Create variables base on cURL response - Bash - bash

I'm trying to create 2 variables via bash $lat, $long base on the result of my curl response.
curl | grep "loc" | awk '{print $2}'
I got.
I'm trying to get
Can someone give me a little push ?

IFS=, read -r lat long < <(
curl -s |
jq -r '.loc'
printf 'Latitude is: %s\nLongitude is: %s\n' "$lat" "$long"
The API is returning JSON data, so let parse it with jq:
Here is the JSON as returned by the query from your sample:
"ip": "",
"city": "Columbus",
"region": "Ohio",
"country": "US",
"loc": "39.9690,-83.0114",
"postal": "43218",
"timezone": "America/New_York",
"readme": ""
We are going to JSON query the loc entry from the main root object ..
curl -s download the JSON data -s silently without progress.
jq -r '.loc': Process JSON data, query the loc entry of the main object and -r output raw string.
IFS=, read -r lat long < <(: Sets the Internal Field Separator to , and read both lat and long variables from the following command group output stream.

Although the answer from #LeaGris is quite interesting, if you don't want to use an external library or something, you can try this:
coordinates=($(curl | sed 's/ //g' | grep -P '(?<=\"loc\":").*?(?=\")' -o | tr ',' ' '))
echo "${coordinates[#]}"
echo ${coordinates[0]}
echo ${coordinates[1]}
Example output:
39.9690 -83.0114 # echo "${coordinates[#]}"
39.9690 # ${coordinates[0]}
-83.0114 # ${coordinates[1]}
curl ... get the JSON data
sed 's/ //g' remove all spaces
grep -P ... -o
-P interpret the given pattern as a perl regexp
(?<=\"loc\":") regex lookbehind
.*? capture the longitude and latitude part with non-greedy search
(?=\") regex lookahead
-o get only the matching part which'ld be e.g. 39.9690,-83.0114
tr ',' ' ' replace , with space
Finally we got something like this: 39.9690 -83.0114
Putting it in parentheses lets us create an array with two values in it (cf. ${coordinates[...]}).


Shell Script error: "For loop" is not throwing the expected output

I have json file which extract the color value from the file. For some reason, it only fetch only one block of code & for the rest it throws error.
echo "Add the figma json file path"
read path
figma_json="$(echo -e "${path}" | tr -d '[:space:]')"
echo "*****************************************"
color_values=$(cat $figma_json | jq -r '.color')
color_keys=$(cat $figma_json | jq -r '.color | keys' |sed 's,^ *,,; s, *$,,'| tr -s ' ' | tr ' ' '_')
echo $color_keys
for c_key in $color_keys
echo "key string: $c_key"
echo $color_values | jq ".$c_key.value"
echo "*********************************************"
trimmed string: "gray1",
"description": "",
"type": "color",
"value": "#333333ff",
"extensions": {
"org.lukasoppermann.figmaDesignTokens": {
"styleId": "S:0b49d19e868ec919fac01ec377bb989174094d7e,",
"exportKey": "color"
trimmed string: "gray2" //Expected output
If we look at the second output it prints the hex value of gray2 which is the expected output
Please use the follow link to get the json file
It's quite unclear what you are aiming at, but here's one way how you would read from a JSON file using just one call to jq, and most probably without the need to employ sed or tr. The selection as well as the formatting can easily be adjusted to your liking.
jq -r '.color | to_entries[] | "\(.key): \(.value.value)"' "$figma_json"
gray1: #333333ff
gray2: #4f4f4fff
gray3: #828282ff
gray4: #bdbdbdff
gray5: #e0e0e0ff
gray6: #f2f2f2ff
red: #eb5757ff
orange: #f2994aff
yellow: #f2c94cff
green1: #219653ff
green2: #27ae60ff
green3: #6fcf97ff
blue1: #2f80edff
blue2: #2d9cdbff
blue3: #56ccf2ff
purple1: #9b51e0ff
purple2: #bb6bd9ff

conditional grep from a Json file

i have a query with this Json and grep :-
How can one extract name from this json where id matches say 1234 , can be random , using grep or sed?
I would suggest to use jq but if you want to use grep try
grep -B1 'id.*1234' < input_file | grep name
from man page
-B num, --before-context=num
Print num lines of leading context before each match. See also the -A and -C options.
please suggest the jq command
I take the liberty to fulfill the request.
jq -r '.[]|select(.id==1234).name' file
.[] - iterates the array elements
select(.id==1234) - filters element with desired id
.name - extracts name
The option -r causes the name to be written unquoted.

How to extract text with sed or grep and regular expression json

Hello I am using curl to get some info which I need to clean up.
This is from curl command:
{"ip":"","country":"Italy","city":"Milan","longitude":9.1889,"latitude":45.4707, etc..
I would need to get "Ita" as output, that is the first three letter of the country.
After reading sed JSON regular expression i tried to adapt resulting in
sed -e 's/^.*"country":"[a-zA-Z]{3}".*$/\1/
but this won't work.
Can you please help?
Using jq, you can do:
curl .... | jq -r '.country[0:3]'
If you need to set the country to the first 3 chars,
jq '.country = .country[0:3]'
some fairly advanced bash:
read country
read city
} < <(
curl ... |
jq -r '.country[0:3], .city[0:3]'
$ echo "$country $city"
Ita Mil

How to properly remove new lines from JSON parsed data in bash

I want to parsing JSON data using jq(as described here ) and delete any newlines character from the resulting string.
I've already tried to use tr but this approach remove also all the white spaces between parsed values.
My code:
IP=$(curl -s # Get ip address
curl -s${IP}/geo | jq -r '.ip, .city, .country' | tr -d '\n' # parse only few values from the JSON data and remove new lines.
What i get with the code above is the following string:
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXXCity_NameCountry_Name but i want something like this:
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX City_Name Country_Name
You could craft a single string from the three pieces of data so that it appears on a single line (single result by input) :
IP=$(curl -s
curl -s${IP}/geo | jq -r '.ip + " " + .city + " " + .country'
> myIp myCity myCountryCode
Another option for a different but similar output format would be to use the #csv output format, where you would want to output an array of cells for each input :
IP=$(curl -s
curl -s${IP}/geo | jq -r '[.ip, .city, .country] | #csv'
> "myIp","myCity","myCountryCode"
This result could be easily worked on from any spreadsheet software.

Bash: Need to replace different email addresses within a file

I'm trying to mask PII in a file (.json).
The file contains different email addresses and I would like to change them with other different email addresses.
For example:
[{ "",
"" }]
I need to change them to:
[{ "",
"" }]
Using sed and regex I have been able to change the addresses to one of the mock email addresses, but I would like to change each email to a different mock email.
The mock email addresses are stored in a file. To get a random address I use:
RandomEmail=$(shuf -n 1 Mock_data.csv | cut -d "|" -f 3)
Any ideas? Thanks!
You've got your JSON file (add an extra breakline at the end that does not appear in this example or read function in bash won't work correctly)
[{ "",
"" }]
(add an extra breakline at the end that does not appear in this example or read function in bash won't work correctly);;;;;
while read _line; do
unset _ResultLine
while read _subs; do
_strSearch=$(echo $_subs | cut -d";" -f1)
_strReplace=$(echo $_subs | cut -d";" -f2)
if [ "$(echo "$_line" | grep "#$_strSearch")" ]; then
echo "$_line" | awk -F"\t" -v strSearch=$_strSearch -v strReplace=$_strReplace \
'{sub(strSearch,strReplace); print $1}' >> output.json
done < substitutions.txt
[ "$_ResultLine" != "ok" ] && echo "$_line" >> output.json
done < input.json
[{ "",
"" }]
I saved the first file with to /tmp/1. I created a file /tmp/2 with the content of mockemails:
First I extract a list of email addresses from /tmp/1 and I shuffle mockemails. Then I join using paste emails with shuffled mockemails on columns. Then I convert the lines from format email mockemail into sed argument s/email/mockemail/; and pass it to sed. Then I call sed to suibstitute emails to random mockemail passing /tmp/1 file as stdin.
sed "$(paste <(cat /tmp/1 | sed -n '/#/{s/.*"\(.*#.*.com\)".*/\1/;/^$/d;p;}') <(shuf /tmp/2) | sed 's#\(.*\)\t\(.*\)#s/\1/\2/#' | tr '\n' ';')" </tmp/1
This produces:
[{ "",
"" }]
Given these input files:
$ cat file1
[{ "",
"" }]
$ cat file2
all you need is:
$ shuf file2 | awk 'NR==FNR{a[NR]=$3;next} /#/{$2=a[++c]} 1' FS='|' - FS='"' OFS='"' file1
[{ "",
"" }]
Quick and dirty implementation with python:
You have a wellformed JSON input:
you can validate your JSON at this address
import json
import sys
input_message =
json_dict = json.loads(input_message)
for elem in json_dict['results']:
results_dict = {}
$ echo '{"results":["","","","",""]}' | python
{"results": ["", "", "", "", ""]}
A friend of mine suggested the following elegant solution that works in two parts:
Substitute email addresses with a string.
sed -E -i 's/\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}\b/EMAIL_TO_REPLACE/g' data.json
Iterate the file, and on each iteration substitute the 1st appearance of the string with a random email from the file:
for email in $(egrep -o EMAIL_TO_REPLACE data.json) ; do
sed -i '0,/EMAIL_TO_REPLACE/s//'"$(shuf -n 1 Mock_data.csv | cut -d "|" -f 3)"'/' data.json ;
And that's it.
Thanks Elina!
