Use existing graphql api in my laravel project - laravel

I am testing a graphql api and I want to integrate with my system in laravel. Is there any documentation to do this? If possible to consume and send the values ​​in graphql?
Note: I wanted to do it right

The question is too generic.
First of all, I recommend to check the official site:
If you are going to consume an already existing graphql, you need a graphql client library.
Check a good list of client libraries:
Client libraries have good documentation on how to install and use them.
If you are going to create/provide your own graphql api endpoint (that is a different story), you need a graphql server library.
Server libraries:
Laravel package (a wrapper for

try this library, it's simple with good documentation


Can we use Statamic CMS ( as a backend) and Vue with GraphQL on the frontend for the website?

I want to build a portal in which I want to have below stacks:
Statamic CMS (As the backend)
GraphQL for the API's
Vue js as the frontend
Can anyone help me with the above tech stack, and it will be helpful if there will be any documentation available to develop a website with these stacks.
I have gone through the documentation of Statamic in which I am confused that I can have all in statamic or not?
Yes, Statamic has built-in support for GraphQL. There's documentation on how the GraphQL API works here.
Statamic doesn't care what you're using to consume the GraphQL API (you could use Vue/React/Vanilla/whatever you want).

POST data to api using nodejs for Outlook Add-ins

I want to fetch api and POST data to that api in nodejs which i have created using yo generator.
You can use the Fetch API which provides an interface for fetching resources (including across the network). It will seem familiar to anyone who has used XMLHttpRequest, but the new API provides a more powerful and flexible feature set.

How to work in Laravel app with external api?

in my Laravel 5.7/mysql app I need to make external api to read some data from external
app with get request and to write some data to my db with post request.
Which tools/scripts are there for this and how to make these requests safe?
Thanks for feedbacks, but looks like I badly put my question
The external app(I do not know what is it written with) need to read data from my app
and write data to my Laravel 5 app.
And how have I to test these requests while on development locally ?
Looks like I have to use Guzzle as in provided link?
Which steps have I to take for safety on my side?
These three libraries are popular for your use-case:
If the database is local you can use Eloquent, If not, remote connection to that database may help. otherwise, if you only have API access you should consume eighter of above libraries or any alternative options to make an HTTP request your application might require.
Security-wise, as long as you are only making a request to a remote server, the Suggested way is to store any key or secret string related to authorizing your request (if applicable) in your .env to prevent it from committed to your version control systems. Needless to say to always handle any possible HTTP error your remote API might throw in order to prevent any unwanted error on your application side.
And as Abir Adak mentioned in the comment check this thread for further details.
Updated Answer: On the case of MODIFIED part, generally you have 3 popular options,
This blog post is a detailed walkthrough written for Laravel
This one from Stack Overflow can help you with designing you API
This last one can help you to develop a widely accepted API response and endpoints by following its specifications.
Can save some time for developing your API, but I suggest to make sure that the consumers of your API are happy to use this option.
Laravel Package for GraphQL
If using Laravel isn't a must, and you are using PostgreSQL, you might want to look at Hasura as well.
Have little knowledge on this option for Laravel, just know folks coding using C# and .net are happier to expose their API with this protocol. read more about it on WikiPedia
Postman is a great tool for testing your API or any other API.

Shopify GraphQL – How to pull abandoned checkouts

I am in the process of converting our project from the Shopify REST API over to the GraphQL API, however, I can't seem to find a way to pull "Abandoned checkouts".
This is the REST API documentation for abandoned checkouts that I am currently using and referencing:
I can't seem to find the equivalent using GraphQL.
Schema has nothing on that. Probably a better idea to direct your question at Shopify API dev forums. At least there you're bound to get an answer from Shopify, whereas here, you're bound to hear crickets chirping.

Is it possible to use GraphQL with Twirp RPC framework by Twitch

I have a Golang program working with Twirp and I want to create GraphQl server, but as far as I know, twirp build on top of the Rest API
It is definitely possible.
You Just have to make a wrapper over the Twirp based RPC API.
This is a similar case to wrapping a GraphQL API over a Rest API.
You should also read this article, where the wrapping of a graphql api over a rest one is shown.
