Why does Laravel eager loading not work with object functions? - laravel

$jobs = Job::with(['topics', 'topic'])->get();
// This works as intented, does not make extra queries.
foreach ($jobs as $job) {
// This code produces extra queries even tho "topic" is loaded above.
foreach ($jobs as $job) {
// Function in Job Model
function getLogo() {
return $this->topic->getLogo();
// Function in Topic Model
function getLogo() {
return $this->logo;
Even though $job has loaded topic it still makes extra queries. How do I resolve this?
It looks like your post is mostly code; please add some more details.


Route model binding with multiple wildcards

How to explicitly say to route model binding to fetch only related categories? I have my web.php file as follows:
Route::get('/catalog/{category}', [CategoryController::class, 'index'])->name('category.index');
Route::get('/catalog/{category}/{subcategory}', [SubcategoryController::class, 'index'])->name('subcategory.index');
Route::get('/catalog/{category}/{subcategory}/{subsubcategory}', [SubsubcategoryController::class, 'index'])->name('subsubcategory.index');
Subsubcategory controller:
public function index(Category $category, Subcategory $subcategory, Subsubcategory $subsubcategory)
$products = Product::where('subsubcategory_id', $subsubcategory->id)->orderByRaw('product_order = 0, product_order')->get();
return view('subsubcategory.index', compact('subsubcategory', 'products'));
And model in question:
public function subcategory()
return $this->belongsTo(Subcategory::class);
public function category()
return $this->belongsTo(Category::class);
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'slug';
It works partially ok. It loads all the slugs, but the problem is, let's say I have Samsung Subsubcategory with it's parent categories like:
Whenever I modify url from catalog/mobile-phones/android/samsung to catalog/mobile-phones/ios/samsung it works, where in fact it should not. How to handle this second scenario?
PS: it also applies if I open subcategory and change category slug. But, obviously, if upper level category does not exists, it's going to throw 404.
You may want to explore the docs a bit in regard to explicit route model binding and customizing the resolution logic to get some ideas.
The following is untested and I'm making some guesses about your table structures, but I think this should give you a basic concept of how you can alter route model binding to fit your needs. The same concept could also be applied to the {subcategory} binding, but with one less relationship check.
public function boot()
// ...default code...
// add custom resolution for binding 'subsubcategory'
Route::bind('subsubcategory', function($slug, $route) {
// check to see if category exists
if ($category = Category::where('slug',$route->parameter('category'))->first()) {
// check to see if subcategory exists under category
if ($subcategory = $category->subcategories()->where('slug',$route->parameter('subcategory'))->first()) {
// check to see if subsubcategory exists under subcategory
if ($subsubcategory = $subcategory->subsubcategories()->where('slug',$slug)->first()) {
// success, proper relationship exists
return $subsubcategory;
// fail (404) if we get here
throw new ModelNotFoundException();
I will note, however, that this makes a number of separate database calls. There may be more efficient ways to achieve the same goal through other methods if optimization is a concern.

How to used Tucker-Eric/EloquentFilter Laravel

good day, I am using Tucker-Eric/EloquentFilter Laravel.
I want to filter it by relationship using Models
I want to automate it, instead of using the following:
public function users($users)
// dd($users);
return $this->r('users', $users);
public function user($user)
// dd($user);
return $this->r('user', $user);
public function owner($owner)
// dd($owner);
return $this->r('owner', $owner);
I want to make it one function that based on the relationship
so that I want to add another relationship on the model I don't need anymore to add another function.
We specifically stayed away from the type of implicit functionality you're looking for and opted for explicit filter methods to avoid security issues if/when new relations/properties were added to a model they wouldn't implicitly be available to filter against.
With that, what you're looking for isn't recommended because of the security concerns above but it can still exist if you implement it.
It sounds like the setup method would be the best place to implement it since it would be called first every time ->filter() is called.
public function setup()
foreach($this->input() as $key => $val) {
if($this->getModel()->$key() instanceof \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation) {
// Your logic here

Can I optimize this script updating ~6000 rows with a lot of data

I have ~5-6k $items that I need to update in the database. Each item needs a HTTP request to get the data from the page. In the HTTP GET request I get arrays that are massive (~500-2500) and I need to insert only those lines that are not in the database. It seems to take a lot of time with my current script (1 item every 2-4 minutes) on my vagrant scotch box.
Simplified example:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use App\Item;
use App\ItemHistory;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use DB;
class UpdateController extends Controller
public function getStart() {
// Don't cancel the script
$client = new Client();
$items = Item::where('updated_at', '<=', Carbon::now()->subDay())->get();
foreach($items as $item) {
$response = $client->request('GET', 'API_URL');
// get the body
$body = $response->getBody()->getContents();
$hugeArray = $body['history']; // can be from 100 to 5 000 lines and I use regex to get the "history" array from the body
$arrayCollection = collect($hugeArray);
foreach($arrayCollection->take(-100) as $row) { // I take the last 100 since each row = 1 hour, so I get items in the last 100 hours
$date = new \DateTime($row['created_at']);
if( ! ItemHistory::whereItemId($item->id)->whereSoldAt($date)->count()) { // Checking if it already exists
// I insert the new rows..
$history = new ItemHistory;
// ....
I actually crawl the data and use regex to find the arrays in the body response.
Am I doing something wrong? It takes quite a while until it moves onto the next $item.
I can provide a simplified answer - synchronous execution, object hydration, and bulk database querys.
Consider the following example:
$requests = function () use ($items) {
foreach ($items as $item) {
yield new GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request($method, $uri);
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
foreach ($requests() as $request) {
function(Psr7\Http\Message\ResponseInterface) {
// process the response into array;
return $arrayFromResponse;
function ($unfilteredArray) {
// filter the array as necessary
return $filteredArray;
function($filteredArray) {
// create the array for bulk insert / update
return $sqlArray;
function($sqlArray) {
// perform bulk db operations.
Synchronous Http queries - The above example highlight's some of Guzzle's asynchronous capabilities, while breaking out the processing steps. The code you linked above is synchronous. Perform a request, wait for a response, process response, rince & repeat. Asynchronous Http requests will ensure that data is being downloaded while other information is being processed. I should note that your results will vary, and depending on your particular use case, may see increased resource usage.
Object Hydration - aka what your ORM is doing when you perform a query and it returns an object instance (rather than an array), is time consuming and memory intensive. #orcamius (one of Doctrine's developers) wrote a fairly technical article on the subject. While this is not Eloquent specific, it does provide insight into operations that go on behind the scenes for all ORM's. The code snippet performs many of these (reference $itemHistory, $history, Item::where).
Bulk Database Operations - a widely known fact is that database operations are slow. This time is further increased when coupled with object hydration. It is much better to perform a single insert with 1000x records vs 1000x inserts. To do this, code will have to be modified from using the ORM to using the DB tables directly. Bulk inserts can be performed by DB::table('itemHistory')->insert($arrayOfValues) as seen in the docs
Update: Although not shown then() has a method signature of then(callable $fulfilled, callable $onError). If something goes awry with the request you could do something like
// promise returned from a request
function (Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response) use ($p)
if ($response->getResponseCode() >= 400) {
//perform processing
return $someArray;
function (RequestException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
echo $e->getRequest()->getMethod();
function($someArray) use ($p) {
// filter or other processing
Additional information on Guzzle's Promises can be found within the Github Repo

Laravel chunk returns null

I'm needing to chunk my query as it's making PHP run out of memory, however the below code just dumps null:
$chunked = $query->chunk(25, function ($events) {
However, when I do the below, it dumps the first chunk of 25:
$chunked = $query->chunk(25, function ($events) {
No combination of changing dd($events); to the likes of return $events, return true, iterating over each item in each chunk and returning that - works.
Am I stupid/doing something wrong or is this not working like it should?
chunk() is a helper method which you can use on an instance of Query Builder or Eloquent Builder. In both cases, the method returns void:
Query Builder
Eloquent Builder
This means that your $chunked variable will be always empty.
The syntax you need to employ is the following:
Query Builder
DB::table('users')->chunk(100, function($users) {
foreach ($users as $user) {
Flight::chunk(200, function ($flights) {
foreach ($flights as $flight) {
Basically, all you need to do is to use a loop within the callback function of chunk() to modify your results.

Passing arguments and conditions to model in codeigniter

I'm adding some models to a project, and was wondering if there is a "best practice" kind of approach to creating models:
Does it make sense to create a function for each specific query?
I was starting to do this, then had the idea of creating a generic function that I could pass parameters to. e.g:
Instead of
function getClients(){
return $this->db->query('SELECT client_id,last FROM Names ORDER BY id DESC');
function getClientNames($clid){
return $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM Names WHERE client_id = '.$clid);
function getClientName($nameID){
return $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM Names WHERE id ='.$nameID);
Something like
function getNameData($args,$cond){
$q=$this->db->query('SELECT '.$args.' FROM Names');
return $q;
$q=$this->db->query('SELECT '.$args.' FROM Names WHERE '.$cond);
return $q;
where I can pass the fields and conditions (if applicable) to the model. Is there a reason the latter example would be a bad idea?
I think it would actually be a better idea to use CI's Active Record to compile the queries.
An example:
function all_clients($select)
return $this->_get_client_data();
function single_client($select, $id = "")
// validate $id
$this->db->where("id", $id);
return $this->_get_client_data();
// Only called by a method above once the query parameters have been set.
private function _get_client_data()
$q = $this->db->get("clients");
if($q->num_rows() > 0)
return $q->result_array();
return FALSE;
CI's Active Record makes all the stuff you were wanting to much easier. You can imagine setting up your public functions to conditionally set a number of options before actually calling $this->db->get().
I guess you would call _get_client_data a catch-all (?) and running all your data retrieval through a single method makes stuff like error handling much easier to maintain.
NOTE: Always remember to validate data like this. I know you do, but I'm just repeating it.
