How Do I Reduce Size of UWP App (Can I Compress HD Images?) - image

My UWP app for Windows 10, which is in development at the moment and has about 400 - 500 HD images, takes up a whopping 1.7 GB of hard drive space. File Explorer claims that the images take up about 1.68 GB while the code is the other 0.02 GB...
When all is said and done, the app needs to have a couple thousand HD images. Clearly this will be unsustainable as the size of the app will be nearly 10 GB, or possibly even larger.
Is there a way to compress these images within the app?
This is unrelated to this Stack Overflow question. I am not using Xamarin. Also I tested downloading a release build from the Store to confirm--and it does in fact say it is 1.7 GB in size.

The images used in the application are actually application resources.
When the application is packaged, this part of the resource will not be specially processed. You can only compress the image before packaging, or consider extracting the image resource to allow the user to Download and import image resources after installing the application.
Just like some online games, after downloading the game body, they will download additional data packets the first time they run. This part of the resource is not hosted by the store, but is deposited by the developer.


Google chrome takes 1.1 gb of memory to download and load a large image (24000x12000) of size 17.2 mb

How does google chrome browser internally work while downloading and processing images?
When one tries to open this image then google chrome task manager shows 1.1 GB of memory footprint(do make sure you use disabled cache while replication)
After the image is downloaded and loaded then the memory is released and it drops to 77 MB of memory footprint
I couldn't figure out any reason for such high memory consumption. Neither what chrome internally does that consumes such huge memory.
I'm looking for any relevant answer or blog which can help me understand the internal architecture or design which guides chrome to behave such a way.
JPEG is a compressed image storage format. For displaying the image, an application has to uncompress it in memory. A reasonable expectation is 4 bytes per pixel (one byte for each color channel), so your image takes 24000*12000*4 bytes = 1.07 GB.

Xcode indicates that nsurlsessiondownloadtask consumes massive amounts of memory

I am using NSUrlSession and NSUrlSessionDownloadTask to download files from a server to my app.
When I am running my app written in Swift from Xcode and looking at the memory consumption gauge the memory consumed increases steadily as the files are downloaded corresponding roughly to the data fetched.
So when downloading 1 GB of files Xcode indicates that my app is using over 1 GB of memory.
This makes absolutely no sense since the downloaded data is saved on disk and not in memory.
Also the app will run without crashing which seems impossible if the reported memory usage is correct.
Have anyone else encountered this issue?

Browsers load page really slow

Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_rtm.090713-1255)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7500 # 2.93GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.9GHz
Memory: 4096MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 3584MB RAM
Page File: 1671MB used, 5493MB available
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
DxDiag Version: 6.01.7600.16385 32bit Unicode
Hello, that is part of my dxdiag, I can send the rest if needed. My problem is nomatter what I do, clear cache, cookies, empty TEMP and PREFETCH folders, used CC Cleaner, upgraded internet speed to 3mbps, made sure I have little-to-no browser addons or plugins, my browsers load any websites I visit really slow, normally would take 8 seconds to load. What could be wrong? Why can't I have a fast loading browser like in net cafes? I use Chrome and FF by the way.
Clearing your cache and cookies can inadvertanly cause websites you visit frequently to load slower. The cache is used to to store information that is accessed frequently so that it doesn't have to be downloaded to your machine every single time you refresh a webpage or reload your browser.
While your system specifications are fine, it may not be your machine causing the lag you're experiencing. For example, despite upgrading your internet connection, are you behind a router, firewall, or proxy that is filtering everything?
Your Internet service provider could be throttling your connection (along with many others) during peak times that your most frequently using the web. Other issues, which in some instances might be the case (but likely isn't) is that the content you're trying to connect to is far away.
You should try using a browser alternative to the one you always use. For example if you use Firefox all the time, you might try using Chrome. If websites are still slow, this could point to an issue other than your computer, be it your home network or service provider.

What is the appropriate number of memory usage for Windows Phone app

as my title.
I heard that my friend's app was failed to publish to marketplace. Because it consumes more than 90MB phone memory.
I'm developing an application and it uses about 30-60 MB (according to memory counter display from this link.)
Firstly I thought it was too much for a mobile app. I put all my data entries into memory in order to do search, instead of querying them from SQLite which is too slow for me.
So what do you think about the appropriate number of the phone memory for a regular mobile application.
Well, Microsoft Certification Requirements document says that:
An application must not exceed 90 MB of RAM usage, except on devices that have more than 256 MB of memory.
If you break this rule, your application won't pass Microsoft certification process.

What is the limit of the file size for the XAP in WP7 Marketplace?

What is the limit on the file size for the XAP file inside the WP7 Marketplace?
Also what is the maximum size XAP file that you can use before the user is required to connect to WIFI?
These are listed in the Windows Phone 7 Application Certification Requirements (pdf) document.
Section 2.5: The OTA (over the air) installation file for the application may not exceed 20 MB. Applications in excess of that size will be downloaded via Wi-Fi or through a tethered connection to a PC running the appropriate Microsoft software.
Section 4.1.1: The maximum size of the XAP package file is 225 MB.
Section 2.8: If your application requires the download of a large additional data package (e.g. >50 MB) to enable the application to run as described, the application description must disclose the approximate size of the data package and that additional charges may apply depending on connectivity used to acquire data.
WP market has a game chaos ring. 445 Mb of size
