Is it possible to make a maven-repository with a static-website? - maven

Stupide idea but ... is it possible to create a maven repository from a static website?
if I mannualy put pom and jar file on a website with a path similar to the one on any maven repository, then I reference the website as a maven repository from which I try to import dependency, will it work ?
I need it in order to store my snapshot version without publishing them. I don't care of security but I have 0 budget


Not able to load multiple ( 200+ )external jars from my /lib folder into my Sprirngboot maven/gradle project

I will need to load 200+ external jars( form my local harddisc) into Springboot REST project. Tried many approaches but none of them are working, Much appreciated if someone has solution.
Note: Please do not suggest mvn install or system scope as i need to construct artifacts for 200+ jar's which i dont like to do manually
Tried google add jar's plugin too its just copying the ${basedir}/lib/*.jars into my Maven target folder but not found in runtime.
If your company works with Maven, it should run a Maven repository server like Nexus or Artifactory. When someone builds artifacts, they should be deployed to the Nexus/Artifactory and can then easily be read from there.
If this is not the case and you do not have a Nexus/Artifactory, you need to either install the JARs in your local repository (mvn install:install-file) or you need structure them in the standard repository layout (like log4j/log4j/1.2.17/log4j-1.2.17.jar) and import this directory as repository.
In any case, this will be a lot of manual work (as you already said).

Why is it not recommended to define maven artifact repository URL in pom file? (Azure context, artifact source)

My team is migrating our code to an Azure environment and Microsoft's own article on the subject describes how to use Maven in an Azure environment:
One of Maven's best practices is to avoid defining repository elements within the pom file and use a repository manager configured within the settings.xml instead.
The Microsoft article instructs otherwise: they say to add the repository url right in the pom file.
I would have been okay with it if the repository element was defined only in the distributionManagement section, but that is not the case. The article defines the url in a repositories element outside of the distribution context.
My understanding of the repository element of the pom.xml file is that it overrides the source of artifacts used for fetching dependencies. The problem I see defining this in the pom file is that it could have adverse effects depending how the library is being reused.
Use case example:
1) Shared library is created with repository url defined in pom
2) Shared library is deployed. POM file containing url and JAR file are published.
3) Artifact repository is moved, renamed or copied, url is changed.
4) Later on, a new application using that shared library is created, but uses the new repository url. The URL in the application pom is now different from the one in the shared library's previously published pom.
Because Maven uses a dependency graph and inheritance, what I would expect to happen is that when we build the new application:
1) maven will read the application pom file and begin exploring the dependency graph by downloading pom files for each of the application's dependencies from the URL found in the application's pom. In this case, the only download is the shared library's pom.
2) maven will explore transitive dependencies and read the shared library's pom. Reading the shared library's pom, the repository section will take precedence over the application's pom in the context of the shared library's dependencies. The shared library's dependencies poms would be downloaded from the old URL.
3) maven will continue like that and download all the pom files until the dependency tree has been built.
4) depending on project configuration, maven will go through the graph it built to download the jars and etc using the same rules.
In this use case, maven would download artifacts from both the old source and the new source. If the old source no longer exists or isn't accessible in this build context, the project cannot be built. This is why it's best to avoid setting repository urls in a pom file.
Or so I thought.
I wrote a scripted demo with local repositories to show my team exactly what would happen and to my surprise, even though Maven does download the shared library's pom file containing a different repository url, the repository tag does not seem to be overriding the one from the application being built. Logs show all artifacts being downloaded from the source specified in the "top" application pom.
So my question to Stack Overflow is two fold:
1) Why am I wrong? Did I misunderstand Maven's inheritance, dependency graph building and behavior?
2) Shouldn't Maven download the shared library's dependencies from the url specified in the repository tag, if specified? I'm sure there are some cases where the artifacts must come from a private repo. (ex: org.geotools)
3) Does anyone have experience setting up Maven on Azure? Did you follow Microsoft's guide or found a way to move repository urls to your settings.xml in an Azure environment?

Reg upload to artifactory

We maintain an artifactory within our intranet which is used by the development team.
When ever any new dependency is added to any project , we upload the new jars into artifactory.
This is currently a tedious process and we are trying to find if there is any simple way out.
The current process is - if a project defines a new dependency , we need to connect to internet and build the project using gradle so that we get to know what are the new dependencies ( we in fact track the logs what are the dependant and transitive dependant jars which are getting downloaded fresh )
Then we create a zip of these new jars alone and upload to artifactory. This is time consuming and error prone as well
Is there any better way to achieve this ? When i build using gradle connecting to internet , is it possible to publish the new dependencies as well to maven local repo or to some new folder so that we can zip that folder alone and upload to artifactory ?
Kindly revert if anybody has a simple solution for the above problem.
This is a maven answer but the same will apply to gradle.
You should be able to define a virtual repository in your artifactory, which is a combination of the local (artifactory hosted) and the maven central repo (internet hosted).
Your maven/gardle users will configure the virtual repository (not the internet) in their settings.xml, then when a dependency is loaded maven will look in repostories in the following order:
1) local user repo at ~/.m2/repo
2) artifactory local repository
3) maven central
Each time a new artifact is loaded from 3 (no one has ever asked for it before) it will be added to 2 and 1, so the next user who calls for that dependency will only ever go as far as 2.

Dynamic loading of Maven artifacts at runtime

At runtime my app would like to add functionality dynamically. We'd like to be able to download artifacts from a Maven repo, add them to the classpath, and use them without doing an app server restart. Possible?
I have come across Eclipse Aether, which give programmatic access to Maven repos. Now the missing piece is the dynamic classpath.
Aether from Sonatype is what you need. Try to use jcabi-aether, which is a wrapper around Aether:
File repo = this.session.getLocalRepository().getBasedir();
Collection<Artifact> deps = new Aether(this.getProject(), repo).resolve(
new DefaultArtifact("junit", "junit-dep", "", "jar", "4.10"),
All you need to know is a list of remote Maven repositories, a local repo location, and Maven coordinates of the artifact to start with.
If you're not against using a commercial product, one option is LiveRebel

Maven repository inheritance and override

I have a Maven project that was built a few years back, and now I need to make some updates. One of the dependencies to my project has a Maven repository listed in its POM that no longer exists. I get build failures now.
I would have thought the repository listings in my POM or Settings.xml would trump any repositories listed in a dependency's POM; or Maven would try my repositories after failing to connect to the extinct repository. Instead, it just bombs out with a build failure.
Additionally, I already have the required dependencies in my local repository. I would have additionally thought that Maven would just use that.
Is there a way to override the inherited repository listings, or tell Maven to carry-on in the case of a repo problem?
If the artifact that you depend on is a snapshot version then maven will check for a new snapshot every time you build, thats why it is a good practice to lock down your dependencies to a released version.
You can "override" the repository declarations by defining a <mirror> in the settings.xml.
I usually set up a locally hosted repository manager (preferably nexus) and then define mirrorOf(*) = local-repo-manager/url.
Nexus allows multiple repo's to be grouped with a predefined search order.
Nexus repo's can be locally hosted or caching/proxies to public repo's.
I usually have a locally hosted 3rd party repo at the front of the group, where I can store artifacts that are not published on public repo's.
