiting. I actually need to add a couple of things to the final sed command, to properly format things, but I want to get this running correctly before I go any further.
In the end - I want something that looks like (just showing the first few):
"AL" "AK" "AZ" "AR" "CA" "CO" ....
Right now, sed returns more of less what I expect and returns (just showing the last few)
...."MP" "PR" "UM" "VI" "
But, rather than exiting, sed hangs and I have to Ctrl-C out of the script. If I remove the final sed statement, the little script runs as I would expect, without hanging.
So, why on earth is this hanging?
I would suggest putting the sed script inside quotes:
sed 1d tables/ansi.csv | awk -F "," '{print $1}' | uniq | tr '\n' : | sed 's/:/" "/g'
The reason that sed seems to "hang" may be that tr has removed the final newline which sed requires. By the way, the newline argument to tr needs to be quoted.
However, the whole thing can be done in AWK:
awk -F, 'NR > 1 {a[$1]=$1} END { delim=":"; num=asort(a); for (i=1;i<=num;i++) printf "\"%s\" ",a[i]; printf "\n"}' tables/ansi.csv
awk -F"," 'NR>1 && (!($1 in a)){print $1;a[$1]}' file|sort|awk '{printf "\"%s\" ",$1}'
