Imitate behaviour of OutputStreamWriter with TcpSendingMessageHandler - spring

We used the below piece of code for a Tcp server:
try (ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port)) {
while (true) {
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
new ServerThread(socket).start();
and ServerThread:
private class ServerThread extends Thread {
private final Socket socket;
private ServerThread(Socket socket) {
this.socket = socket;
public void run() {
try (final InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream());
final OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream())) {
int bytesRead;
char[] buffer = new char[1024];
while ((bytesRead = != -1){
System.out.println(new String(buffer, 0, bytesRead));
writer.write(/* some char[] */);
// ...
} catch (IOException exception){
// ...
We recently switched to using Spring integration:
public TcpNetServerConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
TcpNetServerConnectionFactory factory = new TcpNetServerConnectionFactory(9000);
ByteArrayRawSerializer serializer = new ByteArrayRawSerializer();
return factory;
public TcpReceivingChannelAdapter channelAdapter(AbstractServerConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
TcpReceivingChannelAdapter adapter = new TcpReceivingChannelAdapter();
return adapter;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "outputChannel")
public TcpSendingMessageHandler messageHandler(AbstractServerConnectionFactory connectionFactory){
final TcpSendingMessageHandler handler = new TcpSendingMessageHandler();
return handler;
public MessageChannel messageChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
#Transformer(inputChannel = "messageChannel", outputChannel = "loggingChannel")
public ObjectToStringTransformer loggingTransformer() {
return new ObjectToStringTransformer();
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "loggingChannel")
public void log(String message) {
with above configuration; we successfully receive messages and print them. When I access the Spring application with a Telnet client, I do get the messages on terminal, however, a client application (written with C++ with WinSock2.h) gets a timeout. What is different with the application and how do I imitate the behaviour of OutputStreamWriters
writer.write(/* some char[] */);
with TcpSendingMessageHandler for the WinSock2.h application?

Did you read ByteArrayRawSerializer JavaDocs? Do you know that it doesn't close a Socket by itself as you do in your custom code after reading and writing?
you probably need to think about closing a Connection after using it.
See this option on the ConnectionFactory:
* If true, sockets created by this factory will be used once.
* #param singleUse The singleUse to set.
public void setSingleUse(boolean singleUse) {
Then TcpSendingMessageHandler will close it after sending a message into that OutputStreamWriter.


Issue with RabbitMQ Delay message in spring boot

I am facing an issue in Rabbit MQ regarding x-delay while connecting to spring boot. I need to schedule the messages for a variable delay according to the message type. It can be one of the units MINUTE, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, and so on…
Below is my configuration class :
private final RabbitProperties rabbitProperties;
private final Environment environment;
public Queue rabbitMQueue() {
return new Queue(environment.getProperty(RABBITMQ_QUEUE_NAME), false);
public Exchange rabbitExchange() {
String exchangeName = "test_exchange";
Map<String, Object> exchangeArgs = new HashMap<>();
exchangeArgs.put("x-delayed-type", exchangeType.toLowerCase());
exchangeArgs.put("x-message-ttl",9922);"Loading {} exchange with name {}.", exchangeType, exchangeName);
switch (exchangeType){
default: return new CustomExchange(exchangeName, exchangeType, true, false, exchangeArgs);
case "DIRECT" : return directExchange(exchangeName, exchangeArgs);
private Exchange directExchange(String exchangeName, Map<String, Object> exchangeArgs) {
//"Generating directExchange");
// DirectExchange directExchange = new DirectExchange(exchangeName,true, false, exchangeArgs);
// directExchange.setDelayed(true);
// return directExchange;
return ExchangeBuilder.directExchange(exchangeName).withArguments(exchangeArgs)
public Binding rabbitBinding(final Queue rabbitMQueue, final Exchange rabbitExchange){"Exchange to bind : {}", rabbitExchange.getName());
return BindingBuilder
public AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate(final ConnectionFactory rabbitMQConnectionFactory,
final MessageConverter rabbitMessageConvertor,
final Exchange rabbitExchange){
RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(rabbitMQConnectionFactory);
return rabbitTemplate;
public ConnectionFactory rabbitMQConnectionFactory(){
Boolean isUriBased = environment.getProperty(URI_BASED_CONNECTION_ENABLED, Boolean.class);
CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
if(!Objects.isNull(isUriBased) && isUriBased){
connectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory(rabbitProperties.getHost(), rabbitProperties.getPort());
return connectionFactory;
public MessageConverter rabbitMessageConvertor(){
return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();
And publisher code :
public boolean sendMessage(String tenant, T message, int delay){
MyQueueMessage<T> myQueueMessage = getQueueMessage(tenant, message);
amqpTemplate.convertAndSend(exchangeName, routingKey, myQueueMessage, messagePostProcessor -> {
// MessageProperties messageProperties = messagePostProcessor.getMessageProperties();
messagePostProcessor.getMessageProperties().setHeader("x-message-ttl", 5011);
messagePostProcessor.getMessageProperties().setHeader(MessageProperties.X_DELAY, 5012);
messagePostProcessor.getMessageProperties().setReceivedDelay(5014);"Setting delay in properties : {}", messagePostProcessor.getMessageProperties().getHeader(MessageProperties.X_DELAY).toString());
return messagePostProcessor;
} catch (Exception e){
return false;
return true;
And receiver :
#RabbitListener(queues = "INVOICE")
public void receiveMessage(Message message){"Message Received : " + message.toString() + " with delay " + message.getMessageProperties().getDelay());
Issue :
The value
comes as NULL in the receiver and the message is also not delayed. It’s getting received instantly.
Did I miss anything?
Please note that I am using docker, rabbitmq-management-3, and have already installed the rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange plugin.

Spring Boot RabbitMQ ConnectException:

I have an application that should work with rabbitmq. I have RabbitMQConfig, which tries to connect with the rabbit, but if it fails to connect, the application does not start at all.
What I want to achieve is that after launching the application, it will try to connect to the rabbit and if it manages to connect, I will start functionality to create a queue and listen to it accordingly. Currently at startup if the rabbit is available and then disappears it starts throwing " Connection refused". Can I catch this error and how, both at startup and during the operation of the application.
This is config file:
public class RabbitMQConfig implements RabbitListenerConfigurer {
private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
public RabbitMQConfig(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
public void configureRabbitListeners(RabbitListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
MessageHandlerMethodFactory messageHandlerMethodFactory() {
DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory messageHandlerMethodFactory = new DefaultMessageHandlerMethodFactory();
return messageHandlerMethodFactory;
public MappingJackson2MessageConverter consumerJackson2MessageConverter() {
return new MappingJackson2MessageConverter();
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate() {
RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory);
rabbitTemplate.setMessageConverter(new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter());
return rabbitTemplate;
public AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin() {
return new RabbitAdmin(connectionFactory);
#Bean(name = "rabbitListenerContainerFactory")
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory simpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory(
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer,
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
FixedBackOff recoveryBackOff = new FixedBackOff(10000,FixedBackOff.UNLIMITED_ATTEMPTS);
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
return factory;
Whit this methods i create and start listener:
public class RabbitMQService {
#RabbitListener(queues = "${queueName}", autoStartup = "false", id = "commandQueue")
public void receive(CommandDataDTO commandDataDTO) {
public void receive(Object rMessage) {
public void createQueue() {
Queue queue = new Queue("queueName"), true, false, false);
Binding binding = new Binding("queueName"),
Binding.DestinationType.QUEUE, env.getProperty(""),"rKey",
//When queue is active we start Listener
public void startListener() {
boolean isQueuqReady = false;
while (!isQueuqReady) {
Properties p = admin.getQueueProperties(env.getProperty("") + "_"
+ env.getProperty(""));
if (p != null) {"Rabbit queue is up. Start listener.");
isQueuqReady = true;
Problem is that I want, regardless of whether there is a connection or not with the rabbit, the application to be able to work and, accordingly, to intercept when there is a connection and when not to do different actions.

How to build a nonblocking Consumer when using AsyncRabbitTemplate with Request/Reply Pattern

I'm new to rabbitmq and currently trying to implement a nonblocking producer with a nonblocking consumer. I've build some test producer where I played around with typereference:
public class Producer {
private AsyncRabbitTemplate asyncRabbitTemplate;
public <T extends RequestEvent<S>, S> RabbitConverterFuture<S> asyncSendEventAndReceive(final T event) {
return asyncRabbitTemplate.convertSendAndReceiveAsType(QueueConfig.EXCHANGE_NAME, event.getRoutingKey(), event, event.getResponseTypeReference());
And in some other place the test function that gets called in a RestController
Producer producer;
public void test() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
TestEvent requestEvent = new TestEvent("SOMEDATA");
RabbitConverterFuture<TestResponse> reply = producer.asyncSendEventAndReceive(requestEvent);"Hello! The Reply is: {}", reply.get());
This so far was pretty straightforward, where I'm stuck now is how to create a consumer which is non-blocking too. My current listener:
#RabbitListener(queues = QueueConfig.QUEUENAME)
public TestResponse onReceive(TestEvent event) {
Future<TestResponse> replyLater = proccessDataLater(event.getSomeData())
return replyLater.get();
As far as I'm aware, when using #RabbitListener this listener runs in its own thread. And I could configure the MessageListener to use more then one thread for the active listeners. Because of that, blocking the listener thread with future.get() is not blocking the application itself. Still there might be the case where all threads are blocking now and new events are stuck in the queue, when they maybe dont need to. What I would like to do is to just receive the event without the need to instantly return the result. Which is probably not possible with #RabbitListener. Something like:
#RabbitListener(queues = QueueConfig.QUEUENAME)
public void onReceive(TestEvent event) {
* Some fictional RabbitMQ API call where i get a ReplyContainer which contains
* the CorrelationID for the event. I can call replyContainer.reply(testResponse) later
* in the code without blocking the listener thread
ReplyContainer replyContainer = AsyncRabbitTemplate.getReplyContainer()
// ProcessDataLater calls reply on the container when done with its action
proccessDataLater(event.getSomeData(), replyContainer);
What is the best way to implement such behaviour with rabbitmq in spring?
EDIT Config Class:
public class RabbitMQConfig implements RabbitListenerConfigurer {
public static final String topicExchangeName = "exchange";
TopicExchange exchange() {
return new TopicExchange(topicExchangeName);
public ConnectionFactory rabbitConnectionFactory() {
CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory();
return connectionFactory;
public MappingJackson2MessageConverter consumerJackson2MessageConverter() {
return new MappingJackson2MessageConverter();
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate() {
final RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(rabbitConnectionFactory());
return rabbitTemplate;
public AsyncRabbitTemplate asyncRabbitTemplate() {
return new AsyncRabbitTemplate(rabbitTemplate());
public Jackson2JsonMessageConverter producerJackson2MessageConverter() {
return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();
Queue queue() {
return new Queue("test", false);
Binding binding() {
return BindingBuilder.bind(queue()).to(exchange()).with("foo.#");
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory myRabbitListenerContainerFactory() {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
return factory;
public void configureRabbitListeners(final RabbitListenerEndpointRegistrar registrar) {
I don't have time to test it right now, but something like this should work; presumably you don't want to lose messages so you need to set the ackMode to MANUAL and do the acks yourself (as shown).
public class So52173111Application {
private final ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
private RabbitTemplate template;
public ApplicationRunner runner(AsyncRabbitTemplate asyncTemplate) {
return args -> {
RabbitConverterFuture<Object> future = asyncTemplate.convertSendAndReceive("foo", "test");
future.addCallback(r -> {
System.out.println("Reply: " + r);
}, t -> {
public AsyncRabbitTemplate asyncTemplate(RabbitTemplate template) {
return new AsyncRabbitTemplate(template);
#RabbitListener(queues = "foo")
public void listen(String in, Channel channel, #Header(AmqpHeaders.DELIVERY_TAG) long tag,
#Header(AmqpHeaders.CORRELATION_ID) String correlationId,
#Header(AmqpHeaders.REPLY_TO) String replyTo) {
ListenableFuture<String> future = handleInput(in);
future.addCallback(result -> {
Address address = new Address(replyTo);
this.template.convertAndSend(address.getExchangeName(), address.getRoutingKey(), result, m -> {
return m;
try {
channel.basicAck(tag, false);
catch (IOException e) {
}, t -> {
private ListenableFuture<String> handleInput(String in) {
SettableListenableFuture<String> future = new SettableListenableFuture<String>();
exec.execute(() -> {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
return future;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Unexpected message - no endpoint registered with connection interceptor while communicating with multiple servers

public class GatewayAqrConfig {
ConnectorService connectorService;
MasterService masterService;
private HashMap<ConnectorPK, GatewayAqr> connectorMap;
#Scope(value = "prototype")
public AbstractClientConnectionFactory clientCF(Connector connector , Master master) {
TcpNetClientConnectionFactory clientConnectionFactory = new TcpNetClientConnectionFactory(connector.getAqrIpAddr(), connector.getAqrIpPortNo());
MyByteArraySerializer obj = new MyByteArraySerializer(master.getAqrMsgHeaderLength(), master.getAqrId());
TcpMessageMapper tcpMessageMapper = new TcpMessageMapper();
clientConnectionFactory.setBeanName(connector.getAqrIpAddr() + ":" + connector.getAqrIpPortNo());
return clientConnectionFactory;
#Scope(value = "prototype")
public TcpSendingMessageHandler tcpOutGateway(AbstractClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
TcpSendingMessageHandler messageHandler = new TcpSendingMessageHandler();
return messageHandler;
#Scope(value = "prototype")
public TcpReceivingChannelAdapter tcpInGateway(AbstractClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
TcpReceivingChannelAdapter messageHandler = new TcpReceivingChannelAdapter();
return messageHandler;
#Scope(value = "prototype")
public TaskScheduler getTaskScheduler() {
TaskScheduler ts = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
return ts;
public MessageChannel receive() {
QueueChannel channel = new QueueChannel();
return channel;
#Bean(name = PollerMetadata.DEFAULT_POLLER)
public PollerMetadata poller() {
return new PollerMetadata();
public HashMap<ConnectorPK, GatewayAqr> gatewayAqr() throws Exception {
connectorMap = new HashMap();
Connector connector = null;
ConnectorPK connectorPK = null;
Master master = null;
TcpConnectionSupport connectionSupport = null;
// 1. Get List of Connections configured in Database
List<Connector> connectors = connectorService.getConnections();
if (connectors.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < connectors.size(); i++) {
// 2. Get the connection details
connector = connectors.get(i);
connectorPK = aqrConnector.getConnectorpk();
master = masterService.findById(connectorPK.getAcuirerId());
try {
// 3. Create object of TcpNetClientConnectionFactory for each Acquirer connection
AbstractClientConnectionFactory clientConnectionFactory = clientCF(aqrConnector, aqrMaster);
// 4. Create TcpSendingMessageHandler for the Connection
TcpSendingMessageHandler outHandler = tcpOutGateway(clientConnectionFactory);
// 5. Create TcpReceivingChannelAdapter object for the Connection and assign it to receive channel
TcpReceivingChannelAdapter inHandler = tcpInGateway(clientConnectionFactory);
// 6. Generate the GatewayAqr object
GatewayAqr gatewayAqr = new GatewayAqr(clientConnectionFactory, outHandler, inHandler);
// 7. Put in the MAP acuirerPK and Send MessageHandler object
connectorMap.put(aqrConnectorPK, gatewayAquirer);
} catch (Exception e) {
} // for
} // if
return connectorMap;
#IntegrationComponentScan(basePackageClasses = {GatewayEventConfig.class,GatewayAqrConfig.class })
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"", ""})
public class GatewayConfig {
private GatewayAsyncReply<Object, Message<?>> gatewayAsyncReply;
private GatewayCorrelationStrategy gatewayCorrelationStrategy;
private HashMap<ConnectorPK, GatewayAqr> gatewayAqrs;
ConnectorService connectorService;
GatewayResponseDeserializer gatewayResponseDeserializer;
#MessagingGateway(defaultRequestChannel = "send")
public interface Gateway {
void waitForResponse(TransactionMessage transaction);
public MessageChannel send() {
DirectChannel channel = new DirectChannel();
return channel;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "send")
public BarrierMessageHandlerWithLateGoodResponse barrier() {
BarrierMessageHandlerWithLateGoodResponse barrier = new BarrierMessageHandlerWithLateGoodResponse(25000, this.gatewayCorrelationStrategy);
return barrier;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "out")
public void printMessage(Message<?> message) {
System.out.println("in out channel");
#Transformer(inputChannel = "receive", outputChannel = "process")
public TransactionMessage convert(byte[] response) {
logger.debug("Response Received", Arrays.toString(response));
TransactionMessage transactionMessage = gatewayResponseDeserializer.deserializeResponse(response);
System.out.println("Response : " + response);
return transactionMessage;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "process")
public MessageHandler releaser() {
return new MessageHandler() {
public void handleMessage(Message<?> message) throws MessagingException {
try {
} catch (GatewayLateGoodMessageException exception) {
System.out.println("Late good response..!");
public MessageChannel process() {
QueueChannel channel = new QueueChannel();
return channel;
public MessageChannel out() {
DirectChannel channel = new DirectChannel();
return channel;
public MessageChannel lateGoodresponseChannel() {
QueueChannel channel = new QueueChannel();
return channel;
public void handleLateGoodResponse(Message<?> message) {
String strSTAN = null;
String strResponse = null;
Message<?> respMessage = null;
if(message instanceof TransactionMessage){
strSTAN = ((TransactionMessage)message).getStan();
respMessage = gatewayAsyncReply.get(strSTAN);
if (null != respMessage) {
strResponse = (String) message.getPayload();
}"Late Good Response: " + strResponse);
public class GatewayEventConfig {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GatewayEventConfig.class);
public ApplicationEventListeningMessageProducer tcpEventListener() {
ApplicationEventListeningMessageProducer producer = new ApplicationEventListeningMessageProducer();
producer.setEventTypes(new Class[] {TcpConnectionOpenEvent.class, TcpConnectionCloseEvent.class, TcpConnectionExceptionEvent.class});
return producer;
public TaskScheduler getEventTaskScheduler() {
TaskScheduler ts = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
return ts;
public MessageChannel tcpEventChannel() {
return new QueueChannel();
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "tcpEventChannel")
public void tcpConnectionEvent(TcpConnectionEvent event) {
System.out.println("In publishing" + event.toString());
String strConnectionFactory = event.getConnectionFactoryName();
if (strConnectionFactory.equals("connection1")) {
//send some message to connector
} else {
// send message to another connector
this is my configuration files, my application tries to connect to 2 servers as soon as it starts.
I have made 2 configurations for 2 servers as above class
GatewayAqrConfig1 and GatewayConfig1 classes are used for first server connection
GatewayAqrConfig2 and GatewayConfig2 classes are used for second server connection
Using event I am connecting to server and sending a connection set up message, if server is already started and If I have started my application,
it gets the event, connects and sends the message but I am not getting the response instead I am getting the WARNING as below
**WARN TcpNetConnection:186 - Unexpected message - no endpoint registered with connection interceptor:**
i.e connection does not registers the listener properly
but if I am starting my application first and then servers I am getting responses perfectly, As I am connecting to servers
I could not restart it ? My application should connect to server which is already started ? what could be the problem ?
Version used:
Spring integration Version : 4.3.1
Spring version : 4.3.2
JDK 1.8 on JBOSS EAP 7
That WARN message means that, somehow, an inbound message was received without a TcpReceivingChannelAdapter having been registered with the connection factory. Client mode should make no difference.
Having looked at your code a little more, the prototype beans should be ok, as long as you use those objects (especially TcpMessageHandler directly rather than via the framework).
It's not obvious to me how that can happen, given your configuration; the listener is registered when you call setConnectionFactory on the receiving adapter.
If you can reproduce it with a trimmed-down project and post it someplace, I will take a look.

Convert to multiple client server Connection

making my previous question more readable, following is my code which works fine for single server single client connection, but i want my client to connect 2 or more servers dynamically,
public class ClientCall {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(GatewayConfig.class);
GatewayService gatewayService = ctx.getBean(GatewayService.class);
//int i=0;
Message message = new Message();
message.setPayload("It's working");
/* i++;
public class Message {
private String payload;
// getter setter
#ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.gateway.service")
public class GatewayConfig {
// #Value("${listen.port:6788}")
private int port = 6785;
private GatewayService<Message> gatewayService;
#MessagingGateway(defaultRequestChannel = "sendMessageChannel")
public interface Gateway {
void viaTcp(String payload);
public AbstractClientConnectionFactory clientCF() {
TcpNetClientConnectionFactory clientConnectionFactory = new TcpNetClientConnectionFactory("localhost",
return clientConnectionFactory;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "sendMessageChannel")
public MessageHandler tcpOutGateway(AbstractClientConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
TcpOutboundGateway outGateway = new TcpOutboundGateway();
// outGateway.setAsync(true);
return outGateway;
public MessageChannel sendMessageChannel() {
DirectChannel channel = new DirectChannel();
return channel;
public MessageChannel receiveMessageChannel() {
DirectChannel channel = new DirectChannel();
return channel;
#Transformer(inputChannel = "receiveMessageChannel", outputChannel = "processMessageChannel")
public String convert(byte[] bytes) {
return new String(bytes);
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "processMessageChannel")
public void upCase(String response) {
#Transformer(inputChannel = "errorChannel", outputChannel = "processMessageChannel")
public void convertError(byte[] bytes) {
String str = new String(bytes);
System.out.println("Error: " + str);
public interface GatewayService<T> {
public void sendMessage(final T payload);
public void receiveMessage(String response);
public class GatewayServiceImpl implements GatewayService<Message> {
private Gateway gateway;
private GatewayContextManger<String, Object> gatewayContextManger;
public void sendMessage(final Message message) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void receiveMessage(final String response) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Message message = new Message();
Object obj = gatewayContextManger.get(message.getPayload());
synchronized (obj) {
and below is sever code similar there is another server with different port and ip then how to make connections to these servers?
class TCPServer
public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception
String clientSentence;
String capitalizedSentence;
ServerSocket welcomeSocket = new ServerSocket(6785);
Socket connectionSocket = welcomeSocket.accept();
BufferedReader inFromClient =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connectionSocket.getInputStream()));
DataOutputStream outToClient = new DataOutputStream(connectionSocket.getOutputStream());
clientSentence = inFromClient.readLine();
System.out.println("Received: " + clientSentence);
capitalizedSentence = clientSentence + "\r\n";
A few comments.
Instead of starting a thread to send the message, simply make sendMessageChannel an ExecutorChannel, using a ThreadPoolTaskExecutor - it will be more efficient and gets you out of the business of managing threads.
If you only have 2 servers to connect to, rather than coming up with a dynamic scheme, simply define 2 TCP adapters and add a #Router after sendMessageChannel.
You can tell the router which server to send it to by setting a header.
#MessagingGateway(defaultRequestChannel = "sendMessageChannel")
public interface Gateway {
void viaTcp(String payload #Header("which") String target);
Use a HeaderValueRouter to route on header which.
See Message Routing in the reference manual.
