common search for vuetify data tables which exists in v-tabs - datatable

The Search functionality would also search for a result in any tab data table(each tab contains vuetify data table), not just the tab you are on.

just bind the search in the data table to the text-field model that u use for search. It worked for me
v-tab1 -> bind the data table here to the searchModel
v-tab2 -> bind the data table here to the searchModel


how to insert items in database from two regions in single form in oracle apex application

I have created a form with two textbox items and one editable datagrid in oracle apex form. Now i want to store those two items data along with this grid's records in single database table as we can do in invoice form. My items are in form region and grid is in its sub region. How to write the insert query. I have written a query but its storing only form items data but not grid's data.
my query as follow :
Here, PRODUCT_NAME is field of grid view and other 2 are form items.
Here's how:
interactive grid should contain those two columns (ref_no, party_name)
as their source, use form items (:P22_REF_NO and :P22_PARTY_NAME)
once you enter values into the product_name column in the interactive grid and save changes, ref_no and party_name will be saved along with product_name
In other words: don't write your own INSERT statement.

How do I link two fields to the same table in ServiceNow?

Forgive my ignorance for the proper terminology, but let me try to explain what I want to happen.
I have two custom fields on the incident table/form. I have created a custom table with 2 columns. I have figured out how to reference the table in one of the fields, allowing me to search the entries. Now I want to link the field selection to the other field via the custom table I made. When I make a selection in field A, I want field B to populate with the other column on the same row Field A pulled from in the first place. How would I do that?
Sounds like you want what's commonly referred to as a "derived field" or a dot-walked field.
You have a reference field which stores the reference to the other table, and want a second field on the form that shows another field on that referenced table. You don't actually need to create a new element, you just need to add a dot-walked form element.
Once you have the reference field added, go to Personalize/Configure the form layout.
In the slushbucket of available fields, you'll notice that reference
fields show up in green text with a little [+] next to them.
Select your reference field and a little button will show up between the two
lists, just above the "Add" button
Click that button and the left-side available fields will show the fields available on that reference field's table.
From here, select that second field that you want to display on your form, and bring it over to the right side where you want it.

Static List in Kibana 4

I would like to create a static list on Kibana Dashboard.
For example, a pane displaying clickable region names. So when I click on a region, rest of the visualizations change dynamically.
I am looking for something like 'Metric' visualization but for text data and clickable.
Is there a way to do this?
We do something similar, not fully static, but you can create a Data Table visualization (in Kibana4).
On that table, filter by the logs that interest you (with the metric types for example) and that will create a row for each metric type. Add that table visualization to the dashboard where you need the 'clickable filter'.
Then, clicking a row in that table will filter the entire dashboard based on that specific metric-type.

How to hide foreign key elements from tables in SQL Developer Data Modeler?

For example, I have two tables UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT and PHYSICAL_QUANTITY. PHYSICAL_QUANTITY has a field what represents foreign key of UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT table. When i add this relationship, PHYSICAL_QUANTITY_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT_FK at PHYSICAL_QUANTITY table is shown. How can i hide this element (not relationship) from table?
There is way to hide primary key elements from table. Just Right-click at table -> select "Show / Hide elements" -> select elements that must be hidden and click "OK".
But PHYSICAL_QUANTITY_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT_FK element is not shown there.
Why? And is there a way to hide PHYSICAL_QUANTITY_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT_FK element from table? Thanks.
You can select the elements that you need to be shown by right clicking on the diagram (not in the tables), and selecting the ones you need in View Details

How to create a table-view control

how to develop a scrolling table with rows which will have more than one dynamic data in one row ? It should take data from web browser.
You can create the table like view as described by Matt Lacey. For dynamic data you can create data-template for your table and bind them to your data source. When you click items in a list you can modify ur data source so that it will be reflected in your table.Note: Make sure to implement INotifyPropertyChanged so the changes in your data are reflected correctly on the UI.
To create a table, simply use a list where each item is a row in the grid and then template the item to display data inside a single row grid.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to set a fixed width on each cell so that all rows look the same and aren't resized independently.
