Spring Controller: Handling Custom return types - spring-boot

I'd like my Spring Controllers to return an Either<Redirect, X> which I can then unwrap using a Filter/AOP to avoid repetitive "is this a redirect, or is it a 2xx response" code.
If the return type is an Either.Left(Redirect("host", "port")) then my Filter/AOP will return a 302.
If the return type is an Either.Right(Vehicle(...)) then my Filter/AOP will return a 200 and serialize the payload to JSON.
public Either<Redirect, Vehicle> getById(#PathVariable("id") String id) {
return someService.get(id);
Is it possible to do this using Spring? Or do I have to handle this redirection in my Controller layer e.g.
public ResponseEntity getById(#PathVariable("id") String id) {
return someService.get(id)
redirect -> ResponseEntity.status(302).location(...).build(),
payload -> ResponseEntity.ok(payload).build()
A bit of extra context if it is useful:
This app is a member of a cluster and has a "local state". The total state is spread across the cluster.
As a result, when a request comes in for a particular id/key it could be coming into the wrong instance of the app, and will need to be redirected to the correct instance.


Mutiny Uni Convert to Primitive Type

Up until now I have done very basic things with smallrye Mutiny in Quarkus. Basically, I have one or two very small web services which only interact with a web application. These services return a Uni<Response>.
Now I'm writing a logging service I want my others to pass information to. In this logging service, I need to return a value to calling services. The logging service will return this value as a Uni<Integer>. What I'm struggling with is how to extract the return value in the calling service as an int.
Here is the function in the logging service
public Uni<Integer> getMaxRequestId(){
return service.getMaxRequestId();
public Uni<Integer> getMaxRequestId() {
Integer result = Integer.valueOf(em.createQuery("select MAX(request_id) from service_requests").getFirstResult());
if(result == null) {
result = 0;
return Uni.createFrom().item(result += 1);
And here is the client side code in the calling service
public class RequestIdResource {
RequestIdServices service;
public Uni<Integer> getMaxRequestId(){
return service.getMaxRequestId();
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
int requestid = client.getMaxRequestId();
rm.name = ConfigProvider.getConfig().getValue("quarkus.application.name", String.class);
rm.server = requestContext.getUriInfo().getBaseUri().getHost();
rm.text = requestContext.getUriInfo().getPath(true);
rm.requestid = requestid;
Basically everything I have tried creates another Uni. Maybe I am simply using the concept all wrong. But how do I get the Integer out of the Uni so I can get the intValue?
You need to invoke a terminal operation, or use the value and continue the chain.
If you want to invoke a terminal operator you can invoke the await operation to make your code blocking and wait for the response.
If you want to merge this reactive invocation with another that is present in your client code, you can join or combine your actual Mutiny stream with the on coming from the response by using the combine method.
If you just want to use the value and do not retrieve it, you can suscribe and get the result.
If you have a multi you can call directly the method toList
Assuming that you want to have some timeouts involved and you want to get the actual Integer, you can go with the await method and a timeout.

Idiomatic way of verifying a reactive request before actually persisting to the database

I have an endpoint that accepts as well as returns a reactive type. What I'm trying to achieve is to somehow verify that the complete reactive request (that is actually an array of resources) is valid before persisting the changes to the database (read Full-Update of a ressource). The question is not so much concerned with how to actually verify the request but more with how to chain the steps together using which of springs reactive handler methods (map, flatMap and the likes) in the desired order which is basically:
verify correctness of request (the Ressource is properly annotated with JSR-303 annotations)
clear the current resource in case of valid request
persist new resources in the database after clearing the database
Let's assume the following scenario:
val service : ResourceService
fun replaceResources(#Valid #RequestBody resources:
Flux<RessourceDto>): Flux<RessourceDto> {
var deleteWrapper = Mono.fromCallable {
deleteWrapper = deleteWrapper.subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic())
return deleteWrapper.thenMany<RessourceDto> {
.map(mapper::map) // map to model object
.map(mapper::map) // map to dto object
//alternative try
override fun replaceResourcesAlternative2(#RequestBody resources:
Flux<ResourceDto>): Flux<ResourceDto> {
return service.deleteAllResources()
.thenMany<ResourceDto> {
Whats the idiomatic way of doing this in a reactive fashion?

How to handle empty event in Spring reactor

Well, this sounds counter-intuitive to what reactive programming is, but I am unable to comprehend a way to handle nulls/exceptions.
private static class Data {
public Mono<String> first() {
return Mono.just("first");
public Mono<String> second() {
return Mono.just("second");
public Mono<String> empty() {
return Mono.empty();
I understand that fundamentally unless a publisher publishes an event, a subscriber will not act. So a code like this would work.
Data data = new Data();
.subscribe(string -> Assertions.assertThat(string).isEqualTo("first"));
And if the first call returns empty, I can do this.
Data data = new Data();
.subscribe(string -> Assertions.assertThat(string).isEqualTo("second"));
But how do I handle a case when both the calls return empty (typically this is an exception scenario that would need to be propagated to the user).
Data data = new Data();
.handle((string, sink) -> Objects.requireNonNull(string))
The handle is not called in the above example since no event was published.
as JB Nizet pointed out, you can chain in a second switchIfEmpty with a Mono.error.
Or, if you're fine with a NoSuchElementException, you could chain in single(). It enforces a strong contract of exactly one element, otherwise propagating that standard exception.

Can I access the request/response body on an ExchangeFilterFunction?

Given an exchange using WebClient, filtered by a custom ExchangeFilterFunction:
public Mono<ClientResponse> filter(ClientRequest request, ExchangeFunction next) {
return next.exchange(request)
.doOnSuccess(response -> {
// ...
Trying to access the response body more than once using response.bodyToMono() will cause the underlying HTTP client connector to complain that only one receiver is allowed. AFAIK, there's no way to access the body's Publisher in order to cache() its signals (and I'm not sure it'd be a good idea, resource-wise), as well as no way to mutate or decorate the response object in a manner that allows access to its body (like it's possible with ServerWebExchange on the server side).
That makes sense, but I am wondering if there are any ways I could subscribe to the response body's publisher from a form of filter such as this one. My goal is to log the request/response being sent/received by a given WebClient instance.
I am new to reactive programming, so if there are any obvious no-nos here, please do explain :)
Only for logging you could add a wiretap to the HttpClient as desribed in this answer.
However, your question is also interesting in a more general sense outside of logging.
One possible way is to create a duplicate of the ClientResponse instance with a copy of the previous request body. This might go against reactive principles, but it got the job done for me and I don't see big downsides given the small size of the response bodies in my client.
In my case, I needed to do so because the server sending the request (outside of my control) uses the HTTP status 200 Ok even if requests fail. Therefore, I need to peek into the response body in order to find out if anything went wrong and what the cause was. In my case I evict a session cookie in the request headers from the cache if the error message indicates that the session expired.
These are the steps:
Get the response body as a Mono of a String (cf (1)).
Return a Mono.Error in case an error is detected (cf (2)).
Use the String of the response body to build a copy of the original response (cf (3)).
You could also use a dependency on the ObjectMapper to parse the String into an object for analysis.
Note that I wrote this in Kotlin but it should be easy enough to adapt to Java.
class PeekIntoResponseBodyExchangeFilterFunction : ExchangeFilterFunction {
override fun filter(request: ClientRequest, next: ExchangeFunction): Mono<ClientResponse> {
return next.exchange(request)
.flatMap { response ->
// (1)
.flatMap { responseBody ->
if (responseBody.contains("Error message")) {
// (2)
Mono.error(RuntimeException("Response contains an error"))
} else {
// (3)
val clonedResponse = response.mutate().body(responseBody).build()

Spring Web-Flux: How to return a Flux to a web client on request?

We are working with spring boot 2.0.0.BUILD_SNAPSHOT and spring boot webflux 5.0.0 and currently we cant transfer a flux to a client on request.
Currently I am creating the flux from an iterator:
public Flux<ItemIgnite> getAllFlux() {
Iterator<Cache.Entry<String, ItemIgnite>> iterator = this.getAllIterator();
return Flux.create(flux -> {
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
And on request I am simply doing:
#RequestMapping(value="/all", method=RequestMethod.GET, produces="application/json")
public Flux<ItemIgnite> getAllFlux() {
return this.provider.getAllFlux();
When I now locally call localhost:8080/all after 10 seconds I get a 503 status code. Also as at client when I request /all using the WebClient:
public Flux<ItemIgnite> getAllPoducts(){
WebClient webClient = WebClient.create("http://localhost:8080");
Flux<ItemIgnite> f = webClient.get().uri("/all").accept(MediaType.ALL).exchange().flatMapMany(cr -> cr.bodyToFlux(ItemIgnite.class));
return f;
Nothing happens. No data is transferred.
When I do the following instead:
public Flux<List<ItemIgnite>> getAllFluxMono() {
return Flux.just(this.getAllList());
#RequestMapping(value="/allMono", method=RequestMethod.GET, produces="application/json")
public Flux<List<ItemIgnite>> getAllFluxMono() {
return this.provider.getAllFluxMono();
It is working. I guess its because all data is already finished loading and just transferred to the client as it usually would transfer data without using a flux.
What do I have to change to get the flux streaming the data to the web client which requests those data?
I have data inside an ignite cache. So my getAllIterator is loading the data from the ignite cache:
public Iterator<Cache.Entry<String, ItemIgnite>> getAllIterator() {
return this.igniteCache.iterator();
adding flux.complete() like #Simon Baslé suggested:
public Flux<ItemIgnite> getAllFlux() {
Iterator<Cache.Entry<String, ItemIgnite>> iterator = this.getAllIterator();
return Flux.create(flux -> {
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
flux.complete(); // see here
Solves the 503 problem in the browser. But it does not solve the problem with the WebClient. There is still no data transferred.
using publishOn with Schedulers.parallel():
public Flux<ItemIgnite> getAllFlux() {
Iterator<Cache.Entry<String, ItemIgnite>> iterator = this.getAllIterator();
return Flux.<ItemIgnite>create(flux -> {
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
Does not change the result.
Here I post you what the WebClient receives:
value :[Item ID: null, Product Name: null, Product Group: null]
So it seems like he is getting One item (out of over 35.000) and the values are null and he is finishing after.
One thing that jumps out is that you never call flux.complete() in your create.
But there's actually a factory operator that is tailored to transform an Iterable to a Flux, so you could just do Flux.fromIterable(this)
Edit: in case your Iterator is hiding complexity like a DB request (or any blocking I/O), be advised this spells trouble: anything blocking in a reactive chain, if not isolated on a dedicated execution context using publishOn, has the potential to block not only the entire chain but other reactive processes has well (as threads can and will be used by multiple reactive processes).
Neither create nor fromIterable do anything in particular to protect from blocking sources. I think you are facing that kind of issue, judging from the hang you get with the WebClient.
The problem was my Object ItemIgnite which I transfer. The system Flux seems not to be able to handle this. Because If I change my original code to the following:
public Flux<String> getAllFlux() {
Iterator<Cache.Entry<String, ItemIgnite>> iterator = this.getAllIterator();
return Flux.create(flux -> {
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
Everything is working fine. Without publishOn and without flux.complete(). Maybe someone has an idea why this is working.
