Redis Problem compiling ReJSON Module for Windows - windows

I have been trying to find or perhaps compile ReJSON Module for my Windows machine. I could not find any pre-compiled version of ReJSON Module that's why I thought of compiling it myself. So, I visited their GitHub page for source proceeded with following steps
1) Downloaded and Extracted the Zip Folder from
2) Installed Cygwin with necessary packages
3) located the source directory and executed Make command
I got the following error
error: unrecognized command line option ‘-mmacosx-version-min=10.6’
Which I thought there is some configuration for MacOS in MakeFile. So, I searched all words with -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 and commented those lines so it could be excluded from Make process. It worked and showed some good progress but at the end now it gives some other errors
unrecognised emulation mode: acosx_version_min
I thought that I am doing it in wrong way. May be this ReJSON Module is simply not possible for Windows but there is no documentation about its eligibility for Windows. I am nowise in module compiling. Please show me some guidance. I am in desperate need of this ReJSON Module for Windows.

I am maintaining Redis for Windows fork and when I was working on version 4.0.x I ported ReJSON module to Windows as well, mainly for testing purposes and verification of changes related to modules in Redis for Windows itself. You can find the code here:
ReJSON module for Windows
This fork of ReJSON module should be still working and you should be able to compile it in Visual Studio, perhaps with small adjustments. If you do any - please submit a PR.


GTK 3 setup: Procedure entry point deflateSetHeader could not be located DLL libgio-2.0.0.dll

I am attempting to set up GTK3 for development on Windows 10 following the instructions on
using the 64bit 3.6.4 bundle from here. The test program currently builds without errors, using the generated options. When I run the program a dialog appears displaying the error message:
Procedure entry point deflateSetHeader could not be located in the
synamic link library C:\Gtk\bin\libgio-2.0.0.dll
From what I can tell so far, deflateSetHeader is a function in zlib that was not present in older versions - a possible cause for the error. Looking in the header file of zlib that came with Gtk, it lists the function.
I have copies of zlib1 in my Gtk bin dir and MinGW (GCC v7.2.0) bin dir.
I tried swapping the versions between directories, but no joy. Don't have much else in my environment path variable, except for a vanilla Python 3.6 install. Don't have zlib1 in SysWOW64. I tried adding -lzlib1 to my gcc compiler options, but that didn't seem to make a difference. I'm running out of ideas now.
Anyone know what might be causing this?
Found the cause by searching my C drive for zlib and found a copy in
C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin that was causing the problem.

Trouble installing hmatrix through MSYS2 on Windows 10

I've been trying to install hmatrix on my (64-bit) Windows 10 computer; after searching through and trying many possible solutions (including the instructions under "Windows" and "Alternative Windows Build" given here), I decided to pursue the course of action given on this Reddit thread.
However, when I type in the command
cabal install hmatrix -fopenblas --extra-lib-dir=${c:\msys64\mingw64\bin} --extra-include-dir=${c:\msys64\mingw64\include}
into the MSYS2 shell, the following log is given:
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring hmatrix-
Failed to install hmatrix-
Build log ( C:\Users\Christian\AppData\Roaming\cabal\logs\hmatrix- ):
Configuring hmatrix-
cabal.exe: Missing dependency on a foreign library:
* Missing C library: libopenblas
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
cabal: Leaving directory 'C:\msys64\tmp\cabal-tmp-4244\hmatrix-'
cabal.exe: Error: some packages failed to install:
hmatrix- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
However, when I check the directory c:\msys64\mingw64\bin, I see that libopenblas.dll is right there; I don't know why cabal can't seem to find it.
Any insight into why this is not working or what to do?
The files libopenblas.dll.a and libopenblas.a are in the directory c:\msys64\mingw64\lib. Is it possible I need to somehow include this directory as well? (If I do, how would I do that?)
I also downloaded the files in Alex Vorobiev's comment below and put them in c:\msys64\mingw64\bin if they are .dlls or c:\msys64\mingw64\lib if they are .libs. The header files were already contained in c:\msys64\include\openblas.
I tried several variations on the command in the original post after making these changes, including switching \bin with \lib and switching \include with \include\openblas, but all of them still give the same error.
I'm a bit suspicious about the
if os(windows)
if flag(openblas)
extra-libraries: libopenblas
in the cabal file, could you unpack it and remove the "lib" part? If that doesn't work please post a log with -v3 output. I've seen quite a few people with troubles installing this package. So could you also open a ticket on the GHC bug tracker if this doesn't work (and CC me "Phyx-")?
Secondly, you never said which version of GHC you're using. 8.0.1 should have far less trouble (and won't need the hack to get it working in GHCi) since the runtime linker has been overhauled and should be much better on Windows. 8.0.2 will likely include the new import libraries support as well.

Embendding Python 3.4 into MacOS app

I'm trying to get a Python 3.4 interpreter into my app without to distribute python framework.
I'm linking with the libpython3.4.a (which appear to have dependency on Python.framework/versions/3.4/Python), but as guessed, it need python framework.
Does someone experienced this issue ?
Logically,i should be able to link statically (real static) and just distribute the modules, right ?
Thanks for you help.
Finally i downloaded the Python 3.4 sources and build a static version.
Now i don't have dependency issue.
So i include the near my executable.
But now, when starting the application i have this error:
"Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: unable to load the file system codec"
So, i set Py_SetProgramName() to my binary and Py_SetPath(zippath) before the Py_Initialize().
But i still have the "ImportError: No module named 'encodings'" issue.
I also have tested with a simple folder instead of a zip.

MinGW / gcc: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)

I have been using MinGW and the GNU Fortran compiler for a while in order to compile Fortran programs on Windows, which has always been a successful method. However, I have been getting the following error for the past 4 days:
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.
The error only happens when running applications that I wrote myself, and that I compiled using the MinGW/gfortran combo. When compiling using Visual Studio and iFort, I have no problem running the applications. The error seems retroactive: applications that were compiled using gfortran a long time ago and ran perfectly until now also break, even though I didn't recompile them. This leads me to think that it is a dynamic library problem. Online searches show that it probably is a compatibility problem between a 64-bit dll and a 32-bit application
I am using Windows 7. One of the latest things I remember doing before starting to get the problem was trying to update MinGW ; I used the mingw-get update and mingw-get upgrade command lines.
After looking around online, I have tried the following fixes:
- reinstalled the Visual C++ Runtime Environment
- reinstalled the .NET framework
- downloaded and replaced a bunch of .dlls like mscvr100.dll, mscvr100d.dll, etc...
- uninstalled and reinstalled MinGW in order to make sure I had the latest gcc version
- run Dependency Walker on a simple application ("Hello World!" type program)
It also highlights in red the libquadmath-0.dll (on which libgfortran-3.dll seems to depend). Indeed, it seems that libquadmath-0.dll is a 64-bit DLL in the middle of a 32-bit program. When opening said .dll with Dependency Walker, I can see that all the modules in this library are x86 except the library itself which is x64 (CPU column of DW). I am not exactly sure how this is possible / how to fix it. The library is found in the Python/Anaconda folder (I installed Python and Anaconda a few weeks ago, the problem did NOT appear at that time).
If anybody has an idea of how to get my environment to work again without reinstalling Windows, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!!
I had a similar problem. Looking at Dependency Walker I wasn't loading API-MS-WIN-CORE entries. However, when I went to edit my path it turned out that by bin folder wasn't on the path. Adding, in my case the mingw64 bin folder to the path fixed this issue for me. I only mention the API-MS-WIN-CORE entries since I thought it might be the problem, but in reality it wasn't causing my issue.
I was getting this same error code, and used Dependency Walker to discover that, in my case, the 64-bit version of libwinpthread-1.dll was not being found. This helped me resolve my issue.
So, the solution is to determine the missing dll, track it down on your system and reference its location in your path variable, or find out how to install it if you don't have it.
That said, I also came across the following caveat that's important to know about when using Dependency Walker. It's currently out of date and will actually show false results for WIN-CORE dlls:
To work around this, there's a newer program called Dependencies by lucasg, that properly interprets these and won't mistakenly tell you about these falsely missing dlls.
I was getting same Error, as mentioned in above answers the problem is "path not being set" aside from setting path you can alternatively Do this; if u don't want to set the path for some reason:
Open CMD
cd C:\MinGW\bin to navigate to the bin directory of mingw
now u can compile the code as following Gcc (dir of ur .c file) -o (ur output dir) for ex : gcc I:\dir\Hello.c -o I:\dir\output.exe
alternatively if u want to automate the process u can make a batch file to automatically do it for you.
here's the batch file if anyone needs it
#echo off
cd \MinGW\bin\
gcc I:\dir\*.c -o "I:\dir\Output.exe" Rem Replace "dir" with your own directory and * with ur own FileName!
I had a similar error but over came it by editing my environment variables.
I had g77 as part of my path variables and by removing it and leaving gfortran alone, the error disappeared
I was on Windows 10 using cmake-gui to generate a MinGW-w64 project and meet same problem.
My solution: go to start windows, search and open MinGW-w64 terminal, then in terminal call cmake with specifiying cmake options.
Yes the old posts got it right. It is the environmental parameters messed up. I got the same error. It is solved by putting the msys64 path to the first:
The msys64 path was the last, now it is the first. Type it once at the command line after Windows started, or edit the Path environmental parameter if you have the admin right.

Could not find or load qt plugin windows

After having enough in searching and reading peoples questions that had the same problem as i have and trying allot of solutions that doesn't seems to help, I'm posting my question.
I want to run my project- qt application, it ran well when i built it on qt4.8.1 32bit and 5.1.1 64bit. now i want to run it on qt5.3.0 32 bit. i installed qt open source with the following configuration:
qt 5.3.0 msvc2010_opengl 32bit.
Since my projects is using qt solutions- qt single application and qt service, i downloaded the packeges, built it in the new environment and placed them in qt/qt5.3.0/5.3/bin and qt/qt5.3.0/5.3/lib.
(I mention this last detail because a simpler qt project that doesn't use these dlls- service and single application runs well in my environment).
Well, when I run my application from qt it doesn't run. When i run the exe file from the release folder i get the following error:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the qt platform plugin "windows". reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
I tried all creative ideas:
note: I see that automatically the build arainged the release folder with the folowing struck:
plugin folder with all plugins in it.
platform folder with the hole list of platforms: qwindows.dll, qminimal.dll...
and also put straightly the dlls: qwindows.dll, qwindowsd.dll
qt.conf with the data:
I used the dependency walker that told me that the IEShims.dll is missind, so I brought it to the release folder from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer.
Now the dependency walker tells me:
Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a
missing export function in a delay-load dependent module.
I see that the Qt5core.dll->link checksum member in the dependency is marked with red, and also I see it takes it from:
so I bring to the release folder the Qt5Core.dll from:
C:\Qt\Qt5.3.0\5.3\msvc2010_opengl\bin. then I get the following message:
the procedure entry point
?bytearrayToDouble#QLocalePrivate##SANPBDPA_N1#Z could not be located
in the dynamic link library
so maybe its wrong to do so.
what else can i do???
