Setting up a rule? - prolog

I'm trying to rule to check if someone likes a friend other than the one stated in the argument. So for example,
I'm trying to create a rule friends(X,Y) that if both of them like each other, we look for another pair that either X or Y is linked to. Any help?

The first solution returns the first person found that one of the two people likes, in case these 2 people like each other.
friends_aux(X, Y, Z) :- likes(Y, Z), Z \= X.
friends_aux(X, Y, Z) :- likes(X, Z), Z \= Y.
friends(X, Y, Z) :- likes(X, Y), likes(Y, X), friends_aux(X, Y, Z), !.
And the second solution returns true if any of the two people have any other couple.
friends2_aux(X, Y) :- likes(Y, Z), Z \= X.
friends2_aux(X, Y) :- likes(X, Z), Z \= Y.
friends2(X, Y) :- likes(X, Y), likes(Y, X), friends2_aux(X, Y), !.
I attached an image of the results.
Hopefully this is what you wanted.


Prolog - Take operation elements

I need a predicate elements(X,L) where X is an operation like neg X, X and Y and returns a list L with all the elements from the operation, like [X,Y].
I already have these:
elements(neg X, [X]).
elements(X and Y, [X,Y]).
elements(X or Y, [X,Y]).
elements(X imp Y, [X,Y]).
But I donĀ“t know how to make it work with complex operations like X imp (Y or Z).
I'm not great at picking operator precedences but here's what I have for your input:
:- op(100, fx, neg).
:- op(200, xfy, and).
:- op(200, xfy, or).
:- op(300, xfy, imp).
elements(Term, Variables) :- term_variables(Term, Variables).
This seems to do what you specified:
?- elements(X imp (Y and Z), Q).
Q = [X, Y, Z].
Is there more to your problem than this?

How to find if somebody is somebodies second cousin once removed in prolog?

I am writing a program to return true if a person is another persons second cousin once removed. The only information that is known is who is the parent of who else. I am using the family tree from here Overall I got everything working but i cant make it find the second cousin once removed. The first cousin and the once removed ones work, just looking to get some help on how to find a second cousin that is also once removed.
parent(adam, betty).
parent(agatha, betty).
parent(adam, charles).
parent(agatha, charles).
parent(bill, david).
parent(betty, david).
parent(charles, emma).
parent(corinda, emma).
parent(dawn, frank).
parent(david, frank).
parent(emma, gwen).
parent(eric, gwen).
parent(frank, harry).
parent(felicity, harry).
child(X, Y) :-
parent(Y, X).
grandparent(X, Y) :-
parent(X, Z),
parent(Z, Y).
greatgrandparent(X, Y) :-
parent(P, Y),
grandparent(X, P).
cousin(X, Y) :-
grandparent(Z, X),
grandparent(Z, Y),
\+sibling(X, Y),
X \= Y.
sibling(X, Y) :-
parent(Z, X),
parent(Z, Y),
X \= Y.
cousinonceremoved(X, Y) :-
cousin(Z, Y),
child(X, Z).
secondcousin(X, Y) :-
greatgrandparent(Z, X),
greatgrandparent(Z, Y),
\+sibling(X, Y),
\+cousin(X, Y),
X \= Y.
Just as stated in the article: "The child of one's second cousin".
secondCousinOnceRemoved(H, G) :- child(H, F), secondcousin(F, G).

Get unique results with Prolog

I have this Prolog code that returns: [[vincent,vincent],[vincent,marcellus],[marcellus,vincent],[marcellus,marcellus],[pumpkin,pumpkin],[honey_bunny,honey_bunny]].
:- initialization main.
loves(vincent, mia).
loves(marcellus, mia).
loves(pumpkin, honey_bunny).
loves(honey_bunny, pumpkin).
jealous(X, Y) :-
loves(X, Z),
loves(Y, Z).
main :-
findall([X, Y], jealous(X, Y), L),
How to get the only results when X != Y?
I tried the following code to get the same results as before.
jealous(X, Y) :-
X \== Y,
loves(X, Z),
loves(Y, Z).
With \=, I got [].
How to get only [vincent,marcellus] as a result?
The order of the goals in your attempted solution is wrong. When called with two distinct variables, the (\==)/2 standard predicate always succeed. The solution is to call the predicate only when its arguments are instantiated:
jealous(X, Y) :-
loves(X, Z),
loves(Y, Z),
X \== Y.
With this fix, your query now returns:
?- findall([X, Y], jealous(X, Y), L).
L = [[vincent, marcellus], [marcellus, vincent]].
So, no one is jealous of himself anymore. But you still get a redundant solution. We can modify the jealous/2 predicate to sort the names in the returned solutions. For example:
jealous(X, Y) :-
loves(X0, Z),
loves(Y0, Z),
X0 \== Y0,
( X0 #< Y0 ->
X = X0, Y = Y0
; X = Y0, Y = X0
Now, by using setof/3 instead of findall/3, we get:
?- setof([X, Y], jealous(X, Y), L).
L = [[marcellus, vincent]].
One final observation. A list is a poor solution for representing a pair. The traditional way is to use either X-Y or (X, Y).
Whenever possible, use dif/2 instead of (\==)/2.
dif/2 will help you write logically sound programs.
For details, look at prolog-dif!

Simple prolog program returns false too early

It's been a while since I've programmed in Prolog. Today, I tried to make a simple program. It lists some facts of who belongs to the same family. If two people belong to the same family, they cannot give eachother gifts. I want to get all the people (or at least one person) to whom someone is allowed to give a gift.
family(john, jack).
family(matt, ann).
family(ann, jack).
family(jordan, michael).
family(michael, liz).
sameFamily(X, Y) :-
family(X, Y).
sameFamily(X, X) :-
sameFamilySym(X, Y) :-
sameFamily(X, Y).
sameFamilySym(X, Y) :-
sameFamily(Y, X).
sameFamilyTrans(X, Z) :-
sameFamilySym(X, Y),
sameFamilySym(Y, Z).
gift(X, Y) :-
not(sameFamilyTrans(X, Y)).
Some queries if sameFamilyTrans/2 return false when they should in fact return true.
sameFamilyTrans/2 is obviously wrong. I think I need to keep a list of intermediate transitivities. Something like this:
sameFamilyTrans(X, Z, [Y|Ys]) :-
sameFamilySym(X, Y, []),
sameFamilyTrans(Y, Z, Ys).
But then I don't know how to call this.
P.S. I am using SWI-Prolog, if that makes any difference.
Yes, you were on the right track. The trick is to call the transitive closure with an empty accumulator, and check in each step whether a cycle is found (i.e., whether we have seen this member of the family before. As "false" has pointed out, the persons need to be instantiated already before going into the not, though.
So in sum, this works:
family(john, jack).
family(matt, ann).
family(ann, jack).
family(jordan, michael).
family(michael, liz).
sameFamily(X, Y) :-
family(X, Y).
sameFamilySym(X, Y) :-
sameFamily(X, Y).
sameFamilySym(X, Y) :-
sameFamily(Y, X).
sameFamilyTrans(X, Y, Acc) :-
sameFamilySym(X, Y),
sameFamilyTrans(X, Z, Acc) :-
sameFamilySym(X, Y),
sameFamilyTrans(Y, Z, [X|Acc]).
person(X) :- family(X, _).
person(X) :- family(_, X).
gift(X, Y) :-
X \= Y,
not(sameFamilyTrans(X, Y, [])).
A bit of background: Transitive closure is not actually first-order definable (cf. So it can be expected that this would be a little tricky.
Negation is implemented in Prolog in a very rudimentary manner. You can essentially get a useful answer only if a negated query is sufficiently instantiated. To do this, define a relation person/1 that describes all persons you are considering. Then you can write:
gift(X,Y) :-
\+ sameFamily(X,Y).
There is another issue with the definition of sameFamily/2.

Prolog and ancestor relationship

I have to write a small prolog program which checks if a given person is a ancestor of a second one.
These are the facts and rules:
mother(tim, anna).
mother(anna, fanny).
mother(daniel, fanny).
mother(celine, gertrude).
father(tim, bernd).
father(anna, ephraim).
father(daniel, ephraim).
father(celine, daniel).
parent(X,Y) :- mother(X,Y).
parent(X,Y) :- father(X,Y).
The test if a person is an ancestor of another person is easy:
ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Y).
ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Z), ancestor(Z, Y).
But now I have to write a method ancestor(X,Y,Z) which also prints out the relationship between two persons. It should look like this
?- ancestor(ephraim, tim, X).
?- ancestor(tim, ephraim, X).
X = father(mother(tim)).
And that is the problem: I have no clue how do to this.
You can use an accumulator to adapt #Scott Hunter's solution :
mother(anna, fanny).
mother(daniel, fanny).
mother(celine, gertrude).
father(tim, bernd).
father(anna, ephraim).
father(daniel, ephraim).
father(celine, daniel).
ancestor(X, Y, Z) :- ancestor(X, Y, X, Z).
ancestor(X, Y, Acc, father(Acc)) :- father(X, Y).
ancestor(X, Y, Acc, mother(Acc)) :- mother(X, Y).
ancestor(X, Y, Acc, Result) :-
father(X, Z),
ancestor(Z, Y, father(Acc), Result).
ancestor(X, Y, Acc, Result) :-
mother(X, Z),
ancestor(Z, Y, mother(Acc), Result).
edit : as Scott Hunter showed in his edit, there's no need for an explicit accumulator here, since we can left the inner part of the term unbound easily at each iteration. His solution is therefore better !
A term manipulation alternative to the accumulator tecnique by #Mog:
parent(X, Y, mother(X)) :- mother(X, Y).
parent(X, Y, father(X)) :- father(X, Y).
ancestor(X, Y, R) :-
parent(X, Y, R).
ancestor(X, Y, R) :-
parent(X, Z, P),
ancestor(Z, Y, A),
eldest(A, P, R).
eldest(A, P, R) :-
A =.. [Af, Aa],
( atom(Aa)
-> T = P
; eldest(Aa, P, T)
R =.. [Af, T].
To test, I made tim a father: father(ugo, tim).
?- ancestor(tim, ephraim, X).
X = father(mother(tim)) .
?- ancestor(ugo, ephraim, X).
X = father(mother(father(ugo))) .
Simply add a term which tracts what kind of parent is used at each step (edited to get result in proper order):
ancestor(X,Y,father(X)) :- father(X,Y).
ancestor(X,Y,mother(X)) :- mother(X,Y).
ancestor(X,Y,father(Z2)) :- father(Z,Y), ancestor(X,Z,Z2).
ancestor(X,Y,mother(Z2)) :- mother(Z,Y), ancestor(X,Z,Z2).
