Struggling to write xpath / find a unique ID for an element - xpath

For web automation purpose, I need a unique ID of a text/label, which has some white space around it.
please check the screenshots attached
one screenshot shows - the best I could right the xpath but it doesn't solve the problem
another screenshot shows - my idea but not successful.
as per screenshot, I need xpath for text called "Suresh Kumar YOGESH"

Here is the xpath that you can use.
Screenshot: with sample code

To complete supputuri's answer, another option (might be more secure) :


Setting the correct xpath

I'm trying to set the right xpath for using RSelenium, but I'm not very experienced in this area, so any help would be much appreciated.
Since I'm not allowed to post pictures yet I have tried to add a link to a screenshot of the html:
The html
I need R to scrape the dates (28-10-2020 - 13-11-2020), but so far I have not been able to set the correct xpath when using html.nodes.
I'm trying to scrape from sites like this one:
I usually do this on python rather than R
As you can see in this image when you right-click on the element concerned. You get a drop-down menu with an x-path to the element.
Other than that, the site orientation and x-path might change and a full x-path might be a good option in the short-run, so I rather prefer driver.find_element_by_xpath('//button[contains(text(),"Login")]')\ .click()
In your case which would be find_element_by_xpath('//*[contains(#class, 'u-pb-4 u-block')]')
I hope this helps and it is mostly the same across different languages

Not able to identify element on Google Home page

I am trying to enter text on search text box on google home page. That I can identify using xpath as //*[#id="q"]. But I wanted to reach to that element using parent child relationship. I am using xpath as below :
But when I am running the script, it is giving error that said "no such element". Can someone please tell what I am missing in writing the xpath?
Please upload your HTML code to let us know of the issue better. Meanwhile, Try this .//form[#id='tsf']//input[#name='q'].
Hope it helps.

Xpath for Log-in

I am trying to click on "Log in" link present on home page of "stackoverflow" using xpath as show as below. But no success
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[contains(text(),'log in')]")).click();
Please help what i m missing here.
Use the following xpath:
//a[#class='login-link'][text()='log in']
I tried personally and it worked with me. Hope it helps.
The xpath which you have used in your question returns two webelements:
​log in​​
​log in​​
that's why selenium is not able to click on that.So use
//a[#class='login-link'][text()='log in']
Try this :
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#class='login-link' and .='log in']").click();
Above XPath match <a> tag having class attribute equals "login-link" and inner text equals "log in".
General tip: always prefer . over text(). There are very rare situations when you have to filter element specifically by using text().

Selenium and xpath: Clicking a checkbox in one table's column, based on text in another?

Basically there is a table with names, edit buttons, and a checkbox at the end column that I want to check on with selenium. But I want to make sure I click on the one I created with selenium and that's where my problems begin.
Using the selenium IDE, the names xpath is
The checkbox is
So the text is in column 2 and the box is column 4, and my record would be the 5th one. but I cannot for the life of me get ANY text search to work. Even something basic like
<td>//tr[contains(text(), 'McGowan')]/td[2]</td>
Even if the text matches identically, it gives me the locator not found error. No matter what combination i use to find xpath by text it has never worked, and ive spent quite a few hours reading every combination out there.
We are using the IDE and the RC in html, so no java or any other exporting.
Thank! (My first post!)
Let me know if this works for you!
This might be odd, but the coment below the answer, regarding a random click that let to the answer ---> //tr[contains(., 'text')]/td[3]/a <--- was just randomly verified as exactly what I needed.
Good job guys.

extract xpath

I want to retrieve the xpath of an attribute (example "brand" of a product from a retailer website).
One way of doing it is using addons like xpather or xpath checker to firefox, opening up the website using firefox and right clicking the desired attrbute I am interested in. This is ok. But I want to capture this information for many attributes and right clicking each and every attribute maybe time consuming. Also, the other problem I have is that attributes I maybe interested in will be there for one product. The other attributes maybe for some other product. So, I will have to go that product & then do it manually again.
Is there an automated or programatic way of retrieving the xpath of the desired attributes from a website rather than having to do this manually?
You must notice that not all websites use valid XML that you can use xpath on...
That said, you should check out some HTML parsers that will allow you to use xpath on HTML even if it is not a valid XML.
Since you did not specify the technology you are working with - I'll suggest the .NET HTML Agility Pack, if you need others, search for questions dealing with this here on SO.
The solution I use for this kind of thing is to write an xpath something like this:
It works by finding all elements (labels) with the text you want and then looking to the next sibling in the HTML. Without a specific URL to see I can't help any further.
This is a generalised version you can make more specific versions by replacing the asterisks is tag types, and you can navigate differently by replacing the axis following sibling with something else.
I use xPaths in to make APIs for this kind of thing all the time, It's just a matter of finding a xPath that's generic enough to find the HTML no matter where it is on the page, but being specific enough to get the right data.
