Mocking an Aspect class invoked after an exception is thrown in Junit - spring

I have an aspect class as below -
public class TestAspect {
#AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(* *(..)) ", throwing = "testException")
public void afterThrowAdvice(TestException testException) throws Exception {
Now anytime any class throws TestException, TestAspect's afterThrowAdvice method is getting called. From Unit tests as well without using any spring configuration xmls, running as a plain junit test. How do I mock to not do anything when that method is called? I tried in my unit test the below but it won't work. Rightly so because the aspect is not autowired into the classes I am testing. Any suggestions? -
private TestAspect testAspect

One way to achieve this is using #Profile option .
Following profile configuration will make sure the aspect bean is only available with the profile is not test
public class TestAspect {
#AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(* *(..)) ", throwing = "testException")
public void afterThrowAdvice(TestException testException) throws Exception {
and following Junit testcase runs the the tests with profile as test and no aspect bean is created here
#ContextConfiguration(classes = TestExConfig.class)
public class TestService{
ServiceWithException service;
#Test(expected = TestException.class)
public void testExceptionMethod() throws TestException {
Hope this helps


How to avoid a second Instantiation of a spring bean in child test context

I created an Embedded Sftp server bean for my integration tests, i hooked the startup and the shutdown of the server respectively with the afterPropertiesSet and destroy life cycles
public class EmbeddedSftpServer implements InitializingBean, DisposableBean {
//other class content
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
//Code for starting server here
public void destroy() throws Exception {
//Code for stopping server here
here my config class
public class SftpTestConfig {
public EmbeddedSftpServer embeddedSftpServer() {
return new EmbeddedSftpServer();
//Other bean definitions
Now when i inject the bean in my test classes like the following :
#ContextConfiguration(classes = SftpTestConfig .class)
class ExampleOneIT {
private EmbeddedSftpServer embeddedSftpServer;
#ContextConfiguration(classes = SftpTestConfig .class)
class ExampleTwoIT {
private EmbeddedSftpServer embeddedSftpServer;
#ContextConfiguration(classes = SftpTestConfig .class)
class ExampleThreeIT {
private EmbeddedSftpServer embeddedSftpServer;
And i run all the test classes simultaneously, i found out that for the test classes annotated with #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class), it's the same context that is used (which is understandable since i guess spring cache it) and therefore the bean lifecycle methods are not executed again, but to my surprise, for the class annotated with #SpringBatchTest i noticed that the life cycle hooks of the bean are executed again! Which is a behavior that is not convenient since i want the application context to start the server one time for all tests and close it at the end of those tests (which is the case if i use only #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) for all my test classes).
N.B. : I need to use #SpringBachTest for my ExampleThreeIT test class.
I think you are hitting this issue: which has been fixed in v4.3.4/4.2.8. Upgrading to one of these versions should fix your issue.

Spring boot test doesn't Autowire all dependencies

I have a bit of a confusing error in my test scenario.
We want to refactor an Application that is not tested at all. To ensure that we have the same outcame after refactoring I'll write some integration tests for one Controller class.
public class RfqController {
private RfqRepository rfqRepo;
private RfqDao rfqDao;
public #ResponseBody BuyerRfqView getRFQ(#RequestBody SingleIdBody body) {
int id = body.getId();
Optional<Rfq> rfq = rfqRepo.getById(id);
In that case I want to test with testcontainers and spring-boot-test everything worked well, containers are up and running and the application starts so far. But the problem is that at runtime the spring-boot-test doesn't Autowire rfqRepo in the class under test. In the Testclass, every single dependency is in the ComponentScan or EntityScan and the repositories are also injected. I have no clue why this is not working. when the test is running I get a Nullpointer Exception by rfqRepo ...
here is the Test class:
#SpringBootTest(classes = RfqController.class, webEnvironment =
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
class RfqControllerTest {
private static OracleContainer database = new OracleContainer(
.withExposedPorts(1521, 5500)
RfqController rfqController;
static void databaseProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
registry.add("spring.datasource.url", database::getJdbcUrl);
registry.add("spring.datasource.username", database::getUsername);
registry.add("spring.datasource.password", database::getPassword);
void setUp() {
ScriptUtils.runInitScript(new JdbcDatabaseDelegate(database, ""), "ddl.sql");
void testGetRFQ() {
BuyerRfqView result = rfqController.getRFQ(new SingleIdBody(176501));
Assertions.assertEquals(new BuyerRfqView(), result);
In the SpringBootTest annotation you are only using RfqController. That's the only class then that is available during test.
#SpringBootTest(classes = RfqController.class, webEnvironment =SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
So you have to add all classes that are needed for your tests.

Groovy Spock How to Wire or Mock Spring Autowired Interface

I have a class like this
public abstract class JobProcessor {
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
protected void startProcess() {
MyThread myThread= (MyThread) applicationContext.getBean("myThread");
myThread.setConversionObject(new MyObject());
I want to write unit test for JobProcessor. JobProcessor is an abstract class.and it is autowired with ApplicationContext which is an interface.
My test is like this
#SpringBootTest(classes = JobProcessorApplication.class)
#ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:InjectionContext.xml")
#TestPropertySource(locations = "")
class JobProcessorSpec extends Specification {
class JobProcessorChild extends JobProcessor {
boolean processRequest() {
return false
def "Should start process"() {
def jobProcessorChild = new JobProcessorChild()
My test always fails for nullpoint error of applicationContext
Can anyone please guide me how to write unit test properly here?
Unit tests should run without applicationContext being built. You have to replace it with a mock object which you will then pass into your object's constructor in the test.

mock beans inside a method and those beans are also autowired in the same class or super class

Class Test{
public SomeBean someBean;
public void testAccountPage2() throws Exception {
SomeBean someBean = mock(SomeBean.class);
Here someBean.getAccount(anyString()) is not mocking, which is calling the actual method of that bean impl. It seems it's taking the Autowired object not the mocked one.
Could anyone help me to mock beans in method level? those beans are also autowired in the same class or superclass.
To replace a bean in the Spring container by a Mockito mock, use #MockBean.
import org.springframework.boot.test.mock.mockito.MockBean; // import to add
Class Test{
public SomeBean someBean;
public void testAccountPage2() throws Exception {
To understand the difference between Mockito and MockBean from Spring Boot, you can refer to this question.
You need to inject the mock in order to have it working instead of autowiring
//if you are just testing bean/services normally you do not need the whole application context
public class UnitTestExample {
private SomeBean someBean = new SomeBean();
public void sampleTest() throws Exception {
//you should add the proper expected parameter
//you should add the proper answer, let's assume it is an Account class
new Customer()
//TODO invoke the service/method that use the getAccount of SomeBean
Account result = someBean.getAccount("");
//...add your meaningful checks

Spring boot test - PowerMockito to mock and stub constructor

Using Spring boot starter test for testing my application but I am using third party library. Lets suppose we have a class TRequest and it has some constructor and I want to mock and stub that constructor to return the result.
public class TestClass {
TRequest trequest ;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
Now when I am trying to create the constructor using new, it is not returning the correct stubbed result.
TRequest trequest1 = new TRequest("apiKey","secretKey") ;
trequest.equals(trequest1) ; // false but I want it to be true
Have used a jackson third party lib to test with. - getting ClassLoader exceptions because of PowerMock though.
public class TestPowerMockito {
ObjectMapper object;
public void init() throws Exception {
public void test() {
assertEquals(object, new ObjectMapper());
