How to safely add values to grpc ServerStream in interceptor - go

I have a logging interceptor for my grpc server and want to add a value to the metadata (I want to track the request throughout its lifetime):
func (m *middleware) loggingInterceptor(srv interface{},
ss grpc.ServerStream,
info *grpc.StreamServerInfo,
handler grpc.StreamHandler)
md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ss.Context())
if !ok {
return errors.New("could not get metadata from incoming stream context")
// add the transaction id to the metadata so that business logic can track it
md.Append("trans-id", "some-transaction-id")
// call the handler func
return handler(srv, ss)
but the docs for FromIncomingContext state that:
// FromIncomingContext returns the incoming metadata in ctx if it exists. The
// returned MD should not be modified. Writing to it may cause races.
// Modification should be made to copies of the returned MD.
Ok, so I look at the copy function and copy the metadata:
mdCopy := md.Copy()
mdCopy.Append("trans-id", "some-transaction-id")
and think "how do I attach this metadata back to the ServerStream context?", and I check if there's some ss.SetContext(newCtx), but I don't see anything of the sort. Am I thinking about this from the wrong perspective, or am I missing something else?

You would need to use NewIncomingContext to create a copy of the current context in the stream.
Then you would have to create a wrappedStream type which overrides Context method in ServerStream to return the modified context. You would need to pass this wrappedStream to the handler that you received in your interceptor.
You can see an example of this here (it overrides other methods here, but the idea is the same):
Hope this helps.

Easwar is right.
You can either create your own ServerStream implementation, override Context() method with your own context or there's struct inside grpc package which is WrappedServerStream ( which you can pass context and original server stream object and use it inside handler.
// This methods get the current context, and creates a new one
newContext, err := interceptor.authorize(ss.Context(), info.FullMethod)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("authorization failed: %v", err)
return err
err = handler(srv, &grpc_middleware.WrappedServerStream{
ServerStream: ss,
WrappedContext: newContext,


Does WithContext method need to panic if context is nil?

I want to write a WithContext method for a struct and am taking inspiration from net/http's Request.WithContext.
My question is: why does Request.WithContext panic if the context is nil:
func (r *Request) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *Request {
if ctx == nil {
panic("nil context")
And should mine as well?
For more context on why I want to create a WithContext method: I am implementing an interface that does not provide a context parameter in its signature but believe the implementation requires it.
More specifically, I am writing a Redis backend for gorilla/session using the official Redis client for Go, where the Get and Set methods take context.Context.
The idea is that my redis store will be shallow copied with the new context object, when needed, and then used:
type redisStore struct {
codecs []securecookie.Codec
backend Backend // custom interface for Redis client
options *sessions.Options
ctx context.Context
func (s *redisStore) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *redisStore {
if ctx == nil {
panic("nil context")
s2 := new(redisStore)
*s2 = *s
s2.ctx = ctx
return s2
// Backend
type Backend interface {
Set(context.Context, string, interface{}) error
Get(context.Context, string) (string, error)
Del(context.Context, string) error
The purpose of panicking is to "fail fast" and reject a nil context without changing the function signature.
If the function does not panic then it must return error in order to reject a bad input:
func (r *Request) WithContext(ctx context.Context) (*Request, error) {
if ctx == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nil ctx")
And then who calls this function must handle the error to avoid using an invalid request:
request, err = request.WithContext(nil)
if err != nil {
By handling the error you are introducing a control flow branch, and you lose method chaining. You also cannot immediately use WithContext return value into a function parameter:
// cannot do, because WithContext returns an error too
data, err := fetchDataWithContext(request.WithContext(ctx), otherParam)
Also it would create an error instance that will be eventually garbage collected. This all is cumbersome, poor usability and unnecessary alloc simply for saying "don't give me a nil context".
About creating a redis store with a context, the context documentation is clear:
Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancellation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes.
The important detail is request-scoped. So setting a context in the redis client itself is contrary to this recommendation. You should pass context values at each get/set call.
The context of an HTTP request is canceled if the client closes the connection. When the context is canceled, all its child contexts are also canceled, so a nil context would panic then. Because of this, you cannot pass a nil context to WithContext.
Whether or not your redis store should panic depends on how you are going to use that context. It is usually not a good idea to include a context in a struct. One acceptable way of doing that is if the struct itself is a context. Contexts should be created for each call, should live for the duration of that call, and then thrown away.

Go http client setup for multiple endpoints?

I reuse the http client connection to make external calls to a single endpoint. An excerpt of the program is shown below:
var AppCon MyApp
func New(user, pass string, platformURL *url.URL, restContext string) (*MyApp, error) {
if AppCon == (MyApp{}) {
AppCon = MyApp{
user: user,
password: pass,
URL: platformURL,
Client: &http.Client{Timeout: 30 * time.Second},
RESTContext: restContext,
cj, err := cookiejar.New(nil)
if err != nil {
return &AppCon, err
AppCon.cookie = cj
return &AppCon, nil
// This is an example only. There are many more functions which accept *MyApp as a pointer.
func(ma *MyApp) GetUser(name string) (string, error){
// Return user
func main(){
for {
// Get messages from a queue
// The message returned from the queue provide info on which methods to call
// 'm' is a struct with message metadata
c, err := New(m.un, m.pass, m.url)
go func(){
// Do something i.e c.GetUser("123456")
I now have the requirement to set up a client connections with different endpoints/credentials received via queue messages.
The problem I foresee is I can't just simply modify AppCon with the new endpoint details since a pointer to MyApp is returned, resulting in resetting c. This can impact a goroutine making a HTTP call to an unintended endpoint. To make matters non trivial, the program is not meant to have awareness of the endpoints (I was considering using a switch statement) but rather receive what it needs via queue messages.
Given the issues I've called out are correct, are there any recommendations on how to solve it?
Based on the feedback provided, I am inclined to believe this will solve my problem:
Remove the use of a Singleton of MyApp
Decouple the http client from MyApp which will enable it for reuse
var httpClient *http.Client
func New(user, pass string, platformURL *url.URL, restContext string) (*MyApp, error) {
AppCon = MyApp{
user: user,
password: pass,
URL: platformURL,
Client: func() *http.Client {
if httpClient == nil {
httpClient = &http.Client{Timeout: 30 * time.Second}
return httpClient
RESTContext: restContext,
return &AppCon, nil
// This is an example only. There are many more functions which accept *MyApp as a pointer.
func(ma *MyApp) GetUser(name string) (string, error){
// Return user
func main(){
for {
// Get messages from a queue
// The message returned from the queue provide info on which methods to call
// 'm' is a struct with message metadata
c, err := New(m.un, m.pass, m.url)
// Must pass a reference
go func(c *MyApp){
// Do something i.e c.GetUser("123456")
Disclaimer: this is not a direct answer to your question but rather an attempt to direct you to a proper way of solving your problem.
Try to avoid a singleton pattern for you MyApp. In addition, New is misleading, it doesn't actually create a new object every time. Instead you could be creating a new instance every time, while preserving the http client connection.
Don't use constructions like this: AppCon == (MyApp{}), one day you will shoot in your leg doing this. Use instead a pointer and compare it to nil.
Avoid race conditions. In your code you start a goroutine and immediately proceed to the new iteration of the for loop. Considering you re-use the whole MyApp instance, you essentially introduce a race condition.
Using cookies, you make your connection kinda stateful, but your task seems to require stateless connections. There might be something wrong in such an approach.

Code design for handle funcs in go web app

I'm learning go and ran into some design issues while developing web app. The app has main route "/" where user can submit a simple form. With those form values I am calling external API and unmarshaling response into some struct. Now from here I want to make another call based on retrieved values to another external API and I'm not sure what's the proper way of doing this. Here is a snippet for better understandment:
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", mainHandler)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
func mainHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//renders form template
//makes post and retrieves data from api
//here with retrieved data I want to make another call to different API,
// but mainHandler would get too big and complex. I'm not sure how should I pass this data to
// another handler or redirect to another handler with this data.
The handlers' semantics should be designed to match the desired HTTP behavior, regardless of the code complexity. If you want to handle a single client request by doing a bunch of stuff, that should be a single handler. If the handler becomes too complex, break it up. Handlers are just functions and can be broken up exactly like any other function - by extracting some part of it into another function and calling that new function. To take you pseudocode:
func mainHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
err := renderTemplate(w)
if err != nil { ... }
err, data := postToApi()
if err != nil { ... }
err, data2 := postToApi2(data)
if err != nil { ... }
There's no reason for those functions to be handlers themselves or to get the client involved with a redirect. Just break up your logic the way you normally break up logic - it doesn't matter that it's an HTTP handler.
Hi golearner, in the mainHandler just render the form and make another handler kinda "/formaction" to handle the form, in that way you can easily organize your code.

sensulib package interface as function param

I am trying to make use of this golang package:
I want to get all the events from the sensu API. I've followed the example code and modified it slightly so it works:
config := sensu.DefaultConfig()
config.Address = "sensu-url:port"
onfig.Username = "admin"
config.Password = "password"
// Create a new API Client
sensuAPI, err := sensu.NewAPIClient(config)
if err != nil {
// do some stuff
Now I want to grab all the events from the API, and there's a neat function do to that, GetEvents
However, the function expects a parameter, out, which is an interface. Here's the function itself:
func (c *API) GetEvents(out interface{}) (*http.Response, error) {
resp, err := c.get(EventsURI, out)
return resp, err
What exactly is it expecting me to pass here? I guess the function wants to write the results to something, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to call the function with
I've read a bunch of stuff about interfaces, but it's not getting any clearer. Any help would be appreciated!
The empty interface interface{} is just a placeholder for anything. It's roughly the equivalent of object in Java or C# for instance. It means the library doesn't care about the type of the parameter you are going to pass. For hints about what the library does with that parameter, I suggest you look at the source code.

How to use custom http handlers/middleware if headers already set?

I'm trying to chain HTTP handlers in go to provide some added functionality, like this:
package router
import (
// snip
// snip
r := mux.NewRouter()
/* routing code */
var h http.Handler
h = r
if useGzip {
h = handlers.CompressHandler(h)
if useLogFile {
fn := pathToLog
accessLog, err := os.OpenFile(fn, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
if err != nil {
h = handlers.CombinedLoggingHandler(accessLog, h)
// etc...
The problem is, if any HTTP headers are already set by one of the controllers that the gorilla/mux router points to (for example, w.WriteHeader(404) or w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")) - this silently breaks any "wrapper" handler trying to set or add its own headers, like the compress handler. I can't see any errors, unless I forgot to catch one somewhere, but the browser gets an invalid response.
Is there any graceful way to deal with this, short of just stashing the headers somewhere and then leaving the final handler to write them? It seems like that would mean rewriting the handlers' code, which I'd love to avoid if at all possible.
Once you call w.WriteHeader(404), the header goes on a wire. So you can't add to it anymore.
Best way you can do is to buffer status code and write it at the end of a chain.
For example, you can provide your own wrapper for http.ResponseWriter that would re-implement WriteHeader() to save status value. Then add method Commit() to actually write it.
Call Commit() in the last handler. You have to determine somehow which handler is last, of course.
I experienced the same silently-failing behaviour. But only in handlers where I did WritheHeader to set a status code other than StatusOK. I think things went wrong in this part of CompressHandler:
if h.Get("Content-Type") == "" {
h.Set("Content-Type", http.DetectContentType(b))
Which appears to be resolved when explicitly setting the content type in my own handler:
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
