Laravel: Getting the first item after querying a collection already? - laravel

I need access to an entire collection but I also want to pull out and use the first item on the collection. Can first() be used outside the context of a query like this to get the first item?
$items = Item::with(['name'])->where('prod_num', '=', $num)->get();
$firstItem = $items->first();

Where you query a Model using Eloquent, as you are doing, it returns a Eloquent Collection.
Eloquent Collections extend Collections (, which have first() method available. So, you can use it.

Yes, you call the first() method to get the first element in the collection.
Since you called ->get() in $items it will return a collection, so you can call the first() method in it.


Error Call to a member function where() on array Laravel

I want to do filtering from the data that I display, but there is a problem when I add where to my data.
the plan in the future I want to add if isset $request name, date and others. but was constrained at this one point.
Thank you for helping to answer in advance
$matchs =Matchs::where('type', 'sparring')->where('status','Pending')->whereNull('deleted_at')->get()->toArray();
foreach ($matchs as $key) {
$lawan = Matchs::where('id', $key['id'])->first()->ToArray();
$pertandingan = Sparring::where('match_id', $key['id'])->first()->ToArray();
$dua_arah = MatchTwoTeam::where('match_id', $key['id'])->first()->ToArray();
$tim = Team::where('id', $dua_arah['home_team'])->first()->ToArray();
$data->where('name', 'LIKE', '%'.'football'.'%')->get()->toArray();
$data = array_search('football', array_column($data, 'name'));
return view('mode.sparring',[
'tittle' => $tittle,
'data' => $data,
You are trying to call where in an array which is not possible.
As you can see in the first line of your code you are calling where method in your model class. Like Matchs::where('type', 'sparring'), this is possible because Matchs is a Model class.
Now you can run where even if you are using array. You can convert that day in collection and then use array on that collection.
As below:
collect($data)->where('name', 'football')->toArray();
Here collect() will convert the $data array to collectio and then run the where() method in collectio then toArray() will change it back to array. But unfortunately there is no like operator possible in collection class. See the list of available method in Laravel collection here:
There is a way to do what you are trying to do. As far as I understand you want to filter the Matches where the Team name has footbal in it. You can do it like this:
Matchs::where('type', 'sparring')
->whereHas('team', function($team) {
return $team->where('name', 'LIKE', '%'.'football'.'%')
So, here we can get the only those Mathes that has the Team that has the name contains football.
Few suggestion for you as seems you are new in Laravel:
Model name should be singular instead of plural, so the model class Matchs should be Match. Your name for team's model is Team is correct.
Avoid using toArray() because you won't need it. When you call get() it will return object of collection which more readable and powerful then array in most cases.
The code I suggested to use the like using whereHas will only work if you have propery defined your team relation in your Matchs class. So, defining your relationships in model is also important. If you do so, you don't even need the for loop and all those where in other model in that loop. You can do it in one query with all the relationships.

Laravel retrieve only specific fields from each item of collection

I may be missing something extremely trivial, but is it possible to retrieve specific columns/fields from models when grabbing a collection rather then returning the entire item's fields?
Here is my query:
$items = Items::where('visible', true)->take(10)->get();
This obviously returns each item in there entirety, including unique id's, and other fields i dont want to be fetched... how can i refine this query to just select specific fields from the models?
Laravel Query Builder get() function receives array of columns which you need to fetch.
$items = Items::where('visible', true)->take(10)->get(['column_1', 'column_2']);
Use select() method to do this:
$items = Items::select(['column_1', 'column_2']'])->where('visible', true)->take(10)->get();
Source: Latavel Database Query Builder
Laravel Query Builder gives a huge flexibility to write this types of query.
You can use select(), get(), all() methods.
Items::where('visible', true)->take(10)->get('col_1', 'col_2');
Items::select('col_1', 'col_2')->where('visible', true)->take(10)->get();
Items::select(['col_1', 'col_2'])->where('visible', true)->take(10)->get();

when to use get() in query laravel 5

I have a basic query set up in the show method of a laravel resource
public function show($id){
$results = Student::find($id);
$drives= Drive:: where('student_id', $id);
The query for $results works perfectly. The query for $drives does not work unless I do ->get() at the end of it. Why is this? what's the difference between the two queries so that one requires the ->get() and the other does not? Solving this problem took me like 5 hrs and i'm just curious as to the functionality behind it so i can avoid this headache in the future.
Some eloquent expressions have a get implicitly. Those ones who are made by a Query Builder will need a ->get() call, find(), findOne()... won't need a get().
use get to execute a builder query. unless you run the get() query wont be executed. get will return a collection.
1 - Use query builder to build queries however you want.
$drives= Drive:: where('student_id', $id);
dd($drives); // will return a query builder, you can use it to build query by chaining
2 - when you are ready to execute the query call get()
$drives= Drive:: where('student_id', $id);
$result = $drives->get()
dd($result); // will return a database query result set as a collection object
If you want to get a single object by id use find, to get a single object
$results = Student::find($id);
dd($result); will return a single model
Using the function find() on a model gets a query result based on the primary key of the model, id in this case.
When using where(), it gets a collection (an object of all query results), so if you only want the first result you must call $drives=Drive::where('student_id', $id)->first();
Here is a more in-depth explanation: the difference of find and get in Eloquent

Eloquent ORM: Obtain a object, not an array of objects

I have this statement in Laravel 4:
$prepayment = Prepayment::where('hash', '=', $custom)->take(1)->get();
But this return an array of objects, and I want only one object, because there are only one result with the hash that I search.
How is the way to obtain only one object, not an array of objects?
Use the first() method instead of the get() method
$prepayment = Prepayment::where('hash', '=', $custom)->first();
This is a good article to learn more about how the eloquent orm works. It describes how the belongs to relationship will just give you one object whereas the has many relationship will give you an arrray of objects

Laravel - When to use ->get()

I'm confused as to when ->get() in Laravel...
E.G. DB::table('users')->find(1) doesn't need ->get() to retrieve the results, neither does User::find(1)
The laravel docs say "...execute the query using the get or first method..."
I've read the Fluent Query Builder and Eloquent docs but don't understand when the usage of get() is required...
Thanks for the help
Since the find() function will always use the primary key for the table, the need for get() is not necessary. Because you can't narrow your selection down and that's why it will always just try to get that record and return it.
But when you're using the Fluent Query Builder you can nest conditions as such:
$userQuery = DB::table('users');
$userQuery->where('email', '=', '');
$userQuery->or_where('email', '=', '');
This allows you to add conditions throughout your code until you actually want to fetch them, and then you would call the get() function.
// Done with building the query
$users = $userQuery->get();
For find(n), you retrieve a row based on the primary key which is 'n'.
For first(), you retrieve the first row among all rows that fit the where clauses.
For get(), you retrieve all the rows that fit the where clauses. (Please note that loops are required to access all the rows or you will get some errors).
find returns one row from the database and represent it as a fluent / eloquent object. e.g. SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 3 is equivalent to DB::table('users')->find(3);
get returns an array of objects. e.g. SELECT * FROM users WHERE created_at > '2014-10-12' is equivalent to DB::table('users')->where('created_at', '>', '2014-10-12')->get() will return an array of objects containing users where the created at field is newer than 4014-10-12.
The get() method will give you all the values from the database that meet your parameters where as first() gets you just the first result. You use find() and findOrFail() when you are searching for a key. This is how I use them:
When I want all data from a table I use the all() method
When I want to find by the primary key:
This will work if there is a row with a primary key of one. It should only retrieve one row so I use first() instead of get(). Remember if you deleted the row that used key 1, or don't have data in your table, your find(1) will fail.
When I am looking for specific data as in a where clause:
Model::where('field', '=', 'value')->get();
When I want only the first value of the data in the where clause.
Model::where('field', '=', 'value')->first();
Basically what you need to understand is that get() return a collection(note that one object can be in the collection but it still a collection) why first() returns the first object from the result of the query(that is it returns an object)
Get() return a collection first() return an object
You can use get() method with latest() method to get the latest record that were recently added to your table
For example
return all the data in descending order
