Shell script to check if running in Windows when using WSL? - windows

I'm trying to add a conditional to my .zshrc file that will initialize some config stuff that I only want to happen if I'm in Windows Subsystem for Linux. I tried this but no luck:
if [ "$('cmd.exe /c "systeminfo" | grep "^OS Name"')" =~ "Windows" ]; then
echo "windows baby!"
Which gives:
no such file or directory: cmd.exe /c "systeminfo" | grep "^OS Name"
...but that command works if I type it directly in the shell.
Any ideas?

Using uname -r does the trick
According to, if you use
uname -r | sed -n 's/.*\( *Microsoft *\).*/\1/ip'
You'll get output as "Microsoft" in case it is WSL. Otherwise, you should get no output.
So you can use something like
if [ $(uname -r | sed -n 's/.*\( *Microsoft *\).*/\1/ip') ];
echo "This is Windows WSL baby!"
echo "Not Windows"


Bash shell script not working

I have a script I am trying to work out to scan my LAN and send me notification if there is a new MAC address that does not appear in my master list. I believe my variables may be messed up. This is what I have:
# backup the maclist first
if [ -f $LIST ]; then
cp $LIST maclist_`date +%Y%m%H%M`.log.bk
touch $LIST
# this will scan the network and extract the IP and MAC address
nmap -n -sP | awk '/^Nmap scan/{IP=$5};/^MAC/{print IP,$3};{next}' > $LIST
# this will use a diff command to compare the maclist created above and master list of known good devices on the LAN
if [ $FILEDIFF ] 2> /dev/null; then
echo "---- All is well on `date` ----" >> macscan.log
# echo -e "\nWARNING!!" | `mutt -e 'my_hdr' -s "WARNIG!! NEW DEVICE ON THE LAN" -i maclist.log`
echo "emailing you"
When I execute this when the maclist.log does not exist I get this response:
diff: /root/maclist.log: No such file or directory
If I execute it again with the maclist.log file existing the file gets renamed from the cp line without any issue.
The line
executes the diff when it is run (not when you use $FILELIST later). At that time the list file hasn't been created.
The easiest fix is just to put the diff command in full where $FILELIST is currently used.

How to extract specified path from Windows PATH using bash

In Git bash under Windows when I run echo $PATH command, I'm getting the following output:
c/Windows/System32:/c/Python27:/c/Python27/Scripts:c/HashiCorp/Vagrant/bin:/c/Program Files (x86)/GNU/GnuPG/pub:/c/Program Files (x86)/Private Shell:/c/Program Files (x86)/OpenSSH/bin:/c/HashiCorp/Vagrant/bin:/c/Program Files/Common Files/Intel/WirelessCommon/:/c/Program Files/Boot2Docker for Windows:c/Windows/System32:/c/Python27:/c/Python27/Scripts
What I need to do is extracting whole POSIX path, like /c/Program Files/Boot2Docker for Windows to variable in bash script, identifying it by Boot2Docker for Windows phrase.
echo $PATH | grep -o "[^:]*Boot2Docker for Windows[^:]*"
/c/Program Files/Boot2Docker for Windows
Using BASH regex:
[[ $PATH =~ ([^:]*"Boot2Docker for Windows"[^:]*) ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
/c/Program Files/Boot2Docker for Windows
Using read with a custom IFS.
IFS=: read -a a <<<"$WPATH"
for p in "${a[#]}"; do
case "$p" in
*"Boot2Docker for Windows"*)
declare -p b2ddir

deb package fails while postinst bash script executing

Im making a bash script for nagios custom plugins & configuration
i use equivs for its simplicity
here'is my control file.
in Files: section , i tell files to copy themselves to their right path.
Files: check_cpu_loadx /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
check_ipmi_sensors /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
check_libreoffice_count /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
check_ram_per_user /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
check_ram_usage2 /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
check_ram_usage_percentage /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
check_tcptraffic /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
nrpe_custom.cfg /etc/nagios
in the postinst section , it's a bash script that is used for post-install
File: postinst
#!/bin/bash -e
set -x
echo 'configuring nrpe.conf file.'
mv /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg /etc/nagios/nrpe.original.backup
mv /etc/nagios/nrpe_custom.cfg /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
chmod -R +x /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
echo 'Installing tcp-ip addon..'
Interfaces=`ifconfig -a | grep -o -e "[a-z][a-z]*[0-9]*[ ]*Link" | perl -pe "s|^([a-z]*[0-9]*)[ ]*Link|\1|"`
for Interface in $Interfaces; do
INET=`ifconfig $Interface | grep -o -e "inet addr:[^ ]*" | grep -o -e "[^:]*$"`
MASK=`ifconfig $Interface | grep -o -e "Mask:[^ ]*" | grep -o -e "[^:]*$"`
if [ "$Interface" == "lo" ]; then
#if eth is down
if [ -z "$INET" ]; then
#if eth ip not starts with 10. or 192.
if [[ "$INET" == 10.* ]]
elif [[ "$INET" == 192.* ]]
echo "Ethernet Selection Failed!Configure nrpe.cfg manually.Change tcp_traffic plugin paramethers according to your current ethernet.";
if [[ "$FLAG" == 0 ]]
echo 'Selected Ethernet :'$ActiveEth
sed -i -e "s/eth0/$ActiveEth/g" /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
echo 'nrpe.conf changed.'
echo 'Nagios-nrpe-server restarting.'
service nagios-nrpe-server restart
echo 'IPMI modules are loading.'
modprobe ipmi_devintf
modprobe ipmi_msghandler
echo "IPMI modules are added to startup."
#echo "ipmi_si" >> /etc/modules
echo "ipmi_devintf" >> /etc/modules
echo "ipmi_msghandler" >> /etc/modules
the problem here , when i compile it to deb package i got "subprocess installed post-installation script return error exit status 1"
then i added set -x for debugging.the problem is for configuring tcp-ip addon , there are some machines that have more then one ethernet card.So i need to choose with the one that has a ip that starts with 10.* or 192.*
in the second section , there is a line
INET=ifconfig $Interface | grep -o -e "inet addr:[^ ]*" | grep -o -e "[^:]*$"
when a ethernet device has no ip , grep returns null and INET variable becomes null , that why the process exit status is 1.
after that line , when i enter "$?" , it says 1
so the problem here is , when i run dpkg -i to install that package , bash script quits after it sees that INET becomes null ..
any help would be appreciated. Im new to this bash thing.
if you want to make sure that a bash command always succeeds, even if the last program gives a non-null return value, just add a "very last" command that will succeed.
something like
INET=$(/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep -o -e "inet addr:[^ ]*" | grep -o -e "[^:]*$" || true)
here we call true (a small program that always succeeds), whenever grep fails (|| means OR and is a way to chain programs depending on the exit state of the previous one)
however, your script has a number of flaws:
your grep expression "inet addr:" will only give correct results in an english locale; e.g. when running in a german environment (LANG=de) you could get strings like inet Adresse: (sic!)
you are unconditionally moving files around; what happens if these files are not there?
you are unconditionally moving files in /etc. /etc is the place where the sysadmin adjust the system to their needs; you shall not delete or revert the configuration of the sysadmin. you should rather document how to properly configure the system (so the sysadmins can do it themselves); if you insist in "helping" by automatically configuring the system, you should use something like debconf
you assume that a lot of software is installed, and that this software is in your path. you should probably use fully qualified paths to the binaries you are using, e.g. /sbin/ifconfig rather than just ifconfig

Bash script not working on a new dedicated server

Recently I have migrated to the new dedicated server which is running on the same operating system - FreeBSD 8.2. I got a root account access and all permissions have been set properly.
My problem is that, the bash script I was running on the old server doesn't works on the new machine, the only error appearing while running the script is:
# sh 3: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
Here is the code itself:
PORTS=(7777:GAME 11000:AUTH 12000:DB)
for i in ${PORTS[#]} ; do
CHECK=`sockstat -4 -l | grep :$PORT | awk '{print $3}' | head -1`
if [ "$CHECK" -gt 1 ]; then
echo $DESC[$PORT] "is up ..." $CHECK
MESSG=$MESSG"$DESC[$PORT] wylaczony...\n"
if [ "$DESC" == "AUTH" ]; then
MESSG=$MESSG"AUTH is down...\n"
if [ "$DESC" == "GAME" ]; then
MESSG=$MESSG"GAME is down...\n"
if [ "$DESC" == "DB" ]; then
MESSG=$MESSG"DB is down...\n"
if [ -n "$MESSG" ]; then
echo -e "Some problems ocurred:\n\n"$MESSG | mail -s "Problems"
I don't really code in bash, so I don't know why this happend...
Bourne shell (sh) doesn't support arrays, that's why you're running into this error when you use
Use bash instead
Note: I suspect that sh worked on the old server because sh is linked to bash there.
also you shouldn't need to run it through sh (that's what the
on the first line is for - the OS will run the remainder of the line as a command and pass the contents of the file for it to interpret). Just make the script executable:
chmod +x
and then you can just run it directly without the sh in front of the name.
It's possible that the default shell is not bash and so by running it through sh you're interpreting it with a different shell which is then giving the error
The code looks good. It is likely that your new dedicated server is running older version of Bash than your last server. Or maybe /usr/local/bin/bash is pointing towards older version.
$ which bash
if the output is other than /usr/local/bin/bash then change the first shebang line to the newer path, if it still does not work
Try replacing third line:
PORTS=(7777:GAME 11000:AUTH 12000:DB)
PORTS=('7777:GAME' '11000:AUTH' '12000:DB')
and rerun the script.
If it still does not work then post the BASH version here by running
$ bash --version
try with facing and trailing spaces
PORTS=( 7777:GAME 11000:AUTH 12000:DB )

How to detect the OS from a Bash script?

I would like to keep my .bashrc and .bash_login files in version control so that I can use them between all the computers I use. The problem is I have some OS specific aliases so I was looking for a way to determine if the script is running on Mac OS X, Linux or Cygwin.
What is the proper way to detect the operating system in a Bash script?
I think the following should work. I'm not sure about win32 though.
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then
# ...
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
# Mac OSX
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]]; then
# POSIX compatibility layer and Linux environment emulation for Windows
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" ]]; then
# Lightweight shell and GNU utilities compiled for Windows (part of MinGW)
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "win32" ]]; then
# I'm not sure this can happen.
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "freebsd"* ]]; then
# ...
# Unknown.
For my .bashrc, I use the following code:
if [[ "$unamestr" == 'Linux' ]]; then
elif [[ "$unamestr" == 'FreeBSD' ]]; then
Then I do somethings like:
if [[ $platform == 'linux' ]]; then
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
elif [[ $platform == 'freebsd' ]]; then
alias ls='ls -G'
It's ugly, but it works. You may use case instead of if if you prefer.
The bash manpage says that the variable OSTYPE stores the name of the operation system:
OSTYPE Automatically set to a string that describes the operating system on which bash is executing. The default is system-
It is set to linux-gnu here.
You can simply use pre-defined $OSTYPE variable e.g.:
case "$OSTYPE" in
solaris*) echo "SOLARIS" ;;
darwin*) echo "OSX" ;;
linux*) echo "LINUX" ;;
bsd*) echo "BSD" ;;
msys*) echo "WINDOWS" ;;
cygwin*) echo "ALSO WINDOWS" ;;
*) echo "unknown: $OSTYPE" ;;
However it's not recognized by the older shells (such as Bourne shell).
Another method is to detect platform based on uname command.
See the following script (ready to include in .bashrc):
# Detect the platform (similar to $OSTYPE)
case $OS in
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias ls='ls -G'
'AIX') ;;
*) ;;
You can find some practical example in my .bashrc.
Here is similar version used on Travis CI:
case $(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') in
export TRAVIS_OS_NAME=linux
export TRAVIS_OS_NAME=osx
export TRAVIS_OS_NAME=windows
export TRAVIS_OS_NAME=notset
Detecting operating system and CPU type is not so easy to do portably. I have a sh script of about 100 lines that works across a very wide variety of Unix platforms: any system I have used since 1988.
The key elements are
uname -p is processor type but is usually unknown on modern Unix platforms.
uname -m will give the "machine hardware name" on some Unix systems.
/bin/arch, if it exists, will usually give the type of processor.
uname with no arguments will name the operating system.
Eventually you will have to think about the distinctions between platforms and how fine you want to make them. For example, just to keep things simple, I treat i386 through i686 , any "Pentium*" and any "AMD*Athlon*" all as x86.
My ~/.profile runs an a script at startup which sets one variable to a string indicating the combination of CPU and operating system. I have platform-specific bin, man, lib, and include directories that get set up based on that. Then I set a boatload of environment variables. So for example, a shell script to reformat mail can call, e.g., $LIB/mailfmt which is a platform-specific executable binary.
If you want to cut corners, uname -m and plain uname will tell you what you want to know on many platforms. Add other stuff when you need it. (And use case, not nested if!)
I recommend to use this complete bash code
echo "$1" | sed "y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/"
OS=`lowercase \`uname\``
KERNEL=`uname -r`
MACH=`uname -m`
if [ "{$OS}" == "windowsnt" ]; then
elif [ "{$OS}" == "darwin" ]; then
if [ "${OS}" = "SunOS" ] ; then
ARCH=`uname -p`
OSSTR="${OS} ${REV}(${ARCH} `uname -v`)"
elif [ "${OS}" = "AIX" ] ; then
OSSTR="${OS} `oslevel` (`oslevel -r`)"
elif [ "${OS}" = "Linux" ] ; then
if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] ; then
DIST=`cat /etc/redhat-release |sed s/\ release.*//`
PSUEDONAME=`cat /etc/redhat-release | sed s/.*\(// | sed s/\)//`
REV=`cat /etc/redhat-release | sed s/.*release\ // | sed s/\ .*//`
elif [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] ; then
PSUEDONAME=`cat /etc/SuSE-release | tr "\n" ' '| sed s/VERSION.*//`
REV=`cat /etc/SuSE-release | tr "\n" ' ' | sed s/.*=\ //`
elif [ -f /etc/mandrake-release ] ; then
PSUEDONAME=`cat /etc/mandrake-release | sed s/.*\(// | sed s/\)//`
REV=`cat /etc/mandrake-release | sed s/.*release\ // | sed s/\ .*//`
elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ] ; then
DIST=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep '^DISTRIB_ID' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'`
PSUEDONAME=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep '^DISTRIB_CODENAME' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'`
REV=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep '^DISTRIB_RELEASE' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'`
if [ -f /etc/UnitedLinux-release ] ; then
DIST="${DIST}[`cat /etc/UnitedLinux-release | tr "\n" ' ' | sed s/VERSION.*//`]"
OS=`lowercase $OS`
DistroBasedOn=`lowercase $DistroBasedOn`
readonly OS
readonly DIST
readonly DistroBasedOn
readonly REV
readonly KERNEL
readonly MACH
echo $OS
echo $KERNEL
echo $MACH
more examples examples here:
I would suggest avoiding some of these answers. Don't forget that you can choose other forms of string comparison, which would clear up most of the variations, or ugly code offered.
One such solution would be a simple check, such as:
if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^darwin ]]; then
Which has the added benefit of matching any version of Darwin, despite it's version suffix. This also works for any variations of Linux one may expect.
You can see some additional examples within my dotfiles here
uname -a
if you want more information
In bash, use $OSTYPE and $HOSTTYPE, as documented; this is what I do. If that is not enough, and if even uname or uname -a (or other appropriate options) does not give enough information, there’s always the config.guess script from the GNU project, made exactly for this purpose.
Try using "uname". For example, in Linux: "uname -a".
According to the manual page, uname conforms to SVr4 and POSIX, so it should be available on Mac OS X and Cygwin too, but I can't confirm that.
BTW: $OSTYPE is also set to linux-gnu here :)
I wrote these sugars in my .bashrc:
if_os () { [[ $OSTYPE == *$1* ]]; }
if_nix () {
case "$OSTYPE" in
*linux*|*hurd*|*msys*|*cygwin*|*sua*|*interix*) sys="gnu";;
*bsd*|*darwin*) sys="bsd";;
*sunos*|*solaris*|*indiana*|*illumos*|*smartos*) sys="sun";;
[[ "${sys}" == "$1" ]];
So I can do stuff like:
if_nix gnu && alias ls='ls --color=auto' && export LS_COLORS="..."
if_nix bsd && export CLICOLORS=on && export LSCOLORS="..."
if_os linux && alias psg="ps -FA | grep" #alternative to pgrep
if_nix bsd && alias psg="ps -alwx | grep -i" #alternative to pgrep
if_os darwin && alias finder="open -R"
Below it's an approach to detect Debian and RedHat based Linux OS making use of the /etc/lsb-release and /etc/os-release (depending on the Linux flavor you're using) and take a simple action based on it.
set -e
YUM_PACKAGE_NAME="python python-devl python-pip openssl-devel"
DEB_PACKAGE_NAME="python2.7 python-dev python-pip libssl-dev"
if cat /etc/*release | grep ^NAME | grep CentOS; then
echo "==============================================="
echo "Installing packages $YUM_PACKAGE_NAME on CentOS"
echo "==============================================="
yum install -y $YUM_PACKAGE_NAME
elif cat /etc/*release | grep ^NAME | grep Red; then
echo "==============================================="
echo "Installing packages $YUM_PACKAGE_NAME on RedHat"
echo "==============================================="
yum install -y $YUM_PACKAGE_NAME
elif cat /etc/*release | grep ^NAME | grep Fedora; then
echo "================================================"
echo "Installing packages $YUM_PACKAGE_NAME on Fedorea"
echo "================================================"
yum install -y $YUM_PACKAGE_NAME
elif cat /etc/*release | grep ^NAME | grep Ubuntu; then
echo "==============================================="
echo "Installing packages $DEB_PACKAGE_NAME on Ubuntu"
echo "==============================================="
apt-get update
apt-get install -y $DEB_PACKAGE_NAME
elif cat /etc/*release | grep ^NAME | grep Debian ; then
echo "==============================================="
echo "Installing packages $DEB_PACKAGE_NAME on Debian"
echo "==============================================="
apt-get update
apt-get install -y $DEB_PACKAGE_NAME
elif cat /etc/*release | grep ^NAME | grep Mint ; then
echo "============================================="
echo "Installing packages $DEB_PACKAGE_NAME on Mint"
echo "============================================="
apt-get update
apt-get install -y $DEB_PACKAGE_NAME
elif cat /etc/*release | grep ^NAME | grep Knoppix ; then
echo "================================================="
echo "Installing packages $DEB_PACKAGE_NAME on Kanoppix"
echo "================================================="
apt-get update
apt-get install -y $DEB_PACKAGE_NAME
echo "OS NOT DETECTED, couldn't install package $PACKAGE"
exit 1;
exit 0
Output example for Ubuntu Linux:
delivery#delivery-E5450$ sudo sh
[sudo] password for delivery:
Installing packages python2.7 python-dev python-pip libssl-dev on Ubuntu
Ign stable InRelease
Get:1 stable Release.gpg [916 B]
Get:2 stable Release [1.189 B]
You can use the following:
OS=$(uname -s)
then you can use OS variable in your script.
I wrote a personal Bash library and scripting framework that uses GNU shtool to do a rather accurate platform detection.
GNU shtool is a very portable set of scripts that contains, among other useful things, the 'shtool platform' command. Here is the output of:
shtool platform -v -F "%sc (%ac) %st (%at) %sp (%ap)"
on a few different machines:
Mac OS X Leopard:
4.4BSD/Mach3.0 (iX86) Apple Darwin 9.6.0 (i386) Apple Mac OS X 10.5.6 (iX86)
Ubuntu Jaunty server:
LSB (iX86) GNU/Linux 2.9/2.6 (i686) Ubuntu 9.04 (iX86)
Debian Lenny:
LSB (iX86) GNU/Linux 2.7/2.6 (i686) Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 (iX86)
This produces pretty satisfactory results, as you can see. GNU shtool is a little slow, so I actually store and update the platform identification in a file on the system that my scripts call. It's my framework, so that works for me, but your mileage may vary.
Now, you'll have to find a way to package shtool with your scripts, but it's not a hard exercise. You can always fall back on uname output, also.
I missed the post by Teddy about config.guess (somehow). These are very similar scripts, but not the same. I personally use shtool for other uses as well, and it has been working quite well for me.
try this:
DISTRO=$(cat /etc/*-release | grep -w NAME | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d '"')
echo "Determined platform: $DISTRO"
This should be safe to use on all distros.
$ cat /etc/*release
This produces something like this.
VERSION="14.04.1 LTS, Trusty Tahr"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS"
Extract/assign to variables as you wish
Note: On some setups. This may also give you some errors that you can ignore.
cat: /etc/upstream-release: Is a directory
You can use following if clause and expand it as needed:
if [ "${OSTYPE//[0-9.]/}" == "darwin" ]
elif [ "${OSTYPE//[0-9.]/}" == "linux-gnu" ]
aminute_ago="-d \"1 minute ago\""
This is what I use if anyone is interested in detecting WSL vs WSL verion 2 as well.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
unameOut=$(uname -a)
case "${unameOut}" in
*Microsoft*) OS="WSL";; #must be first since Windows subsystem for linux will have Linux in the name too
*microsoft*) OS="WSL2";; #WARNING: My v2 uses ubuntu 20.4 at the moment slightly different name may not always work
Linux*) OS="Linux";;
Darwin*) OS="Mac";;
CYGWIN*) OS="Cygwin";;
MINGW*) OS="Windows";;
*Msys) OS="Windows";;
*) OS="UNKNOWN:${unameOut}"
echo ${OS};
I tend to keep my .bashrc and .bash_alias on a file share that all platforms can access. This is how I conquer the problem in my .bash_alias:
if [[ -f (name of share)/.bash_alias_$(uname) ]]; then
. (name of share)/.bash_alias_$(uname)
And I have for example a .bash_alias_Linux with:
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
This way I keep platform specific and portable code separate, you can do the same for .bashrc
I tried the above messages across a few Linux distros and found the following to work best for me. It’s a short, concise exact word answer that works for Bash on Windows as well.
OS=$(cat /etc/*release | grep ^NAME | tr -d 'NAME="') #$ echo $OS # Ubuntu
This checks a bunch of known files to identfy if the linux distro is Debian or Ubunu, then it defaults to the $OSTYPE variable.
os=$( compgen -G "/etc/*release" > /dev/null && cat /etc/*release | grep ^NAME | tr -d 'NAME="' || echo "$unamestr")
echo "$os"
Doing the following helped perform the check correctly for ubuntu:
if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ ^linux ]]; then
sudo apt-get install <some-package>
