How can I set dark mode in Code::Blocks 17.12? - codeblocks

I am using Code::Blocks 17.12 and I want to set the dark mode theme and I don't know how.

First you need to download the themes, download it from Code::Blocks Theme. Then extract it on the desktop. Close the CodeBlocks application before opening CB Share Config. CB Share Config is a tool that installs along with CodeBlocks. It can be found in Program list.
Exit CodeBlocks if already opened.
Open CodeBlock Share Config
Browser Destination Configuration file which is in right side.
Select default.conf
Browse Source Configuration file which is in left side.
Select the downloaded theme.conf
Tick all the checkbox that appeared in source configuration file, which is in right side. (You can use space to tick)
Click on Transfer and then Save, and then Close.
Now open CodeBlocks, goto Settings>>Editor>>Syntax Highlighting and then Color Themes.
Here, you can change the theme to downloaded one.


Open folder as project in PhpStorm

When I install PhpStorm from JetBrains Toolbox app I do not have an option to open folders as project when right clicking
Sadly JetBrains Toolbox App does not provide such functionality. Only standalone installer has an option to make them right now. You will have to either use that... or create such entries manually. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified with any progress.
To add an entry to the Windows Explorer's right-click menu:
you can use FileTypesMan by NirSoft or a similar tool.
or create such entry manually, e.g. see this comment for a basic .bat file: (at very least it lists Registry keys where to create such an entry).
I found this from Jet Brains :
Click Open on the Welcome screen or select File | Open from the main menu.
In the Select Path dialog, select the directory that contains the project to open.
Drag the desired project from your file chooser right to the Open Project dialog without locating it there. The respective file in the dialog will be found automatically.
Specify whether you want to open the project in a new window, close the current project and reuse the existing window, or open the new project in the same window with the current one. Refer to the Opening multiple projects section for details.
and for the command line you could use this :
<PhpStorm> <path_to_the_project folder>
See Open files from the command line for more information.

What do these Multi-Document like TFS Icons Mean?

Does anyone know what these icons mean in TFS 2017 Source Control Explorer? The files are .cpp and .h... The icons for the two newly added files show up correctly (as seen below), but the existing files all turn into the multi-yellow-document... why is it replacing the icon for file type?
The icons initially load correctly, but seem to change after being analyzed...
I just came across a more specific solution than uninstalling all of the TFS Source Control Explorer Extension. The "icon change" functionality that is causing this can be optionally toggled on its own from Tools->Options. Set "Files icon change" = False to disable this icon behavior.
If file is branched to more than one location its icon is changed to icon as this.
File icon change
In the file list on the left side of Source Control Explorer
window are branched files displayed with changed icon.
I was wondering if you or your mates have installed TFS Source Control Explorer Extension. Please also check this link for more detail information:

Force Firefox not to change file extension?

Is it possible to force Firefox not to change the file extension of a file the user downloads? Currently I have the problem that I have a .reg file to download, but Firefox, even though in the Download dialog it says "Text file (*.reg)", saves it as a .reg.txt file, which is highly annoying. How to fix this?
You could try to do the following things:
Maybe extension (in your case .reg) is associated with Notepad and you could changed it in Options/Applications
a) Click the menu button and choose Options.
b) Select the Applications panel.
c) The Applications panel will display. Select the type of file for which you want to change the default action.
This is an old bug, but if you use the affected version of firefox...
When you right click on a link to a batch file and click save as, it will allow you to save it, but it automatically adds .txt to the end of the filename without informing you.
You are unable to save it as .bat
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Right click on a batch file link
2.Click save as
3.Save it
Actual Results:
filename is file.bat.txt
Seems to be a Firefox on Windows bug. My coworker was implementing download of .reg files and I use Firefox, I tested for him and got a .reg.txt. Just renaming it after download was sufficient to make the .reg work, but I got curious if that would happen on Linux also.
Grabbed my laptop where I have Ubuntu installed and the file was downloaded with the correct extension (just didn't run because .reg is a windows extension, it did open in the text editor). It was not automatically renamed as a .txt.

I changed .jar to open with windows explorer, and now i can't change it to anything else

I recently changed the Default application for .jar files to be windows explorer, thinking that it would unzip them. I have since gotten a jar decompiler and would like to make windows explorer not the default application to open jar files ( as it basically crashes my computer). Nothing works, i have tried changing the default application by clicking open with, but the check box is greyed out. I have tried going Start menu -> Default Programs -> Associate a file type, but .jar doesn't even appear in the list. I have been googling for a couple hours now and can not find any response that isn't basically those two steps.
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this mess i made ?
Right click on a .jar, go to "Open With" > "Choose default program..." should do the trick. But you already did that, and "Choose default program..." was grayed out.
Try FileTypesMan from Nirsoft
Go to .jar and select it, then you can see actions at the bottom and remove or edit them.
I Was able to fix it by messing around in the registry.
needed to be deleted. that let me choose a new default program for.jar files. Thank you for the responses.

setup file for window application

I created a setup file. It is working fine, but I want an image for my setup. When I installed the setup in any system I want some images on my setup. Help me, thank u.
I will tell you how to do it in Visual Studio. To change the setup.exe icon you can do the following:
Build your setup project
Open the setup.exe file use just build, File -> Open -> File
Right click the Icon node in the file explorer window and choose the Add Resource
Import the icon your want in the popup dialog, and make sure the ID of the icon is the smallest one.
